Hopefully you have stayed warm and safe this January. It has really been a trip back to the “old winters” we used to have.
JoinedMay 26, 2023
Winter is no longer coming … it is here. I had to scrape ice off my windshield the other day....
The recent issue of AARP magazine has a whole article on modern technology. It describes the newest phones and how various parts of our lives can be affected by modern technology … from exercising to shopping, staying in touch with grandchildren, paying bills, and even driving your car without your keys.
The new Consumer Reports magazine is out! One of their feature stories is about computer safety. I know we have all heard about seniors being the easiest folks to scam. Personally I have been hacked several times and I still do not really understand how it happens… but my family assures me I am doing something wrong or it would not be happening!
It’s raining, the flowers are blooming, and the bees are everywhere (at least at our place). It is time to venture outside again. When the sun is out, it feels so good to just stop and sit down and enjoy it!
April is National Volunteer Month. I do not know when this designation began, but I did read that Benjamin Franklin initiated the first volunteer fire department in Philadelphia. I remember that John F. Kennedy asked us to “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
We recently watched the movie "Thelma" on Prime video. Although it was entertaining, it also was very educational about how elderly scams work. If you have not seen it, take the time to watch it when it becomes available. Keep in mind, we all say “It can’t happen to me.”
Kent State University has a Senior Guest Program, which offers individuals over the age of 60 a free opportunity to audit their classes. You can attend for free, do not have to take exams, but can gain all the information from the class content. You will need to pay for your books and parking.
It has been a year now since my sister passed away. She had spent the last four months of her life being moved from one long term care/rehabilitation facility to another. It was during this period of time that our family became very aware and dependent on the Ombudsman program at Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging.
So … you are not interested in hiking, or gardening … but you still want to get out of your...
The Federal Administration for Community Living has designated May as Older American Month. They have made this designation “to encourage our neighbors across the nation to prioritize meaningful relations, connecting older Americans with local services such as transportation, and to encourage older adults to engage in community events, social clubs and to volunteer.”
I recently had the opportunity to speak with a local group of Public Employee Retirees who had invited me to speak on “Aging in Portage County Today.” They also invited my husband, Allen, to come and share information about the Medical Guardian Program, which he coordinates for the Auxiliary of University Hospitals Portage Medical Center in Ravenna.