Editor’s note: The Portager publishes letters to the editor from the community. The opinions expressed are published not because they necessarily reflect those of the publication but because we feel they contribute meaningfully to the local discourse on matters of public interest.
Thank you to The Portager for helping to publicize LoveLight’s STARCHILD initiative which will be a wonderful, unique multigenerational childcare/child development and lifelong learning center. Imagine the children, highly qualified staff, senior citizens, and college students interacting with each other as they enjoy fresh air and sunshine on the natural playground, growing fresh fruits and vegetables, learning relaxation techniques and sharing stories and poems in the Peace Garden of the Elders. In the equally nurturing environment indoors, infants will be gently rocked in rocking chairs, sung, talked, and read to, and will spend part of the day engaged in “belly time” so important to healthy development.
Toddlers and pre-schoolers will have many opportunities to explore their world, express themselves in a variety of ways, including in the mini art “studio”, while engaging in experiences designed to promote their cognitive, social, physical, and emotional skills using a developmentally appropriate approach.
Older youth will participate in remedial and enrichment activities to help them be “the best version of themselves”, providing, as with the younger children, support for development of positive mindsets, quality of life, and a strong foundation for a successful future.
It was a blessing in disguise that a deal on the property on South Water Street referenced in the Portager article did not materialize, because LoveLight is now in negotiation for a wonderful property in a great location, with a building that is in very good condition.
We are moving forward and are most grateful for the books donated by Friends of the Kent Free Library, the 42 bookshelves (which will serve as classroom dividers) that I was able to (personally) purchase for $3 each through Kent State’s surplus program, the commitment of a “living fence” by Battaglia’s Garden Center in honor of Phyllis Battaglia, help from the Kent Garden Club, and the individual who with his crew will help create the giant “sand box” as part of the natural playground.
For more information regarding LoveLight and STARCHILD, please visit our website, www.lovelightcares.org.
Lisbeth (Betsy) Justice, Executive Director, LoveLight, Inc.
The Portager publishes a range of opinions from the community. To submit a letter to the editor, write to [email protected].