Nelson Township Trustee Meeting
March 15, 2023
7 p.m.
Listen to an audio recording of the meeting:
Mike Kortan, Chair
Joe Leonard, Trustee
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven, Trustee
Kevin Cihan, Fiscal Officer
Chuck Vanek, Road Supervisor
Jackie Kable, Zoning Inspector
Documenter’s Notes
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Prior to the customary formalities, Trustee Joe Leonard made a motion stating that any Nelson trustee may request a sheriff’s deputy to attend a meeting if they feel it necessary. Trustee Anna Mae VanDerHoeven commented about the possibility of breaking Sunshine Laws but didn’t elaborate on why there may be a violation. Leonard said it would not violate Sunshine Laws. The motion was seconded and passed by roll call vote. A K-9 unit was parked near the entrance, and a deputy was present during the meeting’s proceedings. The minutes were approved into the record, and the board consented to pay the monthly bills.
Fiscal Officer Kevin Cihan reported that he had completed balancing the books. The large payment toward the principal of the Pixley Park property cleared. The township has been prepared to receive the NOPEC grant. Chair Mike Kortan was assigned the role of point person for the grant agreement. A resolution was passed to accept the grant. Cihan reported an interaction with the Board of Elections outlining setup for primary elections within townships. The letter was forwarded to Community House caretaker Sandy Huzl. The Earth Day Portage County Recycling event will be held Saturday, April 22 at the Portage County Recycling Center on Mogadore Road in Kent. Septic permits were renewed for the Community House.
Inspector Jackie Kable issued ag exemption permits to Weaver and Manino on March 10 for barns. On March 13, Mr. Coblentz was issued a permit to rebuild a portion of his home damaged by fire. Mr. Byler and Mr. Troyer were issued ag exemption permits on March 15 for barn construction. There was brief discussion about the ongoing cleanup of the Kessler property. The Portage County Land Bank will post open bids for a demolition project in the township.
Superintendent Chuck Vanek estimated that his crew could construct a concrete ditch on Pritchard Hill for approximately $11,100 in materials. The board approved the project not to exceed $13,000. Oil for chip and seal projects is up 11 cents per gallon. Vanek reported that his crew intends to repair 7.5 miles of township road (Fenstermaker, Hobart, Reynolds, Pritchard and Kyle roads, and a portion of Kennedy Ledge Road) when the weather breaks.
Vanek then stated that he did not see Mr. McCabe, who had promised to attend the trustee meeting. McCabe was upset about the cemetery rules. Vanek’s crew had removed trees planted on McCabe’s father’s gravesite. McCabe showed up at the Pixley Park building “ranting, raving and screaming ‘effin this, effin that,’” according to Trustee Leonard, whose presence at the incident was requested by Vanek. McCabe claimed that he had a gun in the car. Part of the incident was filmed. McCabe was handed cemetery rules, which he wadded up and threw away. Leonard requested McCabe’s phone number. McCabe did not know it, but he offered his wife’s number. Leonard invited McCabe to the trustee meeting. Prior to that incident, McCabe had “raised hell at a funeral home” and with a county crew he had mistaken for the township crew, according to Leonard. McCabe was surprised that Leonard had called the sheriff on him and called Vanek to complain. “I have not seen our road guys that concerned about something before,” Leonard reported. McCabe claimed the gravesite was trashed. Leonard had photos of the site. The doors at the Pixley will remain locked, and cameras will be installed on the property. “It may make The Portager now,” VanDerHoeven said. “Hope so,” said Leonard.
Vanek will order a set of signs for the cemetery.
VanDerHoeven had been in contact with Joseph Bodnar of the Portage County Building Department regarding ADA compliance for the Nelson Community House. Upgrades are not mandatory, but Bodnar made a host of suggestions, including: new toilets, grab bars, lowering the urinal in the men’s room, wheelchair-accessible restroom doors, moving utilities, changing door knobs, etc. Bodnar suggested that grant monies are available for ADA upgrades. The board requested that VanDerHoeven seek additional information for a full ADA assessment.
Kortan recommended drafting language for a 10-year renewable easement agreement for emergency access to a section of Pierce Road that is inaccessible during flood events. The township has previously agreed to purchase gates and additional materials for the emergency service project. The current property owner is in favor of the project.
Kortan reported talking with a trustee from Shalersville Township at a regional planning meeting about the temporary moratorium on solar and wind energy. The unnamed Shalersville trustee stated that Nelson must file the moratorium with the county commissioner’s office. Mike Graham, a Zoning Committee member in attendance, will follow up.
Boy Scout Owen Wolff submitted new plans for his Eagle Scout project to construct a new township sign. Costs, which Wolff will attempt to raise via donation, are estimated at $497. His deadline is May 19.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
The following transcript was generated by a transcription bot and is not 100% accurate. The Portager does not edit the AI-generated transcript. We understand the automatic transcript can be very inaccurate.
Nelson 3.15
Fri, Mar 17, 2023 8:41AM • 1:13:59
road, township, good, put, sign, grant, cemetery, door, year, people, resolution, chuck, ada, rules, brett, contact, agricultural exemption, bathroom, open, proceed
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven
The United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice.
Good evening, thank you all for coming. March 15 2009 370 2pm Elson township trustees meeting, but start the meeting out with the letter
of hands for motion on the table for resolution there any time that we feel in the end to hire a sheriff’s deputy to come to our meetings. That resolution that covers that from now until whatever. So we don’t have to backtrack every time we want one here, we have to go through all this stuff. We can do the same thing and fix the park years ago or we have passed Resolution and while the sheriff use our facilities over there anytime they want it. So I’m putting a motion on the table to do that here. And anytime we feel necessary, have a sheriff’s deputy that our meetings
it’s good to go.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 01:13
Who’s going to decide to call one trustee? I mean, we don’t want to break the Sunshine Law by let me correct.
Well, I’ve been dealing with the sheriff’s department more than anybody as far as the trustees go. So I guess you could put that in my wrap. If it was we feel is necessary, then. There’s
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 01:36
well what if I felt it was necessary? You know, someone threatened?
Yeah, then you call. Okay. So anybody
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 01:46
just so we don’t break the Sunshine Law that we would handle it, and then discuss it at the next meeting? What transpired? Go Okay, um, but
I think I think that’s legitimate as far as you’re not making a decision outside of the meeting, but in that case, it’s allowed and you make the phone call and it’s the understanding of it.
Okay, oh, yes. Yes. This is vanamo. Yes. Thank you
trust us I had a chance to work with clients from March 1 on your screen. I’ll make a
motion to approve. specular motion damage support
in a row? Yes.
That’s your letter? Yes, yes.
Thank you, Kevin for squabs report.
payment was saying we have electronic warrants 18 to 23 and paper warrants to six nine or 753 to six minutes or 3020 $9,115.69.
Did the dumpsters go up in price.
There was seven on the order instead of six from last year. So the price was the same.
Any other questions regarding payment listing?
I’ll make a motion to approve. I’ll second.
Vote yes. Yes. Yes.
A fun status report. Currently we have 442,009 64 and 45
Payments for the loan did go through. So that was applied to the principal and waiting paperwork from the USDA on what will happen moving forward is we’ll pull December’s payment forward and we’re gonna break it up monthly instead of wanting annual payments so as soon as I get that information I’ll
have a bank reconciliation. Report. For the month of February, February is closed, we have no outstanding receipts, no staining adjustments. Books are all balanced.
Hey, no pet grant. So you have should be a packet of items, there was a paper clip on from OPEC. First of all, it’s basically the program policies. You’ve seen that before. But on the last page, it defines what you can use to grant for, et cetera. So you’re going through that again, I think I’ve thought that maybe late fall or January. The next one is copy of an email that I received from them when I was stressed to trustee van der Hoeven. But this is just outlines the steps of what we need to do and how we need to proceed with the grant. So you’re going to do that. And then the second email copy here is what I did a couple of weeks ago, like two or three weeks ago, I, I looked through the resolution and the it’s the grant agreement. And I forwarded that to Brett Benzie for review. And he made some changes. So I forwarded that to no pack and I received word back from them. We changed some language in the resolution, and in the agreement, and they were okay with that. So for that to know, pack, they’re good. That’s basically what that email is discussing. And their confirmation that’s acceptable. So that’s what that is. There’s also a sheet that discusses deadlines in the program outline as far as the amounts from 2022. And this is pertaining to us. So the amount we had from last year was 4454. And then are some other items here for 2023, etc. So it looks like it’s I think they may be me, I think they split it out is why you think it’s less
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 07:40
to 795 and 38. Yeah, yeah. So
I think they split it out the gas, do aggregation and an electrical word. So
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 07:49
we just have to pass the resolution now accepted.
So yeah, we’ll get to that. So that’s what the awards amounts are and the deadline, information there. So with that, I do have the grant agreement that will need signatures. And if you want me to read through it all I will. But basically, if you go to page four, top page four, inserted chairperson like Portal does tabs appear to Ohio, the way this agreement is written, you have to have somebody assigned to it has to be a single individual. So that’s why your name is there. And then on the last page five is in witness as per the agreement, there’s a place for two but if all three of you want to sign it, that’s fine. And to accept the agreement and Brett has reviewed this, so the one change, sorry, I failed to mention. We go to page three. In the middle of the page, item number 14 says miscellaneous section a governing law, the laws of state of Ohio governance agreement, all actions regarding this agreement shall be venued in a court of competent subject matter jurisdiction in Portage County, Ohio. They had Cuyahoga County so we switched the county. So that was the change to this agreement. So other than that, it was fine. So I have this kind of sign next to your name. My family wants Twitter’s down there that’s fine too.
Thank you so the next one is The resolution and this is the one where some wording was changed by Brett. I don’t know exactly which items he changed but when no no tech reviewed it with their legal team, they’re fine with it. But this is basically a resolution authorizing all actions necessary to accept Northeast Ohio Public energy Council’s 2023 energized community grants. Whereas township a Nelson porch county Ohio known as the grantee is a member of Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council and is eligible for one or more no big energy community grants between 23 I’m not going to read through it all. Basically is the resolutions declared to be an emergency major necessary for immediate preservation of public health safety. So these are all the language from OPEC. So date adopted is March 15. And this will be resolution 37. And I hear a motion for this please I’ll make a motion I’ll second. Mr. Court honey vote yes, Mr. Mrs. Manor? Yes. That I need your signatures next.
So I guess going back to summarize that for everybody, so last year, we had $4,484 Put in escrow this year looks like $102 plus 75 plus 3805. So that’s three or a little over 4000 bucks or I’m sorry about almost $5,000 So we’ll have 9500 to $10,000 that was passed before we’re planning on putting a nother generator in here to clean house correct that’s what I’m waiting to hear from now. Right so I think the total bill for that was the Lebanon some change this will be about 95 minutes so we’ll have to come up with 15 or bucks out of our budget
so no pics take care of anime
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 12:51
Thank you, Kevin. Quite well. Now I can sleep at night not worrying about
it floor should have a letter from the board of elections for the primary and may just outlines the responsibilities touch of a we as far as size and in setting up I have an extra copy. We want to leave for Sandy or
if you want to leave that in an office that’s what that information is about.
Officers probably lived through the checks
in general please check them out. Thank you
don’t want to reach out to her about this. Later.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 14:03
She has Tell me
a heads up that she needs to have she stopped up there
also in your folder there’s a buyer for Earth Day recycling events. Saturday April 22. It works kind of recycle center monitor road. Also list like I said recycled.
Last Tuesday
Eight tires per address
three addresses
good. Any other advertising I should do with us at all?
To get him a website by now. Okay. Good, thank you. Well, talking about that, everything’s ready to go and just waiting for response to say that the domain is good. Taking a little bit of effort to get that lined up, but we’re almost there. I did also follow up with Theresa Goff and let her know the status because she comes in and so she was pleased to hear it had switched to a non Note The next letter is something I got today guess maybe it was last or maybe it’s just in the office check did you have this it was for the oilfield
yeah, it looks they wanted a response by February 21 But I don’t know what his I don’t
know what you respond to it it’s just what we had them all off the salt water out of brine tank as well.
I mean, it just yeah, just gives the Addison they call it a water analysis I was looking for
just I’m a I’m a barrel they hold off was all
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 16:51
that within within the last week they call
no that’s when we were born was COVID we had to hire that company.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 16:59
Did they call me last week for more oil company I see we’re having problems with the well no phones with a well known
standard pump at all to
get the gas when often cause the generator not not pick up signal off that’s all
the next item in here is the county budget commission. If you recall this was going back I think last year sometime where they were looking at the alternative form of formula for calculating how we get our funds for each Township and municipality. So that’s good for the next 10 years and this is just confirmation
next two items I have are the septic permit renewals and there’s a check in the bundle tonight for these bugs.
If there’s anything we have to correct on here can I put one in yours but I must live Chuck do we have to correct anything for the septic permit? Or as long as it’s good we just signed this
I’ve never they typically would just sign it and send it back. Sometimes they come out in tears sometimes they don’t give into my embrace a couple of times other times they just want their fees
okay so we want to call him or I guess as long as if we’re good with that
scene share your name date
I’m sorry, bro. I’m wondering the consequence now from ocean
coffee I was told that
was for the garage.
think that was it I printed up for men t 0152. Cemetery just in case but you don’t think that because I have just been working your job. Good job is my job. Okay. See? Ya.
Okay. On March 10 i Mr. Weaver aisle when we were on one or 234 Bancroft sides of agricultural exemption for for new barn. And also on the chance, Mr. Nick menino of 10441 nolton came in and he signed an agricultural exemption form for a barn. And on March 13, I issued the zoning permit to Michael Coblenz 11790 Prentice road to rebuild the house that was damaged by fire that morning. And today I visited Mr. Question mile around 12319 Parkland road, you signed this agricultural exemption form for the Barney’s building. And also I met with Mr. Jonathan Jonathan Troyer, 12083, Fenstermaker. And he signed an agricultural exemption exemption form for his farm. And that’s what I have.
And we haven’t heard anything else about place on you and I talked about silica sand and cleaning up that mess. He said somebody called the attorney, your attorney has responded,
yes, I saw them in Walmart. And I told them that about the the sheriff’s department helping with the cleanup on either the second or the third of April. And they knew nothing about it. They said that they’ve been trying to contact their attorney. And he doesn’t answer their calls. But the meantime, she says something about her son was going to get a backhaul cleaning up. I haven’t been down there to look at it, though. So you know, I’ll ride down there tomorrow, and I’ll see if they’ve done anything. And maybe they won’t need for
pretty soon because they’ve got other bookings against me. I’ll call.
Did you mention anything to him about the cleanup? No allege to pick up the litter on the alleged road?
No, but I Tane right. is the same. Yeah. Don Tawny. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I’ve got his number. Oh, calling about dual edge. Okay. I didn’t think about that.
I did speak with Brett Ben’s last Friday, regarding coastal property. And he did let me know that he has not heard from their attorney. Okay, so that would make sense that I can call Brett and find out.
I’ll talk to him again. Maybe and I don’t know as attorneys name or number. Otherwise, I call the guy myself. But I’ll talk to Brett tomorrow then. And you know, let’s say that he lets the casters know that. They need their help or not. I don’t
I also I did talk to him about a period through five.
Yes, please. Yes. Yeah.
So you know, Mr. White, why is plain white. They still proceed to itself. The neighbors and I’m happy. Yeah, that’s what I told him. He says he’ll look. Okay, because nothing’s been filed or has been filed. He’s got to redo something. You’re in contempt apparently right now. They’re ignoring everything so. Okay, but he didn’t say he was gonna step it up. Every request
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 24:27
Did you hear anything from the land bank?
Oh, got the jobs. He’s putting the bid in the paper this week. He told me
Yeah, I was supposed to be in today on the record courier. I didn’t see as soon as he said he gets a copy. He’s gonna email it to me, Jackie and whoever. Because he’s still pulling stuff out. Great. Yeah. Getting rid of our craft.
apologize for taking so long and dragging his feet or whatever. Yeah,
we’ve had. We’re D and there’s an organic BNC and whatever so we’re kind of down the line here but they’re really close they’re supposed to be invitation for bids in the paper this week and then once that happens I get the okay or whatever from him and then put a stop to the environment so that whoever’s bidding is the same whatever stopped a bid or demolition that should happen within the next week I’m hoping that he said yep, so the fundamental plan in place today is how southern Canada was first phase on second phase will be the West but they don’t know if there’s funds for that yet.
It will know later apparently
many questions for decking Thank you Jamie had a chance to read the Pixi Park report. Anything else Sandy
was somebody called me about using the ball field and I referred him to Sandy girls softball league the guy was gonna get out because Nelson so I don’t I haven’t talked to her since then see what revealed they are looking at a book this summer certain days let’s see what the schedule is. They haven’t talked to Sandy and she’ll let you know
and have questions for Sandy
Chuck Liddell for The Rubin Report No, I think I got it right right now. Pritchard Hill ditch more concrete that concrete and rebar take it a little heavier at 60 yards $11,100 concrete rebars The only thing different on that side would be we got trucks culvert that goes into the woods there we probably have to just form up to headwalls to attach that culvert pipe
did anything you have to contact him regarding
yeah I’ll play no we’re doing that and see to see what that goes on. If I can get over it
we want to proceed with Richard I think
I hit that early on them before things get crazy on summer that apparently still too wet now I’m sure things are
gonna happen above freezing so I get that concrete yeah so what you’re really set up definitely shoot for the stars
sometime in the next month you
want to tap out
sometime in April
or make a motion to
put the motion on the table that we proceed with pictures don’t put in that kind of cream outside
so you have 11 one do you want to not to exceed number
five I feared kind of heavy like I always do but
figure 12 Have you downloaded them quicker 13
cases or push or increase concrete
when these given us work the whole deal with us like $10 off ER or whatever but that was
when I took state 13 And I was at work you go to that
chair okay Mr. coordinator Yes, Mr. Leonard yep, this has been hell yes. Thank you
noisy I got back braces for chip and seal is our oil went up 11 cents a gallon. For this year, that’s those numbers I have this for far as I know. So you’re back from arms trucking.
No chance of getting any programmings
I guess apparently Trumbull County has allowed it over there to try and get that job. Hi, we got to come screen and I got 150 A ton of limestone sitting out right which could be mixed in if we did it right.
That’s one reason I’m asking you I don’t know anything about drones right now. Okay,
there I do know that the state’s mandatory to put more back into their new asphalt that they’re going to be a little hard to come down and reclaiming work there. Right now far as Chip and seal goes, I got them seven and a half mile of road if you want to know the roads. Please Fenstermaker Hobart Reynolds now with Reynolds, talk with the partner, pay for half the materials on that and give us a hand all Pritchard all Kyle, and then I didn’t have Kennedy ledger on there but I was looking at it there’s a lot of Spalding started to crack up. Even though that was two years ago when we did that. I like to do as in like from Clarks up to the hill and said that was 67 sides of the house a little bigger and then go back over number eights.
That’s where he did some more related to was.
We did it every time. It’s getting a little bit further.
You said a double on Kennedy. Let’s
chuck Yeah, portion of it
is far better from years ago. The whole thing comes about seven and a half mile, which is about what we normally do in here. And so when you hear back from Marzin is asphalt suit asphalt processes. Then the only other thing I got is regarding the cemeteries in history.
Deputy Murray
cave never showed up tonight. But I’d like to talk about that.
Absolutely. Well. I was elaborating on that if you want.
So we did our cemetery cleanup after the new rules. He was pretty upset come down.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 32:09
You cleaned him up what month
November, one month after the ad was in the papers. Okay.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 32:16
He just came down now. If you haven’t seen the first November, till, like,
I know, weeks ago,
never seen him before we go down and what day
was that? He came out. Remember it was a Tuesday? No, whatever day it was.
Anyhow. So what what do we do from here on out if people put new things up, plant more trees?
Well, as I can elaborate a little bit. I got a call from Chuck saying where are you? And I told him he says can you get here immediately. I’ll be right there. So I get up to the Pixi Park building. There was this guy standing there Chuck’s there. Tyler Perry’s up above filming this guy’s rapping Raven scream and FM, this F net and epanet about cutting trees down in his dad’s pot in the cemetery and a loser plan and quite a long family brother base is about yay big and they were expanding upon other cemetery plots start with two and say he didn’t want to hear anything. Chuck gave him the cemetery rules. He just swept them up, throw them away. And maybe had a gun, but his wife made him leave it in the car, right? And so I get in there and he started telling me about it. And I said just settle down, knock it off and whatever. So he finally What’s your name? He told me was what came and he says, What’s your phone number? Well, I don’t know if I don’t know your phone number. Well, my wife’s number so we went out to the truck and well kind of followed me out there and told the guys we got a problem come the trustees meeting. And we’ll sorted out I’ll be there a lot. Apparently before he went to you guys. He stopped at the county guys Correct? Thinking they were our guys and start raising hell with them about he has a gun and he’s gonna kick some ass and whatever it goes on, so on so forth. Prior to that he was at the funeral home. Right? Correct. He raised held the funeral home and unfortunately gave him Chuck’s phone number and they had to get him out of it because they had a thing going on and he’s disturbing and this this guy was just a lunatic. Well, long story short. He left finally says he says gonna be at this meeting. I got to thinking about this. I said when somebody comes busting into township property like that and raises hell threatens our guys says he has a gun. Yeah, I’m gonna call the Sheriff’s Department. Hell yes. So I made a call down there. One of the deputies took my statement. He called that guy And in turn, he calls you chuck back saying something called the Shefali. Yeah, of course, we’re going to call a share a finding of something or just get a recording of this thing. So in doing so when I made calls of the sheriff’s department and decided we needed to hire a deputy for the evening, we got to be Murray back there. Thank you very much for being here. We didn’t know what to expect, the guy is going to come in here with a gun, and he’s going to bring the claim on them from what I’m told by a road guys, these are bad people over in Windham and to be trusted in or whatever. So being on the safe side. That’s why we have a deputy here. And that’s why we passed a resolution and sometime down the road, we have another obligation. Yeah, we’ll get a deputy up here. That is for safety, safety and safety.
Am I leaving anything out?
What do we do from here on I just want to know what to do from here on out yeah, when somebody the racks or plants or whatever, because if I had a phone number for him, which I do with anybody who I knew and had a contact or some people went out and gathered the stuff up, but you don’t have contact with these people that you go out there and plant stuff?
Yeah. Well, he questioned me about my family. And I know my family is in a cemetery over in Medina County, and there’s rules regulations in the cemetery that we have to follow. He made a perfect wheelchair. He didn’t give a rat’s ass about rules currently applies here. But he also got into them from what I’m understanding. So I have not seen my road guide or road guys that concerned about something before. So I thought it was in everybody’s best interest that we get her stuff law enforcement.
Makes sense. So that’s just trying to do their jobs. And that’s yeah, however, what we’re gonna do is to make sure that everything proceeds from timely and safe man. And one of the things to consider too, is how many of those great sites now there’s, there’s none of us until they’re 23 or whatever, even around at the time for some of those
burials. And they’ll there’ll be more to come soon, Memorial Day gets closer because again, the people from out of state are only combined once a year and they cracked the gravesites up
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 37:12
we do have the new sign up.
Okay, well, I took pictures of the gravesite ETS claim when they trashed it and I was like no you didn’t they just got rid of the trees that shouldn’t have been there in the first place. But you couldn’t reason with this guy and he was belligerent as hell. So
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 37:30
you know, I guess the old side had no trees or shrubs Yeah,
well again follow him there. Well, this has been planted quite a few years ago there pine trees of sorts Windsor’s
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 37:42
after by a year now some type of
Bush controverse tree
So anyhow, that’s kind of why things are over they are where I was concerned about we were concerned about
public safety, safety for employees never like anything else we should consider the township garage security cameras
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 38:16
to keep the doors locked we have
well as Terry mentioned about keeping that door locked by their pronoun just be it Yeah, why not? Because of this screw up on the size of command and you know, whatever I mean, in today’s day and age, you have no idea what’s gonna happen and so on. And
so when things show up brickstone Baulch
back out again Yep. Follow the rules him
follow the rules.
Is there anything they would do that for some people who just would normally would come in and grab sit down and read the sign if there was some another individual note or a notice or sticker or card the perhaps I’m gonna
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 38:57
come back out until next year
and that’s it I understand that maybe it maybe it blows away it gets Phaeton who knows what but I’m just trying to look at it from all sides
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 39:06
it may make make the portraiture now so yes, I rarely get to write interesting things. So you’re gonna cover this
doesn’t make sense to have a sign as you please see the updated or maybe I don’t know where I haven’t been in a cemetery. Thank God. But, you know, it doesn’t make sense to have a sign is because since there has been a change in less than a year, right, October, please see the updated signage. Notice. With that, would that help solve some of the questions?
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 39:57
Like new rules went into effect one For over 22
Exactly, probably is not a bad idea have something out there about that they’re going to read it anyway. But no,
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 40:06
they don’t, I can’t get UPS and FedEx is to find my drivers to put the patches on the back door but at least when I call and give some some crap, I get down with Dan and I got signs, you know, drums
or guitar sign is in a ways or all the loops. Where’s the light poles about the flag poles? I think maybe we should that’s a good idea like put it on both entrances put a sign at the end of this was
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 40:37
that we have rules. Cemetery rules went into those regulations
and the faculty’s
like three of new cemetery rules and regulations in effect as of October 31st 31st of 2022. And those
just notice the rules
and we’ve been pretty lenient
about all that until now. In effect
October 1
net 30/31 2020 to
22 new cemetery rules in effect October 31 2020.
Put something on there please see updated rules and you know, new rules are posted rules on flight just so they know where to go to look at Yeah, new rules are on life
and it was advertised in the paper and we did do our due diligence with that thank you Kevin. The Rain Man
seriously when people can read
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 41:58
or people come here they read the paper
thanks so much sort of a sign it’s kind of like a real estate type sign the Frameline plunk in the ground
was just put close attachment that will allow us to be put one of those up somebody to take that first person either the
fence or pull up
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 42:25
signpost or something
that they post in the ground and do it that way.
Do you want to mess on your like a printed printed
metal Simon’s Ville last town
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 42:35
now whoever prints up or signs
or makes their sign so these are going to be up for a while? Yeah, okay. Yep, they will stay up.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 42:44
Speaking of signs or Pixley Park sign they’re down there along the road. The front of the has that plywood
right. Take care. Okay, that was our permit sign every time I took it down or build something else. I don’t think we’re gonna be
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 42:59
filling anything for a while. Looks kind of wore out and ugly. I noticed that the other day
so I will post I gotta believe they’re gonna get back to us soon on that website for the backup. So I can put that on the webpage too. So the main here one of the breaks and a couple of weeks of probably a good time. I’ll put a copy of the cemetery rules on there. I do have moved on to Brett for any legal guidance as far as what we should or should not put on our
call signs.
Green and White. I guess something knows more than green and white greenways don’t lend out too much. Do the orange thing I can get out here and get their attention on something. Maybe it was black or white with a good
red light red line perhaps
something that’s a little more bold with regard
to different breaks that don’t mean again noticeable.
White backing red letters from red backing, white letters,
black and white letters with a red notice on top
three colors Crossmark
get your Crayolas out there.
Red sign with white lettering does tend to get notice in my opinion. I don’t know how anyone else feels about it. But again, something that breaks it up. If you’re seeing try not to be disruptive of someone coming in but we do want you to notice this or pay attention to it. And I’m up for opinions.
Be fun something like that. There’s just there’s got to be a noticeable
aside from a flashing light on it. Those stolen glasses Have an employee working in oil and gas. Any other questions for?
Me about solar? Yes.
Now need over Yeah, but even so it’s been a week maybe, but I would hope is the craziest brother. Thank you.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 45:40
Yes, I did contact Joseph Wagner at the building department. Sam and I went down there. The next day after our last meeting, it was very informative. He wanted to come out and look at the bathrooms, which he did today. Okay, you met with us today. It seems the old buildings or like I wouldn’t say grandfathered in, but they’re permitted permitted. That’s how they were built. And we don’t really have to upgrade them if we don’t want to. But he suggested that we do get an ADEA assessment. And that’s Americans Disability Act where they come in, and they’ll access the bathrooms as a whole. He did have some suggestions. The first one, we can replace the toilets, and add the grab bars. He’s checking with Randy Roberts is on vacation, but he doesn’t think it would take a permit to do that. And they’d have a grab bar that pulls down from the wall for the side, grab bar, and you need one on the back wall. Plus you need the higher toilet. The men’s restroom is you could do the same thing. But when you replace the toilet, the toilet lever is on the wrong side, I didn’t know there was a certain side, you’d have to put the lever on. And he said the urinal was too high. I didn’t know there was a size. I mean, there’s a whole gamut of legalities, how you put that on, and that the assessment is the ones that they’ll come in and tell you what has to be the right way. The doors are all too small, every door to get in. And even if we wanted to pass ADA, the hot water tank is in the wrong spot. Because a wheelchair cannot get in without hitting the water tank. It was it was a whole gamut. But he did tell us there was grant money through regional planning. The grant writer will write a grant. And they would that’s why you need the assessment of what you want to do. Plus, if you get the also with the grant, you get the cotton the architect comes in and you know lays out the plan. He was looking at the walls in there, it would like take out the coat you would have to take out that closet, they would probably remove the middle wall replaced the plumbing, the electric it will be really conform the whole bathroom kind because the grant we wouldn’t have to pay back and the things with ADA, when you apply for these grants, more than likely we will get it because it’s ADA they want to try to bring it up to APA code. So I don’t know, Mike, if you want to check
observatory feeds. Yeah,
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 49:02
that’s but in the meantime, I would suggest we replaced the toilets and the higher ones and put in the grab bars to please because it’ll take a couple years a year or two to remodels of bathrooms ADA if you guys want to go that route,
because one of the questions is access. I mean, are we able to open it up big enough to get I’m assuming it’s at least a 36 inch
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 49:32
36 thing? Well, she said at least a 32 inch door but you have to allow for the doors swinging in that way. Even the handlebars going up the doorknobs are illegal. They’re not ADA. You have to have the lever ones to go into the bathroom. He was very informative, very nice. He said he’ll work with us on that if you wanted to go with the remodeling. He will get back to Meet up with Randy Roberts. If we do need a permit for the grab bars, which he didn’t think there would, I looked online, there was a couple like 140 bucks for the ones that come down, and maybe 20 $30 For the one behind the toilets. Let’s see, oh, and the signage is wrong. You can’t have gentlemen. And women. You need the placards that are coded just like at Pixley Park, for blind people in this says women and men are in under the sakes in their their illegal they have to have the insulation, which is another thing that is they have to be covered up to surface so people don’t get hurt from hot water. It’s a lot.
I mean, how long does it take for them to
come out and do an ADA assessment? You would
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 51:01
have to hire somebody to get them out here? Should
we not touch anything until it’s done?
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 51:11
He Well, it’ll be up to you. I mean,
maybe once or once they assess it, and you can make the improvements you suggest, but we want to let them see it as it is. Now while they do their assessment.
It’s been this way for how many years? Gone? Untouched? Yeah,
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 51:28
I think it’s very minimal. To replace the toilets in the grand bars. No, I’m
not saying don’t do it. Just don’t do it until you get the assessment.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 51:40
Okay, what if it takes a couple months to get this? That’s what I’m asking? I don’t know. That’s a good question. You would have to, you know, look who would do the assessment, either an architect or they would give you someone that is in that field.
You’ve waited 100 years plus a couple more months.
We’ve had what two complaints over 100 years or something like that. Maybe
it was the gentleman Joseph who just a fun. Nada. Personally from afar, I would recommend
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 52:13
Yeah, we really can’t. Because he is accounting for conflict. You know, he can’t which animal? Yeah, they are there will be a fee for this. This ADA it’s, you know, it’s not free. It’s their time to come out. And look, he looked at our handicap parking, which was great. The ramp the door, you know, there is automatic doors that we don’t have that you press the button and they open automatically. That may come out in the ADEA report like you said, Kevin, they’ll really go fine tooth into
these doors are put in with a certain poundage that wasn’t agreed with our regulations rules that there’s such they were they were then in the regs of the poundage for someone Don’t open that door it’s handicap but we have these put in here
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 53:04
no I need someone on the outside getting in can’t open that door
I’m saying but that was approved by them rigid long time ago we did all this when we did the ramps and these were approved for the poundage that someone would pull the door open. So I don’t know maybe that’s changed. But yeah, the automatic would be nice however. Well anyway, so you want to follow through on that though, see if you can find the
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 53:28
APA. So I think it’s very informative. Very nice. He probably will be the next building inspector and Randy retires for the second time. Well that was Andy Roberts is on vacation he’s a executive there their boats you’ll be taken Randy’s top spot so you want to do the ADA assessment first get a price
like a logical move that routes presented
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 54:16
as it’s been that I liked the idea of getting the grant deeds done and if we don’t have to pay for it now being he was looking because this is the little bearing wall here that was all on the outside added on because there’s no second floor above the bathrooms and you know there’s we would have to get rid of that little closet in there. Maybe open it up more in so many square feet you need or they do get it and that will come down to the architect trying to fit everything in to ADA regulations. The door will be opened up I don’t know what we’ll do with the hot water tank. They can get an instant hot water Take, I don’t know,
you don’t have to have separate ones, right
you can have, you could probably just have one room with a locked door.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 55:08
For one for a
bathroom. You don’t have to have to. Someplace, I would imagine you can laminate one thing. You only need one toilet. A fan of that. You know, there’s room there, I guess what I’m saying? Yeah, but
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 55:24
when you get a lot of people here, it’s especially when they have big dinners. Having one bathroom. I wouldn’t have one bathroom in my house, I’m sorry. Bathroom I would think would be nice to have two shirts, you know, it could be two boards going in this way want men’s and women’s? Totally different layout.
Next, starting with nada, so that’s step one.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 55:59
And getting that grant was excellent. Because you’re talking to a lot of money. A lot of money if they have to go digging up the floor for piping, electrical, plumbing, and all that other. Yeah.
Please put me place that for.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 56:20
And I don’t know how the water feeds into that. Is it overhead or water? Ground? Great. So the ground under I had that
old for up to about a year ago. Only look at the floor.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 56:36
Okay, contact Joe tomorrow and tell me when to go with the assessment go from there
pretty much covered when I had further conversations. Dan Burgandy, again, was supposed to get over the last couple of days. Air down was over here
pretty much forgot to cover talked about earlier.
I did contacts roadbeds as well. For that access road. The game there’s an area between Hopkins road and the brochures just off of Pearson. And he thought it was a good idea. made some suggestions to contact the homeowner. And also suggested that we trustees may want to put some sort of a time limit on what this easement is essentially what we’re going to be asking for, along with the installation of today’s issue is that there’s a section of Pierce road that can flood out and the veterans living in between Hopkins and roaches just just just happens that want to clean to rotate over two rounds.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 58:17
What is on piers?
It’s on piers. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
So just the people are excited. It was like 11 houses that are stuck. So it’s between oh, what between hot between? Yeah, okay. Correct. Yeah, yeah, right, exactly. We’re just creating their names to the west fraction of what’s happens continues on further down here. So he recommended that we would think about how long of a term we would like to put on at least the same year, do you think that’d be reasonable and then redo it? Every 10, something like that. He said, most likely, the homeowner will want some kind of understanding. And he said he may want something something here. So instead of just as a starting point, as a tangent would pay for all the materials and installation of these gates, and go forward from there. So if you’re would like to pursue that we’ll be happy to contact the homeowner in some general ideas contact reference and can lay something out. So this is what we’re considering and get his input on that. Any thoughts or suggestions I’ve taught?
In fader before?
Yes, it will just be unmuted in case of an absolute emergency evacuation that sort of thing. Because they really can be cut off the only crop to go from that time.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 59:49
Kind of to type up something for it.
You’re going to do something like that. So like, continue to proceed and think of tenure has been make sense.
No, Sir road base there now chuck you got the railroad track
that comes out and there was a mobile home up there that had driveway that went all the way up to that river. Back on the net right we’ll probably come off appears on the driveway that’s there up to the railroad bed and in the back out into gallons appears to get around that one Flint spot. And then you have access to those homes with others.
So I guess the question is, if an emergency vehicle does use it in destroys the property that we take care of that and number two, is there anything we can do to prep to make it to where when to do pointer, they don’t damage anything?
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 1:00:46
How good is a driveway?
Or a dog Trump’s on it? You know, all the all the dirt? I mean, if they run off the driveway a little bit, get a fire truck or something through there idle. Yeah, we can fix it up. It’s just a horse pasture right now.
But including that agreement would make sense, right? Well, we have responsible for a horse pasture
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 1:01:07
is that fenced in? So we’re putting up a fence to keep his horses in?
Or we’re doing is putting gates on his fence
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 1:01:16
on his fence. Okay, yeah.
I used to drive that fact. I saw a horse trailer on the train tracks.
Well, when Pierce road was in Congress. So little trailer guy or whoever was here. We lived there and pierce road was out. We did that loop all the time.
It’s going to wouldn’t have to be locked. Yes, yes. So the firewall needs that we have a key in the fire department that Demo Jam key for Canary. And that’s enough.
All right, I’ll contact revenue and get something together to get this get things rolling along
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 1:01:56
township we’ll make
a note in your notes as much as the Amish like to move around. That would almost be like a mineral right that would go with the property so if he was to sell out, which they do, which they like to build to sell all the time that would that would go with your owner
with the property and think renewable every 10 years that there’s such a thing or is that
yeah, request salary you can put in another whether they agree to it I
think I would be concerned about somebody leaving the gate open accidentally and animals get out and cause an accident. If there’s three keys then
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 1:02:43
you know what the homeowner isn’t home horses they’re in that pasture and an ambulance asked to go in opens the gate and a horse gets out? Is that what you were talking about?
Anyway, somebody leaves the gate open to the pasture and then that horse goes and somebody gets it no questions
just to my wife’s grandmother he had a property with no cell tower and so on something else in the back what they did so the data and FM are way and the same key is they took individual locks and the locks going against the lock so you know Fire Department have their own key and their own bug you know, because they these locked against blockchain. So then this way, you know what to say if we know
the fire department has locks pearly gates on the Turnpike, and they’ve got locks from other properties too. And they’ve been very, very good about you have to be very
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 1:03:52
secure. just worried about animals. Of course, until somebody right
I don’t know how many ads, but that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t have more in the future. Okay, all right. All good questions for follow up with them. Let’s see what else Oh, we did the regional planning meeting. And it was at this past week to speak with a trustee from Taylorsville who mentioned moratoriums, which Nelson township has put into place essentially receiving them to put into place for solar and wind as a temporary moratorium. He made mention that this actually needs to be filed with the county commissioner’s office. My grandma might have had a chance to follow up with any of that or
been traveling but the rest of this week and next week. Stationary so going on trying to dig into that and read the House bill if anyone’s gone. But yeah, I’ll find out how we actually do
it. There’s no no one else seemed to know what was going on. But just they’re being proactive.
Do you got an email on that? That might? Yeah. Okay.
So what they figured out
when we needed anything, let me know please. Alright, super I only have a moment also scanned in a lot of a collection of cards and images I have from historical Nelson, Ohio for the website so I can verify that. I started in day two with honor, it’s okay, you can pick and choose pretty interesting
I did a collective for years. But actually hadn’t thought of that. I don’t know whether legally if there’s any of that, that makes a difference if it’s like it’s 100 year rule.
That’s why I was asking Brett for some of those rules but I was noticing some of those addresses and add on there I doubt that those people were
just initially interested in some fun things to read and see as the website develops, fingers crossed.
So those are your personal
yes personal one. I do stuff like that.
preserve it. Okay. Yes. I redid the plan and a bit of a lot prettier looking. I moved away from the enclosed like prefill on it, I’m gonna try to make out a lot cheaper. And so I was going to make a bigger roof. weatherproof
five and a half feet across, okay, that’s
my 24
Listen to us I got rid of a lot of useless babies silly very valuable
so what is your schedule looking like though? Like the deadline? Well, or you’re still gotta get your material costs.
I got the material costs kind of estimated. Okay, and if everything goes well that day, and I shouldn’t be council approval tomorrow, and then I can start to call on people about getting some stuff
here that require a seven proximate cause Are you going to get your materials from building materials?
Well, I got a list of smaller construction companies and I was going to call them to see if they had any leftover pieces.
You might
try Millennials kowski at Carter lumber here’s my name please tell him see if you can randomly without worrying and calling up the money because a cardinal number here put it on your paper here whatever cardinal number it’s up on 87 Just between Verdun and Middlefield
if we allow him if we he just gives us a list now anyway buy it under the townships accountants tax free so Okay, they’ll save some money on your
costs. Yeah, true true.
Studies famous Lenny Burke’s cut ski.
Is a manager up there and we have an account at Menards to do that’s a heck of a license.
So this is a heck of a guide that’s kind of neat. So your next step is to get your BF see what you can get together. Your completion date proximately.
Deadline as we talked about anything, I put it down on May 20.
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 1:09:03
How are you going to raise the money?
Money primarily by donations? Because we’ve tried fundraising before and it’s not very the most good.
I’ll tell you what we’ve done in the past they raised what they can township covers the balance, but we’ve always
wondered variable we didn’t have time but does have an account of minorities who are tax free, tax exempt. Excuse me.
Video biomaterials. Like Kevin said buy on through us. There’s no tax
like, are you able to sign this part? Sure. What are we signing?
It is saying I shouldn’t do the things we approve of the general plants. And if you want to see the instructions for beneficiaries in the front, just check.
Okay, so I’m going to try both of these now
just left
them I’m putting this is single sided correct Yeah.
Yeah just spacing out Yeah. Today is 353
Are you are sir Thank you.
If you could print a copy of that for me I
appreciate it. Credit card
Thank you
that’ll open the floor for questions comments how many sides you get
cemetery too wide
range so yeah yeah one frame
for total
parking that’s a little driveways so they come into the wrong way the right hand over your left hand are due for that.
Do you want me to get a price and get back with here just give me just
Anna Mae VanDerHoeven 1:11:01
a bullet give them something I got well
there’s a forum saying you approve of me raising money
thanks very much
getting back to the cameras if you’d like we’ll revisit the other round numbers because it was one of the issues we had with cameras was not fast enough internet speed. So we need to try and bring some of that down maybe as this continues to roll out the new I don’t want to call them carriers and services
yeah there’s some checking on some photogallery now as always see something I’ve got a guy friend of mine is working on for me to put pillows in the gallery as well. And it’s pending on internet speed the line is too bad over there. It’s not great but it’s enough these cameras are handling it
the cameras was the biggest one is the cameras in real time and then there’ll be days of recording which will have to implement a policy Yeah, at that point.
We maintain records of every production somebody potentially I’d like to see one on the outside the back door when he went inside and that’d be a bad idea
through legality of for having a camera inside. I don’t know
I don’t think so. I just think it’s a matter of going forward where we have to maintain
you don’t have to have internet for cameras
right? No trail cam on the one you’re gonna be this one loves right into the
show the one that
will they have a TV just basically DVR just that you just put it aside and the office knows all route to it and you just record it there. Okay, it doesn’t have to you can’t access it remotely, but it’s not what you’re after.
I mean, it’s a bit around a few 100 bucks and
it makes sense. But questions, comments. So, motion to adjourn for those ones
else that was a motion.
I’ll point out a second.
kms por que lo Yes. Thanks got it.