Disaster relief fund formed to help Windham recover from tornado damage

The remains of a barn in Windham Township after the April 17, 2024, tornado. Jeremy Brown/The Portager

Windham Township continues to deal with the aftermath of the EF-1 tornado that ripped through farm and residential areas April 17. The storm damaged numerous homes and displaced families. You can help the community recover.

The Portage Foundation has teamed up with the Portage County Emergency Management Agency to form the Portage County Disaster Relief Fund. The foundation will be the hub that accepts all monetary donations in the event of large-scale disasters affecting Portage County residents.

According to Portage County EMA Director Ryan Shackelford, the Windham community will be notified when the application process for funding for persons impacted by the tornado opens, which he estimates will start in several weeks once residents have some idea of their financial condition.

Donations to the Portage County Disaster Relief Fund will be accepted via credit card through the foundation website at https://portagefoundation.org/pcdrf/ or through the foundation’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PortageFoundation.

Checks may be made payable to the “The Portage Foundation” with a designation to “Windham Tornado.” Mail checks to The Portage Foundation, P.O. Box 623, Kent, OH 44240.

Cash or check donations can also be dropped off at Portage Community Bank branches in the name of the Portage County Disaster Relief Fund. Find the bank’s locations at https://www.pcbbank.com/about/locations-hours.html.

The fund’s Donations Coordinating Team will provide direct payments to residents who go through an application process. Payments will be based on need. The team will be comprised of representatives from The Portage Foundation, the impacted area, Portage County EMA, Portage County Jobs and Family Services, and other volunteer organizations. The nonprofit foundation will receive 5% for administration of the fund and distributing donations.

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Tom Hardesty is a Portager sports columnist. He was formerly assistant sports editor at the Record-Courier and author of the book Glimpses of Heaven.