It has long been the custom in Hiram each year to provide a program for the Memorial Day ceremony held at Fairview Cemetery. The program brochure includes a “Roll Call of Veterans.” The roll call includes names of veterans in Hiram Rapids Cemetery, Anchor-Moore Cemetery and Hiram Fairview Cemetery. Each of the names is read during the Memorial Day ceremony.
The names of eight veterans have inadvertently been omitted from the roll call lists for 2020 and 2021. Their names and military service notes are:
Dallas D. Chinn, World War II
Marland Chalker, World War II
Ernest Moorhouse, World War II
Stanley Hurd, Korean Conflict
James Mark Moser, Korean Conflict
Jerry Reynard, Vietnam War
Scott Case, Air Force ROTC
Joseph Stobierski, U.S. Army
Hopefully these names can be included in future honor roll listings for Hiram Village and Hiram Township.
Ann G. Patella, Hiram Village
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