Around Brimfield: A vote for kindness, plus news from Brimfield and beyond

Political campaigning is in full swing, complete with attack ads making disparaging accusations, whether they be true or not, who can tell. The forecast for civility in our country is bleak, especially considering that currently we are only in the primary election. Is anyone else concerned about the lack of respect shown to others, especially if their views are different from our own? Words that are commonplace now are words that never escaped the tongue when I was young, definitely showing my age here.

For example, when did the F-word become a noun, adjective, adverb, and verb! My parents were not saints, but that was a forbidden word in our home. The Webster’s New World College Dictionary that I use still defines the F-word as vulgar and obscene. I would like to think that Portage County is better than other places, but the ads in my mailbox, the dialogues I am hearing, and even the shirts that our county sheriff is selling for his reelection bid are disproving that thought. Our home is still a refuge from that word. When we fail to be offended by that which is offensive, our personal civility has diminished. I plan to rise above the temptation to join the throng and will continue to make kindness, respect, and civility my mantra. Anyone want to join me? Oh, and Tuesday, March 19 is Election Day. Vote for civility, kindness, and respect.

Newest restaurant in town

Speaking of voting, if we were to vote for the best pizza shop in Brimfield, there’s a new contender in town, and my prediction is that it will get a lot of affirmative votes. Jack’s Pizza, located in The Cascades of Brimfield in the former space that Dickey’s BBQ occupied, offers the options to eat in, carry out, or be delivered to your door. If you guessed that the owner’s name is Jack, you would be wrong. Owner Cody Hornyak grew up in Kent and related that the name of the restaurant is “kind of a joke” between him and his dad. Cody has been very busy getting ready for opening day, which is on March 11.

Jack’s Pizza menu features appetizers, salads, stromboli, sandwiches, pasta, desserts, and of course, pizza. Those who order on opening day will receive a 20% discount and the first 50 customers will receive a free small pizza. Check out their website at, follow them on Facebook, or give them a call at 234-233-1494.

Around Brimfield and Beyond

Board members of Leadership Portage County recently gathered for an evening out at The Meadery, located at 1292 Waterloo Rd. in Suffield. I learned that “mead is regarded as the oldest alcoholic beverage known to humanity and has been around for more than 9,000 years.” While beer is grain based and wine is fruit based, mead is honey based.

While I do not drink alcoholic beverages, my cohorts enjoyed the variety of flavors that were available. What absolutely awed me was the amazing restoration of an old church that was previously dilapidated and close to being only worthy of demolition. Owner Kent Waldeck’s vision and passion are palpable. It would be worth the trip just to see what he has done to the building, but the food offerings of charcuterie boards, shareable appetizers, salads, and pizzas are equally as impressive. The Meadery‘s hours of operation can be found on their website at

Brimfield Lions Club

Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 13, 6:00 p.m. – Night at the Races, sponsored by Brimfield and Randolph Lions Clubs, will be held at St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Hall, 2617 Waterloo Rd. in Suffield. Tickets are now available from any Lions Club member or online at

Brimfield Historical Society

March 16, 11 a.m. – Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Kelso House. The Easter Bunny is coming a little early this year, so dig out your baskets, put on your running shoes, and prepare for a fun egg hunt.

Brimfield Branch Library

March 5, 3:30-5 p.m. — Chess Club — Learn to play chess (All ages & skill levels)

March 8, 10:30-11 a.m. — Storytime — Children 5 and under

March 11, 3:30-5 p.m. — Teen Art Club – Grades 7-12 Bring your works in progress

March 12, 5:30-7 p.m. — Book Club — Adults – Copies of book available

March 13, 1-2 p.m. — Afternoon Book Club – Adults

March 14, 5-6 p.m. — History of Pinball – Robert Berk of Past Time Pinball will discuss the strange tale of how Pinball went from an illegal gambling device to a complex machine with beautiful art for family fun at home or at the arcade. – Teens/Adults

March 16, 10:30-11 a.m. — Storytime — Children 5 and under

March 19, 3:30-5:00 p.m. — Game Club — All Ages

March 21, 4-5 p.m. — Watercolor with Skittles – Paint a sweet masterpiece with Skittles! Intended for children in grades 4-6.

March 22, 10:30-11 a.m. — Storytime – Children 5 and under

March 26, 1:30-4 p.m. — History and Games — Learn about history, then play a game about it. Ages 8 and up

March 25, 26, 27, & 28, During Library hours — Spring Scavenger Hunt – Find the springtime animals hidden around the library and complete the puzzle to receive a prize! Intended for children in kindergarten and up.

March 30, 10:30-11 a.m. – Storytime – Children 5 and under

Young at Heart Group

March 8, 12 p.m. — Monthly bag lunch at the Brimfield Community Center, 4538 Edson Rd. Bring lunch, a drink, and a friend. RSVP Patty Yensel at 937-654-8333.

March 11, 10 a.m. — Breakfast at Mike’s Place Restaurant.

March 16, 5 p.m. — Dinner/Show at the Venue Banquet Center (ticket holders only)

March 26, 10 a.m. — Breakfast at Mike’s Place Restaurant

For those wishing to attend the breakfasts at Mike’s Place, RSVP DonnaRae Flanary at 330-592-4318 (call or text) by the Sunday before.

Paskey Tours offers bus tours to Cleveland’s Playhouse Square shows. Upcoming shows include Annie, Stomp, Always…Patsy Cline, Back to the Future, and MJ…The Musical. For more information, their website is Mention that you are with the Brimfield Young at Heart Group. If a trip is filled up, ask to be put on a waiting list.

Brimfield Parks and Recreation

March 15, 7:30 p.m. – Woodcock Walk at Cranberry Creek Park – Guided tour searching for the American Woodcock. The program is not suitable for young children or pets, as silence and patience are essential for viewing Woodcocks.

March 26, 10a.m. – Frogs and Toads for Kids at the Brimfield Branch Library – For children ages 4-8.

March 26, 2 p.m. – Tadpoles for Tots at the Brimfield Branch Library – For children ages 1-3.

March 27, 1-4 p.m. – Artsy Egg Natural Egg-Dyeing Workshop at the Brimfield Community Center – Registration required. Cost $1.00 per egg (limit 5 per person) – Make egg art using natural dyes derived from beets, blueberries, spinach, and other plants.

Mar. 28, 8:00 p.m. – Fifth Annual Amphibian Walk at the Brimfield Community Center, Carter Pavilion – Learn how to identify amphibians and about their life cycles.

Brimfield Township Trustee Meetings

March 6, 8 a.m. – Trustee Meeting at Brimfield Community Center

March 20, 8 a.m. – Trustee Meeting at Brimfield Community Center

April 3, 8 a.m. – Trustee Meeting at Brimfield Community Center

A Few More Dates

March 10 – Daylight Savings Time Begins (Time springs forward)

March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day – “May the roof above us never fall in, and those gathered beneath it never fall out.” – Old Irish Blessing

March 24 – Palm Sunday

March 29 – Good Friday

March 31 – Easter

Food For Thought

I was listening to an interesting podcast about a study that was done comparing praising children for their “intelligence” versus praising them for their “effort.” The children were given a test at the beginning of the study and then the same test again at the conclusion of the study. Those whose “effort” was praised continued to progress at a substantial rate. Those whose “intelligence” was praised had lower scores on the same test taken previously. The study concluded that children do significantly better when praised for their “effort.”

Finally, children don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Until next time. Got news? Share it by contacting Shirley Mars at 330-673-0241 or at [email protected]

Shirley Mars
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