Freedom Fall Festival Car/Craft/Vendor Show

Freedom Town Hall 8966 St Rt 700, Ravenna

Come join us for our Fall Festival Car/Craft/Vendor Show at 8966 St. Rt. 700, Ravenna at the Freedom Town Hall. We will have live entertainment throughout the day. Our very own Daisy will be doing Cow Chip Bingo. A chance to WIN MONEY!!! A variety of crafters/vendors and cars will be there for everyone. There will be a bounce house for the kids as well. We will have a 50/50 raffle and basket raffles. Pre-sale tickets for the 50/50 raffle […]


Cookies with Santa

Freedom Town Hall 8966 St Rt 700, Ravenna

Come join us for Cookies with Santa. Enjoy some hot chocolate, cider, and cookies all while mingling with Santa. There will be a craft and goodie bag for the kids (limited quantity). Bring your camera and get your picture taken by the tree with Santa (free). Bring a canned good or non-perishable item for the Garrettsville Nelson Food Cupboard. This is a free event and open to everyone of all ages.
