On May 3, Portage County voters will choose candidates for each party to appear on the November ballot. Feb. 2 was the deadline for candidates to file their petitions.
These are not the final names. The Portage County Board of Elections will review each local petition for completeness and accuracy, and will announce the official ballots on Feb. 11.
For State Representative, 72nd district, term commencing Jan. 1, 2023:
Republican Gail Pavliga
Democrat Kathleen Clyde
For Portage County Commissioner, term commencing Jan. 1, 2023:
Republican Mike Tinlin
Republican Ed Dean
Democrat Geraldine Hayes Nelson
Democrat Tim Moon
For Portage County Auditor, term commencing March 13, 2023:
Republican Kristy Elliott
Republican Brian Ames
Republican Matt Kelly
Republican Deborah L. Mann
Democrat Brad Cromes
For Portage County Common Pleas Court Judge – General Division, term commencing Jan. 1, 2023:
Republican Wesley Buchanan
Democrat Laurie J. Pittman
For Portage County Common Pleas Court Judge – Domestic Relations, term commencing Jan. 2, 2023:
Democrat Paula C. Giulitto
Candidates for state and federal office file their petitions in Columbus and in Lake and Trumbull counties. Those boards of elections certify petitions on different dates and forward the information to the Portage County Board of Elections, which expects to post the full slate of candidates in March. When available, the full slate of candidates and issues will be posted on the board’s website at https://www.portagecounty-oh.gov/board-elections/pages/current-election.
Portage County Democratic Central Committee, term commencing 2022
Races for the county Democratic and Republican central committees are run in separate years. This year it’s the Democrats’ turn:
Ravenna City 3A, 4A (no filings)
Ravenna City 1A Gloria Haven
Ravenna City 1B Sharon Spencer
Ravenna City 2A Bruce Ribelin
Ravenna City 2B R. Andrew Kluge
Ravenna City 2C Tiffany Welling
Ravenna City 3B Amy Michael
Ravenna City 3C Cheryl A. Wood
Ravenna City 4B Brad Cromes
Kent City 1C, 3A, 3C, 4A, 4B, 5C, 6C, 6D (no filings)
Kent City 1A Melissa M. Long
Kent City 1B Lisa J. Hirt
Kent City 1D Fred M. Mendiola
Kent City 2A Geraldine Hayes Nelson
Kent City 2B Chris Clevenger Morris
Kent City 2C Mike Deluke
Kent City 2D Bonny Graham
Kent City 3B Robin G. Turner
Kent City 3D Audrey Cielinski Kessler
Kent City 5A Richard Hawksley
Kent City 5B Jon Barber
Kent City 6A Vivien Sandlund
Kent City 6B Dean DePerro
Aurora City 1A, 1B, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4A, 5C, 6A, 6B (no filings)
Aurora City 2B Kelly Clary
Aurora City 4B John J. Montello
Aurora City 5A Pamela Mascio
Aurora City 5B John Kennedy
Streetsboro City 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3C, 4A, 4B (no filings)
Streetsboro City 3B Samantha Stephens
Streetsboro City 4C Brian Pearson
Atwater Twp A John B. Kovacich
Atwater Twp B (no filing)
Brimfield Twp A, C, E, F, G (no filings)
Brimfield Twp B Michael A, Marozzi
Brimfield Twp D Gregory A. Johnson
Charlestown Twp A Adam Eskridge
Charlestown Twp B (no filings)
Deerfield Twp A Monica M. Kaley
Deerfield Twp B (no filings)
Edinburg Twp A William McCluskey
Edinburg Twp B (no filings)
Franklin Twp A (no filings)
Franklin Twp B Leota Reale
Franklin Twp C James Wyatt, Jr.
Franklin Twp D Robert M. Howard
Franklin Twp E Delores Durbin
Freedom Twp A Patricia Nelson
Freedom Twp B Diane Davis
Garrettsville Village A Richard Brockett
Garrettsville Village B Thomas Collins (deceased)
Hiram Twp A (no filings)
Hiram Twp B Jeffrey Jackson
Hiram Village (no filings)
Mantua Twp C, D (no filings)
Mantua Twp A Tamara Lyons
Mantua Twp B Theresa Nielsen
Mantua Village (no filings)
Mogadore Village (no filings)
Nelson Twp A, B (no filings)
Palmyra Twp A, B, C (no filings)
Paris Twp A Cindy M. Greene
Paris Twp B Denise Smith
Randolph Twp A Timothy Moon
Randolph Twp B Erin Myrla
Randolph Twp C Gary L. Horning
Randolph Twp D Ruth E. Stephens
Ravenna Twp A, C, D, F (no filings)
Ravenna Twp B Whitney Franklin Hairston, Jr.
Ravenna Twp E Henry T. “Hank” Gibson
Ravenna Twp G Stephanie L. Rummel
Rootstown Twp B, F, G (no filings)
Rootstown Twp A Bonnie Howe
Rootstown Twp C Misty Dulaney
Rootstown Twp D Deborah Ann Baird
Rootstown Twp E Victor V. Vigluicci
Shalersville Twp A, B, C (no filings)
Shalersville Twp D Becky Doggett
Suffield Twp B, E (no filings)
Suffield Twp A Christopher J. Mallin
Suffield Twp C Joseph Falatok
Suffield Twp D Deborah M. Smith
Sugar Bush Knolls Village (no filings)
Windham Twp A (no filings)
Windham Twp B Laura Viebranz Stanley
Windham Village A Kimberly S. Kiser
Windham Village B (no filings)
Rootstown Local Schools is combining two existing emergency requirement levies into one. The new 10-year, 4.5 mill levy will not raise taxes as it is a renewal levy. Combined, the levy is intended to garner $1,145,056 for the district.
Voters in southwestern Portage County who are served by Summit County’s Springfield Local Schools will help decide on a 10-year, 3.9 mill additional tax levy to fund current expenses.
Community EMS is seeking a five-year, 3.5 mil renewal tax levy to fund ambulance and EMS.
Aurora City is seeking a charter amendment related to “Virtual and/or Electronic” meetings
Aurora City is seeking a five-year, 1.5 mill Renewal Tax Levy to fund Ambulance and EMS.
Wild Eagle Streetsboro, LLC is asking Streetsboro City 1C voters to decide a liquor option to allow Sunday sales of wine, mixed beverages and “spiritous liquor.” Wild Eagle Steak & Saloon is located at 9470 state Route 14, across an access road from Arby’s Restaurant.
Mantua Village is again asking voters to approve an income tax increase from 1.5% to 2%, effective July 1, 2022. The purpose of the tax increase is to fund law enforcement and public safety.
Mogadore voters who are served by Summit County fire services will decide a five-year, 3.5 mill additional tax levy to fund fire protection.
Brimfield voters will decide a continuing 3.02 mill replacement and tax levy increase to fund the police department.
Paris Township voters will face a five-year, 2 mill renewal tax levy to fund fire protection.
Wendy DiAlesandro is a former Record Publishing Co. reporter and contributing writer for The Portager.