First, a PSA: Rootstown motorists and residents should not be alarmed if they see some low-flying helicopters this spring. First Energy will be trimming trees. The company often uses aerial saws to trim branches around power lines.
Property and roads
Trustees voted down a proposed zoning change at a public hearing on April 13, to the disappointment of residents Jeff and William Parsons.
Jeff Parsons sought to have the 2.634-acre property on the west side of Tallmadge Road, between Hattrick and Sanford roads, rezoned from residential to light industrial. Parsons told trustees Tuesday that he bought the property for investment purposes; his attorney mentioned building storage units or housing units. As the property is now zoned, only one home can be built on the property.
Two neighbors spoke against the proposed zoning change, and only Parsons and his attorney spoke in favor of it.
The Parsons’ may continue to try to have the property rezoned by working through the court system, but they did not specify that they would pursue that course, Trustee Dave McIntyre said.
According to the Portage County Auditor’s office, the Parsons’ bought the property in 2006. It is in a residential/agricultural area of the township.
Covid relief
Trustees want all Rootstown residents to know there is a FEMA grant to help with funeral expenses for anyone who has lost loved ones to Covid-19. To qualify, the death must have occurred in U.S., and the death certificate must specify Covid-19 as the cause of death. Grant applicants must be U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals or qualified alien who incurred funeral expenses after Jan. 20, 2020.
There is no requirement for the deceased person to be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national or qualified alien. Please visit the website or call 844-684-6333 for more information.
Wendy DiAlesandro is a former Record Publishing Co. reporter and contributing writer for The Portager.