This year, several friends have decided to focus on words like “rejoice,” “beauty” and “awe” instead of making New Year’s resolutions. So, instead of shaming themselves for not keeping New Year’s goals during challenging times, they are choosing to shift their thoughts to an attribute that is uplifting.
St. Ambrose Church is hosting bingo on the first and third Tuesday of the month; doors open at 5:45 p.m. There is an early-bird game starting at 6:45 p.m. The location is inside the St. Ambrose Hall on Freedom Street. All participants must be 18 years or older.
Just over half of us make New Year’s resolutions. The most common ones revolve around physical and mental wellbeing. Topics like exercise, fitness, and losing weight weigh heavy on our minds. Just as important are issues such as socializing, de-stressing, finding life’s balance, inner peace and others that fall under the mantle of mental health.
Do I believe in UFOs? Well, of course I do. There are thousands of reported sightings, many of which can’t be explained away. Do I believe they’re extraterrestrial? Ah. Hmm. Maybe, though I wouldn’t put money on it. But do I LIKE to believe they’re extraterrestrial? Sure — it’s fun! And there may be evidence to support that belief. Some of the information in these accounts made my blood run cold!
I thought I was ready for Christmas this year. That's quite different than pretty much ever before. I'm usually scrambling to do something. This year, Dave and I had a lot of luck with our shopping. I was very happy with the gifts we were about to give. I couldn't wait to get the decorations up so we could wrap everything and put it under the tree. The polar opposite of me every other year in recent memory.
The WYBSO 2025 Spring season registration is now open for Baseball, Softball, and Tee ball! This year registration will be online only.
Happy New Year! It seems an appropriate time to share a few thoughts on making improvements in our everyday lives.
It’s been the better part of 40 to 50 years now, but I still vividly remember the big Christmas Day family gatherings at my grandparents’ house in Brimfield.
We recently watched the movie "Thelma" on Prime video. Although it was entertaining, it also was very educational about how elderly scams work. If you have not seen it, take the time to watch it when it becomes available. Keep in mind, we all say “It can’t happen to me.”
I thought when we replaced our little 2007 Jeep Liberty with a 2010 Ford Escape four years ago that we were done buying cars. We paid off the Escape last January. No more car payments, and I thought this should last me as long as I plan on being out in the working world. But a 15-year-old car is bound to start showing its age, especially with almost 185,000 miles on it.
The Curtain up Theatre is proud to present "Charlotte's Web" at 7 p.m. Jan. 17, 18, 24 and 25 and 1 p.m. Jan. 19 in the Iva Walker Auditorium, directed by Jackie Rinearson, adapted by Joseph Robinette and based on the book by E.B. White, with permission from Dramatic Publishing.
Santa Claus made his annual Special Delivery appearance through Charlestown this month. One of his stops was at the home of Todd and Suzanne Hurd.