Ravenna native Mary Jo (Dunlavy) Cross will return to Ravenna on Sunday, Feb. 23 and present a program at the First United Methodist Church in Ravenna.
The Garrettsville Chamber of Commerce announced its annual activities for the coming year 2025.
The Charlestown Historical Society was pleased to recently host Tim Morgan, the State Environmental Supervisor, who has worked at the site of the Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant for 37 years. The topic of his presentation was "An Inside Look at the Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant."
I can say that many of us in the neighborhood and the larger community are not pleased with the condition of state Route 43 (Mantua St.) as we try to drive on it or exit our subdivision. I can also say that we have been dissatisfied with the conditions of our streets within the neighborhood but that is another issue for discussion, hopefully soon.
If you’ve been noticing a foul odor in the air recently, you’re not alone. Unpleasant as it may be there is a natural cause for your nose to be offended. In Ohio, February is breeding season for skunks.
Hopefully you have stayed warm and safe this January. It has really been a trip back to the “old winters” we used to have.
Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball are currently holding registration online at www.leaguelineup.com/seyouthbaseballandsoftball until Feb. 28. The organization is for boys and girls ages 4 to 14 years old.
News reports from California show us weary firefighters who, with smoke-stained faces and gritty determination, struggle to hold the line against Mother Nature. We see the anxious faces of those whose homes lie in the path of destruction—people who have had to pack up whatever they could carry, leaving their beloved homes and precious possessions behind. Worst of all are the reports of lives lost. Of homes, schools, churches, entire neighborhoods and communities gone forever.
This year, several friends have decided to focus on words like “rejoice,” “beauty” and “awe” instead of making New Year’s resolutions. So, instead of shaming themselves for not keeping New Year’s goals during challenging times, they are choosing to shift their thoughts to an attribute that is uplifting.
St. Ambrose Church is hosting bingo on the first and third Tuesday of the month; doors open at 5:45 p.m. There is an early-bird game starting at 6:45 p.m. The location is inside the St. Ambrose Hall on Freedom Street. All participants must be 18 years or older.
Just over half of us make New Year’s resolutions. The most common ones revolve around physical and mental wellbeing. Topics like exercise, fitness, and losing weight weigh heavy on our minds. Just as important are issues such as socializing, de-stressing, finding life’s balance, inner peace and others that fall under the mantle of mental health.
Do I believe in UFOs? Well, of course I do. There are thousands of reported sightings, many of which can’t be explained away. Do I believe they’re extraterrestrial? Ah. Hmm. Maybe, though I wouldn’t put money on it. But do I LIKE to believe they’re extraterrestrial? Sure — it’s fun! And there may be evidence to support that belief. Some of the information in these accounts made my blood run cold!