The Suffield community is usually quiet, but since Memorial Day there has been more activity.
This year’s Memorial Day parade had the most parade participants and viewing audience since the pandemic. Leading the parade was the color guard provided by the Suffield Boy Scout Troop 262 plus Cub Scout Packs 3262 and 3233.
Next in line was our Grand Marshall, 100-year-old Naomi Kapper. Following behind her car, her grandchildren and great grandchildren walked — or we should say “marched” — dressed in authentic Civil War outfits. Two great grandsons played the fife and drum. They had just participated in a Civil War Reenactment in Burton, Ohio.
A big highlight of the Parade was the Field High School Royal Guardsmen Marching Band. The band is under the direction of Charles Collins and Denise Soulsby, with Field Commanders Olivia Jenkins and Delaney Allshouse. The Royal Guardsmen have performed throughout Ohio and this past February were selected to perform at the Magic Kingdom as part of Walt Disney World’s 50th year celebration. They looked magnificent in their uniforms along with the majorette corp. Stopping in front of the grand stand, all heard them play. Suffield is very proud of these young people and appreciate their dedication. Thank you, students, for all the hard work it takes for these performances.
Everyone continued to the Suffield Elementary School for the salute to our veterans. The program began with Tom Calcei acknowledging Grand Marshall Naomi Kapper. Reviewing her illustrious biography, Tom noted Kapper’s admittance that the only adventure she had not tried yet was to jump out of an airplane. After the program, a young man approached Naomi and said his birthday was also in October and he would be willing to “jump out of a plane with her” so this could be taken off her bucket list.
With the Boy Scout and Cub Scout Troops standing at attention, the St. Joseph’s War Veterans conducted the solemn ceremony to honor our Veterans. They did the traditional laying of the wreath, raised and lowered the flag and fired the gun salute. Sadly, of late, this group of war veterans has lost many fellow service members.
The next Suffield event was the Annual Cruise-In held Sunday, June 11. Around 200 hundred vehicles — anything from customized cars to hot rods to semi-trucks — were displayed with hoods raised in the Suffield Fire Station parking lot. One unique car that stood out, receiving much attention, was The Zimmer, owned by Dennis Zak. The historic car is of the neoclassic type, 1930s style. There may only be about a dozen left in existence.
You needed ear protection when the vehicles revved their engines or left the lot. The rain held out, but a few left for fear of raindrops landing on their prized vehicles.
During the Cruise-In, the Suffield Township Historical Society held a rummage sale in the town hall along with an open house in the museum. We were happy to welcome so many visitors that stopped by and even gained a few new members. If you are interested in becoming a member of the STHS, please contact Elizabeth Vence at 330-354-3625 and also check our new Facebook:@SuffieldTownshipHistoricalSociety.
Another way to become involved with the Suffield Township Historical Society is to enter the “Scenes of Suffield” photo contest. Winning photos will be featured in the 2024 calendar. You can submit as many photos as you would like. With photograph entry please include: your name, contact info and location of photo (please no self-portrait in photos). For questions or submission of photos, check Facebook:@SuffieldTowshipHistorical Society – Email [email protected] or mail hard copy to 1241 State Route 43, Suffield, Ohio 44260. Submission Deadline is September 30.
The Suffield League sponsors a number of these events. Besides the community events they hold throughout the year and celebrating various holidays, its mission is to serve and help the Suffield community. One service highlight is to award scholarships to Field High Seniors. The Honors Reception was held on May 24. Students vie for the scholarships by completing forms that identify their GPA, where they would like to further their education, various school activities and community service. This year the scholarships winners were:
$500 Winners: Claire Philip, Logan Pollard, Cassandra Wilde, Taylor Samprel
$250 Winners: Alex Carr, Joseph Troup, Mia Hudson, Olivia Liggett, Caleb Gartner
Voting was so close between all nine students that it was decided to grant another $250 to the other five students, also granting them a total of $500.
The League honored two Suffield Outstanding Seniors in the Memorial Day Parade: Mia Hudson and Joseph Troup.
The Suffield Lions Club also granted two $500 scholarships to Field seniors. The winners were Claire Philip and Anna Harlin.
The Lions Club is known as the world’s largest service organization. If you would like more information or to join this group, contact Fred Matthews at 330-256-5262.
Please advise if you have any information you would like to share on events, celebrations, family or business news. Contact Pauline Persons, 330-628-3994 or [email protected].