David Nagella, formerly of Ravenna, and wife Candy came from Texas for a short visit in April. Since he has a lot of family in this area, we Nagellas got together for breakfast so we could all visit with the couple.
Joining the group for Sunday breakfast were Carm Nagella and Nicole Troy of North Olmsted, Joan and son Carman Vitale of Twinsburg, Beth and Bill Stone of Ravenna, Frances and Ben Carroll of Twinsburg, Dave and Candy and myself. We had a great time “catching up.”
While here, the couple also visited his uncle Tony Nagella of Ravenna and daughter Gina Nagella of Canton, as well as cousins and friends. Their time here was packed.
We were sad to see them leave, but they did so with promises to come back soon.
The Ravenna Community Choir had a beautiful Spring Concert on April 23 at the Ravenna Assembly of God. In addition to the choir, they had a Men’s Quartet — One Voice. They were outstanding.
If you like to sing, why not join the choir? They meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays at St. Paul Lutheran Church at 170 N. Freedom St., Ravenna. Think about it for the Fall Session starting after Labor Day. It’s too late for the Summer Session.
The next concert will be held at 3 p.m. July 30 at the Ravenna Assembly of God, featuring Broadway hits.
Call Angie Reedy with your Ravenna news at 330-297-7228.