Documented by Lee Lundblad
Ravenna Township Trustees
Regular Trustees Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
7 p.m.
6115 Spring St.
Ravenna, OH 44266
In attendance
Regular Trustee Meeting
- Jim DiPaola, Trustee
- Hank T. Gibson, Trustee
- Vince Coia, Trustee
- Gail Pittman, Fiscal Officer
- Mark Kozak, Fire Dept. Liaison
- Jon Summers, Asst. Fiscal Officer
- Ray Taylor, Road Superintendent
- Melissa Murphy, Acting Zoning Inspector
Documenter Notes
Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. Fiscal Officer Gail Pittman led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call.
The sole member of the audience, which was this writer, was asked by Trustee Hank Gibson to introduce herself and explain her purpose.
Gibson then asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of Feb. 21. Motion was made, seconded and approved by roll call. Gibson further asked for a motion to approve the minutes of a special emergency meeting held Feb. 24. Motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call; Gibson abstained.
Gibson made an announcement that the Correspondence Book was available for public viewing in the Administration Office during regular business hours.
Accounting Resolutions
Gibson requested motions to approve payroll warrants for Friday, March 10 in the amount of $53,234.47 and other warrants in the amount of $9,154.02. Motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
Old Business
Trustee Jim DiPaola gave the trustees an update on the derailment. He indicated that U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown’s office issued a report this week on Ohio’s recent derailments and mentioned there had been four in the last five months. The report outlined derailments in Sandusky, Steubenville, Dayton and East Palestine. This information led DiPaola to question, “What about Ravenna Township?” He quickly contacted Brown’s office and Governor DeWine’s office, along with Fox 8, and questioned why Ravenna Township had been left off the list of recent derailments. Fox 8 assured him that it would look into the situation and subsequently interviewed DiPaola and a resident whose septic system was destroyed by the accident. Prior to this interview, the resident had already provided Norfolk & Southern with an estimate to fix his septic system in the amount of $30,000. Since then, the railroad has indicated to the resident that it is “working on it.” DiPaola further stated that there needs to be attention drawn again to this issue because two railroad cars and a mountain of debris have been left at the site of the derailment. It’s as if the railroad just walked away. DiPaola took pictures and gave them to Fox 8. DiPaola further noted that DeWine’s office requested all of the information he had on the derailment and has indicated that it will help. Today [March 7], Channel 27 out of Youngstown asked for an interview and, as DiPaola was leaving the interview, he noticed a truck from Norfolk & Southern drive up. DiPaola introduced himself and asked how they can work together to move this issue forward. The representative from the railroad said he was there to see how the railroad could help, and DiPaola responded by stating that the railroad could begin by fixing the resident’s septic system. The representative said the railroad is making this site its No. 1 priority and will take care of all outstanding issues. DiPaola pressed for a timeline and wants constant communication to begin. DiPaola credits media coverage with prompting the railroad’s response.
Trustee Vince Coia gave an update on the debris and garbage on the Walmart site. It was decided that a nuisance complaint will be filed. A police report was also filed, which will take care of the criminal complaint. There is a hearing on March 21 to discuss this issue, and the plaintiff is required to attend. Acting Zoning Inspector Melissa Murphy verified that a nuisance letter should also be sent to the owner of the property (the person who has deposited the trash).
Gail Pittman informed the trustees that to comply with grant requirements, the township must adopt revised policies for EEO and nondiscrimination. She has pulled the relevant policies that need to refer to the federal laws from the township’s manual. She finds that an attorney is needed to review and update these policies. It was decided to involve attorney Chad Murdock for the revisions needed. A motion was made and seconded to employ Chad Murdock to review and revise the township’s EEO and non-discrimination policies in order to comply with grant requirements. Motion approved via roll call. Pittman further noted that the trustees would need to have a special emergency meeting to approve the revisions when they are returned.
Service Department Report
Road Department Update
Road Superintendent Ray Taylor gave an update to the trustees on the following items:
- The full-time position has been filled, and the new employee began work on 2/28/23. There will now be a search for an employee to fill the part-time position.
- The old roadside mower was sold for $27,500 on and is no longer in the township’s possession. Pitman requested that the insurance company be called to make sure the old mower is off the policy.
- Taylor is requesting a motion to purchase spring safety apparel for road department employees through at a cost of $692.24. This would include items such as shirts, hoodies, and full gear for the new employee. Motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
Grandview Cemetery Update
Taylor continued, with the department’s update switching to the cemetery:
- Since the last meeting, there have been one burial and two cremations.
- As of March 1, the general spring cleanup of the cemetery has begun, which includes removal of holiday decorations..
- There was an issue of two plots being double sold. This was investigated, and evidence was produced as to the rightful owners.
- Taylor requested a motion to set up a mowing service for the cemetery for 2023 through Yardworks Lawncare (Levi Wilson) at the same price as last year, which was $600 per mowing. A motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
Spring Trash Pick-Up event
- DiPaola then asked Taylor to speak about the Spring Trash Pick-Up event. Taylor informed the trustees that it is scheduled from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 22. He has arranged for four bins through H&H Dumpster Co. and requested two more be available if needed. Residents will pull up behind the township garage off Short Street, where items will be unloaded from cars into the bins. Residents can then continue around the side of the building and exit onto Spring Street. Melissa Murphy told Taylor that she can update the website with this information. She asked for a list of items that are not permitted for this trash/recycling event. Taylor suggested that Murphy look at last year’s list because it is the same. DiPaola mentioned that this is a well-attended event and proof of Ravenna Township residency should be required, and Taylor agreed. Motion was made and seconded for the setup of the Spring Trash Pick-Up event from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 22. Motion approved via roll call.
Zoning Department Report
Acting Zoning Inspector Melissa Murphy updated the trustees with the following information:
- The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) has two applications to consider. This took place March 8. The applications are:
- 7686 Peck Rd. – a front yard variance
- 7107 state Rte. 88 – request for a shipping container for storage in a rear lot
- Trustee DiPaola interjected that he strongly advises the BZA to set time limits for audience comments. This is provided for under Roberts’ Rules. He suggests limiting speaking time to three minutes per audience member. A brief discussion ensued on whether or not a resolution was needed to establish this rule. After several trustees weighed in, it was decided a resolution wasn’t needed; Murphy indicated she would create a sign, laminate it and put it near the microphone as a reminder.
- The zoning department has received an Agricultural Exemption Application regarding a 34-acre parcel on state Route 44. The department is still reviewing the specifics. The application is for an erection of a 60-foot by 80-foot pole barn for livestock, hay, equipment and tractors.
- The updating of several sections of the zoning code book continues, with the Zoning Commission meeting next Wednesday, April 19.
- Murphy asked the trustees about a junkyard on Wall Street. She recently observed a fence that has fallen into disrepair on the property. She asked if a letter from her department to the owner is warranted. The trustees instructed her to send a letter requesting that the property owner tend to repairing the fence.
- Permits issued since the last trustee meeting:
- 3061 Hidden Brook Dr. – fence installation in rear yard
- 3387 Lovers Ln. – 12-foot by 20-foot accessory building
- Finally, Murphy is missing calls on the phone system because of the way the roll-over procedure is preprogrammed. She requested the name of the company that handles the phones. Pittman indicated CTMS handles the phones and that Murphy should send an email so that a tech can come out and assist her.
Fire Department Report
Fire Department liaison Mark Kozak updated the trustees with the following items:
- Requested an executive session to discuss employee hiring/compensation to full time.
- Training for firefighters is slated for April 6-7.
- Fire chief will demo equipment next month.
- Requesting approval of several purchase orders.
- The fire chief has scheduled spring cleaning and reorganization of the firehouse to begin soon. The front hallway and one restroom will also be painted.
- Trustee Gibson requested assistance in establishing an executive session (see first item), and Pittman directed him toward a portion of the agenda where he needs to list the motion, reason and time for the session. It was decided that the session would begin at the end of the regular meeting.
- Motion was made to hire the new firefighter and was seconded; approved via roll call.
New Business
Fiscal Officer Pittman referred the trustees to a list of purchase orders on a previously distributed Excel spreadsheet. Many of the expenditures are regular in nature, such as fuel, health insurance, utilities, Maple Grove Cemetery, etc. The total is $504,405.49, and Pittman requests a motion to approve the purchase orders. A motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
Pittman also requested a motion to approve and accept the February bank reconciliation and financial reports, which were distributed to all trustees and department heads. A motion was made and seconded to approve these items. Approved via roll call.
There is a financial hardship case that will need to be discussed during the executive session. The issue needs to be kept private under HIPAA laws (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).
Finally, Pittman requested a motion to allow a budgetary change for revenue for account #2901/FEMA from $19,544.76 to $28,723.80. A motion was made and seconded to accept the budgetary change. Approved via roll call.
Trustee Gibson requested a motion for the trustees to suspend the regular meeting and move into executive session to discuss employee compensation and the financial hardship case at 7:50 p.m. Motion was seconded and approved via roll call.
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Brimfield 3.8
Fri, Mar 10, 2023 10:29AM • 1:39:03
township, site, motion, put, add, year, working, paying, quotes, started, signs, months, good, board, road, great, police department, day, property, issues
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Down the bottom we get back to this while you’re given a score, I’m gonna throw him out winner just thank you Lord for keeping our crew safe on the roads and fire police as well. We ask you Lord for this business meeting today that you just give wisdom where it’s needed. Just going direct and heavyweight is holding me ask this in Jesus. Great to have so many
people. So spanking me that spring come out of the basement. Oh, that’s cool.
Get this thing going. Okay, now now. I have one so the word from Marie. I guess. We asked her to do a thing. I’m young at heart so I’m just gonna read it to the Board of Trustees. Council. According to our bylaws of the red pill art club, I was invited to give a report on affinity for the past year 20.2 Is the pandemic and reluctant tends to meetings and activities within that turn around. All activities, including our Halloween party and Christmas party were paid for by those attending. Since we did not charge a membership fee, we offered all of our activities today sr 55 Plus wanting to attend. Most of our activities are within driving this system. We did schedule some surveys to ask you to learn and the seniors contacted and wait for the trips directly to task at the end of the year Christmas party to give a tip two nights catering for food and donation. American Legion started for windows that was not me that was my daughter. So I made nothing on the deal. For the free use of this all of their call, or the American Legion and the United Methodist Church freeze. As we did not have enough for the tip and donations, we’re collecting donations at the Christmas party ended up with a tip and we will be having a membership drive free and charge a $15 membership fee which will cover our fame decoration tip for the Christmas party. Any any further information will be contacted via my email.
I think I’m pretty sure Maria is stuffing down so there will be a new
consumer. Yeah, she and her husband, Steve, who he passed away. I didn’t realize she was she’s 86 years old. And they have done this young at heart group for eight years now. And she said she just needs to slow down, realize that she’s getting older. But I just really want to appreciate I sit on that board member at large. But I just really want to thank her for giving a platform for our 55 and older people to have socialization and we tried to do those. Do those events that would be the least amount for people on social security. We really appreciate being able to to be here at Brimfield meaning okay, but anyway, it’s been been really been working on that. I appreciate all
I remember the
first time that the Raiders are cheering as far as state comes in here with a gold bandana around work like crazy in the payments office. So yes, they do want to use the office. Obviously, that’s the thing is we’ve always had a problem on a tune. Sherman. I don’t know aware. It’s a good thing. But what happens is, every time they cause what they haven’t great, it’s so small. It does not take in the water. So the water floods over on to Sherman. He didn’t say Sandy Lake, whatever we’re saying Lake freezes over there. If you’re coming up Sandy Lake and you hit the brakes. I mean, God forbid to slide right out into the intersection. stuff. I’ve had no helpful reports. Till this week. Now I did get a hold of Robert and I talked to Marcy who works down there. And then even Mike Collins called me yesterday. And things have definitely changed and they’re I mean, they were more than two separate they were very helpful. And they actually they’re going to come out as soon as as soon as the asphalt plants are open, and they’re going to do a rebuild there to help help this problem. And today, stop down and check it out for me awesome stuff. So, I mean, I know there’s times the county that I just don’t get along. But I tell you, I’m more than thankful for stepping up. Coming in to help this problem. Go live in New similarity and might get very helpful. Yeah, this this guy, Robert, I’m not sure who he is. But Dave says they started divided Portage County into different quadrants, right?
Forms and keep an eye on
a call the software was crazy. So then they got down there and they looked at it. And they definitely, they realized that there’s a firewall, I guess back in the day, they built their own catch catch grates on top, right, so they made this so small that the tassels and all that stuff coming down. So they are just filled up. So then you get all this debris going out there once a week or once every two weeks putting that out there great. Responsibility. So so they definitely figured out the problem and they gotta go. Yeah, I’m very glad very helpful. So
I receive the Portage County development for which our township is a member of that group. They’ve given out what they call save the date for May the 24th at medical school, is going to be a celebration of what they call a locate, stay and grow 2023 And this is where communities nominate people in their community as to be an outstanding person of working within the community and businesses, how business Miko navigated business. But I just want to let you know that this will be made it 24 Five o’clock to seven o’clock with an award ceremony at six. So I want to turn this over to John to take a look at that second page. And just let you know that that’s in the works. It’s a big to do.
Okay, thanks. One last announcement. A lot of people never know who actually makes gets everything going computer wise in the township it so usually they’re a little mouse closet down in the basement. So we have a new IT person his name is Joe Davis and he lives in Brookfield and he came from a festival
shirt in Ohio this is typical name now was pressed for how those hats print solutions not shared in Ohio. It the printing facility on Sunday proper contact is given given a few more years ago changed names again
is a wonderful addition to the township now nobody realizes it I mean with all this cyber hacking and all this stuff, I mean, this is such an integral part of our township and I mean I remember back in the day and chicken I’m reading on the board and nothing’s now we don’t we’re not on top of it. It’s terrible so so and everybody this is Eric passes Asst. Parks Park. Today she
checks back to ya. Are you here for 45 years?
100 Yeah, all the posters, dutiful graphics you’re always welcome to stay
Okay, I just want to I want everybody to start running the system, but he’s running out the property. We think
Well, I found the first blog I read. Okay,
you got confirmation. It’s working.
Okay, we had a meeting s3 every quarter. Okay, welcome back
to the minutes We have three sets of minutes, one from the regular minute or regular meeting of 220 to 23. And then two emergency ones up to 27 to 20.
Down to make a motion that we approve the minutes for those dates can just
go those in favor, Mike. Yes, Su. Yes.
Okay, the agenda. Anybody have any changes?
We did? Can I have four zero linworth drive to the agenda? That would be the the E two E and what we’re seeing right now is 408. Drive
to the prosecutor’s office.
Anybody else? I’m going to make a motion that we approve the amended agenda. Any other zoning?
As a favorite, right?
Yes. Yes. Can you make a motion? I have signed and reviewed the purchase orders. What was your favorite? Right? Yes. To make a motion that we get the words inside.
Get second? Favorite, right? Yes, Sue? Yes.
Okay, we haven’t heard from a lot of folks in the last couple of minutes. Bill I got some, of course, some questions. When you start you’re coming to say hi. And I didn’t bring all the paperwork with me because I live in Florida, Bob do old 34 Six you want to inform us model? Michael, have you heard anything about the beautification of the 3413 household there that cops on the corner with you know, all the Jomon that goes back home and drops in the boats and the cars and the plane went out for foreclosure.
We sent that to the prosecutor’s office, he sent a letter out and that’s where it’s at right
now. Okay, I went to foreclosure it was in the paper and it went up somebody paid 66,000 What the minimum was, I didn’t see anything after that and went off the charts. And of course, they gotta you know, they have a successful better with the finance company. They have to file eviction notices and all the other craziness to get in there. So I don’t know, I know you the police department was out there and arrested the fellow there back three or four months ago and I never saw anything in a paper and nobody knew anything about him. I don’t know what his problem was probably cited him for chickens that were in my neighbor’s backyard. They liked the eggs because the prices were up. But and then we got a letter here from the economy that they were gonna start on March 13. The, for grazing and soil samples for the ground at moderate or for the stop signs are working so well. Some people don’t use a Monday may fly through there. And there’s a couple guys in the morning about 530 that they don’t see any headlights on for don’t even slow down. They’re learning to get one of these days, you know, Bambi is gonna come out anyway. Anyway, but they’re gonna start in the 13th to see if they can put this thing in. They already got $1,500,000 You know, and it’s like, you can’t spend it somewhere else to help out a flooding problem or something like that. No, they’re gonna build this stupid roundabout and I mean they say there’s I don’t know how many 1000s in the state of Ohio with the half Bob Murray agreeing I mean they got one every oh gosh, and car parts. Oh my gosh, the headlights of bumpers. grills are laying around the roundabouts are amazing. So when you say years a million and a half they got or they got a million and a half dollars for the toilet. Yeah. For the Michael columns for this gun for the whole thing got it from the state A grant to build it 1,000,500 course you know they always run over they got
that they got money from him
so that’s I mean it’s been it’s been so quiet out there with that four way stop and a couple little friend or brand new somebody hit that tell them it snow plow the last time we had a snowstorm you know you have your road closed for the governor by the way they had the interstate messed up it was closed for months and then they opened it up and then they fix the railroad tracks which was a godsend you know it’s like oh, I wish they could do a mall like we did that was why you know I mean my driveway we got a lot on oh I don’t believe that sign that was this big a set row close. I got to turn around medical cones out. I started I put a toll booth up there. I made $14.18 down the street a couple of times I mean we’ve had officers come up and sit by the driveway and watch the stop sign and and when the weather gets nice I had a guy that I take the works down to the trucking company come by at five o’clock in the morning with this motorcycle with no exhaust system on it and a radio louder than a motorcycle and I tried to pull up in front of him but I missed him but anyways the one of the guys sat over there one morning when I’m not going to walk by 6am beside him see this guy said Your mistake on our knees and while I was watching the stop sign he says some of those guys don’t stop I know signing them is a hassle because if they you know you don’t have to pull maybe someday we’ll have mayor’s court or some kind of a way that we can get the money back from these crazy people that are out there. But you see drivers today that I haven’t seen in my lifetime that don’t stop good on the interstate and you ain’t 8590 miles an hour I mean a go by nothing new wow just that with their texting on their cell phone Texas that’s all I got from our neighborhood you know my neighbor wanted to know what the wait though 13 When they come out and see what they’re doing I mean we got gasoline lines that are run across there we have natural gas lines and they’re gonna have to take half these people’s yards to put this thing in because with the with the trucks from recycled trying to make corn semi scampering the corner now and so and good luck semi traffic now I don’t know where they’re coming from they come from Mama door and they come down sack so poor I mean fed mama door and then they go through to get on the expressway I imagine they were forum you know row the other night I don’t know what there’s something going on down there they learned the hard folder make a run while you see him powder metal there that’s a tougher that’s all the way I thought we got we’ll wait till 30 see what happens next
they blowing up put the fence around it has been closed close oh they had flood to have a flood and the all was all upstairs or something right and again I hope not
studs restoration company and they didn’t get all the damage out but it’s sitting there and then they had a guy watching it did and they and now they make that got too expensive. They put a chain or a fence up
just wondering who’s going to reopen or somebody buy it but there’s been rumors that maybe someone will go in there okay, nothing nothing right now.
Big hopes. waterpark
okay do we have any safety concerns? No. Okay.
Police Department. Thanks, Mike. A couple of items for the board this morning update on each job hiring both candidates that are in the police academy. We did that a couple of weeks ago. They just passed their state tests this Monday. So I have one candidate for psychological later this We can have a polygraph next week. So that process is moving forward. And I’ll keep you guys private, I’m getting the point where hopefully we’ll be able to swear in a couple of police officers here in the near future. What do let the board know we’ve got an upcoming community events taking place. Next Wednesday, March 15. We’ll be able to print elementary school reading students cookies with the cop, there’s going to be the pirate marker in there. So that’s all centered around reading the students. Also wanna let the board know one of our officers officer Shannon stagnone. Have you been recognized by the cannon American Legion after an annual longboarder recognition dinner that’s taking place this Saturday, in the evening, and I’ll be there with boxers technically and his family as he gets recognized as our officer in the year. Once my wife and I have the board as any board approval for our 2023 2024 communications contract with tensing University TV, that’s a 12 month agreement, which we do each year. There is a slight increase in the contractor over last year’s agreement. I believe it’s 3%. And that’s to account for the increase in wages to dispatch that were provided to the State University dispatchers. What’s their total cost? Total is 73 439. Payable semi annually. Tap payment April 1, the other half October 1.
Long ago I made a motion to contact Kent State University for our communication services. Second, for somebody 3439 hours
a day overnight.
That’s true. Yes. You might even see a good sign that will be pleased and appreciate it. And that’s it. That’s all I have for this morning.
There’s a copy of her spinal tap Yeah, sure.
Okay, back door.
Thank you my right. Oh, yeah, just for the fire department just come off dates. Monday, we had five candidates for our firefighter hire in to do an assessment center. They all looked really good. So we’ll move on to the next step that USDA monthly meeting was completed. I was not able to attend. I was in class, but John was there. So there’s any questions? John might have to answer this on that meeting. But a station bill continues, really the main thing to do right now painted on the inside with drywall right around the corner. And they keep telling me right on moving on meds, figure out some of the permit issues and have figured that out and have started looking for additional things to take away.
So do they have the permits for the drywall?
I don’t know exactly why the last they only had the rough exterior. And they have more than that. I don’t know exactly which one what I think that
they had some additional things they needed. And I was told yesterday that those are the plumbing, the electric and hard to work with drywall and been several reports manuals getting processed and getting approved. And yesterday he started talking about doing a draft on the inside. So we’re still waiting on the extended completion date, which we’ve been waiting for a couple of months that we still can’t get in writing as of yesterday. I think it’s getting pushed back even further now.
And now Scott, the guy that’s managing the job is frustrated. Frustration. We want to see going on the ground.
But that was what they were talking about yesterday. I think that’s their plan for the rest of this week and next week
to get started again. That’s great.
Two more things still not on the item. I am still working on the flagpole. People have called about that call twice. Now they have not came out. So I’m still working on that. Just like the rope replace. Now I think most people Yeah, well, I need their recommendation, but I need them to come out and give it to me. So I still haven’t got that yet. Once we get that offering back to the board for a decision on where we want to move forward.
Very right now we don’t know where we’re going to put it right. Back in the same spot I made in the general area. We had to make sure that right it was
we just the ropes broke right now and it’s at the top of the polls, so I can’t get to it. I have nothing that I can get to also I’m going to remove the bushes around the gazebo gates crews gonna do that they might already done it right now, remembering what we’re working on right now. But we want to clean all that up and start fresh. So So if you see some more stuff removed,
or you’re concerned about the drop off,
well, they talked about it as well, they don’t have a solution to it, but they were working on what they’re going to do over there. And I’d stress that that needs to be a number one on their list.
I’ve asked for, like three months
for an answer to that. Paper without being
sorted out, that may not get concrete out there. I got to get rid of that historical
you want to take? I’ll take the Barnstone I don’t care about
I just would like to just remember back in the day, man, people used to love to get married. And that thing is hope there’s at least some semi flat ground so they usually fall away.
The best thing would be to move it no work just beyond that
you do away with the bottom because he will you remember when he used to have the concession stand, and
now it’s gonna stay there and will make us look
good. They would be so cool if they could. Well, but rebuild that bottom part and make it look like a nuisance. Yeah, that was all those
pushes coming in, you might be able to put it into two different spots right now. Right? There’s four inches on there.
There’s nothing sentimental to the bushes. So right, we’re getting all the landscapes, we’re gonna clean that all up. Flatten that out, hopefully. Right. Yep, replant.
But I was up there. I was up there walking around. I mean, I know we lost part of the time when we were like, passing it and talked about all that other new property we got. So we just serve. I mean, we actually, I think that we would actually figure it out between the daycare and all the other property back that would have more time. Great. And that’s all right now it’s all connected. So. So again, I’m
hoping to reshape everything on its own. While the trailer sits now, that will go away. And I would like to have a paper building back in that area for picnics and stuff. That’s
one match.
Can’t get rid of the garage yet. But oh, you know, where we started to put the contract. That that was a plan at one point. There’s already electric there. So I’d like to redo that back area.
Well, Richard worked with Cassie. She’s got some crazy
Well, one of those days where you’re thinking about two thirds of women walking path back here to connect the library and all that and possibly be lit over they’re like,
Well, that’s what we’re talking about. We’re trying to get that stuff together. So that would have everything to be all connected. You get all the way up to sidewalk like 43
That’s all I have. Okay, thanks. Great. Thanks guys
I have my daughter because
I just texted here and we’re gonna look at the slides.
Okay, administration.
Right. There are a couple things out here. The first thing is an EAP program, which we’ve discussed in the last couple meetings. And what we did is that Holly, our HR person, and myself and Roy was involved as well. We’ve actually gone out and she did a search in the area for an EAP program employee assistance program for the employees here at Brookfield Township. She did research with Boardman Township, Jackson Township town of Barton. She went on to talk about that and to get recommendations. She did do three proposals. One was from the EAP provider and one was from ease at work powered by home and health and the old one was Work Life Solutions. And based off of her recommendation, and I looked through all the proposals as well, is that she feels that the all in one health. The second one on that comparison sheet is the best option for us to take. What it gives us it is, well what this is for it’s for employees, for spouses for children of the township if there if there was an issue at work, if there was an issue at the police department with a call if there was a divorce situation, anything that goes on in that family unit, they have the ability to call. This proposal has an average of five three contacts per employee that wrap their head around the pool. So if one employee uses it 15 times in the other employee didn’t use it, the other team that they used all those visits, so we’re gonna have plenty of visits in there over the phone, or they can be in, in person as well, that is $3,300 a year for that service. I know for certain in the last year and a half and eventually may take back a long time, there’ll be a lot more. But in the last year and a half, there were a couple of situations where we couldn’t really use the EAP for for some of our employees. So I’m recommending that we take the $3,300 option as well, from the O one health for the EAP program. But we did we talked about it, two or three months ago, and then we went out the gate and we looked at a bunch of other ones. So and not only does that as she works with, you
know, out in the corporate structure. That’s one of the requirements that most corporations have is an employee assistance program built into their medical insurance. And we don’t, we’ve never had anything like that for us. And I think by adopting this recommended program for us, that that will also give us some meat when it comes to any type of a lawsuit, that we’re not taking care of our employees. So I think that I think it program that we really need to be a benefit for the township. Yeah, I’ll make that motion that we accept the EAP proposal.
I’ll save it for discussion that okay,
in order that other things that we want to keep in mind is that as we keep getting larger, I mean, there are things that we didn’t need when we were 25 employees were great, you’re gonna hire one, right? He’s not a replacement. But he’s okay, well, you’re adding an extra one, right?
I’m replacing one and then adding on with that has technically become a replacement, again, because of a pension. So
we’re gonna go from 61 to 62 employees that dropped back down to 63. So we’re getting up there in the in the size and a lot of those things. Just have to start. You need to get up. We’re getting we’re a bigger place now, though, for sure. So I think, though, from the human the situations that we had in the last year and a half, this would have paid off dramatically for those. Yeah, especially.
But this is like you’re seeing so they only can talk to them five times a year. It’s
the average poor person, per person. Yeah. But somebody? Yeah, that is a grand total. So everybody’s not filming five times. So if one buddy, if somebody went 10 times in here, they
just, I mean, I thought it was it’s five
times out of this. So yeah, we’re not going to have a I don’t think that’s going to be an issue.
So you, I mean, the chiefs. I mean, if you guys feel a need for this to take it off, yeah, right.
Right. Nothing something, which is the first step. So okay. Yeah, I think it’s, it’s an important first step, and we’re involved from going to future is to be determined, but Right, definitely recommend we have to build something.
Okay. Well, I think one of the steps down the road I don’t know for I want to touch on this a little bit. But there, this is a general EAP that has things for everybody that are here and things that are separate for police and fire in a situation that I know we’ve we’ve even kind of investigated a couple others that might even have an extra add on for for police and fire and those kinds of things. So we’re looking at that as well. But this this does have that included, but it also has a general for the whole
cruise to benefit package. But the important thing is
our sumo plan that it has, so it’s not an index therapy
in our program it should have so if you needed to go out for a mental health visit, you could do that. But if you’re getting a divorce and your spouse and you and your your kids have a problem and they call that, you know he’s getting bullied at school, in college, those are those kinds of things that are included in that which might lead any AP recommending that they go to their insurance company and go to a more in depth, you know, treatment with a therapist or something like that. So it’s the first step. Okay. So we got a motion out there to set the EFT proposal, all the blood health at $3,300 a year. How’s your favorite mic? Yes, sir. Yes, motion passed. Paxton. Johnsville will probably come in. Yes. Give us a packet.
Yes, whatever. She’s
gonna roll out to you guys. restriction
on there was no pack I needed to get a signature but it’s changed in your future period. So we’re good.
So we’re good with the ad. Donate.
Thank you. First time windows are in front of the trustee to be assembling the text the trustee approval for hemmerling excavating for the house demolitions at 1354. Brookfield drive the one on the market or property owner decided to take it down themselves which it is already down. So again, everyone
cares quick roundup is cost please make
that motion,
second. That’s Brookfield, Dr. Sasson isn’t going to do it. He’ll get to where everyone told me said
well then keep that in mind. That was the bit that we did last night so there were three things and then like this Bagwell investigated and that was one of the fathers and favorite right yes, yes.
In my site, I have this little circle Okay, renovations are approved and are currently under construction that went through the BCA as well all the the motions to approve genuine Miller to Zoning Commission alternate I had about two applications on this one does he fit the role with us at this position?
Second, I think that’s a great choice.
She does say she already knows all she needs to know before she gets to that table. She’s a wealth of information
she was but she was secretary to the board for a number of years
Yeah, that’s great. That’s a great day was zoning
all Can we all commission now Zoning Commission
Okay, all those in favor grant yes
suit Yes.
Motion carries. Next item I have is a motion to prove collect less neck to Zoning Commission member she’s an alternative right now. And we’re going to move her up to some favorite mic just soon? Yes. And the only thing I had about today was the request motion of 7408 Linwood drive to the prosecutor’s office for follow up and did send me pictures this morning and it’s just garbage and debris all over we’ve said two notices and gave him plenty of time and he just everything
I think make that motion and I will say
yes to yes that’s all I have
any other good robbers and then you laugh casinos
positive feedback on the part between guests and get some positive feedback and assisted living. I mean, a lot of people are interested in all these at the end of the month, maybe near the end of the month. I mean, the biggest thing right there is the is the flooring system.
So Rome wanted North Canton to wear that there used to be a fisher market there and it’s been sittin I guess they can’t get lighting or they can’t get the refrigeration units or something.
The biggest thing is the flooring company that all these dealt with that specific for for all all these throughout the country and they close up
you know if they started or they find somebody so it’s 30 minutes by the end of the month. That’s great.
Imagination of that place will be busy
Well, thanks, everyone do a great job. They were more need a module started with Bangor need the board’s approval for site construction to give us some building an estimate on the cost of the new road garage for 5000 hours, we need to hire these guys before we can get an idea estimator what the cost of the building will be.
And the reason we’re doing this just so everyone knows. Was able to fund this without taxpayer dollars coming in without having to go and get new taxpayer dollars. We want to use the jet revenues put out just this year alone we are getting 1.4 million from challenges. That’s our share. And I think a lot of you know but back when we sit on our board and upgrade this Then we 30% goes to the row department 30% goes to buyer 30% and goes to police. And then 10% goes to the general fund. But then we also have that m&a Fund, which tablets kicks back 5% to us for us to manage so, so all these new things were getting done a whole list of them. In fact, we just got a card for, for the IT and the administrative staff. And that’s all made for m&a funds, not taxpayer dollars. So that I mean, just so you know, the 1.4 million is just going to be chopped. And now, the cat Jed, which is a different guy that roughly 45,000 Now we got the first building with some teeth, now we have a nursing home, which will be taking into the country yet. So I mean, things look right on future and we’re not even, we’re not even up to the top on the jet revenue. Next year goes up. So like I said, in the state of Greenfield and I kind of want to get off the subject. But that’s it. Thank you guys see el SAC, need to Thanks, Neil satin, from Carter lumber maybe involved,
we would have been thrown doughnuts at each other in.
Greenfield would have been television answering and counting. So I will always be thankful. But that’s why I just, you know, I want you all to know that Dave, you know, he’s, he is addressing it with his men and gone over the whole plans. And really kind of checking to see those things while he’s here. The road department check was for many you want to see them they’re here. And I want to steal Dave’s thunder but like what’s your name and I met with Charles sportsmen and when they you’ve explained to him about the concept of the building,
now that the concept is going to be going to know that building for we can just pull trucks and pull them out. You don’t have to back out, squeeze the lever put blade through. Yes, we’re set up for two years. Again, it’s gonna hold 14 Dump trucks. So as of now, there are a whole lot of our dump trucks and pickup trucks and a few pieces of equipment but for the future down the road hopefully the next guy over here soon
as the concept of building drilling into we’re building we have now we’re I gotta be I sinned against walls, do a bunch of stuff to buildings. Now we’re out of room now. So
we got to store all my stuff inside. And not to mention the EPA, right?
But we’re working on getting the concept of putting in wash bays where we can put everything horse trucks inside come EPA regulated in the right way. service area for service truck with bad credit or more grease trucks isn’t that maybe in the future? The township roads and getting mechanical mechanics work on everybody’s equipment. You guys come up with this. We’re specifically at checkout. So you know, you
want to say where’s it gonna go to people who bought that land coming in, you know, on the right hand side up here. I’ll show you this. Let’s see this is the liquidates concept is this is all sold out these are pretty fast metal buildings which will save a fortune don’t they’ll drive in this way. And they’ll come down here and they had to have these nice bigger because the designs are coming in this above this area it’s two floors right upstairs there’s no shared storage. So they come in here and they gotten they’ll go back out here but everything will be warm you know through the winter. Now rich Dave came up with this thought
I was Charles an idea on that TV. So this year
is gonna be for more trucks to right here we call it
that’s the service that served
in the wash bay. Because right now our problem is when they wash trucks that goes down into the water. So we need to stop the salt and all that stuff going in here and creek or something.
I didn’t want to call it that there’s a separate tank that would be cramped. So it was kind of the grounds at
the end of the meeting. Right? Well, they go, Jacqueline Johnson 100%. So
we realized we had an issue with that. I think that’s going to be
I’ll have to remove the old buildings to build this no go actually across from the road route. We might purchase two and a half acres of ground, decided we’re good for our video today. We’re still left on the shoulder. Well, when it’s all said and done, we’re going to take down your cell phone and take it from that area. Okay, I’ll return to that. And Cassie has plans for that one. One day. And gentlemen, we will take care of
your cast this is because we need to figure out where we’re gonna come up with. No, that is not on our agenda to do it all.
The guys next overnight,
pay for stuff. I mean, we have to use that just because the the MRI report requires us to use the money for the for the improvement. And I haven’t equipment, so bear with me. So Okay, finally. Cameras motion board. All those in favor tonight. Yes to just a couple of friends
for board. Well, of course, we could deal with some water issues, surely, but it has. So far, we’re going to come out maybe on a couple of issues to try and figure out we’ve been doing some ditches Berman, trying to get rid of some of the waterway, some of the water move faster. We are working on some total maximum right now, whether permitted. I have to dump trucks that are still broke down. One shouldn’t be returned this today, this afternoon. We are one step away to the park clinic and working on some of the road projects for 2023. We’ve locked in a few things. But again, I’m waiting for some cost to come back to see if we’re gonna move forward with them or look into different projects. let the board know the county commissioners did dedicate cranberry Creek subdivision phase one and two to us, which adds another 1.0 to six miles of roadway. We are responsible for maintenance as of February 23. So we will start taking care of that. So what’s coming up next. So we will be in there, dig it out to us, which pushes us almost in the 46 miles. So once we get phase three or four, we’ll record six miles or so again, we’re growing that’s why we need to look into this kind of building. as well. The other thing I had was an improved garage update. That’s gonna tell everybody if they want to see plans after the meeting like it set them out here pretending to be interacting. Oh, quick, point out some things that everybody should see. I mean, even the public stopped on what they may want to see as a middle. So
should still do that just so Oh, yeah, I’ll
send them off for and one last thing. I mean, I guess I kind of messed up I should have put it under safety concerns. The last rainstorm we had some flooding on Powerbot road and we had some flooding on water road and add some rain which is normal three flooded areas. Thing is somebody decided like our signs bird and the public see and high water signs and solar signs. Two out of three places. I did make a police report. Me and Sergeant department went over it’s gonna be impossible to find out who took them he just I want to let them be aware of so many calls that ever occurred to get high water there was no science Well, we did have them out. So I’m looking at equipment permanent signs, where we put them in water signs not or just put signs. So you’ll just put them down when there’s a high water event and put them up when it’s done. getting darker I have residents who are upset that we’re staying sticking more signs in their yard. So the permanent but I can’t afford to keep replacing $75 signs every time to restore and plus, I don’t want to go sudden be two o’clock in the morning and you don’t see it. Get it and somebody decided I like my signs. So that’s pretty much all I got.
Thanks. Thanks for tomorrow we’re looking at
Yeah, not great, didn’t put a finger size
great image in the spring when we get out, like at Saks, or comes on 532 It makes the right goes over the hill there. It’s all you know it was paved, and it’s all nice. But on that corner, you mowed the grass, but nobody’s been trimmed to trees and cars are hidden when they come flying around that curve. And I’ve seen near accidents people pull up in there too hard, you know,
already, the landscaper that’s on the corner, he doesn’t even terminate or cut back the trees, you know, we get hit up with extra that piece you’re talking about is less important. You guys
are really gonna start to even know we take care of sacks, right? Take care
from the corner on.
Oh, not from 532
we take it from actually, the township line. As soon as you make the bend off the whole makeup. Yes, it will make the bend and start heading towards a fuel tanker to roll tanks. And that’s kind of where we take over. Okay, county actually takes over. They take my word road up to the back. I mean, I’m not gonna say My God and the crops plowed at that spot, you know. But, but yeah, we all were. I mean, if I got a machine out there, trim maybe
I was really going down myself and just, you know, just enough breaks as you can see, you know, in a small car when it comes around a curve or him and you’re coming up a hill to look out there. And it’s always been at one time somebody gave a black that noun, meaning they had maybe the county did with their motorcycle you already chopped Oh, chop everything Oh, my God. Oh, God. Like we got nothing to do all the things. Thank you.
Good morning. I have a full report today. So I’m sorry, go through it quickly. You guys are the last stuff we’re working on. And the first item, I’m requesting Board approval for a parks intern for 2023 2024 school year. This would be an unpaid internship with a student from biomed. It’s actually Irene Shearer. She was here a few weeks ago as a representative of golden warfare. So she’ll be a senior next year at biomed. And this internship would be approximately through sorry, late August through May 2024. When she graduates it’d be about five to 20 hours per week, depending on her hobbies and her class load. And she’s looking at going into environmental engineering, this is a requirement for her graduation. So and I talked to Chad and Murdock about this. And I did he got back to me, like for me, you know this now decide. So I was verifying compatibility in turn. And it was you know, he basically just says treat her as a regular employee and make sure she’s covered under insurance and workman’s comp all that stuff, but you don’t see an issue. She’ll be. She’s 16. Now she’ll be 70 for the majority of her internship that we sat down with Irene and I actually had met with her. She’s volunteered for us a couple of different times for breakfast and Trump retreat. So I know her very well. She seems like she would be a great addition to the parks during my internship, so
I’m not going to make a motion that we have to the internship requiring. Sure. biomed senior second. I think that’s great. You know that internships is a great way to help move the mark ahead without taxpayer dollars.
Okay, was a favorite mic? Just shoot? Yes.
And I hope that if this program goes well, we would extend an invitation to biomed to keep this going possibly every year to have help every year for that. So
we started thinking about looking at Kent State,
because yeah, I know we talked about that before. So yeah, I think are gonna be a great start to that since we already know that we know she’s a really hard worker. So the next item is I’m requesting board approvals. The letter to Tim McGuire, the former property owner of what we’re tentatively calling wire press the rugby road property to revert to remove his personal property from the park site. You still have quite a few items and personal property there. This is just a friendly letter to please ask him to remove that personal property. I drafted it and then send it to chandler.he reviewed it. I sent everybody a copy of it really should have a copy of that report to review because I’d like to send that certified just to make sure that he gets this Something you gotta do. Yes. Okay, I’m gonna make a motion now. Sending that letter Second. All those in favor might. Sue. Yes. We need a motion for this. Well, we are sending
Yeah, just because there’s some confusion but unfortunately
right so I mean, because I can’t get ahold of you ideal assistance.
Yeah, yeah that’s why I wanted to make sure it was sent certified to get verification that he does open and I’ll make sure we follow up on it. I told Chad that I would keep him informed of what’s happening as well. So
I’m just getting off the subject. Let me reprove the name is McGuire Park.
I don’t think we did we brought it to the chart and then we were brainstorming other ideas and honestly Eric and I went through about 100 different names and we keep just calling it like why five minutes seems to fit I think that’s fine. That’s what everybody’s gonna call it anyway. But if we call it something else
you remember the gentleman’s name
what was the what was the deadline for the letters? I believe was
yeah, let me go through so it does say we asked you to remove your main personal property from the premises within 60 days of receipt of this letter. We just wanted to put a timeframe on that I discussed that your Chad because if you just keep doing that, hey, could you please get yourself off the property it could be there for you know the other year or so and then also in the letter we did say that if he did contact the township, we would assist him with some of that removal. So I just want to put that out there so we’re aware
Okay, John, then the agenda to be
required Park naming
just need a second sir. Whichever was the irrigation?
Wasn’t bigger Mike? Yes, sir, to get
the most stuff on the agenda. And that’s okay. You just want to take care of that right now.
Over here, okay, well, I’m gonna make a motion that we formalize and then falling apart. After is waterfall notation with the township and how this paper might just shoot past
your discussion of naming the park. In my opinion, I want to keep the McGuire name in the name of the park simply because of the history that he has brought to Brookfield and in the area that it’s in and I think I would not want to forget that the McGuire family has made this possible for us. So wherever else you call it after require I can pop it
up on the stage he gave it to us was free. 40 acres of land back there. Maybe never comes off.
Castle we need to have a walkabout in there. dries up invite the public afternoon. So Mike, what did you call it before? So that was formalized.
Recreational Area or anything like that. We’re just going to call it Park anyway. So make it simple.
Hey, all those in favor, right? Yes, soon? Yes. Okay,
and then I’m also requesting Board approval for the Spring Fest fireworks Center for 2023. I just saw quotes from American fireworks again later, the one that we use last year. Also the ability fireworks out of Cleveland. I did reach out to pyrotechnic, though I had not heard back yet. So I did receive these two quotes. And American fireworks came back in the same price as last year 6500. Were Zambelli for the same show playback at 12 Five 4500. So it is correct Vioxx is a wholesaler. So it’s kind of hard to beat their prices and they’ve been really great to work with. So I do recommend that we deal with
them this year. Okay, I’ll make a motion that we approve fire for American fireworks and the cost not to exceed 65. On your second. Favorite, Mike? Yes to Yes.
So those are all the reasons I have the board approval, everything else is informational. An update on getting natural gas for the community center. Dominion will be here this Friday for a site visit just to determine the best course for the gas wanting to go. Then they’re gonna give us a report. After that. I’m seeking quotes for barn demolition, scrap cleanup atmosphere acres, that’s been something that’s been on my list since like the day I started here. So we’d really like to get that done this year. And if anybody doesn’t remember, there’s a dilapidated barn there that has been getting worse and worse and frightened, still standing quite honestly, and quite a bit scraps, there’s tires, and old toilets and old metal carts and things that old fencing actually, we went out during the night, when I’m walking monday and thursday more than I remembered. So definitely time to work on that, I’d like to get that part open. Community Center Deck, the other thing that we’ve talked about for quite some time that I’m starting to investigate, and I’m seeking some folks now, for a race deck here, made of composite materials, we will have to reduce the original size of the deck that was on the original drawings. For those who don’t know, the drawing, showed that coming from this ramp here, attaching to the little platform, and then going all the way around wrapping around the back of the building and coming down to the adding the concrete slab that says a sliding door down there, because of the generator and the septic tanks that are out there will have to reduce the original size, it’s actually gonna have to stop right at the end of that sliding door there. So it’ll be a little bit smaller, but still a decent size. From what I showed the functional. Yeah, from what I’ve heard, we’ll get about 40 people. So it sounds pretty good to me. So I’m getting some quotes for that. Parks entrance signs, I’m also seeing quotes for those are trucks entrance signs are terrible, yes, they’re, they’re old, they’re falling apart, they’re faded. And they just they need some updating, they’re all different to which bothers me, I think they all need to be the same. So I have some quotes from signs 330 I would let her falls and also graphic detail, some drives and some ideas of what we want to do for those and some approximate prices. So don’t, uh, not coming to the board for approval today, because I think we’re still gonna make some decisions on that as to how many signs we want. If we’re going to do this all in one shot, or if we’re going to do a few at a time. And then also, I don’t know if we wanted to put an aside for the library or let the library do that. Or any other departments wanted to have natural science
laboratories to do because there are 10 Okay, so we would have to anybody that we rent would have to put up their own.
I do not have the turtle emphasize because that’s what a lot of people look forward to.
Yeah, I will come back to the formal proposal later, but I just want to tell you what we’re working on for that. And then our upcoming programs I’m describing we have a workout clock at 7:30pm and February Creek Park. And then on the 23rd we have our fourth annual amphibian hike here at Bryant Park at 8pm
That’s usually a well attended.
It is yes, it was the first time I ever been here we usually get like 4050 people for that we’ll see those at
our remote control alligators. Joe in the back. Find out the right thing to do after the Lakeland Florida got.
You see that? You’re walking the dog and it came up together and then pulled the dog away that came in grabbed nerd and braggers finally I know I’m watching when I walk around and it’s terrible. Okay,
thanks. Awesome. We’re looking at blinds for the Kennedy Center.
Okay, that concludes my report. Thank you Okay, Joe, it’s your turn. Oh, yeah, well, let’s start with thanking the board for adding me to the bi weekly meetings. I do feel like it’s adding more value to the discussions. And as you pointed out, you know, unfortunately, cybersecurity is now a very important part of, at this point almost everyone’s life, we determine that as given that was
a bad actors, bad actors are out there
that are trying to take advantage of us or trying to scam us. And holding people’s data hostage is becoming the new black car insurance, they love to get a hold of your data, they love to see attempts to make you pay that back. And in some cases, even if you do, they’ve already posted it to other sites and resold it. So the cybersecurity is just, it’s an unfortunate necessity. So that’s something that, you know, I have, unfortunately experienced with from my prior job, and hopefully I’m getting in front of that didn’t prevent that from ever happening here. So, I will start with kind of give you guys a little bit of an update. The big things that we’ve done so far this year, I’ve done so far this year, we did implement a new phone system in the township that went live the 17th of February. As far as I know, we’ve not had anything but minor issues with the system. As with any new, meaning, there’s gonna be some tweaking some adjustments, I’m still working with the vendor on some, some feature enhancements that I feel we we really need to get done to help make the system a little bit better. But in general, I’m not aware of any, any major issues, you know, we were able to get our I was able to get them installed all in that one day. You know, when we play we buy because malls. So I know, Captain Adkins has been making some changes in the PD on some of your call coverage, he is set up as an admin of the site also. So he has that ability to control call coverage, have information for the police department, and also back me up in the event that you know I’m on vacation or something happens. So he has access to the system also notification for you. Yep. So that’s really good. And as I said, our first three months, one of the advantages of one radius as we move forward RingCentral is besides by the end of the year, that gives the first three months for free. So our first actual invoice outside of, you know, Uncle Sam’s fees should be next month. But right now our expected savings is $300 a month. And then once I get the actual invoice, we’ll be able to say exactly what that is. But based on quoted numbers, and what we’re paying for our prior service, I am expecting this to be a reasonable savings about three bucks a month, and having a lot of future expandability. You know, paying for the fire department, windows, obviously, we’re probably gonna need more phones. So we’ll be able to do that. With this with RingCentral basic phones are not at any cost. And even the advanced phones that we’re adding for power users, we want a call presence below 70. Those are costing us like six bucks a month. So it’s very cost effective, even if we have to grow. Are you getting uncomfortable with? Oh, yes. I mean, this is this is an entirely new environment. I apologize. I’m not as familiar with the the flow professional of these meetings. And I’m sure I’ll say things out of order, but I have so I’m gonna learn very quickly. So I do appreciate everyone’s patience with me if I speak out of learn or not.
So let me just want to jump in. I was worried or we hired Joe because I was worried that he wasn’t gonna be able to catch on as fast as we want any data. He’s way over what I expected. He’s got a jam on behind him. And he’s also got negotiation tools. He beats down to those vendors to to track I
in 23 years I was with the press in omit certain forms. I wear many hats. One of those apps was I manage telecom for the corporation. And one time when it was becoming aspirin solutions. The birth of office was actually being set up as the corporate office. So we our IT department became corporate. So I was managing telecom for three party facilities and about 20 remote sales offices. So I’m very familiar with beating down on major telecom providers negotiating contracts. We didn’t know we’re getting them with it. Oh, yeah, I totally. Well, it’s been many it’s been a few years since I’ve done it. I’ve virtually vary with that environment. So you know, going into this, I’ve been trying to do that and you know, appreciate. Yeah, so this is, you know, negotiations is as part of my wheel House, I’m gonna deal with that. But again, this is a different animal being government versus commercial. So there’s a little bit of agencies that I need to learn about. And I feel I can get up to speed on that. Speaking of cybersecurity, which I started with, again, you guys brought up, we did. Before we did, we are implementing a product Orion and play a product called CrowdStrike. It is a cybersecurity package. It’s like a virus on steroids. So that would be I’m in the process right now, all the backend computers I’ve installed, I’m going to be working with the supplier to have a to the other outside PCs to get CrowdStrike installed. It is an AI based application. So instead of be your traditional antivirus, which downloads like definitions in on a base, this actually uses an AI engine to look at your, your normal operation, your computer, and what is happening abnormal. So okay, this application is doing something that normally doesn’t do or hey, this new application appeared. And it shouldn’t be there. It’s using it to have that computer intelligence, and a cloud based software to analyze the computer and say, hey, something is wrong, or they’re aware of an issue and are aware of attacks? And is this happening to your computer, and it can actually stop an attack before it happens. Or if it’s questionable, if you alert in real time and say, Hey, this computer has got something going on with it. I think it’s weird that I can actually look at it remotely. It’s a Yeah, it’s something weird. And I can press one button actually distract the computer from the internet from the network. So let’s say you know, a, you know, someone accidentally calls for a phishing email, and they click on a link and install something. As soon as that application starts to run, if CrowdStrike is aware, it is aware that it’s bad and alerts me, I click one button, that computer is now isolated from the rest of the network, so it cannot spread. So it’s a very good tool. I used it extensively by my current lawyer. So I’m very familiar with them. And we are willing to do some pretty competitive pricing with them. Just to add
into that I know that my Fisher shared text message that you were, we weren’t the only one like that. Oh, yeah, that was to every fiscal officer. And for each county show when the chairman of the board asked me for that it was all a big scam. But it went to everybody saying day by text
message. Yeah. And that’s something you can look at as like a phase two, there’s CrowdStrike has many, many advanced features. If we ever get to the point where we don’t want me being the single point of contact, they actually have a service where they do the remediation for him. So as soon as an alert happens, someone on 13 gets the alert, they look at it, they expected to the BBC. And they saw that, and then they told me, they’ve already done it for us. So they have the ability, we want to, at some point, to bring them in as remote IT support. They can also have they have the ability on the client on your phone. So if you click to look at your phone, it would would do something. As of right now, I don’t feel that that’s something that the township is needing, because all of our phones are kind of anonymous, or independent, my phone isn’t connected to the network. You know, we’re not at the point where our phones are integrated into our township network. So either for a phone got compromised, it’s very unlikely that it would cause damage to other people. Because we’re not a centralized business per se. We’re township owner phones are kind of dependent on size necessary, but that is something that CrowdStrike was offering you ever felt it was something. So it’s very scalable solution. So I feel that that’s a good direction going. And the other thing I would like, I know this was something that was brought up during my interview process is the Township’s website and the website for the police department. So I would like to start at least having a discussion. And if you can’t get this is worth the
user proposal learning. I
thought I had a proposal
sorry. I realized I did, I didn’t send that out. I sent that to Nick. And I just realized that that
investment proposal, in fact, is that we told
you these Okay, so we there was there’s two solutions that I would like to move forward with from Civic. Civic plus, is the solution that I’m recommending. But I want to add that it’s more than just a website. It is an entire committed support management, web based application. So it’s public facing pieces, it is going to create and manage our website for us. It would be the application that would go in to make page changes. But there’s a lot of automation, like it has an entire agenda management piece. So the department heads, the trustees, whoever would go into this agenda fees, and they would create their agenda and whatever they need to do. And then once the meeting is approved, you press a button and those automatically get them Just for the website. So there’s a lot of web we’re doing right now, we’re different department heads or shell is regurgitating information from this trustee meeting to get a post on the site. Zoning is probably, you know, regurgitating information to update the site, civic plus can do that for us. It can take information that you’re creating inside of its manager piece, and put that on the site for you.
Was this bringing all of us together? Do I know police and fire
that? Yes, is that as folks right now, with two independent websites, we have the Brimfield And then we have Brimfield, We don’t have a relationship with the web developer complete virtual police. So we don’t have really good access to the site with some, but not all. But in addition, we’re not currently paying for that site. It is up we don’t know, we don’t know control over its web hosting or who was hosting it. So whoever has it could turn it off tomorrow. And we have no control over that we have no ability to go in and back it up. Because we don’t have administrative access to it. We have editor access, if I’m understanding correctly, to a degree. Yeah. So you’re working with him on this to the crab festival circuit, Art Cafe back in a pillow. She has, and he is he’s contacted me a couple of times with his concerns over that because he doesn’t know if it it could go away tomorrow. And that’s another piece of this is no matter who I contact, it is going to be several months of development until the site is right. With civic Plus, they’re saying six to eight months. When
I was talking about our site, the township say yes. So right issues or rehab with everything
we are using, we are using a product called WordPress, WordPress, sorry. And we have a lot of WordPress horses. It’s a basic website, development engine. And then you add plugins to aid that add, enhance and it’s like a calendar or reservations and use keep adding plugins, several plugins are no longer support. And one of the issues one of the things is because WordPress is so popular. Anytime anything gets big, it becomes a target for your bad actors. So they want to find ways of interacting with your site or hacking your site. When you allow plugins or even the WordPress engine to get older, it no longer can be patched. So we have several plugins that are preventing us from upgrading our version of WordPress. And in general, this the site has become a little stale. There’s we’ve been editing it long enough that there are certain components when we try to edit it, we don’t get the results we’re expecting. There’s some things that I never show is brought to me that you can’t change the color of certain fonts. So it’s not as readable. And something that was brought to my attention when going through this process is as a government agency, we have certain things that we can make, especially in regards to the Americans with Disability Act. So the readability your site for that as a visually impaired for people that have visual issues that might use some font enlargers and stuff, some of those applications that they’re using to be able to read websites aren’t going to be able to work with our current sites. So we may we may be forced to upgrade your site anyways, to be able to make that ADA compliant. Civic plus by its nature is ADA compliant. And it even has tools that we can buy later. Let’s say that you want to make a completely visual impairment. You could have a bug in your recipe, click start shooting. So there’s there’s a lot of specific tools that SIG Plus offers because there’s from the ground up since plus is the company is based for Miss valleys, right,
you know, cities and townships and whatnot. And they have an example of if you were to go to
the city of catch the City of Canton Shaker Heights. A lot of the large cities and townships in our area, all of us said plus. That’s how I became aware of them is from the city of Kent. They said you can use you can use a civic plus, city you can’t use a civic plus, live on the Shaker Heights are their biggest customers
in Ohio, they determine how long they’ve been around, are they new
or? No, they have been around for 20 years.
So they they’re there from the ground up there. Their entire company is based on doing executive desk giving, getting communications between, you know townships and cities with with the public. And there’s a lot of nice features of that. People can subscribe to specific areas of the website and get alerted when this changes so people can subscribe to the poor have a section and get alerts every time that there’s new or pages posted, or they’ve been subscribed to meeting minutes. Credit Card Processing, they can be credit card processing, you can do reservations, each department could have a calendar, but that calendar can automatically on lendedu on the master township calendar, you can subscribe
to them it was trying
to like they will put his own thing.
Yeah. So it is it is exactly designed for what we should be doing
when you talk to Mike to make sure that if metal on your recurrent,
yes. And as a very nice site.
Yes, it is. It’s very flexible. Because one of the things is you brought up right now we have two separate sites. Our intention is to keep maintaining the Brookfield and the Brookfield But make them look similar. So this tool can have what they call branding. So you can have one general theme for the site, a very similar menu structure, but then we bounce over to the police department, we might, what my recommendation is, is changing the color scheme a little bit. So that way, it still represents all on the police department site. But it still has the same township menu, but the items now switched over. So they know you’re not really pleased, like they can have a different menu structure than when you’re on the park site. So the the menu can be driven based on what you’re looking for, but still have the same theme and still link back and forth. And again, the calendars works. And they have some future features that we might want to look into. I know right now we’re using are pronounced horribly wrong. But is it Nick scenics old Nixle alert system, they have they have an equivalent built into their application, it would be an additional fee that we’ll look at. But one of the advantages of it does exactly what that product does. But when we ever report an alert now, it automatically adds a red banner to what topical looks like. So we had a road closure emergency, not only would it send out text, emails, and everything else that they’re doing, but it automatically puts a giant red banner on top of the website that says exactly what that alert is for. So that, you know, we had one more ability of communicating to the public that, hey, there is a road closure or an accident, please avoid this area, you know, whatever, whatever we need to get out there. So there’s the integration features of this product and are exactly what a few we should be using. We definitely need an update. Yes, so it is the switchboard. So what we’ll be looking at if we went with civic Plus is a year one costs $36,155. That is the development, annual hosting, and an optional fee, which is $2,500. So if we pay this optional fee of $2,500, that pre pays for what they call a site refresh every 48 months. So you’re paying for future development at today’s costs, and locking that pricing. So that way every 48 months we’re eligible is that you know what, this site looks great. We want, we want to refresh it, we want to rebrand it, we’ve already paid by the developer, we’ve locked in that price now. So instead of paying for braces in the future, we’re likely in the development cost now. So we pay an optional $2,500, which is in that $36,000 price, I told you, we’ve locked in a 48 month refresh. So we’re they keep the site fresh, and they keep the site looking new every 48 months,
and gives them a little hand. If say that we do accept this, then in this proposal, you say the first year doing all the work on us 38. Now the developmental level is going to be the second year,
year to partner and forward is 8377. So that includes that $2,500.48, you know, refresh fee, and the hosting. So if you’re they’re hosting the site, we’re also paying for the licensing to use the application.
So you’re going I know that I’m not paying $36 A second year. No,
no, we have to look at this a two part it’s more than just a website. It’s a township management or we’ll use as a township management application.
So it solves our issues of getting payments on time you never put automate all that stuff. That’s a huge thing that we’re doing right now. Parse and Tony so that way we do but it’s a it’s an antiquated
you can make some holes on this you can do, you can do online forms. So right now, I’m gonna use parks as an example. They print out our form for reservation. They just fill this out online, so you don’t have to print, fill out a form and bring it in or mail it in. You can fill it out directly on the site, you get forms for or zoning, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of things that people would want to be able to apply for permits or something. You know, we can do polls, questionnaires, online forms, and everything through this application.
Do we have any data on? How engaged and current website is really looking at return on investment? For $30,000? And engage with current study? That’s my that’s my first question, because that’s a lot of money. My second question is, can the other communities and humans can’t? And can big communities a lot bigger than us? So do we have any quotes from any other vendors as we’ve just entered plus,
right now the data with the will the second quote that I have is from WordPress comm. So if we look at it just from a website, we just want to rebuild the site. That quote is for hear, that is for 23 699. So that’s $22,700, for development, that’s to do the township site and the police department site, that’s $1,000 a year in hosting. So that’s going to be your 120 to 23,006 39. And then annually, $1,000. But that’s no refresh in 48 months, that’s just take our current site, add some lipstick and mascara and make it look new, what they’re taking the exact same content, and copy and paste event. They’re just updating the site and updating the plugins. Yeah, um,
that’s why I asked about the engagement, because let’s be honest, most folks aren’t really generally going to websites are going to be social media feed, right to get most of their information, their natural
knowledge I can get I have access to the analytics for the township site, but I don’t have access for the police department. And unfortunately, we’re kind of being cut off from the police department. So I, I can tell you, I don’t have those numbers in front of me, but I generate a report of of who’s going to the site. But you know, basic hype, though. It does stuff. You know, the township site, I don’t know what’s going on from the police department side.
But third question, do you have the quote from the vendor that your predecessor was looking at? They’re looking at his job at some very nice capacities, websites, do you have to close them on hand from that? From them?
The only quote that I was cast for Brian was the one from WordPress from WordPress, yeah. Okay. That’s the only code that I inherited, and I had a conversation with them. And we tweaked it a little bit, but pretty much it stayed the same as the one generated.
I know, we did a quote from a company located at a store that do a lot of municipal website, which had to go back through my okay. Right. Yeah, I did about
Joe, was there. Is there a way that you can put all those numbers together? They’re just kind of that? I don’t know. Is that the normal cost of a website in that ballpark? And how
much are people using it in the escape rooms? Right, I did reach out to 200 local web developers that hate us back in the days of the press, one located in Tallmadge, one located in Canton, both of them because of our wanting to be able to allow department heads to continue adding on to the site, I asked them to bolt also quote WordPress, because that’s what we’re, we’re accustomed to using. And so their quotes were significantly higher, even though so that they’re, they’re not able to provide us the pricing that WordPress had because WordPress is quoting it themselves. So they’re, they’re not, they’re discounting their product a lot deeper than someone else is going to resell it. So I did have two other local web guys that I’ve used in the past. I know they’re good guys. But unfortunately, they can’t touch either price. But what it can’t was actually even more than Civic plus. So it was something that you know, just it wasn’t even feasible to look into it just too expensive. And that’s because that’s this isn’t their market, they’re, they’re looking to come into your company and market you and be this big impressive thing. Less than we’re not looking to be hired marketing company. We’re looking to hire web companies and most web companies and become marketing companies these days. So their value added really isn’t what we’re looking for, you know, we already were challenged, we don’t need to create a brand. We don’t need to be selling things. We need to get used to have a presence and get communicated effectively.
If you could make this great information and I love that stuff. Maybe you could put some better some numbers together. Yeah, you know.
Yeah, let me get some usage numbers together to see you know, what, what,
and then just bring it back and maybe we’ll have a full board right. And so, you know,
yeah, we I just want to make sure that we’re moving forward because unfortunately, no matter who we pay is something that’s going to take several months. So while you’re
worried wonders for my brain shear that this is not working We do this right now.
We don’t have to definitely correct.
So I just that’s why we’re trying to get in front of you guys. But you know, this is what the information I’ve been able to gather so far and get a little direction, like we have
a chance to look at the
CAC website is good. And use civic plus whatever for the city of Fairmont and parks, it’s just the best thing ever. Brian tried to integrate different plugins for parks for as far as the booking calendar and the credit card. But they’re all like different pieces, we’re trying to shoehorn into something that works. But this already is made for governments.
The answers for the future will negates
some something, I feel that we would really enhance what we have now, but it is going to really help us in the future. In addition, synthetic plus is specifically targeted for what we’re doing as they continue to enhance the product, we get those features for free. So as they continue to say, okay, hey, we wrote a new module, you know, we gained from those enhancements. Okay, good. So it’s I do feel it’s it’s yes, it’s an investment. But I think it’s something that we may need to look into. Well, I’m
glad I’m glad we look at this. Now, just keep me up to date this week, like what you’re buying. Just get it out there. So we have one way or the other,
put it on the agenda for the next meeting. Well, thanks for doing that. Okay. We have any other business? We anything
else? Oh.
Oh, sorry, I
missed over there. We have. Let me explain what we’re going to be here too. If you want to Gentleman, please feel free. But you know, we’ve been trying to purchase the property from hits family, for example, golf course. It’s probably been like, what 1011 months now that we’ve been playing this back and forth. We had a appraisal of the property, the amount that we wanted, and all that it came back this way by $1,000 an acre. So we were going to use American rescue playability for that simply because that was one of the things that affect Mr. COVID is allowed to be used. We have about seven years or so estimated left of the current Brimfield township cemetery before we had closing space in there. So good pressure back with their lawyer. And then the last time they wouldn’t accept that this is our and we’re not going to sell it. So that’s best fall under the eminent domain that we have the ability to take that piece of property, because it’s needed about Greenfield Township, and we’re paying them the standard fee of what the normal rate is in town. So Mark, and Eddie, who does a lot of our legal stuff on that and has been working on this the whole time, we need to pass a motion if we want them to go on with the eminent domain process for that. In the motion would be that we authorize the law firm dever and associates of LPA to pursue any and all legal action on the behalf of Brookfield town township to accomplish the acquisition of certain real estate property for the purposes of expansion of current cemetery owned by Brookfield Township, we have to pass a resolution stating that to get marfy approval to get started on that process. So
at the cemetery, I’d like to make that motion.
And we’re okay with going this next step because they’ve just
given us, but I’ll second it for discussion. Mike, so we started off with this with negotiations is this property, the good part of the parcel was taken out by red blood, there was plans with residential homes wrapping around red wood, as well as an assisted living center in the back of the property. After several reports were given to the developers, they only decided to use the second portion of it for that. That’s why you get that 25,000 an acre. They’ve been going back and forth with their real estate. And at one point, I think we’re $1,000 apart 15 You know, we just weren’t gonna pay over what the appraised amount was. And then it came back and he said no, or sell to somebody else, which really is kind of making me discuss that that parcel. So usually, it starts with with us in zoning. But, you know, I think we’re seeing anybody buying it right now.
And we need that piece of property. To be able to add another 2530 years, whatever it may be, how many classrooms in America do you have Secretary, yeah, we have to figure out where we’re going to have an undersecretary. And what we’re everybody expected outside revenue
as we get like all of drop some drawings, preliminary drawings and where it would be and to provide them access for fire, and police, back and forth 60 foot right away knowing and oftentimes road, it’s a fight acres closest to the cemetery and allowed them access. And we even offer green space in the open space to them, you know, would be the fabric we wouldn’t be using so they can utilize the landfill. So, you know, more of
it, Mr. Potato would have given us that man, but he’s not hearing more from our grandkids, they’re involved now.
Are they local? They just don’t want to work with us.
When we offered the inmate the latest craze, and we’re offering what the appraisal was,
we would have bought five acres, that $1,000 That was just sitting,
right, and it shouldn’t affect any future development for them, too. So is there any more property that they can but there’s property that can be developed there, it’s just the soils are degrees, that’s gonna be expensive to build in their
back of the golf course.
Yeah, it’s, if you’re coming into a town, which is going to be you know, right now, it’s low land, it’s got to be built in this wrapper on the back the back portion of redwood, there’s still some good land up in there. But to get access back in there, it’s too costly. So
find your number, the skipper group was thinking about buying that so they can move their retention ponds and all that stuff back there to create more land,
right, but they pay out to the dealer.
And the worker was talking to him on the other side.
Yeah, it was a split, we were gonna take one portion of that Skipper group, the other portion, like you said, work
really nothing else we can do. Our secretary is going to be shut down, and we’re not going to have any more space. And that garage will cause a huge issue president who is not at the cemetery anymore and make people go to Canada, Thailand or wherever? Or do we move it to another location to buy it? I mean, it doesn’t make any sense that the best sense needs to take right where it is right now.
I think what has really been able to help us know is what the cremation called barriers.
That’s a little later that’s and give us more time now.
The cemetery Sexton gave me some figures and according to what she has to work with, they’re looking at an estimated about 500 more in depth around variables available
what a lot of those dots are sold to so yeah, so we don’t have any better available
so yeah
but I mean that’s this is our this is our option at this point in marketing recommending that we do that as well that we’ve I mean we’ve not like we’ve been doing this for a while we’ve been late with them for over a year now and this summer. Yeah. So it’s ready to see the motion of that. So Sue if you want to make one authorizing the word associates what I read before put it in exactly as a second. All those in favor like this, too. Yes. Motion passes. Thank you. That thank you for your help on this as well.
There’s nothing else to come before the board. And the Wagin I’ll say
favorite nice to hear during the time three of