???? Find locally produced and environmentally friendly gifts at Bibury & Co in Mantua

Bibury & Co sells a variety of items including home decor, gifts, cards, journaling supplies and kitchen supplies from their shop at 4672 E. Prospect St. in Mantua, Ohio.

They source their goods from local, environmentally friendly, woman-owned suppliers and supplement them with some national vendors as well, to provide a unique collection of goods for your home and life.

A few years ago they launched a line of greeting cards for all occasions out of cut paper, produced and sold in the store.

Bibury’s stock is constantly changing with the seasons and the availability of the goods in the marketplace, so you might find something different on each visit.

Instagram: @biburypaper

Facebook: BiburyandCo

Upcoming events:

Nov 17-19 Christmas Open House, when the Holiday items are put out for sale

Nov 26: Shop Small Saturday

Dec 3: Christmas Celebration in Mantua

Dec 8: Shop at night in Mantua – extended shopping hours

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