Documenters: Brimfield Township Trustees meeting for Feb. 22, 2023

Brimfield Township

Feb. 22, 2023

8 a.m.

Listen to a recording of the meeting here:


Mike Kostensky, Chair

Sue Fields, Vice Chair

Nic Coia, Trustee

John Dalziel, Fiscal Officer

Cassie Weyer, Parks and Rec Director

David Rufener, Road Supervisor

Craig Mullaly, Fire Chief

Michael Hlad, Zoning Inspector

Roy Mosley, Police Chief

Documenter’s Notes

The meeting was called to order at 8 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment for silent reflection. Trustee Nic Coia announced a new program for Portage County residents, Portage GrowLink, offering discounted rates for homeowners, farms, and farm businesses offered through Hometown Bank. Two million dollars has been set aside for this program. Trustee Chair Mike Kostensky reported a request from several Kent State students living in the township to expand basketball courts in the township parks. Kostensky also recommended bolstering communication about the library installation. Police Chief Roy Mosley reported a complaint about the No Parking signs on Sherman Road that were added in support of a concert. There was a brief discussion about moving the No Parking area to the other side of the road for safety concerns.

Minutes were approved, and a handful of items were added to the meeting agenda, which was then accepted. Purchase orders and warrants were authorized. 


Police Chief Mosley reported new hires were preparing for state tests. 


Fire Chief Mullaly reported 240 service calls so far in 2023, stating that this was above expectations. Mullaly updated the trustees on the status of the station building: painting, roofing and dirt work are in progress. The chief reported that the department was in the second phase of hiring five new candidates who have passed their initial exams. He thanked the trustees for authorizing the purchase of new heat-resistant, more durable uniforms.


Fiscal Officer John Dalziel recommended that the board accept the NOPEC grant and suggested that grant monies be used for signage and a natural gas hookup for the community center. The board voted to accept the funds. Vice Chair Sue Fields added that Michelle (not further identified) had created a flowchart for township employees. Dalziel requested the payment of United Earthworks for the Maplecrest Parkway paving project in the amount of $277,711. A motion was made and passed. Chief Mullaly was approached by the owner of Corning’s Car Wash about a potential sale of the property in the future. 


Dalziel opened three sealed bids for the demolition of two abandoned houses. The bids were accepted into record. Further motion was delayed until bids can be compared by Zoning Inspector Michael Hlad, who had requested approval for two zoning resolution text amendments following a public hearing Feb. 13. The amendments were approved individually by roll call. There was a motion to approve Patrick Blair to replace William Kraemer as an alternate on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Blair will be removed from his role on the Zoning Commission, and an ad will be placed to fill his vacancy. Conditional-use approval was granted to Brimfield Developing Company for an assisted-living facility and 42-unit apartment complex. The projects will begin in the spring. 


Road Supervisor David Rufener reported that the Estes Road storm sewer piping project is coming to a conclusion. The department fixed a catch basin on Olmsby Drive and Revere Road, and it fixed piping on Sanctuary Drive. Rufener’s crew has been packing potholes. He reported that one truck is currently in for repairs and two have been repaired. The department is still receiving plans for an improved road garage. Rufener will attempt to coordinate a trustee visit to the ODOT garage in Rootstown.

Parks and Rec

Parks and Rec Director Cassie Weyer has begun seeking quotes for barn demolition and cleanup in Messner Acres. Weyer is gathering quotes for Brimfest fireworks. She updated the board on Brimfest plans: Judy’s Concessions has been contracted; Nate the Great, a magician and balloon artist, is returning; ax throwing; inflatables; and activities for younger children. Weyer reported the upcoming Woodcock Walk and Amphibian hikes. Summer camps will be divided by age in 2023. Little Hikers (ages 6-7) will meet June 21-23, Happy Hikers (8-9) July 18-20, and Young Scientists (10-11) Aug. 15-17. Coia requested an update on the soccer field schedule. Field Youth Soccer is reporting record signups. 


The Cemetery Board prepared a document for the trustees that was not immediately available for review. It will be circulated and discussed at a future meeting. There was preliminary discussion about an eminent domain claim for expansion of the cemetery. The trustees have previously made an offer to the owner. Vice Chair Fields updated the trustees about plans for the township Memorial Day ceremonies. In previous years, the ceremony has been in conflict with the Suffield parade. Coia recommended moving the cemetery ceremony to 8 a.m. so participants could attend the nearby Boy Scouts pancake breakfast and the Suffield parade. 

For the Good of Brimfield Township

Fields recommended the new business Hamrick Packaging Systems to her colleagues. Coia suggested that the board stay aware of how Ohio HB 1 may affect township finances and planning.

The meeting adjourned at 9:21 a.m.


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Brimfield TWP 2.22

Thu, Feb 23, 2023 2:05PM • 1:21:22


township, year, people, motion, meeting, road, home, house, moving, board, cemetery, brookfield, nice, questions, project, good, carwash, march, approve, property


We are Monday eight o’clock


okay, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America


and to the republic for which it stands. One nation is this little


moment of meditation, a moment or less you’d like to say something. I would say the doors have been so good to Bergfeld. And that’s, that’s short and sweet. And I just appreciate all His grace and mercy that he gets our township.


Everyone here, so thank you. So hey, do we have any announcements or correspondence


just quit my business in order naturals correspondences. At the Portage County township Association. We’re really meeting right now because they’re just the less important now and residents know, they’ve started a new program out of the treasurer’s office called Portage lake or probate is actually designed for homeowners, small business owners and farmers and it’s a discounted interest rate. So all any residential affording counties is available eligible for this, homeowners are eligible for a loan of up to $25,000 for home repairs, and improvements $50,000 for family farms to help with seed funds, those sorts of things, and $250,000. For small businesses, they would have to apply for a loan to Hometown Bank or porch Community Bank. And then they would say that they want to be involved in the portage grow lake where Portage Treasurer’s Office will use funding from the state and local level that will help offset the interest rate and making it more affordable. They have a couple million dollars set aside for this project this year. And every year they’re going to continue to do that. This had been on pause for a couple of years, but it’s back and we want to get the word out because this is a way that you can make some small improvements to your home in low interest rates. Or if you’re starting a new business or improving upon your small business, then you can also get a low interest rate loan that way. And then for farmers if they have a small family farm, it will qualify for fertilizer, fuel seed, or other farm related expenses.


I guess I have a couple of announcements. I just told Castle one I had three casting students at the restaurant yesterday and they asked if we would make a bigger basketball court. I guess they’ve been playing out there this year. I call him a problem. We have talked about this. One and then I had another lady that asked where our library’s gonna be. So I did do a small video yesterday, trying to show for your client, I think we need to do a better job of getting information out there to let people know where Library is where what step we’re in, etc, etc. So maybe sometime castes here, I can get in there with you. We’ll take a quick video. We just got to make sure people understand our town center or town center concept, the opportunities that the librarian can I did get one guy yelled at me about the cost of spying in the library. But then I explained to him that it was money that we not taxpayer money that we received much better than that. So I think he was just cranky, but that’s okay. That’s all I have certain data.


Okay, it might have, I guess, correspondence. I think he originally Ben Franklin, Dave Rubin, he wasn’t able to share information on that correspondence sequence. I received a phone call from a gentleman that lives on Kern road His name is Dale Berkeley he lived 47 weeks road he called to express to get some questions and very soon no parking signage that sits on Sherman road there which sits on the south side of Sherman to return out of 43 coming from reveal paths that I do right up here on my half close we have a series of no parking signs there which I think we got like six so total that kind of go right down around the curve and and that’s the only spot on the entire length of Sherman road either way that we have any new apartments not supposed to. I have not had a problem down here. We’re going to do relative to parking down there did you just call the trestle returns? We wanted to know if this has to potentially be placed on the other stack on the opposite side of Sherman road and I said I would have to do pass this along to the board during remember


when we did that gate I think that long ago we did it


because of those concerts. Yeah, like otter yet cars parked on both sides. As Merode on the curve,


yeah. And so yeah, that the best of my recollection was that he thought welfare will be outside provision services, what if they’re on the south side of the road now, that makes people park on the opposite side of the road. So when they come out in the 43, to make a left hand turn there, you get a little tricky with track that runs through there. And then that may, in fact, be the case, I don’t know that. I didn’t have a lot of feedback, I could share with them better than I will bring this to the board and share it with them. And I knew that him and all that along with the science were posted up there. So


yeah, cuz there was that and say, sir Adam concerts and people were parked on both sides. We actually had them on both sides of the road at one time. Yeah. It was that people started


saying Clown Posse or some of them.


They and honestly, they haven’t had that medical problem since.


Yeah, he thought they were on the opposite side of the road and would make people aren’t facing this way. And remember, they wouldn’t have to come dump our 43 they would drive down Sherman road now. But people will do that. And I don’t think my grinder turn around, come back up according


to the rules established Sherman street.


So he wants me to pass along to you guys in the vortex and I don’t really know the signage issues, what comes out of our way superintendent, our board, and I didn’t know the full backstory, and I knew it was upside down every three years. Some years ago. Yeah,


the spring. We were having issues when they kept having constants. Okay. Okay, well, thanks for


it, there’s no oversight, so I’m gonna call it polarisers. Because there’s no explanation for making a champion. And I’m not requesting any changes from you guys. I just share with you that I have brought to your attention


that I have no problems where we are. Have you ever wrote saying hey, parkrunners Since God hadn’t seen them for


when would you take them down again somewhere else? Contrary to that, because you have to have that sign up for you to be able to give anybody a hard time if there was a contract, right? We don’t have a sign


that there was appropriate science but if we had unlimited there now there’s been a couple of a kind of a big crowd over the years from Hank Aramis


where if we just putting them on one side and making said


would be the reason why most airways are not working on corners and all corners, that’s why we push them past that corner. And of course pretty sharp come around or summation size for


what I’m asking you guys to understand China from the sharing information and you want to take it under advisement, I can at least share with you that of course tension and acceleration in April the power we contacted. Well, thank you


let’s let’s review and sign to it so I was not at present at that meeting. So it’s really up to you guys, or metaphor to describe to you guys as well.


I’ll make a motion to approve the minutes from February 8. Second, for discussion, John, does it matter that two of the motions were on for at least a minute vote? Does that matter? No, they have a number. Okay, because yeah, just the number. There were a number in numerical order, but they happen in a different process.


They’re all in there.


I mean, I just I just want to know, I had a one of those happened after the fact and I had a bunch of lines go in different ways because we added it after drag what it was we already had minutes. Okay, then we went back and added I don’t know if that was I don’t remember was it for your public hearing? Was that what it was? Yeah,


it was for the parks discussion. It happened during parks but we put it in the meeting minute book after the fiscal motion to approve the fiscal one.


It’s long as it’s there. Okay.


All those in favor, Nick? Yes. Soon? Yes.


To The agenda does anyone everyone had a chance to look over the agenda?


Yeah, I have a couple of FYI eyes. Nothing It’s just to let you know where you want to get their admin


I don’t know that. Just put it put it under me. And there’s me some lifewise Yeah, it’s


just an FYI. Let you know somebody just gone on I want to share their cemetery. I just wanted to comment on oil


So that’ll be next


I need to see United earthworks pay app under undergrad


worse like I need one two Okay, great. Good. Morning carwash.


See, see it just standing up


again. So deep,


okay? Warnings okay. There’s been a motion in three Monday agenda with under admin. We’ve got earthworks paperwork and see


then that would be me, right? No, me was Sue’s Township.


Oh, okay. The CDC. Okay, me with the FYI, the mornings carwash would be the de, and then we have Cemetery which would be B cemetery. So I just need a second.


All those in favor?


Yes. Yes. Yes. So I have one funny correspondence, unless I hope it’s a funny. So the word in rootstein is that you’re getting miracle metal, medical marijuana at the Circle K. There, you’re taking out the tapes to start selling. I said you probably would have heard about. So. Okay, we’re just following that rumor.


Taking down the gas tank to do that. Yeah. I’m trying to sweet a hoot shot.


These, zillions, okay. I’m gonna make a motion that we approve the


purchase orders.


Second. All those in favor? Thank you. Yes to. Yes. Yes. Motion passed, and I will make a motion that we approve the warrants. Second, all in favor, Mike. Yes. To? Yes. Yes. A time for public comments and questions. You’re welcome.


What’s your first name? Ryan. Ryan. He talked to Wendy she’s a hoot. You got any questions or? No, sir. Okay. Thanks for coming. Absolutely. Thanks for having me. Oh, absolutely. You guys putting it up on the sidewalk? Better. Just one or the one guy more than married


mothers. Okay, knowing what kind of questions we got any safety concerns are supposed to get started


today. Sounds like training is supposed to sleet and snow.


Hey, well, if that’s nothing else, let’s go ahead. The meeting. Okay, Roy.


I don’t think it happened this morning with an update on the agency week we said conditional offers Academy episode are taking their state tests. Of course final exam on Monday. They were expecting to have a testing this week to complete the state test so soon as they get information back and their passes that will be passed through traditional basis of our background. I’m just awaiting confirmation of the state passing a prize and that’s it. That’s all I have. Hey, did you ever get the car? Yes. Are you using


Emmerich last night and liquid brewing going on? Oh, there you go. This was the cover? No. Okay. Okay, great fire departments


under fire departments, whereas 240 calls for service this year, which is quite a bit ahead of what we are normally for some reason. We’re just getting hammered this year. Okay. It slows down a little bit. Station bill. updated painting painting in the new vase and ceilings and walls is happening right now. Roofing still continues getting close on that. Yesterday started doing the outside dirt work. Again moving things around with curbs, and everything else


that paved crack and stopped their stuff for yesterday and remember Scott for a while. Orange County slowness that he’s he is going crazy. He said he damn drywall going up. Now while we’re still living in Florida.


everybody blames everybody. And that’s


all right. No Scott wants to go


in. I agree with Scott. Scott and I are on the same page. We’re also paying them a lot of money to figure this out. So I know I don’t say money’s got to figure it out. I


hope they figure it out.


I want to get inside of the academy a little bit but said it really hasn’t changed much. But it’s certainly good on the outside, right?


No, I mean, he’s been doing well been slow.


For 50 years, so I support his family would work with us a little bit. And our counties defense


paperwork got to them late now. They’re getting back to us late. So


Right. Well, the architect and first cabinet people work together a little more and get the same by the sounds of the roofs about


Yeah, it’s it’s getting close. They were talking to some of the some of the stuff on the backside and


working on the front side. Yeah, yesterday, but it is really an impressive building. Yeah, it’s


it looks good. Is it leaking anywhere inside here? Pretty much.


I haven’t noticed. I think that’s why we’re waiting on the mixture, the top down, but the new


base and they’re all all faded and look good. Yeah.


It’s it’s all taped off camera. It’s gonna be nice. I’ll be great. That’s all along. I did meet with USDA. John, you were there for that one. We talked about that. I guess. Just so the board knows we’re still waiting on timeline, as we talked about that paperwork. Maybe we have herbal timeline, but I gotta see paperwork with justification. Why the extension? Once they get that to me and provided to the


board? Well, in that meeting was what we could have together. And we, we asked them for the writing and we haven’t gotten it from anybody.


Again, they have to provide it at some point. I don’t know if they can just wait forever. I don’t know. So I’m waiting on that. So that’s going on with the station right now. So as they’re waiting on their permits, they’re still doing a lot. So it’s moving along. Things are good. They’re moving on from that second step in the hiring process is happening next week, we had six candidates take our test and five passed, so they can move on to the next step forward by April to retire and that would be to build a retirement position. So as to where we need to be. We’re not We’re not any farther ahead. But it’s back to you. Thank you for proving the uniforms. Guys are starting to buy those we have a July 1 cut off will be all the new FDA compliant uniforms. So that’s everybody’s happy with that. I think thank you for that.


Are they much different or? Yeah, they’re nice. They’re nice. You got pictures you can send me so


yeah, actually, I was gonna bring one of the guys down in electrical Yeah, this is this is the new pants shirt. You can see it underneath but they’re they’re made of Nomex. So no, Max. It’s gonna be a compliance while it’s been quiet for a while, but you’re not going to that they’re about 100 always more uniform.


Are they more comfortable? Are I like?


Yeah, yeah, like, the main thing is they don’t melt into a fire with the other ones. They had elastic and they didn’t need the compliance. So yes, getting the longevity is about four times as long so it costs more but


I don’t have any board items or executive or anything unless you have any questions.


Working on station.


Okay, well, thanks. Administration.


Okay, the seventh note,


which was 25,026. So we have a


Have you read this whole thing? Do we need to read it?


Yeah, whatever, just, that’s what we’re gonna pass.


Okay, make a motion that we go ahead and approve the acceptance of the low tech grant in the amount of $25,826. And we’re gonna go ahead and put this in a minute books. So you want to read it, they can read again, it gets taken over there.


So we have to accept that every year. That’s for our right. And we have no


money with us. And the last one we have. But this that’s not part of the numbers.


No, that’s the amount for 23 that we got. We do have carryover from 2018. And it’s all going to the


parks 1.2 items


out there. And I don’t know, I guess this is where we talked about what other items might fall into that


saw second.


Okay. Yeah. We’re talking about the sign in the park. That was one of them qualify. We were also talking about since we had the propane issue out here with the natural gas lines going down the street. That was another item out there. I don’t know if anybody else were I don’t think you had anything to get from the PD. We always struggle getting no next step. Though by the end of the day, we’re pretty set our chin. Craig’s been doing anything. So I think those are the two items unless you guys have something else out there leave why they naturally gases and gas, he was getting quotes on the natural gas and then Joe was has stuff on the sun.


Okay, remember what the novec were with the natural gas if we can find out where it’s at. So we get for every person to get involved lowers our costs. So back then remember, we did that survey up the street. And we didn’t have a lot of interest? Well, remember, we went far down that way. And that sort of,


but I think we’re trying to figure something out to David, where is it?


Disability does founders actually there’s natural gas past my


shop, so we don’t have too badly


right? Well, that’s a good idea. Especially what, whatever.


Well, this is a warming center as well. And that’s our second in command if something happened to the buildings up there, and with downtown there, we’d come down here we can’t have the issue that we had before where the propane company just skipped a route and then doesn’t come out for a week and a half and we don’t have any propane to make that we’re just gonna separate our money and then I wanted to just put that in your head and those are the two items that we thought were on the list but if somebody has any others that they want to I think I throw


out there


for discussion. I would say if it turns out that we can’t get here I would suggest that we just bring in another propane tank and have one gets down and turn the other than on you might even want to bury the very the tanks in the ground so they won’t do


well but then you run into the same issue people that are filling I mean that’s why we ran that’s where gas and discard are routine Phillip vich show and they were doing that to a lot of customers or their websites but it was terrible that they did


manage to cancel all of our events that we had scheduled


here. So that was just one of our ways of trying to figure it out and we’ll we’ll get back the cost of oh that’s great okay all right then all those in favor of accepting the no pay grant like yes to yes


yes you


I know it was I was a little worried this one was a couple of fears.


Okay, so you got your FYI is


kind of a Wi Fi network if you’re you know, Rachelle Sheldon every day job hopping on notch out there not on her plate. And I asked her if she would make up a new updated organization of Walmart employees and to get to where and all that and she has done so if you all want to copy all the department heads send in the information and shaped food into computer and it came out of the room. Nice thing so I’m sure she is giving you advice in is that all these qualities listed and where they fit within? Within the chart?


That’s good. I want to thank for I mean that whole stack up there’s a wealth of information. They weren’t so busy. involved. appreciated. Thanks. Okay, we got earthworks and this is


the second payment application to United earthworks for the Maple Crest paving project that was over there. We got this at the end of January. So this amount already built into everything we just this money is coming to us, we just have to prove the given up. So there’s 565,004 2492 was the total cost, the payout for this time is 277 $711. So that’s the amount that we’re, we’re paying to them. We weren’t. We didn’t have to, we’d get it sent to us. And then we’re the steward of and then we had to pay off today. So I just make a motion to pass that


in a second. Is there any discussion? All those in favor, Mike? Yes, Sue? Yes.


Thank Yes,


motion passed. I just need a signature in this room, all the trustees. And we will be checking on its way too.


So okay, then we have warnings carwash.


Yeah. Mr. Morning, approached me about six months ago at the car wash mine fire station and asked if we’re interested in purchasing his property. And I told him, I can’t make that decision that I would bring it to you guys. We have talked briefly individually, but the floor because he approached me a second time with that with the with no real terms like, not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe in five years. And he did give a rough rough price to 400,000 ish dollars for that. I just bring it to the floor. We don’t need a decision. But just so you’re aware that he is interested. I think his wife said I’m not interested for more property there. But it’s probably


negative township wants another very big piece of batteries.


But my thing, I think he’s looking at the value of the carwash course where our value would be more interested in the property


can fit the fire.


No time. Fortunately, I had a girl.


And the problem was the carwash there and we went to the car wash, so we buy it and then we have to pare it down or whatever. Because when I rented the car wash things, so I don’t know that it might feel the same way but you guys put it in your head.


It can work something out with Circle K, to take it and move it, make it a lot bigger. ingress and egress.


So that’s really it just wanted to. We don’t have to talk about anything. Just so you know. I brought it to you guys. Okay. Thanks, Greg. That’s it.


Okay, microsomia. Come on. Real quick under administration. Just a question. Do we have any updates on the historic district project? The Historic District Project,


task tie, that’s what you got. I talked to Todd he came up to the restaurant before I left. He’s there shouldn’t be some stuff on that.


I know Chris lake was having a hard time rebuilding, right, found a plaque but it didn’t have a name on it. So she was invested in that was a week or so ago. Darlene told me the Christmas house they’re redoing that they were still trying but they’re still trying to figure


out shareholders over at the offices yesterday. And Todd was really pleased so excited about having this project. And so anyway, he he introduced me to the young lady that is dealing with the people in Denver, and I said oh wait a minute. And she went over when she showed me the pictures in the houses that she has and what she wants to do if they don’t work and she wants to have the original town and then she wants a picture of the house as it is the one that is on how road and cetera years ago when it was originally built it had a straight porch constantly tell a two story house had the porch was square and he and Maggie removed all that and they put it in nice curved with like the will always have people who we love. But he was really excited. We said the best is the worst. Last Friday, he met with the board of the council house and they’re researching through their records so it’s coming along Okay, pretty good.


Already show you that list of all the homes they had.


There was another one that they found further down at West. That was one that they didn’t think was historical, but it is yeah,


I pointed out a couple other houses from that. I think he missed a man he, what he is passionate about,


is he’s really gone. I could not get away from me and


I really enjoyed it. The big thing is, these people, they will go to the website and unavailable to that local list and they can actually be driving tours, and around looking at all these historical homes. There was I was talking about the business district and every time building gets ripped down, we have one less thing. And you know, I just wish the council had more money to take some you know, I’m hearing you ever salies ever talked about that building next to it, you know, is one of the early restaurants as a restaurant. Okay, but we’re limited on funds and stuff. We want to make a turn and turn into a nice looking restaurant. But you know, we just do the best we can


on grounds and make a nice visit your


most up a nice Avenue appreciation for Todd. Is is is he is definitely energized. Yes. Good person. Okay, now, zoning and economic.


First of all we have is labeled as a building for demolition or to abandon homes. As you know, we did search warrants, I went to the prosecutor’s office for the 1354 regular driving 5305 Mile Road. And John has the prices


coming in? Yeah. I have three bids turned in SilverStar. affiliating helping excavating and then I got an email from Brandon Ritter of cranial expertise. So I printed off the email that he sent me he didn’t even close it with the rest of them. So I’ll start with his credo c r a n o. Excavating? said he did not include permit fees. Also, well, water abandonment and septic tank removal are not included in this estimate. So I guess what we’ll do every open restaurant is just compare everything that’s out there. Their bid was 450 305 mod or road $11,500. About $11,500 for the house at 1350 Ford Broomfield drive it was $10,850


when you say that


$10,850 For the house at 1350 Ford Broomfield drive that’s correct. Next one’s housings.




4378 miles on the road $9,500 House demolition disconnect sanitary sewer and water demolish extreme existing structure remove all debris off site fill across basic basement seed and strong all disturbed areas. Which house was that was 4378 or no take that back because already 1354 Brickfield let’s read some topic and see


what what company is that


and 450 305 Baba road $9,500 Same same amount. Now the same gap same amount were 95 and then so we’re scar escalating?


5305 kilometer road $12,900. Demo house to all rich county building codes. All materials can be removed and taken to approve demolition orders Cycling GM inspections to be performed by Brookfield township in Portage County as needed. So $12,900 for the monitors over location, this is the Brookfield drive located with the same work that was done on monitor bingo, that same property for 14,550 hours I guess what we need to do is accept those and have my just double check to make sure they meet all the requirements that have to do make sure any of these match the lowest bid, the lowest seen bid out areas is helped me, but because I’m to make sure that they meet all the requirements that you had. I’ll make


a motion that we accept the food. And we’ll have my lab, check it over. There have


been motion dependences findings. And make sure that okay,


and that’s what we’re just going to help. I think he’s going to check to make sure they all use submission to use checking that. Hey, all those in favor, Mike. That’s Sue. Thank you got pretty good. Yeah, it was good. This was shut up this morning. And I think I went down there with the guys. Okay.


So I’ll need trustee approval for two zoning resolution text amendments public hearing was held on February 13. At six o’clock, six amendments are section biotechnol 389. C, and section five 10.103. The first one is accessory buildings. Under 200 square foot, we’re eliminating the five foot integrated property lines. So that’s the place to shadow in the rear of the property not at the side of the front. But we’re eliminating. The second one is it’s really cool. So we had a lot of complaints on this where they put in a 48 inch pool, full height and it still be retarded. So we wanted some clarification. Bouncing around through prosecutor’s office back to regional planning and they determined that whole foods the facts to so could be considered as a commission level.


Okay, so you guys know the meeting at six o’clock. You guys? How many? How many people showed up? One? One person? Okay. I guess I’m not too worried about it.


We have public hearings, have met all the requirements. I would like to make a motion that we accept the recommendation in connection


with a second assignment


for discussion, should we do those two separate motions? Yes. To the first day, motion will be 503. C.


Are you are you making that motion?


Oh, man, my real soon naming and Sue made the motion. I second it out amending that to be specific to 5100.


Okay, I’ll second.


Nick, are we have to have made that motion and make it amended. So we’re moving to approve.


So in resolution text amendments for Section 510 point 03 A nine. See all those in favor, Mike? Yes to


motion passed.


And the second one would be to approve the zoning text amendments for Section 51010 a three.


Okay, I’m gonna make that motion. Like when these loads go back 30 minutes. Okay, good. Can I make sense? seconded. All those in favor, Mike. Yes to? Yes. Yes, motion


next thing, I need a motion to approve Patrick Blair to the board of zoning appeals to replace planning framework. Typically what we’re doing is as a member leaves wheeling primaries and off to the members whitelist sick and he


means anymore.


So we reached out to the Zoning Commission. Athletic is interested in enough to use it as an alternate and then we would advertise the next thing I might advertise for the Zoning Commission alternate. Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and make a motion that were a second for discussion. So


will this also be a renewable zoning Commissioner will be will be removed so the motion would be to remove Pat permission


Okay, well I will amend my motion to reflect that.


Okay, always a favorite bank? Yes. Sure you get abstain? Yes, Nick.


Yes, motion passed.


And then the next time I have we will advertise and then I’ll bring back the conditional use approval has been granted to Brookfield Development Company, which is default as well. They did get approved at the last BCA meeting for an assisted living center facility and from just cricket, which is on 14.7 acres along with Zillow style apartment complex.


So that’ll be right behind that Plaza, where they have to build it or


it’s behind the commons will be in the crowd. The Assisted Living Center will be backed up against the Pulte Homes but from a just


forget, have you ever seen any end guys? Yeah.


Do you have is going to continue to operate the building these buildings have already built the villages seen afterwards. There’s two there’s one in green and one was where


it seemed like a nice facility and my mom was at St. Andrews by summit all the tax lien consultants that


I’ve seen in the industry started growing,


I believe that wants to break ground this


is the one story two story or


one story system. And then in multiple story, three stories. Departments and influencers at it’s going to be behind the assisted living closer just crickets driveway. So it would be like assisted living apartments here in most homes. And those are typically they’re likely to say that the battery holder but the way it’s laid out, it’s gonna be a transition of life to go into System. maintenance free. Are the is the market overseers? No, those are those are targeted. And there’s protocol work for both protocol FedEx one that that deep office team is working on right now. For them, they’re looking at starting over $2,000 per month. They’re gonna be here more professions.


How many of you this was what I what I really like about this project coming up, is we have all in that’s for rehab, and therapy can people go into that nursing home, and then we have employment. And that is that is for not necessarily somebody that just comes and stays there for years. But this new one coming in is completely different for what they offer because in assisted living, you still have your car, you’re moving just below many apartment but you still have you have nursing staff that can make sure you do medicine and all that you still have an active life. And the good thing I really liked about this, it’s right across the street from all these people can walk over here and my virtual table and it’s open all the way around here. But I just placed the way that we read and offer all three different types of taking care of people.


So you guys might insurgency apartment buildings. We already have string courses, three storey apartment building. We have to see what demographic moves in that have a bigger impact on the school


system to Yeah, typically when he’s when he’s approaching us, you know, there’s a playground nothing like that it’s typically older. So the thing that we’re paying in in Is the people working? Obviously, is the new economic investment tool that we’re using to gain income? So everybody learns anything Dr. Do


we collect jet on


in the township from work


from home status? Because


most people that I believe, I don’t know, if you read that you get to read a exemption. So like if you live if you work in cancer, right, and then you work from home, you don’t pay property, you don’t pay income tax anymore and read above and beyond that there. So I don’t know if we’re going to collect this.


I thought that was changing.


I think it’s changed. I read something about it


currently doesn’t sit down. There’s a there’s actually there was two years ago, one year ago, we did actually reverse the second year. So in other words, I just think that’s


the state at home now is going to be a trend. I was just driving around and looking at I was my waiver on viruses changes remarkably wide. And how many do you think areas are empty? I mean, traditional Shopclues done? I mean, that’s,


I mean, I think just the question we have to look at as the township is, are we going to be able to collect those tax dollars in our gems are just designed to do that?


I think I met some business, the


legislator I had in the township. And I mean, that’s one of the reasons people moved to townships was there’s not the income tax in the


township. Not all that that definitely changed when we got the Jets. But I mean, looking at the amount of money that’s coming in from the Jets, all department has no, you know, it’s gonna be a strain. They also got to remember they’re getting increased revenue from the Jets. I mean, that money can’t just be put away for a lollipop projects, I want to put away for increased staffing and keeping up with the current needs. I mean, there is a significant increase in agenda. And we all know what was 1.5 $1.5 million. And remember, our department heads get 30% of that. The township, we only get 10% because we are so generous to the department heads. So I mean, I’m hoping and I know you all are and you’re all planning ahead, because I may try to let everybody know how the drain increase is. So I mean, you know, as you forecast and we’re all very smart. I’m sure you are for forecasting and increase labor. I mean, the big one is, Greg has a tough time and somebody’s willing, you know, I just can’t I hope that there was established you’re the one trustee, no, want to see us having to learn any more taxes for this kind of stuff when we shouldn’t be using the money from the dead. No, I


agree. And that was just my concern with the apartment. And I mean, it’s a great concern that coming tonight. Yeah, I just think it’s worth US digging into it looking at because we may need to push our state legislators because we find sometimes these things change in Columbus, but they forget about townships. And so then the city may start to be able to collect an income tax, but it doesn’t work with the category of ways to structure the townships. And then we’re out at money. If that was kind of an economic tool for us, that we financial strain is preventable. Just


by accident, I think, you know, the other option. The other thing that we discussed last night, actually, was that with so many industrial coming into the mackmyra, webinars, the place to live, and it’s gonna be somewhere in the level of professionalism


it’s hard to believe someone’s gonna say to that,


yeah, that’s gonna be overbreadth. That’s just crazy.


And so far legislature is focused on this, they need to understand the trend, there’s a lot of people that do not want to go back to work and want to work from home and pajamas. But so,


that was one of the problems they were having and it helped me sorry, it. Hamrick. Last night, they were having a hard time finding staffing. Because of all the people that want to work from home now.


So well, it’s partially worked from but there’s also a demographic change that happened to you. So that’s causing your shortages which is creating automation, which has now been hammered because they’re not resilient. That’s that’s gonna be pocket with robotics has become a bigger and bigger


though his son’s future filing while he has a machine shop and he got tired of trying to get people to come work for him. So you gotta grab by one robot. Now he’s bought a whole slew more. And he sits at home, drinking his wine watching with machines working with the night stuff. He has no labor problems, unfortunately. I mean, we’re doing this to ourselves. So it’s a changing world. As you can see Amazon, they’re ordering their people to go back to work. And they’re all fighting it. So you Okay, good, good discussion. Okay, Mike, you got anything else,


no other than historical district ties coming into March to give us an update and make sure that anybody that wants to discuss anything about the historic district if they know anything about capacity, the free


ones that this would be in March, march, this will have a lawyer reminding us or something. I’d like to sit down and listen to. You got to do it down here.


Yeah, we can. Okay, good.


We’ve got a couple of changes. I need some conditions here as well. We’re talking about the Dallas Town Center, the lighting sidewalks.


You said we’re getting pretty close on that typical Park.


Yeah, I sent off a letter yesterday to our specifying what we’ve been using in that tip. That was the original tip from Maple Crest, and specified a roadway entrance signage, parking renovation to that building, as well as die. So whatever. So tactically broad. We’ll get up from that. And then John, specifically.


So then they’ll start being able to find it.


You shouldn’t have you should have answered this.


Did you hear from the developer that almost calls land


by service as I said, the thought process behind that whole thing is is there is open space in front of lobes between Lowe’s and Walmart there’s a section that was considered space with discussion with regional planning and tweaking the code a little bit he considered that consider the open space for that development the green space there yep, they’re willing to give us that 60 vote right away access next to polls. We can swap that out let them build on that open space give us that back that entrance at no cost? Because we considered open space behind closed doors so that’s what we’re trying to learn that’s how we reached out to him it’s a good idea good it’s a good one because you can put a restaurant out there and outside that’s good. Thanks, Mike.


Okay. The road departments Yeah, can we call the public works department it was David


guys just wanted to get the board’s and applies. The essence for piping project or storm sewer project. Coming through the region. They move along really well on that looks pretty good. We put the catch basin on homes beaten Revere, that’s collapsed. And then thanks to garbage trucks pushed down pretty good. We put some piping project we had at sanctuary view and lightning there, one pipe was flooding our street. So we opened it up that way we can get rid of the water off our roads. We did some cool Men’s Fitness and Pat patching up some holes that we’re getting. We’re going to try it well. We’re going to back out again tomorrow with weather the way it’s supposed to be. Right now we fixed a couple of our dump trucks. One is still now waiting for purchase to come in order to get the purchase for the old trucks. So it’s still about as exact your old Chevy truck when we use mainly at the cemetery and stuff. So wait for Spyder years to come in. And last but not least, we’re still looking at things toward the new roof garage. We’re still getting ideas such as plans, just throwing things up and see what we can come up with. Actually, the last set of plans Charles came up with was a really good setup. We would fit everything in that goes at section across from one row garages now. Assault, building, wash bays, service garage area, and much of lead tubes where we put equipment in the side and all that kind of stuff. Salt though everything’s here and what we’re looking at, take the township next 25 years. So inside going vegan output the female trucks pickup pickup trucks and on trucks everything together. soft foam for the town keeps growing. We’ve had plenty of salt on hand for this kind of season and stuff. Everything’s everything is turned towards our state buildings, which is what we’re looking at salt dome wise State Building, how they put their debt and stuff. And that’s what we’re leading toward on that.


So Dave’s gonna set up a tour.


And I’m gonna try to get the tours out through rootstein Road garage, not rootstein Road garage, Woodstown udaap garage,


just those can see it might even be worthwhile. Invite the other trustees if they want to just go for a walk through and sometimes seeing the whole thing’s right. In January. We just need to look at this because I mean, these are what prefab buildings Yeah, instead of the role playing easy


posts, we’re also going to baby try to take the tour, stone road garage or maintenance area city. So I mean, just to get ideas. I mean, that’s what we’re looking at today is we would like to come up with something like I said, to take the township for the next 2530 years. And we’re looking at doing all this work on the flip side of that, too. So


by that I mean we’ve still got that, that EPA issue and I mean, this will put us one step closer to the silver rush just


so we had that that Reagan drawing and then Charles was gonna take give a surprise I have a couple of banks we just put here what the estimate is to tell us what they can do for us. So we’re still waiting for that but


we’re working to release we’re moving forward. So Today whatever you think’s a good time for us to


do that I’ll have to check with them and see what’s good time for them. Right that’s why the word count Ron nurse scheduled on so the buildings are all very similar things they’d like to take your toys and so they were actually gathering some data to shop like for the service bay area, how their welder is helping this yo just give him some ideas of


the space and fit what


we’re we’re looking at so we have to expand that make sure Pittsburgh guy to 25 years


is the same response today. I mean, it’s amazing that everything’s documented there. You are out of space.


Wow, this this will solve a lot of problems and add on one more FYI primary pre design zamana commissioners paperwork for tomorrow so they’ll vote on river Creek Page One Two to the dedicated to the township just to make sure we don’t forget about them yet. But it’s supposed to be on our document. So we’ll hear from them. Friday either tomorrow and after that concludes my


report. Worried about storm


All right now well I just ran out called since it was started dice up a little bit to make sure randomize so ever be safe. And sorry, I’m having trouble from the ditches. So we’re putting some salt down now.


Are you getting a lot of morning?


I’m gonna get the mornings it’s three o’clock. But it’s just one of them. It was snow. It wouldn’t be bothered me as much as it does. I hate ice. Ice is my worst wish to be off. I mean, we’re out early about postman over a solid solution


three o’clock this morning. Okay, thanks.


Okay. I just had some informational items once today. The first item is I’m currently seeking quotes for BB demolition and scrap cleanup at Metzner acres, that’s been a project that’s been on my list for a long time. I think it needs to get done. That bar is just in worse and worse condition every year. And it’s a safety hazard for us. So I’d like to see that down this year. Community meetings, Eric and I have been working hard this year to reach out to more community groups and meet with our neighbors and all that good stuff. So it’s 10 we attended the Brookfield young at heart beating and went to their first meeting where they laughed at their bidding officers. So thank you, Sue, for inviting us to come to that. And we also met with the Talmage rotary along the Portage Park District on 67 made some good contacts there as well. Oh, from class updates were hard at work planning grim fest. I’m currently seeking quotes for fireworks. And I’m assuming Mary right now with the parade signups we got person information on that and basic forms for her food vendors we have duties, concessions and social duties, concessions and southern things are returning again this year. We’re also seeing some new vendors this year as well. For entertainment make the great the blue artist and magician will be returning face painting will also be returning Astro inflatables. And we’re also seeking some new options, especially for younger children. That was one of the comments we got last year. There wasn’t a substitute for the kids. So


the train discovered


Oh, yes, yes. The trainers also


horses. Sorry about that, like


pony rides or the carriage. Oh, yeah. I don’t know how to work out for rent fast together ranch in our plan counterintuitive, but the grade is definitely going to affect what we can and can’t do since it will be going down. Kelso. So we’re going to have to coordinate how that’s going to work. As far as getting fenders in and out and


you have the route already planned? Yes. Yeah. You’re gonna be as long or?


Yeah, it should be. It should be the same as the last time we did it. Great. Right.


You’re on? Yeah, we’re by McDonald’s would come out for school. I mean, they had both sides. Right came out of the roadway. California three, up on a team left on Pennbrook. Look


at the Spurs United seven is interested in doing it.


And then cast programs on the 12th. We had our cookies and cards program. We had 14 People come and we made 48 cards that we delivered to Tim red ridge and Ken bridge. That was very nice. We enjoyed that program. And then upcoming programs. We have a Woodcock walk coming on at 730 at cranberry Creek Park on March 10. What’s your call? Go pack flock of birds. Finally, timber doodle if you prefer that name, but they’re they’re a bird that’s primarily out and like dusk. And they do they’re really cool courtship to


nighttime ones. Definitely. Traveling crowds.


They do. Yeah. And that was


enough trail for them to walk around.


We should yeah, they really liked like open space grassy areas. And if that favorite creepy, a really good spot for


the shirt. You’re really thinking about working on trails. For sure, right?


Yeah, Aaron and I actually went out a couple of weeks ago and started marketing guys tree tape and Mercury like post trail and it was like, what time is that? That is at 7pm. That’s about time. So hopefully we’ll see them. And if not, we’ll do a little presentation on that. To change. Question, I think I might be a little


like March. Oh, that would be a dope song.


Isn’t that the last time change the daylight savings time I wish they would. And then on March 23, we have our fourth annual amphibian walk at 8pm. That’s my first program ever did for Brickfield. And I will never let it die. So we will always do this in the in the APM pm here. So always have fun. And then registration open for summer camps on Friday. We’re doing our summer camps a little bit differently this year. Last year, we did one week long camp that was like friends and it wasn’t for everybody or backwards, but we’re not doing that again. So we’re gonna separate it into three smaller camps that are separated by age groups. So our first one is going to be little explorers for ages six and seven, which will be June 21. Through 23rd camp, the hikers camp will be ages seven to eight, which will be July 18 20th. And then young scientists can’t be just 10 to 11 the August 15 through 17. And that will be from nine to 1230. So what happened in camps and the Portage Park District has offered their assistance for those programs as well. So they’re going to come one day and helped us do some guest programming for


us the names that’s a good idea My only concern is the Amazon house from 430 It’s hard for family members that know Alicia the stay at home mom stay at home dad and drop off for a few hours. It really is first demographic in the world and parents because I got two and a half they often get the kids. Right. I think that was the benefit to the modern day camps. Yeah, so just something to consider as To the future, that ability for


Yeah, yeah, I spoke to some other park districts to see how they operate their camps. And they had done the full day camps before. But they had found that they had just as much success, but they have a, you know, it’s just, it’s a huge strain on their desire to do a full full day program, it’s a lot of fun, you can get to the point where you’re just babysitting and we’re about feeding them. Keeping their attention for that long at that age group is is difficult. We’re gonna experiment and see how it goes. And we might, you know, there’s possibility that you go back to the other


group members you’re trying. I mean, you’ll know definitely get even stay at home, I’m gonna give her a little break. And plus the waters, and you’re gonna teach them the nature and all that good stuff. So


they can bring their iPads or anything, Michigan’s Firstly, we the nature. Yeah. And you use this podium.


Yeah. So we try to fix the gate here. And then, as long as the weather’s nice, we walk out into the parks and go down the playground a little bit, place a nice walk through the trails. And this is actually perfect for summer camp.


So you guys can start advertising that


already. Yeah, we actually had people emailing us back in January, asking when we were going to start posting dates. So


well, that’s a good sign. Yeah.


So we must, right. Yeah. And it’s, since we’re dividing up between three age groups, and we were able to do three separate camps and begin to have a look that way.


That’s great. Thank you, Cassie. Just one


question. In regards to the right, do we have an update on the community feels over on the council and council draft, where we’re at with that project, I had one of the soccer board members reach out to me and say, Hey, what’s going on? What’s rented, like earlier this year, because they just closed their soccer registration. So directly call you, but I also have an update


on what that looks like. Sure.


The last update that I had was I spoke with Mike Boland, who was in your office. I know, he was looking at the parking lot. And then he was gonna speak to Charles, but I haven’t heard back on that. So.


But the rentals and stuff we’re, we’re going through you? Yeah. You can’t just as the wild west out there, I’m gonna sell my Township.


Well, I mean, technically, all of our fields are first come first serve. So they should go through me. They’d like to have a reservation. But I mean, technically, if you didn’t want to just show up? Yeah.


Well, I guess they were looking for clarification on how we’re going to, what the rental fees gonna be, how you’re going to divide it up, what what size fields are gonna be put there? Because they closed the registration to try and figure out where to place kids at now. So they need to know it’s going to be are you running them to you 789 10 To 12 feel, what that looks like and what the responsibilities were. So I think we need to make clarification on that. Because soccer starts in March. We’ll start practicing here in March. Yeah. So we got about 30 days before the start practicing spring ball. And they said, This is the highest registration numbers they’ve ever had.


So this field here. So that’s the biggest field. So who uses that field? So part of this whole group?


They’re really the only soccer teams that use


it. Yeah, it’s Fieldview Soccer Association. So it’s a Broomfield, Suffield joint community organization that runs the youth soccer program. And they play here, the community builder and we’re gonna call those on the couch. So they also play over seven, yes, they play for office Sunnybrook. And then they occasionally use the school think they can use the school in the springtime, but they can’t use it in the fall, because that’s the marching band field in the fall time.


Well, then I think broadcasting I should do is to give their contact. And given that information, because there’s nothing here that we can make a decision on.


So I’m there for you have a 30 day we can all talk about it and get it ironed out.


I don’t I don’t think that there’s a million or the parking lot will affect spring ball. I don’t think that we’re going to move quickly enough for that to happen. So it really will get back to fall ball. So


because I mean, we really had to move on that a little bit. Remember those prefab shelters, so Wow. So we


will be rich people over June?


Yeah, about the end of June, maybe in July for the tournament. And then August starts off because they practice. It’s about 30 Day one month practice before actual games


start tracking Charles will call.


But yeah, I don’t think I think we can just continue operating as we happen for spring CFD issues.


So just so we pull it all together. That’s good.


Okay, well, thanks guessing. When do you think you’re gonna have some proposals on turning that stuff down?


messin? Yeah. Okay. Anybody else have any questions? So cemetery, one thing.


We did that, but I have just an FYI,


there’s an agenda. But


if you haven’t in your pack, it’s the proposed new cemetery rules and regulations, I just wanted you guys to look through these. Okay, we had a cemetery board committee meeting with student aid. And Michelle and I, these are some of the proposed changes. So I just wanted you guys to look at him and see if you had any glaring issues with him. But it shouldn’t be in


your package. And


it’s not in Dropbox, and it’s not a packet.


I’ll get you, I’ll get you a copy of it. I’ll make sure Sorry, there was a nice text, I’ll get you a copy and read this one of them for review. So you guys can look at. But we, the board, the trustee, or the cemetery board kind of went through the wall and kind of came up with what we wanted those to be the settlement and the three of you just to look at and see if you have any glaring issues with it. So I’ll make sure you get a copy


of the Secretary, I know that we were looking at some land purchasing making some headway with that did you get so I don’t know if you guys want to pursue in the meantime, as we’re trying to negotiate some land back there. No, no, if you want to authorize the associates to pursue legal action. And I can certainly handle emotions today. Or you guys could do that as


well, we gave them until March 1, to figure out what the hell they were gonna do. We have, we kind of got to know back from them after 10 months of of playing around that. So we’re just gonna go the other route now. We have an appraisal on the land. That’s all we need to do. And we need to show a reason why we need it because we’re running out of space and proceed from there but that’s what Mark will put together but I told them what the wait until March 1 to see if they changed their mind. So I would say that the next trustee meeting that would be right after the first of March we’ll know what they have. And if not, we put that in there and move forward. But


that is a resolution because I do offer it to the first


interested sounds fancy.


But no, I haven’t seen them heard anything they said that somebody’s interested in buying all the property which I find it hard to believe


but they will leave this on for


a lot of Atlanta, they wanted us to buy all that land a lot of it’s not even usable for that cemetery.


Correct. And we were offering that whatever the acreage that we bought would have been considered field space contingent on approval but that’s what we’re throwing which would have been a good thing because the good property that was taking ready his record integrated debit occupied so the rest of it this will be perfect for us so but yeah


so can you just have fun what is happening the first if they don’t change their mind right just go from our brains XP go


okay. Okay, thanks.


I’ll give you guys a copy of this I don’t know why.


That’s like to have the audience here. Since the the discussion on the cemetery property wasn’t on the agenda is gonna be added to because we talked about waiting until March the first


but we still just have that was just a I guess. We just we have it out there. I don’t think we need to it was just it was just a kind of it was kind of like you know where we are but there’s nothing nationalized or anything. That’s what I just talked to them when they were is their final day to take our offer. Fiscal I do better to


skip. Let’s just have an FYI. And then I have a comment. But my FYI, you’re from the cemeteries at Rochelle. And I’m sure Cassie is working with her about the Memorial Day Program. And if you have anything you want to add about that because I just wanted to bring it up and did everybody know that it’s really good I’m planning that your date is going to be an excellent time for the community to come together at that memorial service.


I mentioned last year, Charlotte, she reached out to me on this also about us changing the timing service moving into like 8am Because a lot of the complaints we’re getting from some of the families was they had to make a decision between Memorial Day Parade and Southfield were coming to our service, because they both happen kind of simultaneously.


With pancake breakfast at the Methodist Church,


yeah, starts at eight also. So the idea was that because the pancake breakfast was still going during our service, too, so the idea being people would come to the service and then walk over and get pancakes and walk. So I feel great. So that we’re just I kind of kind of stuck on our face. Now, we were just all kind of work together, we kick off the events, and then they make their way up to something. Why don’t we get Chris Stapleton singing the national anthem? Kevin so we make a motion or I don’t know if we need a motion we didn’t get it was always kind of planning.


We have a show come up with we’re working on I think that’s a great


way we were gonna have she was she was checking with speakers. She was every people speak to check with the Boy Scouts just to see if all that how she can get it all set up that


way. Yeah. She said that we’re done with the Boy Scouts and workout with the parade because that’s we’ve verified with the Braves. Oh, yeah.


Upgrade to 10. Yeah. But she was I don’t know what pastors or pastors were going to come in and speak. I think she tried to figure out who those people were going to be. But we’ll get that’s next meeting.


We have no executive sessions. We have anything for the good of Brimfield country.


Yes. Anyway, this magazine is WWW dot properties And our township is a member of the Tory party to develop. And so in this magazine, the board over there, has put it in and has different fields though, on it. And yes, said congratulations to Hamrick packaging systems. And it’s from the board of development board located stay and grow. Step we have that. But there is this really nice color article in this magazine. It’s it’s a commercial magazine. But it really tells you all about cam cameras, packaging systems, the only facility in Broomfield Township, and I was really impressed by quite a professional job, they did have the article. Now let me give this GPU so you can pick any or whatever you want. And I went over and went over to the open house that they had. And when it first came to town, they said it was a packaging company for ice, cardboard and putting boxes together and all that kind of stuff. And it isn’t what it is they make. They make the equipment that goes out to companies that package up milk cartridges and whatever shampoo, anything like that. Dave in the robotics, they either bought expensive, they gave a demonstration of a carton with a case of milk going through the conveyor belt. And it’s all automated. It was fascinating. And I’m so pleased that it’s in particular to this excellent food. I know all of these little orders. I got some really good ideas. But it was I was very pleased to be able to be here.


Two things to really order one is from the board of elections or fortunately world election v. Smith, was that Fortran contract sociation she wanted all townships to be aware of this make the residents aware that there was some legal changes in voting to look a little different this year. In person voting will now require a state issued driver’s license, passport, status, your ID or military ID nothing else can be used as identification or voting for the person. That will take effect in April. So that’s a big change when you go to the voters booth. Just making sure our residents are aware that as part of that the motor part of Motor Vehicles will issue state IDs, free of charge which is another thing Next. Absentee ballots will require driver’s license numbers social security number. So that’s that’s a big change. Also the horse guy township association is asking all trustees to look at Ohio House Bill one and get out to your and speak with your state representatives about it. There are concerns that local governments can lose over a billion dollars from tax changes. School districts and townships are gonna be directly affected by House Bill, one rebellion township initiative brought this forward, their estimates is they would have lost about $150,000 of income coming into the township. So House Bill, one would have drastic effect. So I encourage you to just take a look at how school one is being proposed. And then reach out to our state legislators and have a conversation about that as well. Believe


it any questions? Got enough for an article? We got a good picture of this right. Super good. Thanks for coming. Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and make a motion that we adjourn this meeting. Favorite night? Yes to Yes. Next. We are adjourned at 921 a nice day.

Ryan Lind
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