Documented by Max Swartout on Aug. 4, 2022.
Mantua Township Trustees Meeting
Regular Meeting
Thursday, August 4, 2022
7:00 PM
Mantua Township Town Hall
4122 ST RT 82
Mantua, Ohio 44255
You can listen to an audio recording of this meeting here.
In Attendance
Brett Bencze, Attorney, Civil Division, Portage County Prosecutor’s Office
Tim Bennett, Township Custodian
Matthew Benner, Vice-Chairman
John Festa, Chairman
Robyn Gano, Cemetery Sexton
Mark Hall
Ashlee Hawkins, Assistant Fiscal Officer
Frank Horack
Terry Hronek
Susan Lilley, Trustee
Jan Oros
Carole Pollard
Documenter Summary
Immediately after opening its regular meeting, the Mantua Township Board of Trustees entered executive session at 7:02 p.m. with Assistant Prosecutor Brett Bencze on the subject of pending or imminent court action. Later in the meeting, it was revealed that the session was regarding a resolution to accept a bid with Specialized Construction for chip-and-seal road work which was passed on July 12, 2022. The Portage County Prosecutor’s Office and Engineer’s Office both recommended that the township retract the resolution accepting the bid from Specialized Construction and instead pass a resolution to accept the bid from Ronyak Paving. The board unanimously voted to retract the resolution from July 12. However, only Vice-Chairman Benner and Trustee Lilley voted to accept the bid from Ronyak, with Chairman Festa voting no. Ronyak Paving bid the lowest on the project, but there was concern as to whether the company was the best bid due to complaints regarding its work by unnamed parties. This ultimately led the board to initially accept the bid from Specialized Construction instead. However, because Ohio Revised Code requires that the lowest and best bid be accepted, and considering the township had no evidence to support Ronyak was not the best bid, it was recommended by the county that the board accept the bid by Ronyak Paving.
The Mantua Township Zoning Commission thanked the Board of Trustees for passing a resolution to hire Naylor Wellman LLC to assist with expanding the town’s historic district. The next commission meeting will be on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022.
The Mantua Restoration Society will host its next luncheon from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022.
Carole Pollard said that the Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber of Commerce has not met in almost two years. She indicated there is a growing organization of small business owners in Mantua. While labeling it hearsay, Pollard indicated that the idea of an independent Village of Mantua Chamber of Commerce has been mentioned.
The Mantua Township Board of Trustees will change its meeting schedule from September 2022 through February 2023 to just one meeting on the first Thursday of each month. The second meeting will resume in March. A special meeting will be scheduled as needed.
Chairman Festa introduced Robyn Gano, who will serve as the new cemetery sexton for the township. Gano proposed to the board limiting the options of headstone bases to two sizes. She explained that this would be better for maintaining the grounds and would be simpler. She also said she believes it would look better. Gano hopes to digitalize the cemetery records. Chairman Festa shared that former Cemetery Sexton Jim Aldrich is having surgery soon. Festa said Aldrich has been with the township for many years and that he will be missed “dearly.”
Vice-Chairman Benner shared that the sewer feasibility study has been going very well. He and others met earlier in the day with a consulting group [inaudible 00:27:54], a grant writer and an engineer. The group looked at multiple township buildings that it hopes to tie into the sewer system. The township is working on the water for the buildings as well. The township hopes to use funds from the American Rescue Plan and seek money from county, state and even federal funds. Benner shared that Jennifer Brown will be in contact with Portage County regarding the project.
Chairman Festa said the board is looking at a levy for the school building. When this was mentioned, Chairman Festa did not indicate what the levy would be for exactly. However, based on discussion later in the meeting, this documenter infers that it is for renovations. During the public comment portion of the meeting, Jan Oros asked for the reasoning behind having millions of dollars worth of renovations done with Mantua Center School, when the consultants said safety issues could be addressed and the historicity could be maintained at a far less cost. She said the high-cost renovations go beyond what the community has asked for. She asked if the township is looking at the proposal that would be of minimal cost. Chairman Festa said that the board is waiting on “solid numbers” as to what the project would cost. He indicated that the minimal cost proposal is not in the board’s plan but did say that “anything is possible.” He mentioned the board’s duty to do what’s best for the township and its residents. He said that with the renovations, the community could use the space for decades.
The township is still in need of a secretary for the Board of Zoning Appeals.
There is also an open seat on the Zoning Commission.
Vice-Chairman Benner is in the process of trying to plan a fall clean-up with Kimble Recycling and Disposal, Inc. The hope is to have Kimble pick up items curbside at residents’ homes versus having a drop-off location.
Vice-Chairman Benner shared that the Mantua Shalersville Fire Department is worried about the new buildings being built within its jurisdiction. The concern is how the new commercial buildings could affect firefighter response should the department be called to the buildings while simultaneously called to situations in the Village of Mantua, Mantua Township or Shalersville Township. Vice-Chairman Benner pointed out that most townships do not have buildings like the ones set to be built. There is hope that the fire department could get additional money to keep the fire apparatus updated to handle the needs of the communities it serves.
Documenter Notes
After opening the regular meeting, Chairman John Festa informed those in attendance that the board would enter into executive session with attorney Brett Bencze of the Civil Division of the Portage County Prosecutor’s Office. The executive session started at 7:02 p.m. and the board returned at 7:25 p.m.; its subjecting was announced as pending or imminent court action.
There were no minutes from previous minutes for the board to approve because Fiscal Officer Julie Pemberton was absent. There was no report given from the fiscal office as well.
Zoning Commission
Jan Oros gave the report from the Zoning Commission. The commission met on Thursday, July 14, 2022, and will meet again on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022. Oros shared with the Board of Trustees that the commission’s discussion centered mostly on a proposal from Naylor Wellman LLC, which is a consulting company that will help the township through the process of expanding its historical district. The commission thanks the Board of Trustees for approving the proposal by resolution, and it would like to see the resulting action soon. The commission asked the board where it was in the process with the group that made the proposal. Chairman Festa indicated that everything was signed and “ready to go” with the township. Festa also noted that it was especially important to expand the district, with the possibility of a new roundabout being added nearby.
Mantua Restoration Society
Mark Hall shared that the society had its luncheon on Sunday, July 31, 2022, and that it went “really well.” The next one will be from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022.
Chamber of Commerce
Carole Pollard shared that it has been almost two years since the Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber of Commerce has met. At this time, there are not any major plans or projects. Pollard did share that the Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation (DMRC) has “managed to breathe life into the Village of Mantua one small business at a time.” She acknowledged that they “don’t all make it” but that another business follows. Pollard said there is a growing organization of small-business owners in Mantua. While labeling it hearsay, Pollard indicated that the idea of an independent Village of Mantua Chamber of Commerce has been mentioned. Trustee Susan Lilley asked about the rumor that sidewalks might be expanded for outdoor cafes. [This documenter is unsure of the location in question.] Pollard said she would ask about that. A grant was received [by an undisclosed organization; this documenter infers that it is the DMRC] for restoration of the storefronts on Main Street. She mentioned the hazard posed by the stairs near those storefronts.
New Business
John Festa, Chairman
Chairman Festa asked the other trustees to take a look at the “tree bids,” and shared that he would like the board to make a decision next week.
The board received a public records request [source of request is inaudible 00:13:32]. Chairman Festa said the request was not very specific, and that the party was informed that it needed to be more specific with its request. The party plans to submit a more specific request soon.
The board will change its schedule from September 2022 through February 2023 to just one meeting on the first Thursday of each month. The second meeting will resume in March. A special meeting will be scheduled as needed.
The township will be receiving garage doors, which it will install soon.
Chairman Festa introduced Robyn Gano, who will serve as the new cemetery sexton for the township.
Ms. Gano shared that for the month of July, burial fees totaled $1,845 and grave sales totaled $2,275 for a grand total of $4,120. Gano shared with the board her suggestion that the cemetery limit the size of headstone bases to two options: 60 x 24 for doubles and 42 x 24 for singles, which would allow for a headstone to be at maximum 48 x 12 and 30 x 12. She said this would be simpler for her and other workers, it would look nicer, and it would be better for mowing. Ms. Gano would like to utilize Microsoft Excel to digitalize the cemetery records.
Chairman Festa shared that former Cemetery Sexton Jim Aldrich is having surgery soon. Festa said Aldrich has been with the township for many years and that he would be missed “dearly.”
Susan Lilley, Trustee
Trustee Lilley asked those in attendance about the decorative tree being stored in the basement of the town hall. She wanted to know whose tree it is. The attendees were not sure. Lilley went on to explain that she would like to store all the decorations in one place instead of having them in different locations throughout the township buildings. Carole Pollard indicated that Dottie Summerlin would be the best person for Trustee Lilley to ask. Lilley said she would call her.
Township Custodian
Township Custodian Tim Bennett shared that there were nine rentals for the month of July. Currently for August, there are only two. Chairman Festa asked Bennett if he could move the decorations from the town hall to the civic center. Festa commended Tim Bennett on his work. He said everything is looking very nice and clean and that Bennett is doing a good job.
Vice-Chairman Matthew Benner informed Bennett that he would like to donate to the fire department any cleaning and sanitation products that the township does not use. Bennett said he could meet Benner to take a look at the products soon.
Matthew Benner, Vice-Chairman
Vice-Chairman Benner shared that the sewer feasibility study has been going very well. He and others met earlier in the day with a consulting group [inaudible 00:27:54], a grant writer and engineer. The group looked at multiple township buildings that it hopes to tie into the sewer. The township is also working on water for the buildings as well. The township hopes to use funds from the American Rescue Plan and seek money from county, state and even federal funds. Benner shared that Jennifer Brown will be in contact with Portage County regarding the project.
Benner also shared that an HVAC system will be cleaned. The location of the system was not mentioned. [Something inaudible 00:29:09] will be installed next Thursday.
Benner said he ordered locks for the gates and panel boxes for a generator. The locations of the gates, panel boxes and generator were not mentioned.
Old Business
John Festa, Chairman
Chairman Festa said the board is looking at a levy for the school building.
Festa shared that a company [00:31:28, maybe 3Phase] will be coming next week to do elevator tests and to address a violation from the state.
The township is still in need of a secretary for the Board of Zoning Appeals.
There is also an open seat for the Zoning Commission.
Susan Lilley, Trustee
Trustee Lilley shared that she talked to Chagrin River Watershed Partners (CRWP) earlier in the day. A [inaudible 00:32:48] sensor will be done after Aug. 31, 2022, because the grant funding the project will stop. CRWP wants the township to begin paying for the project. However, Trustee Lilley is unsure why the township would need the project to continue. She related the project with CRWP to data collection for a water study, which she indicated was almost done. She was curious how the township would benefit from continuing the project.
Matthew Benner, Vice-Chairman
Wright Heating and Cooling will be out on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, to install [inaudible 00:34:50] split at the annex, which will take care of the restrooms and hallway. The building of the service was not mentioned.
Outdoor lighting is moving forward on the civic center and town hall.
Benner reached out to Don Johnson of Kimble Recycling and Disposal, Inc. about a fall clean-up for the township but has not heard back.
The Mantua Shalersville Fire Department is receiving a new squad vehicle soon.
Benner shared that the department is worried about the new buildings being built within its jurisdiction. The concern is how the new commercial buildings could affect firefighter response should the department be called to the buildings while simultaneously called to situations in the Village of Mantua, Mantua Township or Shalersville Township. Vice-Chairman Benner pointed out that most townships do not have buildings like the ones being built. There is hope that the fire department could get money from a government to keep the fire apparatus updated to handle everything it needs to.
Benner explained that the board received three bids for chip-and-seal roadwork to be completed around the township. One of the bids was disqualified because it did not meet requirements by the Portage County Prosecutor’s Office. With the remaining two bids, the board passed a resolution on July 12, 2022, to accept the wrong bid. This was what the executive session was about with attorney Brett Bencze earlier in the meeting. Benner then made a motion to retract the resolution from July 12 per recommendations by the prosecutor’s office and engineer’s office, because the bid accepted was not the lowest and best who meets the requirements set forth by Ohio Revised Code 5575.02. The board unanimously voted to retract the resolution accepting the bid of Specialized Construction from Cleveland, Ohio, on July 12. Benner then made a motion to accept the other bid by Ronyak Paving. Only Benner and Lilley voted for the resolution to accept the bid from Ronyak Paving. Chairman Festa voted no on the resolution.
Public Comment
Jan Oros
Ms. Oros shared with the board that she wondered what the reasoning is behind having millions of dollars worth of renovations done with Mantua Center School when the consultants said safety issues could be addressed and the historicity could be maintained at a far less cost. She said the high-cost renovations go beyond what the community has asked for. Chairman Festa responded, “I want to say this as nicely as possible. We were elected to do what we feel is necessary for the township. We went through this before. We do have a process that we’re working with. We are waiting for some solid numbers of what it’s going to cost to redo the building. Our main concern is that we do not want to keep kicking a can down the road. We’re not going to be here all the time. Elections have consequences. If the community wants the buildings to be safe and usable, we have to make them usable.” Oros said that she accepts that explanation and followed up with a question of whether or not the township is looking at the proposal that would be of minimal cost. She also asked if only the assembly area of the building could be renovated versus the entire building. Chairman Festa noted that “anything is possible” but indicated that such an idea is not in the board’s plan. Festa posed the question of whether the community wants to bring the building up to 2023 and let the next 50 years of residents utilize it or leave it as is. Ms. Oros said that the building does not have to be brought up to 2023.
Mark Hall
Mr. Hall was curious if the sanitary project that Vice-Chairman Benner mentioned earlier in the meeting would also include disabling the existing septic systems of the buildings. Benner replied that the issue was being discussed.
Mr. Hall asked what went wrong with the process that led to the bid issue for the chip-and-seal project. He pointed out the issues raised about Ronyak Paving, arguing that it was not the best bidder, which initially led the board to accept the bid by Specialized Construction. Vice-Chairman Benner explained that the township has no evidence that would support the claim that Ronyak was not the best bidder. Because Ronyak bid the lowest for the project and considering the lack of such evidence, the Portage County Prosecutor’s Office and Engineer’s Office recommended the township go with Ronyak in accordance with Ohio Revised Code.
Frank Horack
Mr. Horack recommended that the board look into working with an unemployment agency to find someone to fill its open secretary position for the Board of Zoning Appeals.
The board voted to pay the bills.
The following transcript was generated by a transcription bot and is not 100% accurate. The Portager does not edit the AI-generated transcript. We understand the automatic transcript can be very inaccurate. An audio recording of the meeting is available here.
Mantua Township Trustees 8.4.2022
Thu, 8/4 11:38PM • 57:43
building, business, township, today, meeting, project, resolution, secretary, orange county, motion, cemetery, zoning commission, question, trustees, august, job, move, bid, week, septic system
Mark Hall, Jan Oros, John Festa, Susan Lilley, Tim Bennett, Ashlee Hawkins, Carole Pollard, Frank Horack, Robyn Gano, Matthew Benner
John Festa 00:55
Thank you for coming today today’s Support 2020 This is
Tim Bennett 01:03
our first
John Festa 01:05
trustee meeting. We are here to discuss township business. Anybody needs any reference for for documents we see as the score officer, which is Julie up we won’t be here today because she has some personal issues. They have a cell phone please silence it. We are recording today as always, we will upload our to upload our video on the website as soon as we can. That being said, Please everybody stand for the pledge. Mr. Better with the latest.
Mark Hall 01:42
Pledge. America, we’re going to just stands One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
John Festa 02:04
We are going to have to change our meeting a little bit today. We have a system for this kind of a prosecutor. Brett Betsy is here we have an executive session to go to right off the bat. We should be in session for probably about 20 minutes or so. So I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to start that off. And I apologize for the inconvenience anybody but we have to get this done. We can’t keep right here. So I’d like to make the sector session under Section 121 22. Public meetings exceptions. Paragraph G. section number three conference with an attorney for public body concerning disputes involving a public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court fashion. Yes, yes. Yes. Already possible it will be an executive session I make a motion to return to
Frank Horack 03:38
regular saying. Yes, yes.
John Festa 03:50
Yeah. Thanks for your patience, everybody. We did have that discussion. And we will probably make a decision and we’ll be talking about later in the session. So So that being said, we don’t have seven minutes today because Julius absence we won’t have a fiscal officer report obviously cemeteries new cemetery Sexton will be here
Mark Hall 04:23
shortly. And
John Festa 04:24
we’ll move on from that.
Matthew Benner 04:26
We’ll backtrack on
John Festa 04:27
that. Service Department providers and then so I know we have Zoning Commission. Secretary here, please make record.
Jan Oros 04:49
Position met on Thursday, July 14, and we’ll meet again next Thursday period, which is August 11. Here at the town hall. Our discussion centered mostly around the Naylor government proposal that we discussed last week. And the real and valid reasons for a robust Historic District commission. Thanks and congratulate the township trustees for approving that proposal by resolution and would like to see the resulting action taken. So it was very forward thinking and far reaching decision. And our question is, is that proposal signing? And have you given that to the voluntary dealer? Proceeding?
John Festa 05:44
As far as I know, yeah, we’ve got we’ve made our motion to accept their, their proposals, and we’re good to go. We’re happy to benefit if everybody wants to know what Ken was talking about. We have entered in an agreement with Naylor Wallman, to do two jobs, historic district work. We are expanding our historic district boundaries, and she’s going to help us through the process. This is the contract. So we are physical. And again, we we all felt that it was the right thing to do as well, especially with potential problems coming up away with a possible roundabout or something, something to that effect. So we are very concerned about our heritage, and we will keep up. Keep up the fight.
Jan Oros 06:42
Zoning Commission’s approach. It’s definitely necessary.
John Festa 06:49
Thanks. Did you make Did you make any decision on coming on board with the BC is Secretary? Ours our search continues. Thank you. Terry Nielsen is not here today. She will not be making any. Better we restoration society, Mark college here, if you would like to
Mark Hall 07:35
just reclaiming at our last luncheon for this past Sunday, went very well. Our next one will be coming out on the 28th of August for the 25th of August. And that will be controlled. And I did check that the members are really sad pictures that we have about the world. So sorry to help you out with that.
John Festa 08:06
We appreciate to try but I did. I did happen to gather some of the my archives. So we’ll try to we’ll try to mend that board up a little bit as much as we can get it a Friday, and we have to take it. And that’s all for this evening. Thanks. Carol, do you have anything on the rest of the chamber?
Carole Pollard 08:31
Chamber of Commerce has been pretty inactive the last thing that it did, as far as I can on forward view the information about it was sort of an open house grand opening in the village. And you know, I, I haven’t gotten any more details about what’s going on. So to do that,
John Festa 08:56
so the best you could do I know well, is there. Is there any like any long term plans on what
Carole Pollard 09:09
it was going to do, or? I don’t know, shaker has not met for almost two years. The last meeting was I think I think it was it was a stone’s throw business. And COVID had just started. And I the reason I remember some of this because I used to have a bad memory for when things happen. COVID had just started was all this business about no physical contact and one of the members is notorious for giving hugs and I didn’t know how to get out of it. Uh, so it was a memorable in that respect. So that was, you know, that was a long time ago. And you know, COVID really hamstrung a lot of things here, I’m sure what is going on local village DRC has managed to bring life into the village, you know, one small business at a time and they don’t all make it but somebody else comes in and they’re there there is a growing small organization of business owners. So, you know that’s right now there’s been some somebody said something to the effect of well probably there’s going to be a medical a chamber of commerce. But that’s that’s hearsay. Nothing’s we’re gonna expand the sandbox
Susan Lilley 10:59
and put outdoor cafes that I am for
Jan Oros 11:03
something that
Carole Pollard 11:05
they there’s DMRC me tomorrow. So I’ll ask about for sure. But they do have plans. So through for they got a grant. And it is for continuing to rejuvenate and rehab. The front’s name Main Street. I don’t know how they’re going to do it. But those steps have always been considered dangerous. And I’m not the most graceful person in the world. But young at the time, that was the that was apparently what she did to take care of me to have that set aside. So next meeting, I may have a little more information. Thanks for your
Matthew Benner 12:08
take care of it. It’s worth it because it’s nice to go drive down man. And we got to find a niche, the blanket is under something going in a great spot there. And then Saturday was farming the market again and all essentially bought off shop was doing well sub shop.
Carole Pollard 12:25
Yeah. Yeah. You know, the ice cream shop. So it doesn’t take years ago that like it was great. And the coffee shop has done an incredible job
Matthew Benner 12:40
reaction. If you started
Carole Pollard 12:44
to build it, they will come. So
John Festa 12:48
thank you. So still waiting? Seven. Okay, I’m just gonna go. So we don’t, we don’t make overnight. Talk about some new business. I would like everybody to make sure that they take a look at those treatments. And I’d like to make a decision that’s really small. Bring your paperwork with you. Appreciate it. We did get a public records request for attended Rob. See, they want everything under the sun. That very specific, we did have a conversation earlier for that as well as other issues, but he’s going to let us in on the one public record step. Apparently, of course, we can’t ask them why they want. You can’t. We can’t gotta be specific. You can’t ask for every decision made since 1812. So he’s working on that for a couple couple of meetings ago and I like to let everybody know to that. We’ve decided that we are going to go fall winter scheduled for trustee meetings. We are going to have the first meeting of the month on the first Thursday. And we are not going to have a second meeting in September, October, November, December, January, February. The reason is mostly that we’ve not been really having a long discussion, or second meeting and setup just to be Okay, just to do important business that comes before the regular meeting. But now that we’re getting into winter one, we’re going to talk about the snow, snow, snow, and more so, and I don’t think it’s beneficial, especially for our fiscal officer to make reports for a meeting that really discuss it, we go, we go an hour, and she spends a week
Susan Lilley 15:34
we need a special meeting,
John Festa 15:35
right. So I just want to let the public know that that’s going to be our agenda for the winter. And if there are any, there any any, of course, if there are any important issues that need to be taken care of, we certainly will have a special meeting and we’ll let the public will be the month of September, October, November, December. He asked me what the months,
Mark Hall 16:05
January and February is.
John Festa 16:15
We are going we are finally going to get our new garage doors put on the garage we bought from the Monroes, the cribs Old, old garage. Those will be coming in next week. And so we’ll start improving that section over there. Matt’s going to talk a little bit more about the sewer project that’s coming through and we’ll get to that in due time. What else do they get? I think that’s about all I had for new business. And I just wanted to let everybody know. Robin Hannah was our news. Cemetery Sexton she is now ordered. So if anybody needs to call our main number, and choose sex in a fortnight to Robin, so we don’t miss any. So we don’t miss any calls. So that being said, everybody, this is Rob again. Everybody. And if you would start off, I know Jim ended off July’s report with you want to make sense real quick. And then why don’t you asked us what you need to do to get get the ball.
Robyn Gano 17:49
Chip gave me this July report. I’m just going to read it. It says July 2022. Variable fees were $1,845. sale or Braves was 2275. And the total is 4120.
John Festa 18:14
To begin with you don’t have to stay
Robyn Gano 18:37
there. So I just have a suggestion for the foundations for the cemetery. The foundations are all different sizes. In Iraq, my suggestion is just to limit it to two sizes, they don’t make it simpler for the workers, they will have to make our own with different size frames. It’ll make the cemetery look nicer, I think. And also, the two base sizes that I have would be 6060 by 24. And the other one that would be for a double A double clap. And then the other one would be a 42 by 24 would be for a single and the stone would fit those sizes the stone would have to be a MAX SIZE of like 48 by 12 and then the other one by 12. But that would give six inches on all four sides. And also that would help them when the guys are mowing, it would be less you know hitting the stones hopefully because it will give you a nice little look and then it also will make my job easier. And so that’s just my suggestion to that Extra now that’s that’s really the only suggestion I have.
John Festa 20:06
I think I think that you were asking before about an Excel program or simply the access cemetery cemetery
software something that that
Susan Lilley 20:27
yeah that Excel just the program itself that happened to move all the all the books are just notes just like to move that on to your computer, kind of update everything. It would be much easier to have flashcards.
John Festa 20:44
Do you have? Do you have a computer? Did you get a computer from rich? Yes. Is it up to date? And if you need software, let me know we’ll get Mike to get that up and running. What do you think about Office? What about Microsoft? 365? Are you ready any questions for our new sets we should take a look at our rates. So we’re gonna we’ll take a peek I just want to also say that Chema just going in for surgery and my prayers are with him that everything turns out. Jim has been with us for many years. And we’re gonna miss him dearly. So find everybody to know that he is. He is due for some surgery and we hope everything turns out well. Now we’ll know what any questions so we’ll move on to new business.
Susan Lilley 22:05
Susan this is working out of homelessness. Oh downstairs here we have some decorations. Do we use them? There’s a tree. So we need to either go up usually okay. I don’t know whose tree it is. Usually during the holidays. The tree has been set up here. It seems to me. It’s probably the garden club or I’m not sure in the historical society I was never required that some of our other Christmas tree if he magically appeared. Decorated? Yeah. Well, we you know, and I don’t know what else
John Festa 23:03
we got. We got grew over
Susan Lilley 23:07
it the second request, store everything in one row. I don’t want everything scattered throughout all these bills, just getting columns and everything else. So you don’t know how to swim is now dying die. Someone would be the best person to ask I promise. That’s really,
John Festa 23:48
Tim. I apologize again. I don’t know why I keep skipping over. He finally said. Oh, I can’t see. Yeah. Sorry.
Matthew Benner 23:57
You have you have
Tim Bennett 23:58
a report. We had a busy month last month, but there was a time Reynolds last month and August. Right now we only have two. So it’s gonna be it looks like a slow month for August. Unless I didn’t get a call for the 13th. But they didn’t. It’s for a wedding reception and they’re waiting to see what the weather is going to do. So what I’ve done in the last minute before they call me on Thursday and stuff.
John Festa 24:28
Generally obviously it’s not to simply party’s indoors, right. Hey, I had a couple of things for you. Do you have do you have keys for the rooms downstairs? Yes. So can we move that stuff from the basement to the city?
Susan Lilley 25:00
So the stuff that’s Downstairs there was a Christmas tree. Sure you seen it? Yeah. So we take that road over into not throw it over, but take it over and put it into that second room downstairs. In the second room, yeah, it was like, you’re up. There’s weeks. Already Christmas decorations there.
Tim Bennett 25:23
I don’t think I have them in that room. But
Susan Lilley 25:26
it’s a hot. It’s not. It’s not as hard to get the keys out to
Tim Bennett 25:32
where there’s a ton about the room where I’m going to get the water.
Susan Lilley 25:36
No, no. Do the other door by the men’s bathroom. Oh, yeah. They’re just like the garden clubs in the first bar, want to find the door and then there’s the second way to kind of keep the decorations. Okay, so yeah, I’m gonna try to keep everything in there in that hallway, because eventually it has to be a new way for thinking there was a fire emergency people have to be able to get a break through that building.
Tim Bennett 26:04
Is there anything else? Science three?
John Festa 26:06
There’s, there’s stuff down there. Whatever. It looks like, decoration the way to put it all over there. Yeah, it’s in the way. Historic Not a thing. It was it why don’t we meet sometimes we can optional. So we don’t take somebody who likes
Tim Bennett 26:25
to call me out. We have a free day.
John Festa 26:27
That’s fine. We’d like to get it done. Okay, the next few weeks. Okay. Man, I think everything’s good. Okay. I want to I want to commend you on your work. Everything looks very nice and clean. You’re doing a good job
Matthew Benner 26:54
is question 42. We have all supplies, exempt supplies or net for mushroom. And I think you’re going on the answer key to it. You’re more than welcome to take that stuff down to a fire department. We’re not going to use the guys aren’t going to use the hand cleaners. all that junk. Just going up. Yeah. And now Fernstrom. Yeah. Okay.
Susan Lilley 27:19
Whatever you don’t use what’s take. We’re going to go into the fire. Okay. Yeah.
Tim Bennett 27:23
Yeah, we can. Yeah, we can meet on or sometimes. It’s just
Matthew Benner 27:30
the convenience.
John Festa 27:31
Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. We’ll keep continue our new business, Matt. I think we’ve covered your
Matthew Benner 27:44
chip and seal broken windows business. Sanitary sewer feasibility study is been going very well. We’ve met today with CT consultant, and our brand writer and engineer, Rich iforest. And it’s an engineer basically looked at the site to school, Kumar looked at the Pacific Standard. When we went down and looked at the service department. The biggest thing is, they’re ready to move forward, we’re ready to move forward in doing some research to try to offset some of the money that is going to be used by the American rescue brand. We’d like to see if there’s some other partnership grants that we can get through Orange County or through the state of Ohio or even through the phone. So Jennifer Brown is going to be in contact with Orange County to see if we can partner up a little bit sooner the other half of the sewer project so we’re gonna move forward with that. That being said that was it for that? The HVAC system, John will be cleaned probably next year. That new minister political boss will be installed next. Okay, so we like to kill two birds with one stone there and do the service on that new one. I also ordered blocks as well for the gates. Now watch this as well. That’s done and also have some extra keys
John Festa 29:38
so so those who doesn’t know Matt was talking about the sewer project is we are we have used our American rescue plan money for public health. We are working on water for the buildings and we are connecting all our buildings into the sewer. So we’ve been using antiquated septic systems for the last septic system for embedded. But we are we are we are very happy to the projects moving along. So we do have we do have a lot of a lot of good projects, not only the historic district but sewer system and water. So we’ve been busy and I think we’re going to take this this little hiatus and take a break, take a breather, but everything’s everything’s everything’s in motion and everything’s running well so thank you anything else new business new business or old business as old business master plan was so in the process of putting the putting the while we’re looking at the levy for the school building course it’s summertime and people are just on vacation just don’t get stuck getting for not communicating well because of I believe because it’s summertime so but maybe it is so in the back of our minds. State elevator tests had finally gotten over three phase Google gave elevator the they are coming in next week to do the to do the elevator test and clean up that violation we have from the state that will be a good thing as BCA Secretary Of course we talked about that earlier. We’re still in search of one we really need to really put our heads together lessen the burden on the channel she’s working her tail off we got to we got to do something I don’t know if I don’t know if cameras or
Carole Pollard 32:11
cameras have a track record or whatever
John Festa 32:13
the case may be though we really need that we really need that we really need to to get it get it get something submitted just needs to be done and we still have an open seat for Zoning Commission anybody interested? Please let me know that’s all I have for all business today
Susan Lilley 32:44
I talked to shoot River Watershed today and I’m quite a sensor is going to be done at the end of August 31 The grants over with so they want to do they want us to continue like it’s gonna cost us money but I’m not I’m not quite understanding why it was needed anymore. So I think it’s something we need to consider if we want to go forward with this or not. And I know we collect the data from the water study but you know the water study is almost done. And I don’t see why we would want to continue it we have to pay for this thing how we benefit from it.
John Festa 33:35
I don’t think we would think you’re correct because we don’t have the we don’t have the software to say so then who’s going to monitor the tables or photos that they give you a price now
Susan Lilley 33:53
they won’t give me one they want me to come in and have a meeting with them and Hi Connie
John Festa 33:59
what you know we have to go we have to
Susan Lilley 34:02
yes yes when I went to the center and they did talk to Blackboard Blackboard says since the water study sounds complete they don’t see any need for it either. There wasn’t something they weren’t so just let them know
John Festa 34:24
have you been hasn’t been a meeting lately for regional planning
Susan Lilley 34:29
as they met yes I will be attending this
Matthew Benner 34:42
event I think that’s all okay, as I stated previously, a new business right heating and cooling we’ll be out to install the new mini split. Okay. Annex on top that will take care of the two restaurants and all the way with heating and air so that’ll be done for that next Thursday. So a project we talked about, outdoor lighting is moving forward on the two buildings Civic Center, and town hall. Kimball for a fall cleanups, reached out to Don Johnson again last week and haven’t heard back from him. And I know this is our busy time, but he said he’d get back to me in July. This is only the first week in August. So hopefully, we can get an answer what we can do for the fall, like to do a curbside pickup and stuff like to do a curbside. And that’s what I’m so it’s so doable, he said, but just they have to work on the price. Who knows economic resonance. So personalized education with that, why couldn’t we do not have it as a public school squat, basically, as John was saying, they were to squat, they should be taking delivery of that, within the next couple of weeks. That’s what I think was well, I should have known that exactly. 39 too much was was was a while.
John Festa 36:32
New buildings that are going up
Matthew Benner 36:35
against actual figureheads. And I highlighted one that from last week. Basically, we’re concerned about the amount of time that wants those buildings are up and running. It’s no secret how big they are. Don’t make sure they’re how many sprinkler heads. And then when they post indicator bells are going to be net building sprinkler rooms. And the concern is when they get an alarm about that big company could be on a certain struck a half hour, 45 minutes. So manually firing ones a lot back back off. And we’re concerned about the intercompany BI service. So that’s up to Chief roaster to work out with the owners of the buildings in sheduled townships. So that basically, we went out and hired another fire inspector that does that everyday profit plan. And he’s been he’s been a godsend. And let’s face it, man away shows the fire department inspection bureau. And most leaders don’t have told him don’t like that in your Township. So that’s a special aspect.
John Festa 37:41
So So what Matt is saying is he’s on our is a representative of the fire district, we are in the fire district. Anybody has noticed on 40 Florida turnpike crisis, digging up a lot of dirt, it’s going to be some seriously huge buildings, they’re the first ones are million 1,100,000 square feet. We have a district that takes care of every township man away in Charlottesville. But we don’t have the apparatus to to be in two places at once. So with that saying, if an engine goes out of there for emergency, and we have a problem here in the township, right now we can’t have, we won’t be able to handle it. So we’re trying to find out since these buildings are going up. If if we’re going to get any more money from government or from the state to keep our apparatus up to speed. And that’s troublesome to our residents. So thanks for keeping your eye on the ball. Appreciate. And
Matthew Benner 38:54
that’s a double edged sword too, because what can happen as well as the squat could be out of the he could be on a call and that call for a firearm drop, you know, so, but chief has done a good job. They’re establishing that he’s a staff with a minimum of four. Most of the time, it’s five. That gives you an NG COVID squad group. And like I said, you know, they man runs a lot of back to back calls, sometimes. Three, four calls at once. Doesn’t happen every day. But we have one person that when you would think so it’s just a concern to look forward to catch it before it catches you. We talk about is like to make a motion.
John Festa 39:44
Let’s explain why. We here’s why I can read. The reason we
Matthew Benner 39:49
do. We basically put out a bid for chip and seals for our roads. And basically, we had three bids. Combat, one bid was just qualified through Orange County prosecutor’s office, they didn’t need to bid specs. The other two bids were good bids. But we basically by by solution, higher demand. So patient, we’re gonna rectify that tonight. The two businesses that Ken was special lives out of Cleveland, and Brian back out of Berkeley back on July 12, resolution 127 Dash 22 map and I made a motion to accept that and work with it for the 2022 chip and seal project and specialized construction amounting to around $30,720.80. By contrast, Oh, yes. Okay, well, that was done in there. It should have went to run. So what I’d like to do is because we do the badge award, after award them to the cheapest and the best trip. Okay. So I would like to make a resolution, actually, to retract resolution 127 days 20 June, on a recommendation to the Portage County prosecutor’s office and Orange County engineer’s office for not awarding the job to the lowest in the best bidder who meets the requirements of section 55 75.02 of our revised redacted again, I was like to make a resolution to retract resolution 127 days 22 on recommendations from the Orange County prosecutor’s office and Orange County engineers department for not awarding the job the lowest in the best federal who meets the requirements of section 55 75.0 to the firefighters coming up second I’d like to make a motion to reset right next fit for the Nikkei or 2000s My internship is your project
John Festa 42:24
Yes Are these two resolutions
Matthew Benner 42:27
these are two resolutions just read
Ashlee Hawkins 42:29
the first question do the roll call sorry alright, I have that written down. Susan you did second okay all right now yes Susan? Yes John.
John Festa 42:48
You didn’t name any you didn’t name the name the contractor the first resolution
Matthew Benner 42:55
specialize in
John Festa 42:57
but you didn’t say who would choose the next question was okay. So the first resolution I want to say this
Matthew Benner 43:08
okay okay next resolution I’d like to make is to work it because in 22 chickens to project to run an instruction for the amount of $425,550.35 Yes, Susan
yes Jenna
John Festa 43:44
Thank you take bread frustrated and mess up any other little business? January
Jan Oros 44:35
1, two lane road and I apologize for my voice. I don’t know where. And this is just for my own personal benefit. I’m not representing any, any organization. I just wonder what the reasoning is. Behind it Going with a basically million dollars worth of renovations for the mentally Center School. When even the consultant said, the key is historicity, we don’t have to go through all that just some of the safety issues that need to be. And that’s actually what the community has asked for. It’s just community centered. Not a Taj Mahal, just someplace for the week, and he the historicity of the building. So can you be telling me that the reasoning behind going to full blown millions of dollars that I’ve just personally
John Festa 45:48
left not to pick up?
Jan Oros 45:51
I know, I know. But I just
John Festa 45:58
want to say this as nicely as we we were elected to do what we feel is necessary for the topics. We went through this before, we do have a process that we’re working on, we are waiting for some solid, solid numbers of what it’s going to cost to redo the building. Our main concern is that we do not want to keep kicking the can down the road. We don’t want to leave another because we’re not going to be here. Elections have consequences. But as far as we’re concerned, we want to do this. If the community wants the buildings to be safe and usable, we have to make them usable in this litigious society we live in now. If it’s not right, the township is going to be holding you back. Well, we don’t want we discussed this. And I as long as I’ve been here, it’s been a bone of contention. We’re trying. We’re trying to move things. And God smile at us, maybe we’ll maybe we’ll get it done. But we can’t act unless we know that the true numbers are what this thing is really
Jan Oros 47:17
accept that explanation. Can I also ask? Are we looking at both sides? Are we looking at the fiscal feasibility of just rendering it useful and keeping its historicity as the consultant said, we could do at a minimum cost? Or are we just considering the other side of the entire teardown last time?
John Festa 47:50
I think Mr. Better always explained that pretty good if we can’t use the build the whole building for public for public use and, and, and public
Jan Oros 48:02
was looking for some assembly
John Festa 48:05
public assembly if we can’t use the building for that. That was a that was the initial reason that the building was purpose, a purpose that the buildings purchased. So the public can use the public can gather.
Jan Oros 48:18
There’s a false premise they’re building salary was for the annex. All right. And if it was changed to the whole building, then why can’t it be changed?
John Festa 48:31
Anything’s anything’s possible. But that’s not. That’s, that’s what’s in there. That’s what’s in our plan.
Jan Oros 48:37
I understand. That’s a sad commentary for millions of dollars.
John Festa 48:43
We’re not looking for we’re not looking for anything yet. We’re waiting for getting some, some hard numbers. You know, everything changes the price of everything. So I mean, this, is this what the community wants to leave the building the way it is? Or do they want to bring it up to 2023 and let them let the next 50 years of people
Jan Oros 49:07
who use it doesn’t have to be brought up to
John Festa 49:11
the depths that simply go back and do that, again, that’s opinionated. And again, we’re elected trustees to do the best we can for the township, and that’s
Carole Pollard 49:20
the consideration.
Mark Hall 49:23
All right. Okay, thanks. Appreciate it. Yep. Two questions on the Senator. Is that project also include disabling the existing septic systems package plant, genetic hammer? Does the project include disabling the existing septic systems? Typically, when you tie into a sewer line, under those circumstances, you have to disable the existing system. So my question is for this project, you know, you have to package plant you have septic system prevents place. I think he talked about wrap your mind in front of this place township Hall. And I don’t know, Rosel place that would be included or not. But we would have that we have the civic center, septic system, and whatever arrange the town hall as here, the church. So does that include disabling
Matthew Benner 50:28
those systems stack is that that’s your discussion, as we speak actually talked about that today. And I think I had to get a bigger quote, do you have to jump? Don’t object to that. But that’s where we have that conversation. And we also have conversations about what we will do as a church for what the church we do.
Mark Hall 50:48
The second question is, and I’m curious as to what went wrong. When you folks binder chip and seal today, you folks determine that Rajak is not the lowest because there were voiced concerns about the quality of work that was done and all that stuff came back. And that’s the reasoning that you went to get the supplier. So what went wrong in our processing here, that we had to turn things around any other words
Matthew Benner 51:21
of taste and quality of work? Now, I’ll tell you exactly what happened. There’s no physical evidence that we can go to court to testify to say that they’re not the best better, or the worse better. Okay. It was on the recommendation of the Portage County prosecutor’s office. And of course, county engineers on us that we go with the original bid, the cheapest bid, which we’re trying, okay. Because we want to specialize for other reasons that you can just stay, but you have to improve your pop, you have to clean, you just can’t You know,
Mark Hall 51:58
sometimes clients don’t really hold any weight, the guys who are relying
John Festa 52:02
so revised, revised code dictates everything, you know, that everybody
Matthew Benner 52:09
got hard evidence. Okay, you can prove that they’re not investing.
John Festa 52:15
And we don’t have an even mark, as long as we well, you know, what we have, we have a trip, we now have every road project wiki, we have a project man in the sidebar, and they will be on the spot watching. To make sure motion goes down, it’s supposed to go down, the model chips go down, and it’s supposed to go to the size of remove when the signs are supposed to be removed, and they broom everything up. And they don’t come back in, in two months. And we call them and say, Hey, this stuff all over the place. Don’t get a return call. So that say I’m not saying that for any specific contract.
Mark Hall 52:58
I’m just asking you as with what you folks had done, it sounded reasonable. Right, you know, with the recommendations that you got, and whatnot. And then with the change tonight, I was curious as to the best way, what did we learn? And you’ve explained?
Matthew Benner 53:15
We have proof of the balance in the past? There’d be no issue with Hank. Okay, that we don’t have proof. We have no say, Okay. And then some of the issues that we did here, don’t want. And what I mean by that, okay, taking your science down when we click to each Lake, that doesn’t say anything about bad workmanship on the roads, doesn’t want anyone. So we’re trying to do the right thing. correct the problem and we did too. And so
John Festa 53:45
we will change our and we’re going to definitely change our legal and for as many years as I’ve been here, how many the same thing where you are hereby so legal at the bottom of every one of our legal as long before it states demand a township Board of Trustees reserves the right to waive irregularities, and reject any and all bids. Well, they won’t be saying they don’t thank you for that.
Matthew Benner 54:15
And like John said to you know, this is in the past, and it shouldn’t happen anymore, anyhow. Because since I’ve been trusting, we’ve always had a project manager sharing our jobs. Okay, so they take the burden of all that stuff. So this all the stuff that I’m running on Catherine way in the past, you know, okay for her. So,
John Festa 54:33
am I sad? Just curious. Yes. All right. Well, who knows what the ramifications are with our decision? Yeah, it is what it is we made a decision and we whatever, whatever comes our way we got a good prosecutor’s office. I’m sure there. I’m sure their recommendations to us will hold a lot of water so we’ll move on. Sounds good. Take text Carroll was gone. Mr. Orrick?
Frank Horack 55:07
The only thing I got a comment on is that Secretary for the BGA you might talk about that talk to you unemployment girl. And he may have someone on unemployment that would take it part time, Secretary, whatever, a legal record or something. If you can’t find somebody to volunteer with the rest of family and then you could add that same person, maybe via zoning, Secretary. We’re pretty fair.
John Festa 55:57
Where you can’t raise so what if they don’t want to work? I mean, she’s got other plans. And she’s, you know, and Ken has been wonderful and are
Frank Horack 56:06
trying to eliminate her job. This VGA person is you can’t have things going on what else somebody’s recording. Well,
John Festa 56:17
it’s not it’s just not the recording though. You know, you gotta you gotta mail out stuff
Frank Horack 56:24
you got part of the job? Well, I know. So that’s what you pay for. Something to consider.
John Festa 56:32
Well, we have considered we we’ve raised we’ve raised our price on Yes, we we can you know what I mean? I mean, if I’m
Matthew Benner 56:43
not mistaken it has to be a township resident Correct. No, no, no.
Frank Horack 56:47
No. So it could be anybody member I’ve done but not Secretary page one so that’s where we’re at. That’s all it takes now. Jerry? I don’t think
John Festa 57:13
anything else from anybody? I’ll make a motion to pay the bills roll call and get a man Yeah, just season? Yes. Yes.