A few years back, I saw a comic strip that made me laugh out loud. It showed a person sneaking in the dark of the night to leave zucchini on his neighbor’s porch. The neighbor suddenly opens his door, rifle in hand, demanding that the man step away from his porch, take his zucchini and move on. If you have considered doing this with your excess garden produce, there is a better solution.
Gen and Jud Smith, owners of the Brimfield Bread Oven, wondered if anyone would come to their community pizza party, and were they surprised and pleased when the crowd began gathering before the 4 p.m. start time.
Has anyone ever actually won an argument with a 4-year-old? One morning this past week, I was driving our little grandson to our home to spend the day. I was excited about a program at the library that I was sure he would enjoy. The conversation went as follows:
Perhaps you have noticed that the name Holly Woods has been popping up here and there, leaving many wondering who...
It is no secret that Joe’s Barbecue has great food. I am one of his customers and am excited to see a “brick and mortar” restaurant on that corner someday.
Political campaigning is in full swing, complete with attack ads making disparaging accusations, whether they be true or not, who can tell.
If you ask me to name someone who knows about true love, my answer would be Thurman and Judy Church.
Best wishes for a happy New Year! Welcome 2024! There is a saying that “New Year's Day is every man’s birthday.” I am reminded of the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin when he said, "Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man."
Recently, one of our daughters was lamenting that her 7-year-old was questioning if Santa was real, and she wasn’t sure how to answer. I was reminded of a quote credited to Edwin Osgood Grover:
Some of my favorite memories of our children’s high school years were made at cross country meets, so it was especially exciting to see that our Field High School Cross Country boys team placed fourth at the regional CC meet to secure a spot at the State Cross Country meet.
Those who read this column with any regularity may have noticed that I use quotes quite often. I love a good quote because it is an entire sermon wrapped within a few profound words.
If you live in Brimfield, Patti Harjung has likely impacted your life in some way, even if you do not know who she is. Let me introduce you to her.