Documenters: Shalersville Zoning Public Hearing and Trustee meeting for March 7, 2023

Shalersville Zoning Public Hearing and Trustee Meeting

March 7, 2023

7:30 p.m.


Frank Ruehr, Trustee

Ron Kotkowski, Trustee

Jill Corbett, Fiscal Officer

Greg Benner, Zoning Inspector

Dean Engelhart, Road Superintendent


John Kline, Trustee (medical)

Documenter’s Notes

Trustee Frank Ruehr called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes from the rescheduled meeting held Tuesday, Feb. 28 were accepted.

Zoning Public Hearing

The public hearing lasted 10 minutes, with little public comment. The Zoning Commission recommended more specific language to zoning amendments in an effort to preclude housing developments in specifically zoned residential areas consistent with the land-use plan developed by community survey. The recommendations passed.

Trustee Meeting

Ruehr convened the scheduled trustee meeting at 7:40 p.m. The meeting opened with three citizen questions for Trustee Ron Kotkowski regarding property tended by Lakeside Sand and Gravel, Kotkowski’s family business. He was asked about the progress of the company’s conveyor system, and he updated the questioner. The same citizen asked if Kostkowski planned to leave temporary buildings “on English’s property” in place. Kotkowski said he would bring this up at his business meeting the following day, remarking that representatives of the company had already wondered why these were not positioned out of sight to begin with. A second citizen asked if the company would be removing all the trees from a location that the questioner and Kotkowski understood; Kotkowski said they were trying not to. She referenced an area that had been heavily cut by Lakeside’s development. Kotkowski said he had cleared the area because it had become “a playground for trespassers” and leased it to a local farmer. Kotkowski cited an Audubon Society report that retired gravel pits are net positive to native habitat.

There was additional citizen discussion about a project directed by the Army Corps of Engineers on Infirmary, Beck and Coit roads where flooding frequently occurs. The Corps recommended that a lawsuit would be the only way to amend the issue. Ruehr cited beaver activity as an additional factor in the flooding situation. 

Another citizen was concerned about the Portage County Regional Airport’s 20-year expansion plan. The trustees called the plan a “wish list” and doubted that the organization’s funding could support the expansion. Citizens were reminded that the airport holds public meetings. 


Superintendent Dean Engelhart recommended that the township get going on signage at the cemetery. Ruehr explained to the engaged crowd that the cemetery is being over-decorated, which makes mowing difficult. Engelhart got a quote of $7,808.90 from Marshall Equipment for a new Exmark mower in stock. The trustees approved the purchase up to $8,000. There was further discussion about rock in the shop parking lot, without official motion. 


Inspector Greg Benner reported no new permits since the last meeting. The Crowder case (junk motor vehicles) was settled after two years. The Bender case (junk motor vehicles) went to mediation, but the parties were allowed to meet prior to mediation. The parties agreed to a 30-day extension, as Benner suggested that the Benders had shown progress in cleanup. Benner fielded a handful of complaints from a local trailer park, which is in the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce. Benner suggested the complaining parties submit their rent in escrow. 

Benner suggested zoning to limit solar farms. Kotkowski requested that the Portage County commissioners place a countywide moratorium on solar and wind development. 


Fiscal Officer Jill Corbett updated the board about a county recycling event Saturday, April 22 on Mogadore Road in Kent. Ruehr reminded the crowd of Shalersville’s scheduled clean-up event May 4-6. Kotkowski reported that the township was awarded the $134,797 Walking Trail Grant and is also working on a parking lot for the football field. 

Ruehr reported additional park development progress from funds donated by former Crestwood teacher Mr. Corbett. Ballfields will be named for Mr. Corbett. Ruehr also said that RITA money from workers on the large Geis Building on Route 44 is hitting the township accounts. 

The board approved the bills as submitted.

A pancake breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, March 18 at Christ Lutheran Church in Mantua. 

Engelhart reported that a new plow truck arrived Monday and is being prepared for service.

Future trustee meetings will be held at 7 p.m. until Trustee John Kline is cleared to return to work.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


The following transcript was generated by a transcription bot and is not 100% accurate. The Portager does not edit the AI-generated transcript. We understand the automatic transcript can be very inaccurate.

Shalersville 3.7

Fri, Mar 10, 2023 10:22AM • 1:04:43


meeting, property, zoning, put, road, land use plan, township, people, gravel pit, money, commissioners, county, cemeteries, talk, years, lake, trailer parks, park, army corps, arr


Ron Kotkowski, Dean Enselhart, Gregory Benner

Gregory Benner  00:15

Everybody remember we are here heard it was gonna be for good now and then over also that’s fine. Oh, yeah.


We’ve been talking about that stuff. Couple years. Yeah. And they even say phases now they don’t love making changes for this year because of stuff that people have planned, like reservations, whatever they might have to go next year. But they said that last year

Gregory Benner  00:43

lease to stay where they move it and leave it there. No all voting polls will be in here.


There’s plenty of room there.

Dean Enselhart  01:00

Everybody’s in here. And we pack their presents.


Okay. Okay. Good evening. Welcome to our March 7 2023. Special zoning meeting at 730 to be followed by our regular meeting. I’d like to open up the meeting with a question. Right better sir.


One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Yeah, we’ve got minutes from our last meeting this everybody had a chance to look at those are running.

Ron Kotkowski  01:51

I have and I will make a motion to accept them as written.


I will second that. Well, Paul Frank, yes. Yes, thank you for meeting today is to clear up some language in our zoning books and something that’s already in there, Brian?

Ron Kotkowski  02:09

Yeah. So the last special meeting was about changing these PRD. And PUD areas out of the AR district come about appear and plan residential development in a planned unit development. So they’re not going to be in the era that we already approved that, that they’re not going to be in ARR. They’re only allowed in our two districts with a minimum of 20 acres, and the district would have to be created to have any of them. But what they didn’t do was there was a couple sentences in different areas that they did not think to change. So this special meeting is just to change those. And the new language is in bold, underlined and removing structure language. So I will just read what there’s excuse me what they’re striking out and what they’re adding. Amendment One A a minimum of 25 acres in our district has been struck and be a minimum of 20 acres in and they’ve changed this to our two and they’ve struck our one district. So they’re only allowing it in our two and then in table 6.1 The AR R is struck the R two r one is struck and the R two is added.


We don’t at this time have any open ground in our two.

Ron Kotkowski  03:41

Is that correct? We do have some open ground in order to I mean, very minor. But it could change because they’re putting water and sewer down 44 And and primary road. And so there if someone requested someone could request to change from ARR to R two,


is that restricted because of the lack of water that’s going to them properties? No. It’s reopen up because they open up the utilities. Well,

Ron Kotkowski  04:17

it’s restricted, where there is no city water in order to have or city sewer. In order to have houses closer together. You need to have city sewer so that they don’t have to have septic systems. We need two acres to have a septic system and shaders well. And so if a developer wants to put houses close together, he has to have city sewer in order


to do that. You’re not gonna allow

Ron Kotkowski  04:45

that. Well, that’s up to the zoning board. If someone would come to him, they have absolutely no plans of allowing that at this time.


I know that I’ll be public meetings, they’d have a public meeting and they’d make a recommendation and they said no, it’s over. Unless the developer sued us, of course, and then it goes to a court and

Ron Kotkowski  05:06

it’s fine. Yeah, yeah.


Cluster housing.


If they approve it, then it would come to the, to the trustees for final approval. So there’s, there’s always, if anything happens, there’ll be two public meetings, you’ll have a chance to come in every piece.

Ron Kotkowski  05:23

And the zoning board has no plans of changing anything. It’s only if someone comes and forces a request on the zoning board, that they would have to look at it.


Could you explain the R one and R two?

Ron Kotkowski  05:37

Well, our one is, our one is just as the districts that it’s like, we’re east and Redfox. Those are one. I think those are our one or they are two. Anyhow, our


two right.

Ron Kotkowski  05:56

Are two. That’s right. There are two districts. And we don’t have any open space in our two districts except for No, no, if that around a red fox, there is

Gregory Benner  06:08

a little piece on this side of red fox. Yeah, because SNS owns.

Ron Kotkowski  06:14

Yeah. So it’s,


and then all the way it is a our agricultural, rural residential. And we took it out of there also, unless they requested and have acreage, but it’s not in there right now.

Ron Kotkowski  06:30

And also, that property that the gravel pit owns, south of red fox, they’ve been in negotiations to put a lane conservancies on their property, so that that would not be developed them. And that’s the only property that has enough space to do price in our two flat style housing. So what is our one? Remember what our one is,

Gregory Benner  07:01

basically, one is defined with sewer with water and sewer and one without, that’s how we do.

Ron Kotkowski  07:11

So the last part of this table 6.5, they’re striking ARR l r, r one, and they’re adding R two. And then the description is the proposed change is consistent with removing AR and r1 zoning districts from the PRD overlay zoning. Also adding are too. So that’s all it is. It’s it’s just basically some clerical errors that are being


made those changes a while back and some of the language that get changed. So it was confusing. It’s confusing when it’s right. But what’s wrong through just changing the wording,

Ron Kotkowski  07:54

just the wording to match what they what we already changed. They’re trying to get rid of housing developments in the ARR. District. And they would like I said, they would have to apply to change an Air District to a to our to if there was water and sewer available. And then, like Frank said that would go before the board public meetings. But we don’t want to encourage it. And there


are some of his water and sewer so high pressure that the normal homeowner can tie into it. Because you’ve been fighting with a commercial, that’s putting in a lot higher rate than you could put in as a phone back in years. So they don’t allow it on a lot of the high pressure.

Ron Kotkowski  08:47

And these changes are consistent with the land use plan. I don’t know if all of you were at the public meeting. But public sentiment is we want to keep it. And so this is a step to keep it from developing out in a way that we don’t want it to.


One thing that zoning board never said in any of those meetings, everybody wants everything to stay the same. I wanted to point it out. All that white area up in there. Stay in the same means that that will be white area will be ARR agricultural, rural residential. That doesn’t mean that 100 acre field when that farmer retires, doesn’t sell it in his 50 houses in there. Because we allow a house over two acres around here, that doesn’t mean that guy across the street couldn’t sign up for a speedway because its commercial been that way since the 50s. All that purple up there with that big building is that’s light industrial. Just because there’s only one building there doesn’t mean it could be 10. There could be that we’re we’re keeping the districts the same. We’re not changing into make a lot more business or a lot more commercial, whatever. We’re keeping the township districts the same. That’s what In the same hands up, tell somebody sold a piece property for 40 years, it’s been arr. A farmer, you know how you got that 100 acres now you can sell to a guy to put in 40 or 50 houses to buy a house every two acres.

Ron Kotkowski  10:15

And what we can say is the township owns the town hall. So we own the south east corner. And we own the school, this the northeast corner, and we have no plans of changing any of them. Keep it the same.


Yeah, we


bought some additional property here a couple of years ago, because it ties into our park and we’re putting a walkway in a driveway down to a parking lot down there. So it fits what we need to do to keep that recreational space available. So yeah. Well, I’ll make a motion. We accept the changes the zoning board proposed. I’ll second which

Ron Kotkowski  10:54

I’ll second the motion.


Roll call Frank. Yes.


Yes. Okay, anything else on the zoning? All right at 740 I’ll close the specials on the median and open our regular trustee. Do you may have any comments back there for our regular trustee meeting?


How’s your progress going on with your the conveyor

Ron Kotkowski  11:35

belt a lot of work while we’re but we’re getting though the belting put on now. And the next part is the electrical and then hopefully we’ll be running sometimes end of March or beginning of April. And we’re also we’re also putting covers on the whole conveyor. So you know, to cut down more with noise about


which side of the street are you gonna start on first,

Ron Kotkowski  11:58

right where the conveyor ends? The South Side? Because we have least janitors property. Okay, us. Yeah. So we’ll be back in there. Hopefully for a long time. This has been a lot of work, hopefully digging deep holes and making nice lakes for a while.


We’re on the other side of the street. Yes. She’s already thinking of moving.


I have another question for you just the buildings that you have at Englishes property, the ones that are gonna go eventually over the street. Yeah. Are they kind of stay there? You know, that’s a

Ron Kotkowski  12:39

good question. My son remarked the other day, I really wish we would have just put them up in the background. Nobody could see him. Because that’s sporadic questions. We only bought that because it was a really good deal. Yeah. You know, they gave it to us. And we had to,


you know, we’re just wondering, you know, keep them there for 20 years and put your time over the other side and then move on.

Ron Kotkowski  13:07

That’s a good question. You know what, I’ll get back with you on that. I’ll talk it over in our next meeting and see if we want to move on. Wouldn’t be a big deal for us to move on. Put them somewhere where you can’t see them. In fact, we could probably put them in the back once we get taken back there. Just set them off to the side.


Yeah, I understand that.


Just under five minutes. Yeah. We live in

Ron Kotkowski  13:28

there. Yeah. Yeah, we’ll, we’ll consider moving those. I can’t say talk for my brothers. And my my brother might


not was there any zoning that says you can leave in there for 20 years? Is that like a permanent structure?

Ron Kotkowski  13:46

No, it’s no, there’s no foundation there.


So it’s now they’re moving? Just leave

Gregory Benner  13:52

it equipment, basically. They’re with us.


For 20 years. I can’t ask

Ron Kotkowski  14:04

the question again. But, you know, we try to be good neighbors. So we’ll consider moving them. I’ll bring it up. Wednesday at the meeting, we


take down all the trees like are across the street.

Ron Kotkowski  14:19

I’m trying real hard. We’re trying real hard enough to we’re trying to dig a channel over to the open field and downers where we’ll be mining. We’re trying to get there as quickly as we can. Yeah, but we have to have space to work back in there. So you know,


if I know behind our side, you cut down a lot of trees.

Ron Kotkowski  14:39

Yeah, well, we cleared all those saplings out and put it back into field


with with a lot Yeah. Which we have a lot on our property. So


and I’ll and when the time comes I can actually measure 100 feet behind my property, and then forget that fluorescent orange and make a line

Ron Kotkowski  15:01

Well, don’t worry, we will have our surveyor out there and doing so we don’t have


a fence in the back foot

Gregory Benner  15:14

of the trees.


Trees are the best.

Gregory Benner  15:18

Because you’re gonna put our providers in and they grow 1012 feet. They’re good beds.


Yeah, we have a lot of buffer right enough to four hours. So we put more stuff in. I don’t think we’ll ever need for fulfilling our


system gonna ask like, I worry more about the cliffs like, how do you manage that like if people go on your property. And I know they’re deep cliffs, we’ve been to a couple sand gravel pits before and it’s a little scary for me as if it

Ron Kotkowski  15:54

just depends on the area. But like we said, the last meeting, give us a call. We’ll give you a tour. And we’ll we’ll talk all about all of that.


Because I’m looking at grandchildren. And you know, at the end of our pride,

Ron Kotkowski  16:07

we want to be good neighbors.


That’s how I worry about like is your fence that goes up. But we had

Ron Kotkowski  16:13

to do over by worries because the woods that you were talking about treed area wasn’t that was just fields that had grown up into woods. That was a horrible mess back in there, there was so much trespassing fires whatever else they were doing back there. I know Chad always complained about that. So we cleared it all we got Mark Brockman over there farming it figured it would look nicer as a field and as as a playground for trespassers. And we had to take the stumps, cut all the wood off and make a stump row. That’s the only thing that we keep the four wheelers out, if you just lay wood across there, they’ll come with their chainsaws and cut it all up and make a path and come through. But stumps nobody wants to do


chainsaws I know my grandchildren would just be climbing all over that they think this is a new playground. That’s how my grandchildren that’s how


my park

Ron Kotkowski  17:17

but we you know, we have a safety program, we try to be very safe with our workers and our properties. And we really don’t allow trespassing, you know, no four wheelers. No, no strangers fishing, anything like that, because it’s just too dangerous. Right? I get a hard time from a lot of people. Well, why don’t you let us come fish and you know, I said, Well, we got 40 Some families working here. And you have somebody drowned. And that could ruin everything for everybody. We don’t allow it. Post federal law


doesn’t like are you going to own the lake?

Ron Kotkowski  17:58

Well, dancers will own their property. Okay. We’re just leasing from them.


So let me just okay.

Ron Kotkowski  18:05

Yeah, we make a lot of lakes and we


all walk behind us on the other side of the street. Is there going to be a lake? Oh, yeah. That will own that rank? Yes. will eventually be like lakefront park.

Ron Kotkowski  18:17

Yes. And we’re not developers, we try not to develop anything. Yeah. But then because if you’ve learned that and going well, if you if I sold lots along diagonal road, and people built nice, nice houses in there. Then they start complaining about me having a gravel pit there. Yeah. So I’m just leaving it as is. You know, Sunday, Sunday, we’ll be looking at broken what they have around Loretta and Roy’s place there. You know, that was an old? Well, there are signs that are worn out.


Last week from somebody that lives in the back of their property butts up to the old standard sled. And wondering why years ago, the trustees allowed it and they moved in after the gravel pit was done out of there. It’s like you moved in after it was done. You can’t complain about something that happened 60 years ago. Right. But yeah.


Because I was just wondering, like, we won’t be alive when all this is done. What about the next generation? You know, will they be able will we be able to say you’re going to have a lake and yes, you know, okay, yeah. And that’s why we’re planning like it’s going to be an advantage to

Ron Kotkowski  19:29

finish it up and make it look really nice when we’re


done. And they will be able to wander around.

Ron Kotkowski  19:35

Well, when it goes into private property eventually Yes, but not as long as it’s a gravel pit because it’s just too dangerous. It’s fun to look at. But you know, not a playground.


Can we can make it a nice park. Well

Ron Kotkowski  19:56

in the past that has helped in different areas. You know, to make parks land conservancies there’s a gravel pit up in Newberry that the Western Reserve Land Conservancy got the property and they’re just letting it grow up and be wild and, and the park you know. And and there was an article years ago in the Audubon magazine about unreclaimed gravel pits. We reclaim because we want them to look nice, but they were saying that unreclaimed gravel pits are one of the most beneficial things to wildlife. That man does usually man screws everything up, but when they had left those, because of the plants that grow up and the lakes and you know the waterfowl and ya know how well but housing and it’s looks nice, but it’s not as beneficial to nature


is wanting to know is there spring water in there?

Ron Kotkowski  21:00

roundtable water co forward.


He’s got to spring underneath this house. Oh comes out to him. No more property drops in the front. And it comes out there. pile of rocks dirt. Always running.

Ron Kotkowski  21:15

Yeah, my dad had the same thing. And it was always filling the septic system up until we rerouted it. Just an area where you know water underground. You have no idea what it does. It’s gonna keep doing it.


You can’t stop it get diverted. Right. We have a creek right. But it’s not near our septic system. Okay. On top of the hill.


Okay, anything else? Okay.


I feel there. Yeah. Okay.


I’ve got a question. Yes, again. So this is kind of off the subject. But it was certainly the last meeting we went to and somebody brought up problems about how the Army Corps of Engineers diverted that soldier. Yeah. And then he had mentioned that we were making, I guess, he said, getting an attorney or something like that, if that’s,

Ron Kotkowski  22:11

they told one of the property owners to sue them. Okay, because he complained, because the Army Corps of Engineers, it was a mining operation on a back road kind of firm. And they reclaimed according to how the Corps of Engineers told them they had to reroute a stream. They spent hundreds of 1000s of dollars, because the Army Corps made them do all this work and replant plants and put the stream in, and they had it lower and then the Army Corps made them raise it up. And now everyone, upstream of there’s flooding, this flooding up to Coit road,


because it’s not deep enough. And the Army Corps of Engineer now won’t change it because they

Ron Kotkowski  22:56

know, they just said sue us. That’s what they told


us. So those people that are having problems upstream, as far as their flooding and stuff, they have no recourse except for two. Well, they could


sue. We were sent letters. I was a foreman on the turnpike at that section. The turnpike and I went to the Army Corps of Engineers, we had a meeting. And they told us I didn’t say anything different. We showed him this picture this 16 foot wide, 80 foot tall box culvert where the water ran under it and it was you could walk through the driver tractors now was colorful, and they said, Well, that’s the same as it was 40 years ago. How do you how do you combat that? You got a picture of an eight foot tall culvert completely full 16 foot wide and one that was empty. You could drive a tractor through but

Ron Kotkowski  23:47

I was gonna bring this up later. Since it’s affecting Coit road, and that section, Coit road is County.


So my question was like, doesn’t our law department report?

Ron Kotkowski  24:00

Well, I think we should look into that and have the county talk to the commissioners and see if they would be a part of a lawsuit to get that lowered. Because it’s affecting it’s affecting everybody’s property to bosses and


well, now they’re Beaver Dam enough. On Infirmary road and the other ditch it goes across there. across one of my dad’s behind this duplex and on the corner infirmary 303 that’s all gonna be flooded now because they won’t let him pick the beaver up. When the Army Corps of Engineers point nearly seven You’re done. You’re done. We don’t want you to change. let nature take its course if it reroutes it reroutes. But they’re up here on the food chain, another federal government thing and then you got to state and you get to County and we’re way down here in the county to is just one level above us. You know, they’re they’re hard they’re hard to meet.


There was a point two years ago where element road right We’re curves by the beaver pipe there was flooding still still to beaver dams. Now, they somebody had fixed that for a while. I mean, I don’t know,

Ron Kotkowski  25:13

the Army Corps isn’t involved there.


Okay, this is the beavers out yeah, they dropped the beers out went to come back not to re trap them and get the property him that don’t want to do that

Ron Kotkowski  25:25

to the homeowner. So it’s up to the landowner


and landowner, not the people that are getting flooded landowner, whoever moves part of the creek.


Yep. And then it’s a civil dispute. Notes.


There was a woman


who spoke at the end of the last meeting, the big meeting, and she was talking about the airport. And I thought if she would have been able to talk before the meeting, I don’t think anyone would have voted for that airport to expand. And she says it just goes on and on and on.


Nobody voted for that airport.


I were there. We heard her talking. And she says that scenario, yeah, that that happened. She was trying

Ron Kotkowski  26:08

to win anything. She brought up some good concerns. But nobody’s voted for that expand at this point. In the next meeting, I didn’t go to the meeting, I was out of town and Frank went to the meeting. The airport board has to have a long term plan. And it’s a wish list. So what they were talking about with the expansion of the runway and everything that was their wish list, they have no funding, the commissioners haven’t done anything. To do that. It’s just


the FAA gives them 95% of their money. And for the FFA, to give them any money, it’s going to be down their long term forecast, which is 20 years,


they have a certain size plane come in 500 times a year also. And they said it just isn’t something


but they put this 20 year plan together and 15 years, they decided they want to do something that’s not on a 20 year plan that listen to him, they gotta wait till the 20 plans up to the other 20 year plan, sir 20 year plan, these delays are their clue that they need to do hangar, they need to change the taxiway to the building. Yeah, the laws of Chase, how close to be patted in airports, I get that kind of stuff. And they said they did put the length on it. But they do that every time. But that doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen. I don’t see them in any money for that they can’t barely operate. So

Ron Kotkowski  27:26

that’s all of our jurisdiction. Master County. That’s a county.


Their next meeting it was on today. It’s open to the public. It’s the second Wednesday


of the month once it’s conquered.


If that sounds about right.


Yeah, a lot of people don’t realize that.


They really don’t. All of ours are I that’s what I told my whole neighborhood you guys can call us.


They just if you’re anything coming up that as people who are asking all these questions need to know.

Ron Kotkowski  28:01

Well, there’s, you know, the ongoing Land Use Plan, which you were at the big meeting. Right. And they’re having 124. Yeah. And that’s mainly for the people that own the downtown area to see what they’re trying to figure out what their plans are the people that own the properties. And everyone’s allowed to come to that meeting, but it’s mainly for those people. And then I think they’ll have one more land use plan meeting late November. Yeah, you know, this is a ongoing, long, but every 10 years, we update the land use plan, and we created it 10 years ago. So it’s time to update it. You know, and I’ve encouraged everybody to come to those meetings, because we really do want public input, you know, to know whether, you know, you want expansion, or you don’t want expansion or you want changes, or you don’t want changes at the last 110 years ago, you know, your lot of people from your area came and we changed, their zoning wasn’t quite right. So, you know, we got a lot of people to get the zoning change to what they wanted it. And that’s going to be very handy. And, you know, like we’ve said, built, a build out is coming because of what’s finally starting to develop here. So we want to be able to steer it in a good direction, and we need direction on how to do that. And that’s what the land use plan does. And the stronger the land use plan, the better you are in court, when you go to defend it. So it’s, you know, it’s good. That’s why we’re updating it now. Because before we get faced with a whole bunch of requests for changes, we want our land use plan in place so that we can say, well, here’s what our land use plan says, you know, and that helps to defend any decisions we


make. And that’s why I was we started coming because when Santa grill was going behind this feature trailer, we’ll find out what what’s going on. But it’s it could be to our advantage in the property behind us isn’t going to turn into something we don’t want, we will know it’s going to probably feel

Ron Kotkowski  30:07

like and you know, you’d be much further ahead with a lake behind you than a development, you know, that could have developed from a war II style. Yeah, I don’t think anybody wants to get any closer than what it is.


So I figured we’re, this could be an advantageous, because we can say, no trailer parks kind of go behind us, we know what’s gonna go behind.

Ron Kotkowski  30:31

We initiate zoning was originally initiated because of red fox and worries that came in before zoning. And did these high density houses. You know, the people are shielded, they’ll said, Hey, wait a second, we don’t want any more of this. So they put zoning in place to provide I


think you’re gonna fill in a hole so that you could put in hell?

Ron Kotkowski  30:54

No, no, you end up with a nice lake. You know, like the lake that we have between quite rotten and diagonal road, at some point that will probably become a feeder for the water department there, which will be a good thing for them, you know, down the road as they need more water lakes to even if they don’t use the lake, even if they don’t pump out of the lake. That does recharge the aquifer. Because it holds a lot of water there. So it helps their their wells that they have in their area. So


do you have any insurance to protect anything on our property that could happen from you digging better?

Ron Kotkowski  31:38

Yeah, we have liability insurance.


You got a lot of insurance. Okay, we have to not against this. I mean to help us Yeah.


Okay, Lloyd going back this week, need a couple

Dean Enselhart  31:54

of things. We completed, we talked about putting a sign up cemetery. Right. When you probably need to going on exit.


Could you come up with a? I didn’t want to you showed us one to read the St. Paul house. Yeah, if you stop there taking 20 minutes to read it right enough. And I think we need something like that we have a problem with the cemeteries, people putting too much stuff on them can’t mow in the spring. And we’d like to winter decorations, all plastic stuff off by a certain time. And we have a lot of problems anyhow, down there. It’s just it’s just it’s getting so congested. And people pack so much stuff around, they’re only allowed so many inches or feet from a headstone, they got it to where you can’t get the mower through, if you have to weave it in or push mow it. That’s not going to work. So if you could find us,

Dean Enselhart  32:44

I’ll go through the laws, you know, rules for some variable. Yeah, maybe we’ll make some tweaks for this week.


And I think we should we could get it for the next meeting. Okay, we can

Dean Enselhart  32:57

get going it up, because then we get it posted. And yeah. Like I said, I went by October, you know,


come May we’re gonna be cleaned up to

Ron Kotkowski  33:08

make the sign up.

Dean Enselhart  33:10

I would do those little signs you make or sign so probably I’ll take it to


the cheapest, most professional.

Dean Enselhart  33:18

So frequently talked last week about, he asked me check into a lawnmower for the cemeteries get a backup. So I did reach out


last year, we had to buy two and we ended up buying one last year and we need one this year now.

Dean Enselhart  33:31

So I reached out to Alan Clayman and Marshall equipment, and he gave me a quote for 7808 90 That’s exactly same same mower. It’s roughly about $300 more than what we paid for the one that we bought last summer,

Ron Kotkowski  33:49

but it’s identical is identical


tires and

Ron Kotkowski  33:55

you have to get


the next mark. You have to mark X mark saying

Dean Enselhart  34:03

he’s got plenty in stock right now. So I said get quote, talk to you guys. And from there.


Okay. Yeah, I think I get it because we’ve got the one Oh, husband is completely dead. We tore it down, tore it apart and saved the mother who had a good motor, but the veterans went out of it. Now that one’s got what? 2800 It’s 31 Yes, that’s, that’s a lot our for a lot more. So

Ron Kotkowski  34:26

should we jump on it now?


I think we yeah, I’ll make a motion. We spend 50,000 on it more. Just to prove it. We talked about last year’s budget. So

Ron Kotkowski  34:38

I will second that. Frank? Yes. Yes.


That’s nice to have the same thing to take. Same blade, same fellas. Spare Tire anything.

Dean Enselhart  34:53

So last thing I have is we did the Rockstar nerd shop. We both came to occlusions and Iraq are too low. If we ever do put a cable, I’d like to buy some schedule 40 pipe at each puppeteers corner is in the ground. And we got a price on there but today at Lowe’s through our accounts we’re talking about


this year just equipment again, right? Maybe sometime over the summer for half time, right. That’s all I

Dean Enselhart  35:23

know. We haven’t been. We’ve been we’ve watched what you wish for. Yeah. Change it for this week.

Gregory Benner  35:35

Everyday is getting 123. Now three to five.


Last week was five days away. Yeah. Boy. Overtime. Okay. As a citizen

Ron Kotkowski  35:56

because we have special


we had a special 730 zoning meeting that we advertised for a couple of changes. And then every, every time we do that would follow up immediately after with ours rather than late. Yeah. Have you ever been to a zoning meeting? Maybe you’ve been your winner. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That’s the biggest you’ve ever had. So anything on your mind today?

Ron Kotkowski  36:31

Oh, are you leave? I want to talk to you, Karen. I like that. Thank you.


Notice right now?

Gregory Benner  36:46

Yes, no new permits came through. A follow up on a couple Jambi cases, the Crowder case has been settled. Two years into the making, we finally got all vehicles removed. So that was a good thing. And then I was in court on Tuesday, last Tuesday, Wednesday, one of the days for our vendor case. And it was actually a showing or it was a status hearing. Yeah, for that fun, Shelley, the junkyard, and then I’d cited him for jump motor vehicles. And it was a status hearing. And actually, the magistrate Let us meet before we actually went into official court room to try to work things out between us. So we did. Brett, myself and Mr. Bender. And we struck up an extension to give him 30 days. I mean, literally, he’s got the jump. It was till the row last year, and he’s got it within 10 feet, I mean, literally, to pick up truckloads and he’d have a cleaned up. So he said he would do that. Where is this? This is right on the bed to Shelly in red box. Okay. If you know,


the last five years, that’s been the norm, we send it out, and then it goes back. And even if we get it back, it’s gonna keep it? Well, I

Gregory Benner  38:11

My hope is yes. Because, you know, that’s the first time we’ve had him in court. And so and then he’s got to work with so he basically gave him 30 days to become compliant. Otherwise, we’ll go back in court and have an actual judgment and seek judgment. So so that’s a good thing. And then I did get one long email about an environmental group. I received a phone call a couple of weeks ago about a gentleman in a trailer park there, I didn’t Burberry pretty upset about this living standards and what’s going on inside that park. And I explained to him that we have no jurisdiction over trailer parks, that that’s all done by the Department of Commerce. And so pretty easy. You know, so I told him, you know, he wants to know how to go about it. And you know, the protocol is to, to start with the park manager and make a complaint to him. And if he doesn’t, you know, work with your come to attend, the next step is going directly to the Ohio Department of Commerce, I say go on their website. It’ll direct you through. So I don’t know if if this was part of this or not, but I got a big email from an environmental group that does environmental impact research on things and they wanted to know about that property. That’s the address they gave me. They said they’re doing some type of environmental search on it. So I don’t know if this is part of that or not. But I again, I told them that they wanted to know if there was any zoning regulations and the county codes and I formed them that, again, it’s all done by the Department of Commerce, so we have no authority whatsoever. We’re in the trailer parks. So I don’t know if that’s part of it, or it could be part of the guys property since you know, they’ve actually been doing work. right there to I don’t know, across the street by your dad’s so


I actually talked to the same gentleman I told him you have more power than anybody. You could all get together you got to pay your rent my rent which you put in an escrow until he fixes you know, you got to pay it, but you put it in escrow. Yeah, correct. And then that force him if he’s not getting any money, he’s got to fix stuff and then it goes out of escrow and legally can’t go back on your for that.

Gregory Benner  40:25

And I know two people get together to do that. Probably not. Yeah, it’s not a good feel for but you know, there’s nothing I can do through zoning. So, but you can work the channels and hopefully get something done and hopefully, you know, they can. So that’s that Now one last thing. I’ll touch real quick on House Bill 52. A couple other things I learned. I’ve been given Ronnie some information on it. So I sent an email to Chris Missouri asking him saw our zoning board is going to work on the under 50k and put some, you know, new regulations in which we’re allowed to do on underpin DK because that’s zoning, but over 50k It’s not zoning, since the Ohio power solar board has sitting board has made it outside of zoning. So it has nothing to do with zoning so that they can basically manhandle What if they want to on their end. So my question to Chris was, I explained to him that the trustees put a moratorium on the solar and wind farms. And I want to know if that moratorium, I know it is it goes into effect for the under 54. Since its zoning, I want to know if that protected us right now on the over 50. And he doesn’t feel it does to a point. So what he said was that, in a sense, like, if you look at how the process has to go, somebody could apply with the Ohio power sitting board, but it would have to go to the commissioners. Okay, so So Ron is working with the commissioners to try to get the commissioners to restrict that the commissioners will agree and restrict our township now that if somebody was to apply on the higher power setting board, then immediately it gets turned down. It doesn’t advance. It doesn’t even go they know that the commissioners in Portage County have restricted Taylorsville. So it’s dead in the water right there. Now,

Ron Kotkowski  42:28

and I have requested a meeting with the commissioners. Yeah. And I also requested if they would put a moratorium on the whole county. For right now. Yeah, until they can make a decision because I talked to one of the commissioners and they said they’d have to talk to Chris Missouri. And you know, didn’t to me seemed like it was happening quick. We had a we had an emergency meeting and put a moratorium on for shelters will Township and we put a moratorium on all wind and solar except for residential?

Gregory Benner  43:07

Yes. Yes, our normal residential is that we allow this is for the commercial


development, like somebody wanted to put a 200 acre field into all solar panels. That’s what we’re not wanting to hear.

Ron Kotkowski  43:19

And this is when, or a wind farm.

Gregory Benner  43:21

Yeah, this is all uncharted territory, because it were one of the first townships to get our feet wet. So the commissioners are green on how this takes place, too, because nobody in the county has done what we’re doing at this point. So it’s kind of a learning process. But my concern was, if somebody does apply for the power board right now are they grandfathered in, because because they could apply for the power board now and then the power board could come to the to the commissioners. And then the commissioners in turn, if they haven’t acted yet, then they would have to act. So to me, that leaves a little bit of a gray area for a lawsuit. Okay, put it that way. So that’s why I really, and I gave Ronnie some more information. It’s not a complicated set up to apply with the commissioners and, you know, because they meet once a week, so you know, they’re not like a once a month board so they can get stuff passed through. And, you know, in a month, they can have four meetings. So, you know, they basically accept a resolution, and then they have to have a public meeting as anybody else, you know, that does and then, you know, they can accept it or deny it. So

Ron Kotkowski  44:27

I put in a request and I requested that the county prosecutor be there also. Yeah, we’re we’re just trying to get having the meeting and then going, Oh, well, we got to think about this. Are we going to run it by the county prosecutor? I’d like it to happen now. Yeah. And I think if they were on the ball, I think they will put a moratorium on it for the whole county just until it’s sorted out. You know, somebody doesn’t jump in and grandfather because we’ve heard rumors that they’re already trying to

Gregory Benner  44:58

they’re always trying to lease land in the Problem with their


green energy. And

Gregory Benner  45:03

these are these are big deals. They’re bigger



Gregory Benner  45:07

given farmers a


ton of money. And there’s startup companies that maybe never done and he said he 20 years 52 Yes, in

Gregory Benner  45:17

a while. Yeah, it was passed in 2021. And it is in effect and it is taking hold. It’s in southern Ohio. It’s all over Western Ohio, a lot of wind. And then I have talked to one resident for sure. That told me that phones are pretty good parcel of land around here that told me he had been approached by the energy companies to lease his land. So it’s here so we’re just trying to get ahead of it and do what we can for the township. That’s it.




you want to How about it’s just the Earth Day for recycling? Oh,


yeah. Orange County recycling modular road, we can have a recycling event, Saturday, April 22. We’ll put them on our website to business. They’re going to collect tires electronics League. They ask people that donate travel size products, like shampoos, conditioners, and stuff. That’s about but they’ll only take latex paint, no oil paints, and gotta have ID and some of the stuff they’ll charge you for like TVs charge $20. And printers, charge 10. And that being said, we have our, our cleanup days, the first weekend of May, what days are they again, fourth, fifth and sixth. So the Thursday the fourth, which would be seven to three. And then Friday be seven to seven, and then Saturday seven to five on that weekend. And we accept a lot of those things. We don’t accept tires. And they only paint we’ll take as paint gets been dried up. If you open your paint container for a little bit in there. There was some kitty litter, play rehab in there. The sun led hard enough that we can take it and we’re allowed to dispose of it. So what if you got tires or different stuff and can’t wait that they actually have on April 22. So it will be busy 8am This problem for the whole county four hours or we have three days and we’re busy over every sport? No, no, no. It’s the one on Margaret erode and camp down there by 76.


Yeah, do this one too. Oh, yeah, thanks.


Every 10 years or so, there’s a battle for local government funds and Geminis are going to last several there’s two ways to do it. And I’m just gonna make it simple. Let’s say we had $1,000 for the whole county. And they divvy it up between the cities and townships and the village. Well, if everybody gets along and splits that, they can, they can split up like we get along and the townships get like 40%. So they take 40% and give it to the townships and the 18 townships decide how they’re gonna divvy it up. And we divvy it up on population, which is the best way. And the cities and villages can do it. There’s up however they want. We used to get like 80 some 1000. And then it was down to like 50,000 Had we not agreed to this formula, all the township to get together, campervan or all that would have got the money. Five years ago, we’d get $6,000 the 80,000 and we ended up before the summer. So this year, that was a five year program when I went back to the tenure, so we got a tenure budget, and it’s been approved. And as I say what we have here, not the dollar amount. I think it’s around


perhaps you want me to pull it out? Yeah, it’s


it’s close to 50,000 which is not as good as some 1000 that we used to get but then the state isn’t given the small government as much so we work the best deal we put for the townships and a lot better than $6,000 and it’s based on population that’s how it really should be not just the biggest city gets everything like always. Somewhere to that you’re probably quicker


files it’s not that that’s where we had to sign could be right around there. Whatever for the minutes Thank you. Hello. That’s still a percentage here. Oh, that’s our population.


Oh, yeah. Were we sure there’s no 49 Oh $50,050,


which is a lot better than 6000. So it’s a little bit of a learning curve, but it’s something


more money use for this board,


no budget,


no file in the road mode, the Road site, containing the roads, keeping this open, keeping our park open, ignore cemeteries, cemeteries are the biggest loser in the world. You know, you sell a lot for dollars for eternity, you take care of it in our market, and we need it and whatever else. I mean, it’s a vital part. So


that’s all I have. Okay, Ron,

Ron Kotkowski  50:55

well, we discussed most of what I want to talk about, but I will reiterate, we did get a grant, we were approved for a grant for Part $134,797. So that’s a that’s nice. And it’s an it’s the walking trail grant. So we’re going to this extra acreage that we’re putting into the park and I’m walking trail there. And we are also working on a driveway in a parking lot. So that when the football games happen, they are parking on the grass, better parking, coming from 44 all the way down to the park. And then I will talk to the county maybe the engineers and the commissioners when I pester him again about the flooding on Coit road and see if we can get them involved and and maybe go after the quarter change that. You could fix it in 20 minutes with a backhoe?


That’s the sad part. I thought about what you said. And I think you’re wrong. Because I’ve said that all along. Because there’s like a crouch down here. There’s like a five foot mountain for though. So the lake is up like five foot. I think you take it out it might run the other way. You know what I mean? It’s it’s five foot higher the lake than the top of the water that’s too high now. So if you didn’t get out that five foots got to go somewhere. It’s got to go the wrong way other than the Drina. Yeah, you’d have to dig it out of both ends. Yeah, but they won’t allow quick water when the Lake of course you know, you put the car in River Lake area, that’s okay. And you put them quick water in the Congo River.

Ron Kotkowski  52:36

So that’s all I have.


Well, that leads right into what I want to talk about. I think we really got to get movin on all this stuff because spring is fast approaching. And John was our guy was how but I’ll take that over I’ll talk to how I’m gonna get going on. He’s our engineer on the project for house Tom Yes, for the driveway, we need to get started getting bids. So when the weather breaks, we can start doing that the driveway back and, and the parking lot. And that was some of our COVID money we got a few years ago and it’s got to be spent. So we got to get good movement on that. And then we can follow up but getting the brush handled grass you didn’t in that open area, and then we’ll have to determine this, this grant money we got the walking trail has to be by their specs. 10 foot wide, that’s a heck of a walking trail. So we got to see how far this 140 Some 1000 will go. We don’t want to plan $500,000 worth of stuff and only get 140 Because we can’t afford it you know? So I don’t know where we go to determine that have

Ron Kotkowski  53:52

to go over the specs and then talk to probably Todd lamb about talks. I


mean it does it yeah that some of the does it about approximate on walking trails, not like driving, I don’t think you’d have to go down so deep, you could probably go down four inches or so and then put some fiber down or so yeah, yeah, I don’t you know, it’s not like you will drive a piece of equipment maybe to empty a garbage can or something, but you’re not gonna be driving 10 ton across it. But that being said, I get hauled. How, see when we can get this thing out for bid and where he’s at. And there’s a there’s the swip on it the solar water and if he’s going to manage that for us, and I think and this price, he’s going to do that but we’ll have to have whoever does it put up the silt fence and the whole nine yards and

Ron Kotkowski  54:41

also, I talked to Tony bladnoch Okay. And he wants to go over everything before we once I was done, like look at it awesome.


Well, maybe I can get him to give me everything before next meeting and if I cannot call you Yeah, absolutely. come the next meeting. We can go over it. Yeah. Because he’s, he’s, he’s more versed on that we are he does it every day. So

Ron Kotkowski  55:08

he’s willing to volunteer.


Okay. But yeah, we’ve got to really get going, because we got to get that done. And that being said, we want to spend some of that corporate money on that front field. And we haven’t heard anything from the, from the park people, Jim pipes, we’re gonna have to get a hold of him. Yeah, I’ve heard rumors, I shot us some prices and stuff. And people said, We don’t want to do that. But we really want to do that. But in government, you just can’t say, well, it’s gonna be this much or about this much. We did, we did a bit. And what we’re going to do is that front field, we’re gonna put bleachers in dugouts and new backstop and just fancy that we’re gonna call it the Bob Corbett field, Bob Corbin was a teacher. Across those school districts, we all had him, he donated a large sum of money to the 333,000. Yeah, a bunch of money to us. And you know, he wanted it to go towards stuff like that. So. But they’ve got to get up dead center and get some boats for us and stuff. We think we’re gonna do that fields and stuff for him. They can do that. So I’ll talk to him too. But that can be done maybe right after if season’s over 15 is over by July in a really good time to do that. And what if we’re getting bids for this as soon as the weather breaks? I don’t know if we’ll have it done for football season. But I’d like to get that spent because we’re going to run out of time. Yes, we have to spend it. Yep. Government grant for that kind of stuff. So. And I did talk to Streetsboro. The reader money is starting to find the funnel and on that property, so there’s not a ton there. But everybody’s notifying all the employers and the different ones to refurbish, electricians and plumbers. And again, they all have what they said last time. 20 days 2020 to 20 days in a year. So if they get a guy in there for 15 days or something, we’re not going to get any money off of that but you so that’s all I have on that. I’ll make a motion to pay the bills.

Ron Kotkowski  57:14

I’ll second it. And just one other thing. Let’s do it wrong.


Right? Yes. Right? Yes.

Ron Kotkowski  57:26

Just for those that came in later John Klein or other trustee is still under the weather is recuperating. He’s got a long way to go but he’s doing well and he hadn’t there was a big fundraiser for him. I don’t know if everyone was aware of that. They raised quite a bit of money. And his wife is recuperating. She’s actually back to work part time. It’s real good thing she had a broken back from their accident. He’s recuperating.


Had one other thing. Republic Steel. We’ve got the prices. They’re a little bit more than last year, but they’re the only game in town that can handle this moment. So you’re gonna get a hold on for the

Dean Enselhart  58:13

contract, sign off. Call Rob again. You know, send that over to her Jill. Yeah, he’s,


I believe you signed it. Okay.

Dean Enselhart  58:21

Yeah, we’ll get that sent back over to her and then I’ll contact her.


So to get to the email that you sent me,

Dean Enselhart  58:29

okay. And you’re gonna get someone there Wednesday? Yeah. Well, I have everything there Thursday.


And you’ll be back Thursday from vacation.

Dean Enselhart  58:38

I’ll be back Tuesday.


Tuesday. Okay.

Ron Kotkowski  58:42

There is pancake breakfast on the 18th. It’s a Saturday here at town hall. I started on a KTM to 1pm. And what else are involved in it? So hopefully it’ll be as tasty as


usual. It’s there. Sort of the Lutheran church fundraiser. It’s one Lutheran Church. Oh, this month? Next Saturday,


next Saturday? Yeah, I can’t think we’re Yeah. Where they send about a state some


mission. Michigan troopers. Yeah. Something like that. But it’s a Lutheran church. Yeah. Okay.

Ron Kotkowski  59:19

I’m sort of hoping that’s the right thing.

Dean Enselhart  59:23

I do we got one other thing, just for residents live. No, we did get a new power truck that we got last Monday. And we’re going through it now. Fun tombstone before we get on the road. So you will see the truck


out there, or yours or maca.

Dean Enselhart  59:37

We’re gonna get rid of it. See? 95


So we’ll see. Probably the last time we need that so expensive. That was 80,000 and this was a lot smaller than 270,000.

Ron Kotkowski  59:55

And it took a year and almost two years I think Coming


forward, we have for

Dean Enselhart  1:00:06

no money to God, just two offerings. We have four trucks, their backup the backups,


all we have is a big pile of bigger roads with. And then we’d have to have 550s. And we use those for like two cemeteries. And we use them for file in the cul de sacs and some of the smaller roads. And what it is busy, heavy, sometimes one of us will come out of town or one of us by the school, we’re going to help them out. So you’re using three trucks. And the Mac got really bad. So we’ve got a backup this year to the Mac because it wasn’t running and it was a good thing. One of our FY 50s has a V tenement. What’s it? What’s that part called on the front? Intake control runner, control valve, solenoid valves, a little plastic piece of a rod that sticks out of it that controls your air intake because that brake controls the air baffles inside the intake canal is not all your air fuel ratio $500. And they don’t know when they’re ever going to make it again for Tet backwards since you use a plastic with a wrench. Yeah.

Ron Kotkowski  1:01:12

But but the truck won’t run


without the truck run five miles an hour without it. And there’s tracking the hundreds of 1000s of these trucks out there. We have a guy and Ford just don’t have any idea if we’ll ever get that part. What do you do with a vehicle to don’t run for five and another part that’s not that old?

Gregory Benner  1:01:29

Can you get a new board which is what for?


Now, it’s an electronic part that they will not release patterns to aftermarket people

Dean Enselhart  1:01:39



eventually somebody assume and but in the meantime, if we were lucky, we found a guy that had a bunch of these. He’s kind of a guru of these weekend’s Robert Sark, Sark Sarko and sarca up in Manoa. And he had five or six of these blown up engines and he gave us that part. And said Go ahead, you know, use it, we put the shoes part on and work and thank goodness we got through the winter. But if that thing goes, that truck just sits and I have to have another one. And this is why we we’ve got extra right now because you can’t get parts for the ones you got. And when you order a new one, it takes two years. So you know if you need two and three, sometimes when it’s really bad, like Christmas this year, that was you know, we had three guys out there. You have to have three running trucks and it’s you know, you almost need four so

Gregory Benner  1:02:32

like a 3d printer with


maps got some bad. I guess if you knew somebody was smart enough, maybe they figured it out, but it was electronics inside of it. I don’t know how that works. Because we


know electronics people and they said they probably wouldn’t touch it, you know, to open it up and try to re reconfigure whatever’s inside the, to their knowledge. They wouldn’t touch it.


But you know, they should have to have to do that. And what year is that truck a 2011 2011. So I got 80 Sometimes it’s a really good shape. I mean, it’s and always take care of 12 year old truck.

Ron Kotkowski  1:03:08

I do have one other thing. I want to make a motion to change our meeting time to seven o’clock


for now, for now. We’ll put that in the paper. Yeah, well,

Ron Kotkowski  1:03:26

the paper when we put it on our website, I put it in the


paper berbasis We’ve talked


about that but with John schedule. Now he’s gonna be Oh, he’s

Ron Kotkowski  1:03:36

at least six months we’ve been kept our meetings at eight o’clock in the evening. Because John, the other trustee is home inspector home inspector and he was having a hard time getting here earlier. But he’s on for at least six months. So I think we should move our meetings to seven and then we can move them back. Yeah, whenever John needs us prove back we’ll move back but sometimes we’re here till 1030 or 11 o’clock at night. I think the other boards have all moved their meetings to seven and I think we should move on to seven


roll call their break Yes. Yes.


Anybody have anything else to add? No further business I turned 35.


No question. Thanks, everyone.

Ryan Lind
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