City of Streetsboro
Jan. 23, 2023
7 p.m.
Jon Hannan, Council President
Anthony Lombardo, Council Vice President
Julie Field, Council Member
Jen Wagner, Council Member
Mike Lampa, Council Member
Justin Ring, Council Member
Steve Michniak, Council Member
Documenter’s Notes
The City of Streetsboro held three public meetings on Monday, Jan. 23, 2023: special service committee meeting, finance committee meeting and regular council meeting. The evening’s meetings were called to order by Council Member Julie Field, followed by a prayer of invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. All council members were present. Council Member Steve Michniak’s late arrival was expected and excused by council due to a local traffic accident.
Special Service Committee Meeting
Representatives from levelHEADS and Panzica Construction were invited to present detailed construction updates for the Streetsboro Community Center. Prior to their presentation, Mayor Glenn Broska explained the benefits of hiring two general contractors due to current supply-chain issues. Expected costs for the building total $3.1 million. The contractors made samples available for both interior and exterior materials and showed mock-ups of plans and change orders as requested by the project’s vision team. The special service meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Finance Committee Meeting
The finance committee meeting was called to order and moved to recess immediately following roll call. The regular council meeting was called to order. Four community members appointed by Mayor Broska to the Master Plan Review Commission were acknowledged. The appointments did not require a vote. At this time, Chris Markowitz was nominated by Council President Jon Hannan to serve on the Community Reinvestment Area (CRA); a vote followed to appoint Markowitz. Having fulfilled agenda items 10 and 11 from the regular council meeting, appointees were excused. Regular council was moved to recess, and the finance committee reconvened.
Finance Director Matt MIller reported that the city was below expense budget and above revenue budget. The city spent just 90% of its 2022 general budget and 83% of the citywide budget. 2022 revenues were at 109% of the general fund and 107%, citywide. Miller reported that a significant amount of money had been moved to a Star Ohio Bank to take advantage of interest rates. Permit revenues were down for the year. Discussion concluded that 2020 and 2021 revenues were likely bolstered by home projects permitted during COVID-19. In addition to the monthly financial report, Miller reported a nominal change to the city’s line of credit through Amazon, which seems to have dissolved its partnership with Synchrony Bank for municipalities.
Sixteen total items were introduced under new business for the financial committee, most of which were equipment purchases and service contracts. Fifteen of these items were passed and added to the regular council agenda under emergency status (item report below). The resolution to hire an outside consultant for the Master Plan Review was moved to the next service meeting. Several members of council objected to the quote presented by Planning and Zoning Director John Cieszkowski to hire CT Consultants. Council requested additional meetings be included in the contract.
Residents’ Comments
Recently sworn-in County Commissioner Mike Tinlin introduced himself to council. Tinlin mentioned his connection to the city, having been a resident and former council member. The finance committee adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Regular Council Meeting
After a brief break, regular council was called to order and minutes were approved. Fire Chief Robert Reinholtz reported one fire and a baby born in transit on the same day. Chief Reinholtz also discussed CPR training for city employees. Economic Development Director Patrick O’Malia reported concern from residents in the Shady Lake neighborhood regarding the grand opening of Raising Cane’s, scheduled for the following day. Police Chief Tricia Wain reported that her force was prepared for the increased traffic for the first week of opening for Raising Cane’s.
Legislation Containing Statement of Emergency
- Annual budget was amended.
- Mayoral compensation for next term was adopted.
- Contract for GAAP Conversion was approved.
- Software/hardware maintenance contract with CMI was renewed.
- Cyber insurance was authorized.
- The Portage County Regional Planning Commission was contracted to manage Community Development Block Grants.
- Approval was granted to order two Ford F-750 trucks and dump body upfit.
- Signal Service was retained for traffic signal maintenance.
- Purchase of a Bobcat track loader was approved.
- Approval was granted to purchase two plow upfit kits.
- RKS was retained for cleaning services.
- Wildemuth was contracted as backup plans examiner.
- Parks and Rec was authorized to purchase a mower.
- Parks and Rec was authorized to purchase a stand-on sprayer.
- Parks and Rec was authorized to purchase a Ford F-350 truck.
Third Reading Legislation
An ordinance establishing a temporary moratorium on hotels, motels and car washes in the city passed. The ordinance had been amended to remove “warehouses” from the statute in process from the planning commission to council and thus required a two-thirds majority to pass. During the meeting, the clerk of council and some council members believed the supermajority required six votes to pass. The vote was 5-2: Steve Michniak and Justin Ring opposed the legislation, stating they believed such a moratorium was a knee-jerk response and may open the city up to future legal action. During the meeting, council seemed to believe the ordinance had failed. However, after the meeting, The Portager’s Wendy DiAlesandro confirmed with the clerk that only five votes were needed to pass the ordinance.
An ordinance was amended to remove the sunset clause from the Community Reinvestment Act. A zoning code regarding swimming pool fences was also amended.
Council recessed into executive session to consider hiring and compensation.
This documenter left the meeting at this point.
The following transcript was generated by a transcription bot and is not 100% accurate. The Portager does not edit the AI-generated transcript. We understand the automatic transcript can be very inaccurate.
Streetsboro City Hall
Tue, Jan 24, 2023 12:31PM • 2:16:30
meeting, city, council, move, building, ordinance, contract, included, year, budget, questions, motion, plan, good, purchase, nice, day, proposal, line, emergency
Robert A. Reinholz, Justin Ring, Caroline Kremer, Tricia Wain, Greg Mytinger, Jon Hannan, Steve Michniak, Matt Miller, Julie Field, Bill Miller
I missing what happened yeah we are want to commend you on anything at
all well yes and no special requests we put this in the 2019
was improper okay well we need the team
your family and make your
Julie Field 01:49
choice I’d like to call to order the Special Service Committee Monday January
is to this day that you have left us with thank you for your goodness I pray for our means
Julie Field 02:16
that we will be discerning that you will give us wisdom and that you will have your hand of blessing on our city. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
I see the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty
Caroline Kremer 02:52
This is Dan
motional excuse Mr. Machinery actors in action and I believe Second.
Julie Field 03:05
All those in favor. Mr. Michel especially business update on Parks and
Recreation community center.
Julie Field 03:15
Did you want to take that first?
I’ll start tonight we have with us the architectural firm level heads and the construction managers. The managers at risk can Zika from level heads if you guys if you guys want to come up. We have Chris Anthony and Christopher and preparing DECA we have Kevin and Kevin. Tamika is currently a workout rep as well ahead to a GMP a growth factor prices district we’re building the site. The current budget is $3.1 million and we are on track with the 3.1 million. Generally design build projects are done with one GMP. However with the supply chain issues, the market is dictated that we have two. The first one will be for the long lead items, the electric the HVAC equipment, and that will allow the contractor move forward ordering these items. Were I think the last year was 30 to 44 weeks on some of them so we’re trying to get that going. That will be presented to council on March 13. Okay, the second GMP will be the final and we’ll be the overall GMP for the building. The first and second GMP combined will be equal to the total cost of the project and that will be preserved on April 24. The TG Pre approach is preferred method so that we can open rebuilding as soon as possible. We had these folks here, you got a presentation to go through, right? We did, they’re going to go through a presentation. And I think you all are going to be as excited as we are, the project is really coming along nicely. And we’ll go from there. Man approach, this is this is kreski. With level heads,
materials, we’ll be talking towards these things
we shoot the other TV,
Jon Hannan 05:50
I think I’m going to try to turn this one.
Good evening, we’re excited because it’s, the project is coming along really well, from the standpoint, cost control, which is extremely important. But really with design as well, sort of everything that we’ve been promoting, has worked moving forward in one facet or the other in the standpoint of really creating as many amenities for this project as possible within the budget, to be very thoughtful that we don’t go, I guess overboard in any one direction. So tonight, we’d like to share with you some of the latest concepts and relates to the site plan is part of this, which is the landscape plan is up on the screen. And this stuff is evolving, just that, you know, week by week. And so you’ll see in the packet that I gave you, the first page of the FY 11 is a plan of the so the back patio. And what we’ve added is a is a fire pit area. So you’ll see the the Adirondack chairs around the fire pit. And there’s just a nice sort of destination point, or the sidewalk that comes along the side of the building, you will see that firepit seniors off off from the main area. So if there’s some assembly out there, if there’s chairs set up some tables, if there’s a DJ, and there’s some dancing, this is sort of off to the to the side. And so we’re excited to have that feature as part of the project. The second page that I have here highlights three, four additional features that we’ve added. This page shows that we’re right at the front door, we like to have a batch that’s that’s right at the front. So anyone sitting there we have the concrete goes right up to the to the front facade. And it’ll be a nice area for a bench and some seating right there. We also talked about adding a flagpole just to the right of the front entrance. And you’ll see that in the rendering that we’re we’re presenting as well. So we have a bench in the front and a flagpole to kind of create some additional layering of the building from the standpoint of a high flick a flagpole on the bench just to promote, you know, a nice pedestrian environment there. Because remember, we have that sort of that, that walkway that goes through the parking lot that has landscape on all sides. And really kind of is connecting the from the future walking trails, and a playground right into the front door. So just a couple of features that were added. Also, you see highlighted there as the firepit. And as well. And then a lesser feature is a transformer pad. And that’s sort of a new addition to the project, we have to have a transformer on the right side of our project. But this will be sort of out of sight from both the back patio and the parking lot. It’ll be shielded by plantings and so forth. But we’re still working on that component to make sure that it is shielded. Just like the the the trash dumpsters have a concrete wall block wall around them. And the mechanical units also are surrounded by landscape as well. So we’re really trying to keep sort of that service side, very, very concise in the area where it is and then shielded from everything. We also scheduled wise we went out to the site and kind of marked out where the building goes and we have to take down some trees pretty quickly. We need to do those by in February, because after a March date, from March to to the fall, you can’t take down trees due to the migrating bats. And so we have to take them down this time of year. And we have to do it by I think it’s March March 15 March 15. So that there’ll be some activity happening very soon out there. But he staked out the building and looked at all and kind of looked at stake that were all the trees that need to come down for the building. But then, of course, we’re gonna have some real nice landscaping and new trees and everything to complement the architecture of the parking, and to sort of influence the pedestrian activity. Any questions on it? And then from a schedule standpoint, and that’s for the last 11 by 17 minutes in this packet, from a schedule standpoint, we are we are working over the next month here to finish up drawings for this building, you can see the rendering on the screen behind you. But we are finishing up drawings, 60% drawings by February 1. And those will be priced but we also are in sort of 100% documents for structural steel. And for trust work that trust is a wood structure, and site and landscaping. So we’re putting pushing those drawings ahead of schedule. And then the rest of the documentation to finish out the building will be in late later February. But we’re moving along very, very quickly. And in good shape with all of our engineers, civil structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, landscape technology, we’ve entered in a facelift, your your different folks that have the expertise on your end to make sure that we are accounting for it needs and other details of the project. We’re looking at equipment as well. For the building, which includes equipment for the break room, refrigerators, things like that, copy machines, it’s all those details that put into the gun. We’re into those those details right now. And we’re actually into the interiors, picking finishes and so forth and whatnot, what’s the room that you the conference room over there? In that room, we have a table set up with finishes, interior and exterior for you to look through. So many. That’s the latest. Anthony, you’d like to click over on the exterior application.
Sure. So yeah, just to reiterate what Chris had said, a couple of the really exciting things that have gone over for that have gone on that we’ve completed over the past couple weeks in the meetings with the vision team would be material selection, and some reworking the floorplan a little bit, adding some amenities there. As far as materials selection, you’ll see in the in the conference room. That we that we made it into the display of extra materials, we have the middle panel, we’ve got the natural stone wainscoting that we put around the building, and some other nice samples, the standing seam metal for the roof, and other extra samples like that. So a few of those updates. And we had a really good meeting this past Thursday with the vision team. So like the interior finishes as well, which once we get to the floor plan, I can kind of go over those. Which Greg, if you don’t mind, I believe the next the next sheet is the floor plan. So a few of the updates that we’ve made on the floor plan include an ice machine that was requested by the vision team to be cooked incorporated in the building. So you’ll see the ice machine off the IT room, kind of just across from the break room. We thought that was a great location for access for caterers, but also the regular use of the building also have access to that as well. Another item that Kristin briefly mentioned was about equipment. So we’re working on laying out the break room you’ll see there’s a little bit more detail in there regarding the equipment that will be in there. The Vision team had requested some refrigerators, catering units, a display case refrigerator. And a few other items like that that are being worked on in the break room. As far as the event spaces. We had a meeting and a conversation with the IT department met cotton and represented it in a meeting a few weeks ago and as far as what will be included in the event spaces. So right now you’ll see there’s a few TVs on the right now playing the south wall of the bedroom for us presentation display in the bedroom. And you’ll see that in bedroom A and the bedroom see those can there’s data and outlets provided in those locations, but there will also be data in other provided and other locations and event space such that if TVs need to be rolling additional TVs or presentation screens need to be rolled into the facility they can in the bedroom and you can have a very comprehensive presentation ability in that room. Whether it’s all three rooms are being used at the same time, or each one used independently. You’ll have that capability. We really tried to focus and work that out with the IT department and provide the best, most fun Simple use for the space knowing that the user is in that space will can be varied. So there might be weddings hosted in their community sessions, meetings, yoga, yoga nights, things like that. So that event space is really designed around that flexible capability. Another update, minor update within the rec department, we had some storage in that area that out that alcove that you see was originally kind of just a flexible space for them to use how they wanted. And they decided that it’d be nice for potential workspace, but also additional storage, it was using standard cabinetry in that area at the moment, and then also some counterspace. To that, I believe that covers all of the interior updates. The only thing that I’ll move into is the finishes. So I think grid the next slide is an interior rendering of the concourse, you can see some this has been updated since the last time that you guys saw, basically with the finished selections that we made this past Thursday. So these materials are also on display in the conference room, you’ll see things in that room like the duvet, slat ceiling detail, that’s an attempt to bring to kind of bring a cohesive environment between the interior and exterior, you’ll see the on the exterior rendering, there was the wood frame trellis entrance that we have. And we kind of wanted to bring that inside. So the whole building kind of, you know, communicated and felt cohesive. So you’ll see that would detail on the concourse paint selections have been made. The tile on the concourse would be a large format tile have a nice, large, clean less grout lines look very nice and formal in there. A few other things that have been selected with the LBT. For the event space, we chose LVT as material for the flooring, it’s very durable material, very easily maintenance and really good for event spaces when you’re rolling tables, carts, chairs, things like that across the floor. So very effective in that room as well. That is also we’ll see there LBT that was selected the colors in the conference room to let’s see the time tile in the this doesn’t show any title in the image as far as countertops and things like that. But we have in the building currently, Korean surfaces rather than plastic laminate will be used in the workspaces. And the bathrooms will give a nice feel to it. Plastic women we had in the budget to go up to Korean, which would be very nice durable for the rec department, the bathrooms and kitchen in those areas that I have a lot of work on the surfaces. So when you go that direction, those samples are also in the event space, or I’m sorry, in the conference room, and we go up the walls in the bathroom. That’s correct. The time you’ve seen the concourse, right here, the tile on the floor is actually going to continue down. Greg, if you don’t mind, could you go back to the floor plan, it’ll basically be an entire yellow area. So you’ll see you’ll continue down that back hallway and into the restaurants. That tile will also be the same tile that you see on the what we refer to as the wet walls of the bathroom. So that’s the walls over pictures. The other three walls will be painted to match the Pecos that we selected. But yes, that concourse tile will go back that hallway into the bathroom floors and on those two specific roles in the restroom. So we’re very nice, again, cohesive sort of environment, very nice transition into that area. With that being the main public area we tried to keep not have too many transitions. So you’ll see it’ll be very consistent and very appealing if you don’t mind moving into the next one. So as we touched on a little bit earlier with the to GMP approach. At this time, we will introduce pan Zika. There the selected connect construction manager at risk for this project. And again, this is an approach that really has been thought through with the vision team, our design team and pansy fit our side. So very excited to present this team and introduce Peggy for insurance and Medicare
for your work
in Zika I’m filling in for Kevin today. So that’s all right. So we get the opportunity to pleasure to present the numbers now it’s not as cool as a pretty pictures that level has got yet to show you but equally as important. I’m going to talk about the high level approach and why the to GMP process is important, especially given today’s supply chain and cost environment. This gives us the ability to lock in pricing. Long read items, especially mechanical equipment, portable equipment, it is not uncommon for larger pieces of equipment to be anywhere from 36 to 52 weeks. So we’ve been in touch with suppliers along the way working with localizing the engineers identify which of those items are long lead items so we can identify which of those packaging be released right now versus what we can wait for and that 100 some drawings from Moe has over the course of next 30 days. And then that’s how the two GNP factors will be set up. So our pm for the project is Kevin sandals or some let him walk you through the specific items that are going to be in each one of those GPS.
Everybody. So like Mark and Americana touched on the first GMP is going to include those long life long lead time items, electrical, mechanical, and then as well, those are our two longest lead times. But as well as those, we’re going to include doors, frames and hardware, which we’ve seen backup as well in the lead time of the wood trusses. The openings in the bed, or I’m sorry, the operable partitions in the event space, as well as the detention system on the exterior of the building to catch all the stormwater. So the second tip, that’ll be all of our finishes are masonry, our concrete for the foundation for the foundation, as well as the patio space there. And then just the rest of our building, really. So you know, the landscaping and everything kind of falls behind at towards the end of construction. So that’s kind of, you know, the breakdown of our gap one, gap two. And as you can see, I believe it’s the last page of the packet that level engineers passed out for us this kind of gives a breakdown of where we’re at. And the good news is, we’re still at the budget of 3.1 million. And we’re hoping to stay at that as we continue with get these final drawings from loved ones in the team, so many questions.
Julie Field 21:41
Forgive me if this is somewhere on here. With the numbers and the letters, how many square feet of the outdoor patio?
We have? Yeah. So the outdoor patio is about 30 feet deep off of the building. great if you could go back a couple of slides, just to just a couple things for reference. And with wise agreements around for the United States, whoever was on the on the forefront, I shouldn’t be limited not but if it matches the three doors that you see on the top of the ocean. Sorry, Greg, jumping around, but those are the doors to the event space. So it basically matches the width of the event rooms. At least to the far right door. Depth wise in the woods, it’s about 32,000 square
Julie Field 22:31
feet. And there will be some electrical options out there that include electrical in or the lighting providing here.
That’s correct. Yeah. So there is there is wall mounted light sconces right next to each of the event space doors, and then there’s also going to be outlets below those. So there should be one outlet between each door and then another one on either side of the left and right. So rapidly, that would be a total of four hours.
Julie Field 23:04
Because you can get too many outlets. Okay, then the other question I had, I haven’t yet had an opportunity to take a look at the samples. But had we considered the laminate wood flooring? In the events?
Yes, right now.
It’s LBT which is a luxury tile in that
we wouldn’t look to it. It can Yes, yeah,
there’s there is luxury vinyl tile is actually a product that comes in several variations. You can always get any sort of look that you want. It can come with rain. The material that we chose has a texture to it. But But yes, it would be vital to have
like it’s almost like bamboo.
Yeah, that’s it. That’s a very good description it’s a little bit lighter than a normal wood floor. But yes, it made me very close description to what was
Julie Field 24:19
thank you so much. I’m really excited about it. I just love detail oriented. You are with all of this just from I just can tell them yes, thank you.
Thank you for all of this looks really nice. My only question is you said you’re on budget is there like a estimated number that you’d like to set aside just in case you go over?
So we do have design continued to be with Cydia Streetsboro on as long as the construction contingency within the numbers. So that’s designed to zero now is at about $156,000 and then our construction 76 or so, so there’s contingencies. Okay, all right, thank you
Julie Field 25:09
any other questions? Thank you so much for coming this evening I’d like to acknowledge that Mr. Michigan has arrived announcements
are on I’d like to ask appears as though we have quite a few of the folks here that are being upgraded to the master plan to decommission the assets if we can convene the Finance Committee recess out there to talk to me or under various comments so that I can introduce these folks and they don’t have to sit through all the other business we had to send to
for hours I’m sure they got up to help.
Like because finance committee meeting of January 23 2023 To order or like you please follow
Caroline Kremer 26:49
here this is Mr. Newman here.
Justin Ring 27:00
Three disposition the minutes there are none. I’ll entertain a motion to recess out of finance.
Second recess on favorite tag?
Any opposed? Hearing none we are recessed.
He’s doing one
Caroline Kremer 27:35
Jon Hannan 27:42
but to call this regular council meeting of Monday, January 23. We’re
you’re here Miss Wagner.
Caroline Kremer 27:57
This is Mr. Woltz.
Okay, cool deal. We have the appointments to the Master Plan Review Commission. And when I read your name, if you’re here, please stand up. There is no boat of counsel as required. I’m glad that the folks did show up so that we can put a face to the name and the first one is the word one representative. And that will be Andrea Osta poets. The second one would be the word to representative and it would be Eileen Simmons. It’s okay Eileen, we know who you are. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
Greg Mytinger 28:55
word three representative is Brian SALUR. The word for council representative will be Lisa Nayak McDaniel.
The council representative will be Mike Lampa was yet the Planning Commission member will be Ted heard. And this one we’re still contemplating on the year yeah. I appointed
okay, I’ve just been informed I’m on blending the Master Plan Review Commission.
Also participating will be Johnson kowski and I imagined that Jimmy Hoffa is going to be there for some of the incident is going to be booked by Angela Fossett. Thanks to all you folks that have accepted the appointment. This is a very, it’s a very, very important board that we do. It happens every five years. And we had a pretty extensive one last time. Praying a guy, we don’t have to go into the detail that we did last time. But it’ll be it’ll be a good time. And then we’ll get with you. We haven’t decided on on nights or anything like that, how we
know the first G’s, the first step is to identify the consultant, which we’re hoping to award tonight. And then we’re going to plan a kickoff meeting with the consultant in the Master Plan Review Commission to just kind of outline the process. And make everybody familiar with the proposal so that you’re familiar with the proposal, the process and the consultants at the start of the project.
So one of the things that had been brought up just by a show of hands, is anybody available during the day? Most everybody,
I mean, I can depending on the day, while we’ll
have to be could be the it hadn’t brought up instead of having nighttime meetings if we could have them during the day. And you know, if it appears as Oh, have those of you that raise your hands or any days that aren’t good for you? Monday and Wednesday. Okay, so All right. Thursday, Monday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, okay, at least till April. I can do two baskets, afternoon. Well, good networks, were getting all this stuff in that it is a lot better having it during the day than my own. So when we when we hire the consultant, and John’s gonna make a recommendation this evening, the hiring consultant, and we’ll bring that information to him. So again, thank you all very much for for being a part of this. And we’ll go from there. Thank you.
Thank you as Johanna.
They don’t get to stick around if they don’t want to.
You don’t have to stick. Do you guys want to hang out with us and have a good time for the next three, four hours?
Jon Hannan 32:40
Since we’re on the phone right now, we have to appoint another member of the CRA Council. That is going to be Chris Markowitz suggest that council appoints Chris Parker. He has participated on this before. There were some other people interested who also serve on other committees in the state of Texas. He is I don’t think he has to
I’ll make a motion to appoint mark. Very smart Chris Markowitz to the CRA. First US
Jon Hannan 33:32
secretary to appoint Chris Markowitz to the CRA. You there. Motion to recess. Counsel. Second, circuit policy favorites I will make a motion that we reconvene into our financing.
Justin Ring 34:08
First, the second three to be in finance. All in favor, Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none. We are reconvening.
We are on an item for a monthly financial
report, including the quarterly credit report.
Matt Miller 34:21
Thank you, counsel. This being the December report, we’re going to turn it into the year end report. So we can get some of the urine totals and discuss that across our general fund and our city wide fund. We are both below 2022 expense budget and we are above the 2022 revenue budget. For our general fund for 2022. We only spend about 90% of what was budgeted city wide by 83%. On the revenue side, we were at 109% of our revenue budgeted it for the general fund and we were about 107%. statewide. I provide you tonight a year end dashboard, just kind of giving you some some of the highlights of some of the major funds and some of our federally our cash positions. But some of our GL positions expense side and revenue side. And I want to just to start off real quick with our cash position. This, obviously, because liquidity is good when it comes to paying bills and making payroll in 2022. For our major funds, which are held in Huntington in Star Ohio, we had about $27 million. And that is about a 15% growth rate on the cash side, we recently moved quite a substantial amount of money into Star Ohio to take advantage of this higher interest rate. It’s money that’s sitting there and it’s not being used, we might as well earn interest on it. So star Ohio had a higher rate about 4.1 4.2% that I felt was a better move for the city, you can still access the money is just sitting in a different fund, or I should say different bank account
Matt Miller 36:21
I think it’s 4.5. But I get double check. So below that is our fund balance report. And I just highlight our major funds like a one on one to a one, even our water fund. And what that showing you is just where we started the money in the money out and what we tied up in POS. And so on that far right column, you’ll see the percentage gain or loss. So our general fund went up about 11%. And you can go down the line, the capital improvement funds, and the fire Improvement Fund obviously can meet a large fire truck purchase. So that kind of we had to use a lot of the fun down. So don’t be too alarmed, and negative six and 41%. That’s just calculation. But our water fun, you know went up 9%. And so those are some good, good numbers to look at. Below that is simply our expense budget. This is the what Council not only original budget, but what you approved over the year appropriations. For the one on one, you can see that we had about 1.2 million in savings. And so again, we could just go down the line and go all the way down to 501. You know, I had 500, about a half a million in savings versus not spending all of their expense budget. Below that is simply the revenue budget that we bring in what we projected one on one, but a million and a half that was mostly driven by income tax help that a lot substantially as we’ll get to. And then as we go down the line 501 brought in about 100,000 more than what was budgeted. So that just kind of gives council if this is what we you know, council approved. And this is what the city ended up spending or bringing in just a simple summary information there. On the flip side of that page, you’re gonna see our income tax totals every month, we were about 3200 Short and December of being a million, at least a million dollars in income tax revenue, but all the other months well over and that substantially helped the general fund as well as the 401 fund. Below that. And you’ll see those, what I gathered together is just as an aggregate money, how much these different lines were above or below. So just kind of give our biggest winners and our biggest loser obviously income tax is going to be at the top of the list with 1.5. If you added those two together, Hotel Motel was up real property tax interest earnings. Hopefully I’m hoping to have that up again in 2023. In this as we moved money to start Ohio and with the interest rates being higher ambulance fees are up real property taxes up. But I also wanted to share with councils not all rainbows and sunshine, some of our other revenue lines in regards to different permits are down. And you know we can contributed that to our residential developments are kind drying up are running out of space to build houses. And that kind of helps drive different permanent revenue. We are taking a look at that that’s been on my radar for the last couple of months trying to get an idea of projections. If I do change that projection in 2023, I will bring that to council. And we can discuss that further if you’d like. One commercial building can change that. Those numbers substantially, we can bring in the revenue we thought we were going to bring in last June. So we don’t distinguish between residential and commercial. So again, that number can change. But we’re definitely taking a look at that that’s on my radar. It’s great to talk about all the gains which the city has, we have more gains, and we do losses. But it warrants my time and my analysis to look at why is it maybe we are bringing in as much and we need to adjust not only in 2023, but going forward in 2024. And as the city matures, in land area and commercial area. So that just gives a quick synopsis for council just to kind of give you some summary information. I will end with discussing the general fund carryover balance. Obviously, as we’ve seen, we’re gonna need about 3.1 million from this carryover balance. So once you go through the calculations, and per our ordinance passed back in 2016, we have to save 25% of our budget. Now with that calculation, if we’re only talking budget, that gives us to about 4.6. Over what our required savings is supposed to be. I like to look at actual, the actual is more like 7.1 million we have over the 25% material requirement to cover our expenses. So that’s 7 million part of that will obviously need to be used for for the community center. And then as we move along, you can refer to your five year plans that we provided I noted in there, what we would need to use as carryover balance along with the city center improvement, we will be chipping away at then I will bring that to council when the time comes, whether it’s February or March, to do for Council to approve that money going from the 101 fund to the respective whether it’s the 405 or 401 fund, so that you can monitor the money flowing between the funds and making sure everything is communicated where our balances are. and the like. If you have any questions on any of this material for the urine report.
Thank you, Mr. Green. Mr. Miller, the revenues for permits the Debbie downer, possibly because people did not get COVID money this year? Well,
Matt Miller 43:21
that’s a good, that’s a good line of thought, you know, part of what we’ve been discussing internally is, you’re not going to build a second pool, you’re not going to build a second deck. You know, during the pandemic, it was a great year for permits, because people were building people were at home and they want to improve their house. And so there was a lot of revenue coming in? Well, like I said, You’re not gonna build a second one. So that’s one of the driving factors we want to look at. You know, and as housing developments are approved, you know, we were talking about another development, as well as, you know, the council in regards to giving incentives for buildings being built, you know, those buildings are built? Well, they’re in the city, we’re going to get the revenue from the inspections, you know, and different engineering fees. That all plays there is a cause and effect when those different incentives are brought. What also trickles down and affects those revenue lines.
Mister man, if you notice, Mike, all that the building permit, the engineering fees, the electrical grid and water connections and plumbing permits. They’re all right around the 60 percentile. And I’d have to go look at the numbers. But I am pretty sure we did not Not we but there was not near as many homes built and sold in meta view as there was the previous year. And I would look If that as the primary driver, you know, we had, I think in 2021, I want to say we had 89 units built in there. And I don’t think we were anywhere near that we’re probably, you know, maybe 40%, down maybe only 50 or 60 units, I got to look at the numbers. But I’m pretty sure that that’s, that’s where that can be attributed to.
Matt Miller 45:25
And, you know, the mayor brings up a good point, when you’re looking at a line like that is driven by a different driver and account of permits, you never really want to take an average. Because one year like, you know, 2020 2021, were great years, people were building and there’s houses going up. And we had I knew we had a large commercial building finish. So you’re really looking at what’s in the pipeline, and then reacting to that, appropriately getting a better number of target for a type of GL line like that.
Just have one further question. So this interests earnings, how did we get 1600 33%?
Matt Miller 46:07
I think we only budgeted like 5000. And it
Bill Miller 46:11
Matt Miller 46:13
it was a great. Again, that’s the that’s the financial environment, you know, that we are that we get blessed on and we’re taking advantage of that with Staraya. We want to move more money to such a large sum exam. So your interest Exactly. It’s sitting there, we might as well earn, earn revenue off that. So we’re hoping that number is even higher.
Justin Ring 46:37
Yeah, not only that, when the Feds raise rates, that means savings rates go up.
Matt Miller 46:49
Because I can move on to the quarterly credit card, received that last week, and the only change we had counsel is in regards to our Amazon line of credit. synchrony bank is no longer partnered with Amazon. So internally, what we did was we’re just using our city credit card, if we need to make any purchase
Justin Ring 47:13
request about that because I when I make purchases on Amazon and use the Amazon for the synchrony,
Matt Miller 47:20
is it really yeah, they the end made on January 11, for the apparently just business accounts. And so that line of credit, no longer use which blocked it. And so we just reacted with the credit card, they’re going to in the future, set up a program where we’ll just pay by invoice. 30 days, 45 days, and we’ll just pay it like we do with with staples and HP Mason.
So Amazon
Justin Ring 47:52
split with synchrony. Typically somebody acquires acquires that role, like when we when we divest that portfolio, usually picked up by someone else. So you tell me Amazon’s not offering any business credit anybody anymore?
Matt Miller 48:08
Right? Where do they go? That’s a great question. I’m definitely on the phone for quite a while trying to get this sorted out. They still have offers like through American Express, I steer away from that, because in regards to earning points, all of a sudden will go and somebody will use points, it’ll mess up my accounting substantially. So for the time being, we’re just going to use our Huntington credit card. And but the explanation I was given by synchrony bank was the Amazon drop them. I didn’t get the full story. But I did, I followed up with Amazon, and hopefully they’ll invite us into their other program. But I think operations can still continue, we had to make up. If we have to make a payment on the credit card to free up credit line. The finance department will just make a payment and go from there.
Let’s say Amazon is getting rid of all their smile accounts.
Thank you. So do we carry balances on these cards? Do we pay them off? Mostly,
Matt Miller 49:17
we pay off the cards monthly. That way we don’t incur any interest charges. And because we can’t really can’t pay late fees or interest charges so we have a pretty good system in place to make sure cards are paid. Perfect.
Any further questions
or discussion? Thank you, Mr. Miller.
Justin Ring 49:37
Okay, moving on to new business item 87 364. Set
Mayor compensation for next term. Any discussion on questions
Jon Hannan 49:54
related to local council second.
Person second, move this to tonight’s call. Council as emergency All in favor? Aye. Any opposed? That has moved?
Justin Ring 50:06
Right item bt 7365. Contract for gap conversion.
Matt Miller 50:12
Yes. This is our an annual fee that the city incurs in regards to our financial statement preparation. Typically, we’ve been with this state. And this past November, the state decided to drop us. So the finance department went out and contacted many firms, not all firms work with government. But we found a firm that I believe is going to be good for the long term. financial preparation for the city. It’s a little larger firm, with more staff. And so we’ve been in negotiations with them. And that is where the city the direction the city, I would like to Sydney to go and not go through the state because the state does not have enough staff. Unfortunately.
Julie Field 51:08
Moving further discussion, I’ll make a motion to move to a second.
Justin Ring 51:12
First and second move is to tonight’s vote Council in favor. Any opposed? That has moved. And we’ll see T 7366. Contract the no renewal with CMI software and hardware maintenance, Mr. McMillan.
Matt Miller 51:26
Yeah, this, again, is another annual costs. And this is actually our old software system. They are requiring us to pay a full year. And then once we convert over to the SNA, in April or May, then they will credit us back the difference for the month on us. But they required us to put all the money upfront. So this is just a simple renewal. It’s less than last year because our water fund has already migrated over and they won’t have any CMI fees. This is most mostly just for our finance system.
There’s no further discussion on like motions.
First and second. High School Council on favor,
Aye. Any opposed? Indeed, Te 7367 authorize cyber insurance was
Matt Miller 52:16
Miller. Yeah, this is another annual requirement for the city goes along with our insurance coverage. This is covers us think on our servers and different things like that. And so the city bundled together with the traveler’s insurance, and this would just cover us for the year on our cyber insurance.
noticed we’re not covered for fidelity, paper gambling, we
believe that we
Matt Miller 52:53
have a crime prevention add on and there are other insurance, I can get that together. Because the way that our brokers were explaining it to us, they did a crime prevention thing in regards to I guess employee theft and so we can definitely look into that
report somewhere rather weird.
Matt Miller 53:17
The near the with the Ohio plan. And with the traveler’s insurance, the two of those agreements linked together and when we were making a decision. And so I can definitely follow up with our broker in regards to that,
Justin Ring 53:31
you know, not that I distrust any of our employees. But if something happens, we’re about $400,000. I’d
like to have an
Matt Miller 53:38
attorney and that’s a good thing to bring up because that was something I weighed, you know, maybe mentioned something Why is this here? You do? Oh, well, it’s on this other plan. And insurance brokers are very good at discussing insurance, and they can definitely over explain,
so maybe you can just verify that we have it somewhere. Um,
Matt Miller 53:59
yeah. And that’s in regards to the fidelity. Yeah,
like employee theft and employee theft of what was the
date? Any of us there handled, any of the money has to be bonded? So we do have?
Justin Ring 54:13
Well, that yeah, that’s you guys handling the money. But if, but if if an employee breaks into the computer system and transfers money out or does something of that nature that will cover that, but we’re not not?
Matt Miller 54:27
No, I know, I remember we were going over extensively, just in regards to a data breach, you know, the coverage that the city would need to have? Well, we have the residence, we had 17,000 residents and we wanted to make sure for each residence, we had coverage. So I bought the additional coverage, just to make me sleep better at night, just so that we’ve covered in regards to the call that credit reporting and things like that there’s quite a quite an assembly of things that need to happen if that were to occur. are, but we are. In regards to storing credit cards. We do not do that on site that is handled through invoice cloud. So we’ve taken that liability off of us. And in regards to our cash and cheque, deposit procedures are pretty buttoned up on that procedure handles deposits. We even have the police take it to the bank for us. So hopefully, I mean, again, it’s insurance here they are for if it happens, or if it doesn’t happen.
Justin Ring 55:37
Ca on page four on a five under cri 7114 are talks about and access insurance, renter’s insurance endorsement, employee theft underlying employee that checkbox Yes, let’s see some limits there is that.
Matt Miller 55:56
And again, it was mixing it between our current plan and that plan, but I can definitely make discussion with our broker and just follow up with counsel to make sure that employee theft is accounted for.
Thank you, Mr. America. Thank you, Mr. Ray.
Just want to clarify this second page of love insurance. It says effective January 1 2023. And expires December 1 20.3. What happens in the summer?
Matt Miller 56:29
As green questions. It says toll one, you know, definitely follow up on that because we are covered for the year. And they’re actually floating us for the first couple of weeks of 2023. And we do have coverage through 1231. We can definitely get that air
or the second
page of the let’s see a page one and five like the policy period is January one to one.
But the invoices showing different page to a fighters are gonna know this right after the ordinance.
The invoice.
Yeah. But the policy itself, right. So maybe that was just a typo?
Matt Miller 57:20
Yeah, it ends at like midnight on 1231. That’s why it’s so important to renew insurance. So I’m very confident that we are covered. we mobilize and looked at those insurance agencies
that the insurance companies
are traveling Yeah.
Julie Field 57:45
Feel. So this mother, you wanted this pass this evening. But with some of these changes? What was the recommendation? Does Council feel comfortable passing this? This is on its emergency legislation?
Matt Miller 58:00
Yes. Because we are being floated right now by the insurance company. So they would like to get their check if
we’re not covered, per se
Justin Ring 58:10
the plate that it looks like we may be but for not, we always add it on, can’t we?
Matt Miller 58:15
Yeah, and worst comes to worse. I’d rather the insurance broker come and discuss this because he’s the expert. That’s why we hire this out. We don’t do this on our own. So I could definitely have him come to counsel in this if you have any further questions, because his technical knowledge on these different line items is far exceeds mine. So I can definitely have him come to a counselor if you have any further questions. Or I could just simply follow up with an email that would be easier.
Justin Ring 58:45
And just feel the Franks or Mr. Betty’s point. The invoice that’s incorrect and the date is the insurance broker. But the actual plan who underwrites the policy travelers? That’s correct. So I think would be our discussion on first and second to move this to tonight’s vote. Council on favor. Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none of this move? Item e t 736. A contract with PCR PC to manage CDBG funds. Mr. O’Malley
Good evening council before you this evening is a contract between city administration and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission, who will administer our Community Development Block Grant funds of those funds. We have some money allocated for a city by demolition program as well as some for our senior programming. Knowing that the senior programming would be an item of discussion, we anticipate should we get a successful bid and the last time we did this we had to wait a long time to find a better hopefully we don’t this time. We should probably have this awarded on around Valentine’s Day ish
Bill Miller 59:59
in the discussion discussion. I’ll make a motion
Justin Ring 1:00:01
to move this night school council second person Second. Move this to tonight’s vote Council in favor, Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none that is moved. Right, Item F t 7369. Order two F 750. Trucks and dump body uplift. Mr. Miller.
Bill Miller 1:00:20
We went to SAR Shan Shan Ford. We also did Valley board, which was state pricing social and did beat them. They came in on just from the body up to like $15,000 cheaper. So this is a service truck in a water truck, they’re both budgeted for this year. Plans, the whole grand scheme of the plans are with the sub 50s. So we can leave the plow trucks, not use them as much to get more longer life. The whole plan for the for the 10 plow trucks after I need three more replaced for the next three years is to get them and explain your current. So they’re not directly using the funder. Which is three or four years to start showing us that we’re saving a lot of money we buy or other equipment with the same money that we’re budgeting. Because we all see that the club drops 15,000 Now sure CDF Yeah,
I noticed that these are guests. Is there a reason you went with gases?
Bill Miller 1:01:18
Yes. Diesel, so you got all that new emissions on we have nothing but problems with them. Because we don’t run over the truck. We’re constantly have to reject them. So my hope is down the road, or is that they’re talking about doing regular dumps and gas big enough for like a cloud trucks. And at that point, if that happens, we’re gonna switch to that. But that’s the reason why I think we’ll get to the same we don’t we don’t drive them enough to form the diesel.
So to say longer, there, it’s a longer lasting? Yeah.
Bill Miller 1:01:50
Well, I will tell you that even like the muffler system on those trucks, the diesels are 15 to $20,000. And then you’re gonna pay an extra seven to 10,000 just for the diesel motor. You know, we’re all in city.
You guys do you guys had to approve a in addition to one of our repair programs when they when the DS was used at DEF? It’s a mission control type things. And it was what $16,000 to get it fixed. Yeah. That was just one truck one system. So you see a lot of them a lot of extremely long back. I mean, angry they break off. Designed obsolescence almost.
Bill Miller 1:02:35
Yeah, the city driving isn’t good on the
Robert A. Reinholz 1:02:41
cheap. Yeah, I would like to squat will be a ghastly disease. This region just causes all kinds of problems. I mean, it was good idea about our diesels. They’ll last forever on the highway, but we’ll run my truck at this. So miscibility before they could make the transition, the gas has all kinds of problems. Now they have from the ambulances. So we spec out namelessly This year for the gas and it’s cheaper to have to worry about the journey.
There’s no further discussion I’ll make a motion with this principle Council.
First and second school district tonight’s vote counts All in favor. Any opposed? None of that
Justin Ring 1:03:25
item g t 7370. Annual agreement with signal service
traffic signals meet.
Bill Miller 1:03:33
This is the hourly rate for the signal service. We did ask parent also that they did not come back with a brace this year and that they were hired last year. Signal service does a good job. They’ve been working with us for years. There was no change in prices last year.
And they’re usually very reactive and
Bill Miller 1:03:51
work. Yeah, all hours of the day weekend. Doesn’t matter.
If there’s no further discussion of the motion to the first and second move is to delay for counsel. All in favor. Aye. Any close
move item h
t 7371. Purchase Bobcat compact track loader.
Bill Miller 1:04:15
This was budgeted for one of the reasons we we are sharing one with the parks right now and obviously all of our work comes at the same time in the summer and spring. So we wanted to get around and handle the grinding so we can get more asphalt grinding done.
Not to mention, but less wear and tear on the one.
There’s no further discussion I’ll make a motion to move this flexible counsel. First and Second. Move this
to tonight’s full console All in favor, Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none that is moved. And it
Justin Ring 1:04:47
is 737 to purchase to plow uplift kits.
Bill Miller 1:04:52
This is from the two chasis of glass that we bought last year. This is the update form to get them ready for snow season hopefully before This next Nope. Next year snow the trucks right now that Yes. Is it supposed to be? I just contacted them last week. Tentatively we’re on track to get them in March. So I’m hoping this all falls in line and we can get these trucks built and put together by November of next
year. This is to write to object and this was budgeted.
Second, first and second, trample on favorite time, we oppose this move.
Justin Ring 1:05:38
Thank you. I’m J T 7373. contracts with RK s for cleaning services.
Good evening. This is a request to renew our contract with our CAS for 10 months to continue cleaning and 2023. And then I’m working with a lot departments to come up with RFQs for the summer to get quotes and bringing numbers to council for this field.
Julie Field 1:06:06
Thank you. Hi, see. So what we’re doing now compared to what we were doing with COVID? Have we adjusted that? Has that changed our?
Well, we were doing the spraying with COVID. Right. So we are no longer
Julie Field 1:06:21
doing that. Okay, it was, but we still, this is the same company that did that we were with them, and they were still doing the same. Time amount? Yes. Okay. Yep. Did that increase that increase over the last hire to COVID? Are we ever comparable to what we were doing? Cleaning wise? Are we maintaining the level that we were during COVID?
Yeah, so we’re doing the same amount of cleaning, they come in every day. And then they clean locked offices on Fridays. And then during COVID, when they would come in and clean, they would spray. So they’re still here the same amount of time. They’re just not spraying one
extra? Yes, it was included
Julie Field 1:07:09
the same amount that we were prior to the strike.
Any further discussion? There’s no further discussion. I’ll make a motion to move this. Council. Second,
first, second through this to tonight’s vote counts. All
favor? Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none that has moved
Justin Ring 1:07:30
into mk 7374. contract with wildermuth. backup plans examiner all speak for Dan. Okay,
just to make this this wild moves is they are just they’re just a backup for our new our plans examiner that we currently use. There’s no cost incurred to us, there’s no retainer or anything like that. The only time that they will utilize this is if we get backed up with the other approach or something that occurs and then they will be paid at the same rate to prepare for our current one.
And in discussion with ServiceNow
Steve Michniak 1:08:11
I just sections wanted to state their amount of money to be encumbered. Then there’s a contract they’re authorized to sign one and the reason
Justin Ring 1:08:21
for the contracts here. We have the three coverages that the if we were to use
or you have a contract.
Steve Michniak 1:08:43
Yeah, I just want to make sure it doesn’t cause any before and then when it kicked in if we need it.
Anyway, we will rebuild or we will rebuild at the same rate that our regular one
Steve Michniak 1:08:59
patch. Thank you.
There’s no further discussion. I’ll make a motion to move this to
council. First and second to move this to tonight’s vote. Council on favor. Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none of this move?
I don’t know t 7375. Hire consultant financial planning review.
Thank you, Mr. Ring, members of council. What do you have before you is an ordinance and a proposal from CT consultants. The city received three responses to our request for proposals. Those proposals or responses were reviewed and ranked by me Jimmy hopple and Justin. I then followed up with references and am requesting Council consider hiring CTE consultants for assistance with the charter require Master Plan update.
There must be a waiver their fee is 50,000. Is that
correct? That is correct. Is that the we’re all the bids comparable? They were they were they were not all at the at the highest amount. They were close within within a few $1,000. Those those differences, though I would attribute to one of the proposals not having to have the requested meetings included. And then the other. To me, they kind of undercut so to speak the competition. And you could tell based on the services they were they were going to provide for that. Let’s repeat.
Julie Field 1:10:40
What did we budget for?
That it was a maximum budget of $50,000. So if this is within budget, I did also ask because it was not included in this. In the proposal, I asked Chris Hopkins and CT if she would be willing to undertake a kickoff meeting with the Master Plan Review Commission members outside of the scope of services outlined in this proposal, and she said she would be more than willing to do that.
Julie Field 1:11:10
Why have you paid for it in the past when we did this?
It’s been right or right around that? i Well, I think we use the county the last time we did it. And we were members with the county. And if you were call, because we weren’t members, we got a severely discounted rate. But that membership was in excess of $10,000 a year. And and so I’ll be honest with you in looking at other similarly scoped projects, we’re at the lower end of the cost. Most master plan updates are coming in closer to probably 75,000, then then 50,000. With that being said, I’m very comfortable and pleased with with what CT is proposing to provide as part of the Master Plan update. There.
Jon Hannan 1:12:07
I was just curious kind of on the same topic, about how many meetings they’re going to provide to us. And if there’s like an additional cost, because the last time I was on the master plan, there was a lot of extra things outside of the regular meetings, like the open houses, and whatnot. And I’m curious to get the provided information on it, they’re gonna charge us for that.
It is included in their proposal. They have a project schedule, that notes, six master planning, Review Commission meetings, and then a community workshop as well as a community survey.
Jon Hannan 1:12:42
Is there any way you can promote I don’t think we can you prove Yeah,
that it’s in here.
Caroline Kremer 1:12:51
It might be in person as a separate email from large
Jon Hannan 1:12:59
that they’re only doing six
meetings, because I know six Master Plan Review Commission meetings now the one I asked her to do a kickoff meeting, so it wouldn’t be seven.
Jon Hannan 1:13:09
I’m just wondering, because when when I served on the master plan, I remember doing running nine to 10 months, and we had a meeting every month was an open house. And then there was I think towards the end we had two meetings and one one just kind of tried to and I mean there’s like how many sections of the master plan are there? There’s like
six, six chapters.
Jon Hannan 1:13:35
And I remember us going over each section and sometimes it carrying over into another meeting so I’m just like this feel tight? I don’t know but we might need more meetings because our elecard already maxed out on the budget. So if we do go over that
it’s not ala carte uh you know like I said, I was a consultant for for almost 10 years prior to my employment here at the city and I know that there are quite a few different ways to skin skin and cat in terms of going through a master plan update as the mayor had mentioned, I don’t I don’t I don’t foresee us going into as much depth in each one of the chapters as part of this update. I think a lot of the heavy lifting was done last last go round
Julie Field 1:14:34
you done Yes. Let’s go. Okay, so I just I struggle a little bit with consultants. Not not because they don’t value their work but at what point do you do you put this consultant above that consultant when you’re determining I mean it how much less really I don’t see the other options here. What were the how much last were they made? As
the lowest amount was $46,300 Yeah, and like I said, there were elements from that proposal. And that was a proposal. We received three proposals, C T. O Hm. Advisors and envision. Envision was the lowest. But in my estimation, after reviewing the proposal, they were not meeting what was asked for in their request for proposals. But it
Julie Field 1:15:30
sounds like this isn’t meeting what we need it? Absolutely. Yes. More meetings. They’re coming to six, seven. So I mean, it’s, it’s, it should be at all of them. This is a lot of money that we’re paying them. I’m really in attendance at all the meetings. I think they should be in attendance at all meetings.
Jon Hannan 1:15:59
I guess my question to like off of that, I think we need a seventh meeting or eight. How much would it be? Because we’re already maxed out on our budget? Did they provide any of that?
They didn’t provide it as part of this proposal I can I can very easily get an ala carte or, you know, a one off meeting fee.
Julie Field 1:16:21
All other ones, including our meetings, the other?
No. So they all were no, there were actually the other two provided less meetings. And I actually received the call prior to, to them providing this response to make sure that they were clear on the expectations in terms of the meetings and the community outreach.
Julie Field 1:16:50
I mean, how much negotiation if you will do we have to say, we need this many more meetings, and we have to stay within our budget.
And that’s, to me, that’s a it’s a not to exceed contract. So they know they have to stay within the budget. And I think they are not only meeting for probably going a little bit above what was asked for in the in the request for proposals with their proposal response.
Julie Field 1:17:18
Did you not request the amount of meetings
and I did not request a I requested. I requested that they provide a proposal for the Master Plan, Review Commission meetings, there are eight months that the best plan would be commissioned for charter has to complete its work. And then also asked them to include a proposal for public outreach for which they’ve done and then I specifically asked for one Planning Commission meeting and one council meeting, all of which are included.
Justin Ring 1:17:52
Yes. So I was just gonna mention that. I noticed that two of the six meetings are planning commission and council so they’re only going before.
Steve Michniak 1:18:00
If you look at the bottom, yeah, I’ll readjust the world the same day. CT will complete the scope of the work describing the cost of 50,000, which includes one day of in person interviews conducted at city hall or others prespore location, an online survey, which includes questionnaires Survey Monkey subscriptions are responsive. It does not include the printing and postage costs, if the city wants to send it out to residents, for in person meetings with the Master Plan, review committee, one meeting with planning commission and one meeting with council. And then one meeting with the community in an inter virtual staff meetings. Wonderful. That’s just to let everybody know when they actually lay out.
We’re paying $50,000 for a fraction of reading.
Julie Field 1:18:49
I don’t think that’s enough. It is included everything that we need. That’s my
thank you. I’m looking at the her resume pretty much and the communities that she did this in. Some of them are very large like North Royalton. So I’m just curious, can we call them and ask them how many meetings they had to get it done?
Yeah, I’ll be honest with you. I asked Chris initially to be at this meeting. And when I saw how long this meeting was potentially going to go I told her it wasn’t necessary to attend. I don’t have a problem.
What does this have to do past
Julie Field 1:19:43
emergency but I’m not comfortable. I think it would have been good if she had attended so that we could have despite it in the long run I can only go
off with what John said he was on the last one,
I remember they?
Well, and so you know, last, that’s one way that you can do it is you can have one meeting per chapter. And that’s what we did
last year. However, these meetings,
they were an hour, hour and a half, we
Jon Hannan 1:20:23
turn right around there. So like, one chapter, because once you’re sitting there, there’s a lot of information to process decision making. So obviously, we don’t want to rush us
every time. For what it’s worth, I was comfortable reading through the proposal and understanding what they what they are charged with accomplishing that they would be able to accomplish, accomplish this as set forth in this proposal.
Jon Hannan 1:20:56
I have a question. So like, I’m looking through some of the cities that they worked with, I see like stuff. Is there a chance that we can contact this person next week or so and ask them how long it typically took? Like? Do they have five meetings before the end? It seems like they’re pretty comparable sized city to us. Maybe they have more meetings, or they had extra charge for it.
population did not contact stones simply because they weren’t listed in the references. I also know that Rob Kurtz, the planning director, and previous planning director install is now in Cuyahoga Falls. I did follow up with the city of Fort Thomas and Canfield Township, and received very, very good recommendations from both of both of them.
Justin Ring 1:22:09
Certainly, John, you made a you made a comment earlier that Pete’s me a little bit. Sorry about the amount of meetings. You know, John, Mr. Hammond stated that they had someone at every meeting last meeting, but you had stated that the last go around of this, there was much more involved heavy lifting than there shouldn’t be this round. So I guess my question would be some kind of a kind of in the same boat as misfield, where if they’re going to consult, they should be at those meetings, consulting, if we’re going to pay him to do it, they should do it. But you know, taking into consideration what you’re saying and how you feel very strongly about the proposal and about what type of job they would do. Do you feel that? Because a lot of the heavy lifting was done at the last meeting, it’ll be an easier go this time. And it may not require as much involved
consulting, I’m just asking your opinion, I an agreement with my field, but I just want to know what your thoughts.
Yes, I do. You know, I envision I envision most of the effort and energy going into updating the goals, objectives and strategies in the current plan, and focusing focusing on on a review of the future land use map as being the primary drivers in this effort. I mean, that’s, that’s why you go through all of the existing conditions analysis. You know, I honestly don’t think that it’s necessary to go through each to have a meeting for each chakra. And to go through each line of each chapter. Line by line,
maybe, maybe the committee of field is
well, and and that’s a difference of opinion. Well, they don’t read it
Justin Ring 1:24:14
every day. They don’t, they may want to sit down and fully understand it. So I met that’s where I’m objective is being
on the committee. Yeah.
Julie Field 1:24:22
Go through it and
Jon Hannan 1:24:25
basically have an entirely new committee. So if it were the same committee as last time familiar with that we have we have to spend one meeting kind of just reviewing everything and getting familiar with the document at least that way I know they gave it to us well in advance and let us read it but you know, if you’re new to that something like this. And those the the committee may feel completely different about what the last committee
Justin Ring 1:24:59
Yeah, I am in agreement with misfield. I think that especially with that having a new committee, not knowing what their direction is going to be or what how involved they want that. I think it’s it’s
that I was on the committee also. And I just think that’s the whole purpose of this every five years is to bring in a new committee with different eyes. And it can take a little bit longer. And you need the guidance there. Like you said, if we’re paying for anything, I need them to be there to guide them because it’s overwhelming a little bit. Western Michigan,
Steve Michniak 1:25:41
is there any way we can save some up there? I know from the last time you know, the community survey, we just did it five years ago? I don’t suppose the answers are going to change much. And they’re wide and you’re very more parks. are this or that? I don’t see that community survey changing much in the last five years. Nor the answers nor the suggestions. These are public meetings, invite public input. As a way we could do that in house like Greta email address or website for suggestions without hiring this company to actively send out things to voters who have to then be feel forced to fill it out. Of course, everybody’s
like, ah, like we’re quarks. Yeah. Great space. Yeah, certainly. Maybe it’s really cool. And an olive garden.
Steve Michniak 1:26:29
You know, that’s, we spent money getting those answers this viously. Go, I can ask 10 people in the crowd here. Do we rejoice at all? Yeah. More curveballs, something Leafly. I don’t think we have to have that survey done. Legally, we can defend it and say we have within five years ago, that save us some money that we can then spend on her being more meetings. That Yes,
sir. A community survey and a website is is one public participation outreach.
Steve Michniak 1:27:06
Their responses were great. I don’t want to say they weren’t. They’re only five years old. Why are we doing another one? That I’ll guarantee you the whole side by side, the surveys are gonna look at that. And if we can say, eight grand or six grand by not doing a survey, and then bumping her up to more meetings, I’m just trying to find a compromise talking about
the last survey, how many responses to give wasn’t an online survey.
Yeah, I don’t and I didn’t bring them. I don’t have the existing plan. It would be. It was right around that it was somewhere between 912 100
Justin Ring 1:27:44
I get a good response. I get what you’re saying, Mr. Missionary, but I’m there fighting. Right. Yeah, I things could change in five years. And I and I honestly want
our community to give us that feedback. I think it’s important.
One of the things one of the things she mentions in here is revisiting review, revisiting the survey, keeping the keeping some of the questions so that you have a chronological, you know, response over time, but then tweaking other other survey questions as a result of things that have changed in the last five years, but which everybody knows, it’s been pretty substantial.
Julie Field 1:28:26
So may I make a suggestion here, because you did have this out of emergency. I’m wondering if council would feel comfortable putting this out for a first read this evening. And then you went back and negotiated this or figured out a way to get in so that she would be in attendance to all of these meetings. And then that way, it’s on its first meeting, we’ve had the first meeting and then maybe the next meeting, we could move it as emergency I don’t know, but I’m not comfortable passing this this evening. But I’m willing to put it on first. Can we just table it ambassador’s emergency at the next meeting? Why do we have to read it? What else? Well, we don’t but it does kind of keep it on the table with removing it.
Just move it to the next meeting.
That’s urgency. Options.
Julie Field 1:29:20
Those are all options.
I mean, I’m perfectly fine with that sentiment agreement. We want to I want to make a motion Julie
Julie Field 1:29:36
was constantly just table it. was making a
motion to move it to next.
Julie Field 1:29:45
Okay, I’ll make a motion to move this item to next. She put it on service service service.
Justin Ring 1:29:52
First and Second. Move this to next. Next service meeting. All in favor, Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none, that’s
Jon Hannan 1:29:59
good. There’s Mr. G Stassi. I don’t want you to get upset about this. But I think we’re just returning to just kind of make sure that we’re getting the most out of this process. I just don’t feel that for meetings is enough. And want to make sure that if we’re spending this amount of money that we’re doing the best that we can for the city and the communities giving the most. I think this company will do a really good job. It seems like from what they provided us, but just you can just follow up with that and
send us an email. Yeah, I will ask Chris. Chris Hopkins to attend the next meeting.
And work on will work with her to revise the project schedule to show more meetings.
And I’m not upset I appreciate the conversation.
Jon Hannan 1:30:51
Talking to the consultant, but
Julie Field 1:30:55
I’m sure Mr. Gaskey I completely trust your selection and it wasn’t a matter of that it was more a matter of
hey, if counsel has a concern, I’m glad you express it and we can take steps to address it. Right that’s the important
thing. Thank you.
Justin Ring 1:31:11
Thank you very much. Um anima t 7376. Park and Recreation to purchase a mower Mr. mightier
Greg Mytinger 1:31:21
and we’d like to purchase a new mower for the parks. It’s a Exmark lazer deck.
Robert A. Reinholz 1:31:31
They striping factors.
Greg Mytinger 1:31:35
outfield great
any discussion? There’s no further discussion I’ll make a motion that
council first in seconds move this to tonight’s full council on favor aye any opposed to none?
Jon Hannan 1:31:50
There’s a strike that’s a real thing. Oh like the line? Yeah. Not
making stripes in the grass
Greg Mytinger 1:32:03
you know how you look like that? Makes me feel how close one looks like looks dark green. And it does that but he lays it down. It’s like a rolling system on the back. Yes.
Justin Ring 1:32:24
Yeah. 21 edge and T 7377. Parks and Rec to purchase a stance on sprayer.
Greg Mytinger 1:32:35
As this would be from the same company it is a Z spray Mac standout sprayer and spreader. This will help us cut down on time of weed killers around fences you are currently take a two man job with one person in the gate and one person walking behind spraying. instead. Also help allow us to take care of dandelions and uptown assist with dandelions and weeds out cemetery will also help us keep our fields weed free and have nice nice athletic fields.
Steve Michniak 1:33:18
We spare the DMV lines. I’ll make a motion.
First and Second. All Council All in favor? Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none.
Justin Ring 1:33:32
I don’t Oh 27378 parts of the record purchase and F 350. And just blow through that budget today.
Greg Mytinger 1:33:43
We’re trying to replace a truck that’s over 18 years old and falling apart. The wire is finally given away. This is the same situation Mr. Miller was shown. They did meet the stated price from the board. So it’s the 350 with the package everything
ordered. Hopefully, sometime.
There’s no further discussion. I’ll make a motion with
Mr. Mani, who resists pick up they used to be the fire departments that read
Greg Mytinger 1:34:21
No, this is a green one. Yeah.
No further discussion. I’ll make a motion with this place.
Justin Ring 1:34:33
First and Second. Move this to tonight’s full council on favor. Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none, then move.
Right. I don’t see the 7363 and then 2020 pregame appropriations.
Mr. Hill.
Matt Miller 1:34:46
Council this is actually a just a change in our estimated resources, no impact on any of the expense accounts. We’re simply fixing something from the original book J three municipal income tax are split right now into a team. And this is just fixing that. On the revenue side. Zero effect. Questions
first and second
stages to full council on favor,
Greg Mytinger 1:35:23
aye. Aye. Opposed?
Hearing on that as well. Seven citizens comments. Mr. Mayor,
we have a new commissioner and attendance. Mr. Mike Dillon, if you’d like to cooperate, introduce yourself here. I don’t know if all the council people know you. Mike was sworn in last week and I took his spot. And we’ve already had conversations about some things.
Good evening Council. Mr. Mr. NiaK. I love
Where do you live in your town?
Now let’s come in. I just wanted to come in and say hello. I did not go around and talk to councils in villages or townships. During my campaign, that was what I thought was fair was to come in after the election, and I only won by 11,000. So after the election, I wanted to stop by and say hello. I know most of you. Street squirrels are awesome. I started my family here. I sat up there for a few years in the 80s. And started to project on the police department. So when everybody told me I couldn’t do it, we did it. You got two great chiefs here. Your service department, your parks, your mayor. I love streets. And if there’s anything I can do to help any of you any questions, or we’re running up against the wall, give me a call. I do appreciate it.
Thank you. All right. Item nine, eight announcements regular council meeting will follow this procedure. First and second to adjourn. All in favor, aye. Aye. Any opposed? Hearing none, we are adjourned sir, great, oh.
Jon Hannan 1:37:48
Courses and exams, reports communications, departments, boards and commissions. Thank you.
Robert A. Reinholz 1:38:01
deliver the baby last Friday. They stopped it wasn’t necessarily a smooth delivery either. But everything worked out perfect. Bob and baby are doing fine. We’re all smiling are smiling as well because our members home now. He was discharged last week. He’s home doctor. We can never know. So we’re very happy and pleased with that. One small fire the same day to deliver the baby are busy that day. Minor Jamie should happen outside of structure inside the structure. We just completed our hazmat refresher training. We invited industry area departments to work on it and it works out well because he had a good working relationship with our industry, especially in this as well. The anhydrous ammonia. That’s one of these has area. So it’s nice when people come besides we do expect very busy, though they will work on with the mayor’s guidance is the CTR for all the city workers. So we were working with China. He’s doing a nice job arranged some dates. We send our people over for CPR AED instruction that covers the sprek department service department. Everybody seems to be interested in just showing us some dates figured out in the CPR. It will react with what happened with a member here with the mayor saw the importance of it. He demanded everybody. CPR and AED combination of both chest compressions, CPR and early defibrillation electricity. This makes all the difference. And a lot of times when we go on emergency scenes, the people just don’t know what to do. The bystanders, they don’t have any kind of medical training. And that’s a terrible, helpless feeling that a loved one is laying there. What do I do? At least they’ll be armed with some information, if they can make an attempt to recruit them just by doing CPR, they can make a difference is when American Heart causes a chain of survival, and all these links to the chain, from the very beginning all the way to when you go to the hospital and to discharge the rehab are very important. They’re all connected and strong. So as your SD,
cheaper there, I recall years ago, I actually took
Robert A. Reinholz 1:40:28
at least one or
the make to
the fire department has to offer courses at the schools for the community to take CPR.
Robert A. Reinholz 1:40:40
And that’s what the mayor why we first got to take care of the city workers powers, the service, city law employees, and then we’re actually coming up with date working with Greg in April, that we have community CPR night fills up, then we’ll schedule another night, right?
There’s a lot more logistics and getting the community CPR, instructor can pretty much effectively handle about eight people at a time. And you have to have mannequins. For each one of each one of those people. We only have eight mannequins available. I am working with the CPR coordinator over in Twinsburg. To get him on board with his instructors. And I’m also working with I had two people reach out to me on Facebook that are both instructors that said that they would that they will participate in they have mannequins. And once we find out how many people how many have purchased we can have that’s going to give us our class size, and then we’ll be able to and then it’s going to be because most of the people are firefighters it’s going to be a matter of coordinating their schedules. And it’s I don’t want to call it a logistical nightmare but it is a little bit more intensive trying to get just get us taken care of so it might be a longer show down the road before we can get out. But yes, that is the plan.
We have eliminated the PCT off
right there. In the kitchen. I make sure all the employees know where it’s at. Because he may need at some time there’s some old.
Evening council I am aware of the residents desire for an all garden sadly Demi’s is only 4500 square feet and the average old garden is closer to eight or nine. And I don’t have anywhere. Other restaurant news however, on behalf of Mr. Napier, the owner of the happy most he is interested in inviting all of you in to do some staff training, he will come here we only would like to come in so that he can train his waiters and waitstaff and make sure that they’re happy and know their job. And I do not believe that you guys I don’t want to speak for John. But I was led to believe that you don’t have to. So more information to follow and as soon as he sets that data, awesome.
Tip your server
and I think that’s
a ribbon cutting tomorrow morning for some reason cave and it will be open tomorrow. Because
the time has changed. It was originally scheduled for nine but it’s not like 30
Remembering that Number Get up now. I guess I was gonna talk later. But I’m I’ve
Justin Ring 1:43:47
had between 10 and 15 Pray and I think 11 or 12 conversations with Portage are shitty like residents that are extremely concerned about cars stepping into the streets, shaky like dry and then being blocked from the house or in that apartment buildings. I want to know if the kids has hired any of our officers for traffic control. And if if they have if we’re going to make sure cars aren’t stepping in the street, tell them to leave and come back for whatever it takes.
Tricia Wain 1:44:20
They have hired officers because of the length of time and the amount of people that they’re looking for. We did open it up to other departments as well. So there’s a war and the sheriff’s department at least are two of the area departments that will be involved. Their idea is to try and use the access drive across the street that goes behind the eagle 30 It was one of the concerns that came up. We’ve seen Cat I’ve seen Cat personally and I know how they stacked up. Candles really good about Ricans The hearing in the parking lot. And they put a surprising amount of cars in that double drive thru because it’s actually double all the way around. So
Justin Ring 1:45:11
if you remember what sort of chickens, they were coming out on the 14th, and this can change.
Tricia Wain 1:45:17
It’s going to be a little messy, but there’s enough places I think.
Justin Ring 1:45:23
I just want I just want to make sure for those residents that we’re we’re keeping them in mind and making sure that they have ingress and egress without having to wait up a substantially long holiday.
Tricia Wain 1:45:33
Yeah, they hired officers to leave for at least the first five to seven days. And then we’ll judge based on that. They haven’t for the first full week.
If you remember, but when we when they went through planning, we had them change their drive through,
they turn the building midnight.
I think they turned to bullets. And what are we getting the cube 26 in a queue?
Yeah, it was even more than that. Yeah, we redesigned that and and squeezed out as many stacking spaces on that site as as we could possibly could possibly do. I
Tricia Wain 1:46:10
think they got up to about 31. Yeah, and they’re actually very fast. As a drive thru as a whole. Like I said, I mean, cat was my big experience. And that’s what I was concerned about. For the city having to deal with that, especially where they’re at because it was limited. to pretty much stated I don’t know how they did the magic parking lot to get that many cars in the drive thru. But they sell out maps, so
long as we’re keeping an eye on it. That’s always masks.
They need to go to the Chick fil A school the drive thru. Checkpoint knows how to move people through. If I was there, my Ruby plagiarizing.
Another question. Is there any movement on Popeyes?
Yes, there is. I was informed today that they are planning on having the building completed no later than June, they run into some unexpected delays. Apparently, air apparently fryers like whatever you make cries and apparently those went from being like four months out to be closer to a year and a half. Some other things and I don’t really know what to make out of that. Whether that’s true or not. But that’s what they are. But I do have a firm name.
And if you if you recall from the meeting we had with Bumble that tonight, you’re talking 30 to 44 weeks straight back. One of the things that we had heard previously was the delay and Popeyes is that they did not preorder anything. So when they got the approval, that’s when they put their orders out for the equipment. That’s why are you looking at the way
Jon Hannan 1:47:52
make sense. Any other directors
request Council put money in their budget to replace. construction season this year is going to kick off with a bang, as many of you have seen on social media, Dominion is relocating their transmission line on 43 underneath the Turnpike, in order to do so they have to be in the road. itself. That will be signalized. Wednesday, it will be signalized in both directions, but it’s going to be slow. So I would encourage everybody to find another way around, it’s going to be it’s going to be exactly after that for 12 days, depending on how long you know whether you kind of that four takes, they will have flaggers for the rest of their operation. And then at night, they will reopen two lanes of traffic simply two lanes of traffic and playing the road. So I just wanted everybody to be aware if you hadn’t seen that on social media, spread the word, avoid the area. And then our 43 widening project will kick off concurrently with the gas company or shortly thereafter.
Justin Ring 1:49:12
Can you elaborate on also are they still going to cover the light at Piper Cherokee and close those roads?
Correct? Oh, yes.
Yeah, they have the temporary thing there now.
Justin Ring 1:49:21
Yeah, I saw the temporary lights. I just didn’t I didn’t see them that light covered yet. And you know, I know I know. It was mentioned that the roads on either side were going to be closed for
the barricade. Just what side are they starting on first? You know, my don’t give me directions.
Okay, so I started north of the turnpike.
And you know, like what side of the street are they?
Oh, they’re gonna they’re gonna block off though if you’re going up the left lane. Okay.
And then by sight What time are they started?
I will find out tomorrow. I have an onsite meeting with them tomorrow. We’ll always enclose your being as it is, and we want to find out more tomorrow.
Jon Hannan 1:50:14
Someone asked me today, when you played the road, how does that affect the scope, I’m seeing that we possibly have a snowstorm coming,
that’s something we’ll have to consider. We could backfill, well, they could. They could backfill in times of emergency. But that’s something that we’ve worked out with the service department.
Jon Hannan 1:50:43
Any other,
just to touch on the construction project,
Tricia Wain 1:50:47
it’ll be going out on our social media. Tomorrow, there’s some rerouting that was done, but with it staying open. Hoping you might have too much, too much trouble with the traffic on to the Naval officers are already been instructed to make sure they’re doing Smash, because I have no doubt that people are going to find
you, the local will know how to go. And the big thing that we don’t want is I don’t want some semi decide who’s going to go down evergreen and not bail and out the page. And that was one of the things that we had brought up was that there’s no way that we’re going to be able to work any commercial traffic on to the subdivisions and the commercial traffic. And we did put in the photos here and talk to a few of the people that is a commercial traffic they would be much better served by going out 14 different shortcuts or Parkway over 43 Much better serve. I noticed when the chief when I leave here after after council meetings, he usually goes frost Road to 14 and diamond square and I always go down frost and then down 43. And believe it or not, we meet at about depending on who gets the light. We’re usually at the square to save time. So there’s no no real difference in in timing going down 14 We were up 14 up to thoughts and getting off. Are you doing? Absolutely.
Jon Hannan 1:52:30
Anybody else? Sick introduction of legislation brings you Carolina get ready for t 730 6.3. annual budget number
Caroline Kremer 1:52:51
2020 The 2023 annual appropriation ordinance.
Julie Field 1:53:00
Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Steve Michniak 1:53:11
Can we have the same people do the person say make it easier? It makes it easy. Linda. Volunteering. It just makes her notes.
Caroline Kremer 1:53:27
Yes. Mr. Steele? Yes. Mr. Member? Mr. Lamba? Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes, Mr. Hannon.
Jon Hannan 1:53:37
DISA 7363? becomes 2304 t 73647. Their compensation compensation for the next year. Please revised title,
Caroline Kremer 1:53:49
a resolution establishing rates compensation for the mayor for the mayor’s term of office commencing December 15 2023. And declaring an emergency in order to fix the salary prior to candidate filing deadlines. Just as feel Yes, Mr. O’Mara. Mr. Lam, just during this conditioning, yes.
Jon Hannan 1:54:12
Caroline Kremer 1:54:26
This way, Mr. Humberto Yes, Mr. Lampe. Mr. Green? Yeah, yes, mister. Yes, Mr. Nana,
Jon Hannan 1:54:36
yes, Te 7364 becoming so between two three dash zero d 7365. Contract for gap, conversion
Caroline Kremer 1:54:49
and ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract without competitive bidding with the Ria and associates to prepare basic financial statements for fiscal year 2022 To them putting into those two reports and declaring an emergency in order to commence such services as soon as possible. Yeah, Mr. Murray? Yes. Mr. Lambert? Yes. Mr. Rain? Yes. Mr. Messenia? Yeah, this is Bill. Yes. Mr. Hannon? Yes.
Motion to adopt.
Caroline Kremer 1:55:20
will hopefully remember? Yes. Yes. Yes. This is Phil Yes. Mr. Hanna
Jon Hannan 1:55:28
Yes. 7363 becomes children 23 Dash 067366 contract renewals CMS software and hardware makers was
Caroline Kremer 1:55:38
an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract without competitive bidding was civica North America Inc, doing business as creative microsystem CMI for the purchase of computer licensing support and software maintenance services for the finance department during 2023 and declaring an emergency in order to maintain continuity of services. We’ll call this later. Yes. Mr. Alberto? Yes. Mr. Lambert? Yes. Mr. Rainey. Yes. Yes, this is Phil. Yes, Mr. Hanlon? Yes.
Jon Hannan 1:56:12
First and Second to that Roll call, please.
Caroline Kremer 1:56:15
Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. Lambert? Yes. Mr. Ring? Yes, Commissioner. Yes. This is Phil. Yes. Mr. Hanna,
Jon Hannan 1:56:22
yes. G 7366. Become 7.3077367 authorized cyber insurance.
Caroline Kremer 1:56:33
ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract without competitive bidding with insurance specialist Group, Inc. Doing businesses love insurance agency for the city’s cybersecurity liability insurance for a period of one year commencing January 120. And declaring an emergency in order to maintain continuity of coverage. Second, Miss Wagner. Mr. Murdo? Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. Michigan? Yes, this is Phil Yes. Mr. Lambert. Yes. Mr. Newman. Yes. Miss Wagner. Yes. With Dylan Berta. Yes. Mr. Fishman? Yes, this is Phil Yes. Mr. Lambert. Yes. Mr. Hanna
Jon Hannan 1:57:15
Yes, g 7367. Joseph 23 08 G 7368 contract with the Portage County Regional Planning Commission to manage the CB CDBG was
Caroline Kremer 1:57:30
an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with the Portage County Regional Planning Commission to administer the Community Development Block Grant funds for program years 2020 through 2024 and according an urgency to ensure that citizens can timely access new programming.
We’ll call please.
Caroline Kremer 1:57:51
Mr. Mario? Yes, it’s permission. Yes. Mr. Steele? Yes. Mr. Lamba? Yes, Mr. Rainey. Yes.
Steve Michniak 1:58:05
Yes, yes. Yes.
Caroline Kremer 1:58:08
Mr. Lamba? Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. Gannon.
Jon Hannan 1:58:11
Yes, t 7368. Because totaling 23 decimal zero, t 7369. In order to 750 trucks in dump bodies require.
Caroline Kremer 1:58:25
Software isn’t the mayor to enter into contracts without credit or bidding with various vendors for the purchase and a fitting of not to exceed two ford f 750. Dump trucks and declaring an emergency in order to respond to time sensitive proposals. This way, Mr. Humberto Yes, this is Mr. Lampe. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Manning? Yes.
Second, roll call please.
Caroline Kremer 1:58:55
Yes. Mr. Lombardo? Yes. This is Bill. Yes. Mr. Lamba? Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. Michigan? Yes, Mr. Hannon?
Jon Hannan 1:59:02
Yes. G 7369 becomes chosen 23 Dash 10 g 7370. The annual agreement was signal service for traffic signal maintenance. Can you please reply to
Caroline Kremer 1:59:14
an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract without competitive bidding with signal service company for the purchase of the city’s annual requirements for maintenance or repairs to the city’s traffic signal system during 2023 and declaring an emergency in order to maintain continuity of services? Miss Wagner? Mr. Lamba? Mr. Ring? Yes. permissioning? Yes. Mr. Steele? Yes. Mr. Hannon? Yes. Miss Wagner? Yes. Mr. Lambert? Yes. Mr. Lamba. Yes. Mr. Ring. Yes. Yes. Yes, Mr. Hanlon?
Jon Hannan 1:59:53
Yes, t 7370. becomes 7.3 Dash 11 g 7371. purchased by OPCAT compact track loader, please revise
Caroline Kremer 2:00:03
an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with clerk equipment company doing business as Bobcat company for the purchase of a t 770. T Ford OPCAT track loader and related equipment at a price not to exceed $77,000 for the service department and declaring an emergency to expedite the purchase.
Second, roll call please.
Caroline Kremer 2:00:26
Miss Wagner. Yes. Mr. Lombardo? Yes. Mr. Lamba? Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. Missionary? Yes. Mrs. Field? Yes. Mr. Nana? Yes, sir.
Jon Hannan 2:00:38
First and second to adopt.
Caroline Kremer 2:00:40
Yes, Mr. Governor? Yes. Mr. Lamba? Yes. Yes, this is Mr. Hanner.
Jon Hannan 2:00:48
Yes. The 7371 becomes 2023 Dash 12 D 737. To purchase to plow up the kids. And please read by title
Caroline Kremer 2:00:58
and work on summarizing the mayor to enter into contracts without competitive bidding with various vendors for the purchase of not to exceed to 2023 10 foot Swinson all purpose body that gets and related snow and ice control equipment packages and declare an emergency in order to respond to times it’s difficult. Second, roll call please. Miss Wagner. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. Lamba? Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. Fishman? Yes. Mr. Newman? Yes. row covers. Yes. Yes. Yes. Mr. Lamba? Yes. Mr. Murray. Yes. Mr. missioning? Yes. Mrs. Field? Yes. Mr. Hannon?
Jon Hannan 2:01:40
Yes, G 737 to become 723 Dash 13 g 7373. Contract with RK s for cleaning services. Please revise
Caroline Kremer 2:01:51
an ordinance authorizing the mayor to accept the quote up and enter into an agreement with RKf Smith, Inc. to provide cleaning services to city buildings and declaring an emergency in order to expedite the agreement and prevent a lapse in service. motion to suspend Mr. Lamba? Yes. Yes. Mr. Ring? Yes, Commissioner. Yes. This is Mr. Gannon. Yes. Motion to adopt.
Jon Hannan 2:02:25
First of all second to adopt Roll call, please.
Caroline Kremer 2:02:27
Yes. Yes. Mr. Rogan? Yes. Mr. Michigan? Yes. This is Phil Yes. Miss Wagner. Yes. Mr. Hannan?
Jon Hannan 2:02:34
Yes. G 7373. Becomes Johnson 23 Dash 14 t 7374. contract with wildermuth backup for backup plans examiner. Can you please read by title
Caroline Kremer 2:02:48
and we’re authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract without competitive bidding with Michael H wildermuth. To provide the city’s requirements for backup plans examiner services during 2023 and declaring an emergency in order to maintain continuity of services. Mr. Lamba? Yes, yes. Mr. Mason? Yes, this is field Yes. Miss Wagner. Mr. Ring? Yes. Mr. Hannon?
Yes. Motion to adopt.
Caroline Kremer 2:03:19
Mr. Lamba? Yes. Mr. Lambert. Yes. Mr. McGee. Yes. Mrs. Field? Yes. Miss Wagner. Mr. Murray. Yes, Mr. Hanlon?
Jon Hannan 2:03:27
Yes. G 73743 Dash, one. T 7376. Parks and Recreation for purchase.
Caroline Kremer 2:03:42
an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with martial power equipment LLC for the purchase of a new Exmark lazer Z mower with striping debt and or emergency in order to expedite the purchase. Mr. Lombardo Yes, Mrs. Field. Yes, this Wagner. Mr. Ring? Yes, Mr. Michigan. Yes. Mr. Hannon? Yes. It’s Joanna. Yes. Mr. Lambert? Yes. Mrs. Fields. Yes. Miss wagon. Yeah, mister. Yes, Mr. Machine? Yes.
Jon Hannan 2:04:17
Yes. 16 07 Parks and Recreation to purchase a standoff sprayer. Please read my title
Caroline Kremer 2:04:33
and ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with Marshall our equipment, LLC for the purchase of a new Z spray mat standalone spreader sprayer and declaring an emergency in order to expedite the motion. Mr. Lambert, yes. Mr. Greenberg. Yes. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Field? Yes, Mr. Massey?
Jon Hannan 2:04:57
Yes, motion to adopt of First I’d like to adopt roll call please.
Caroline Kremer 2:05:01
Mr. Lambert, yes. Mr. Lambert? Yes. Mr. Ring? Yes, Mr. Michigan? Yes, this is
Jon Hannan 2:05:10
g 7377 becomes 2023 Dash 17 These are 378 Parks and Recreation to purchase the truck. Please read
Caroline Kremer 2:05:21
by title and ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into contracts without competitive bidding with various vendors for the purchase enough fitting of 123 f 350. Pickup produced by the person recreation department and climate emergency in order to respond to time sensitive proposals motion. Yes, Mr. Ring? Yes. Mr. Misha? Yes. This is failing. Yes, this Wagner. Mr. Hanlon? Yes.
Jon Hannan 2:05:51
Second, person second to adopt.
Caroline Kremer 2:05:54
Mr. Lamba. Murder. Mystery commissionaire Yes, this is Phil Yes. Mr. Hanna,
Jon Hannan 2:06:02
yes, G 7378 becomes 2023 dash at first reading. There are. Secondly, g 7358. authorize a contract with the electric
Caroline Kremer 2:06:18
an ordinance declaring the city’s intention to sell unneeded and unclaimed personal property in possession of the city through internet auction during calendar year 2023 and authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with DuckTales Inc. to conduct online auctions on behalf of the city.
Jon Hannan 2:06:35
G 7359. Zoning text amendments regarding change will copy DMC signs
Caroline Kremer 2:06:40
and ordinance enacted new section 27 of Title Five part 11. planning and zoning code of the codified ordinances and amending sections 11 Oh 3.0 to a level 9.15 9.06 and 11 59.09 thereof relating to regulation of electronic message center or copy signs and repealing section 1.267360
Jon Hannan 2:07:09
contract for water line replacement and repair parts for
Caroline Kremer 2:07:19
an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into contracts without competitive bidding with various vendors are the purchase of the city’s requirements for water line replacement and repair parts during 2023 87 361
Jon Hannan 2:07:28
contracts for fire hydrants replacement and repair parts.
Caroline Kremer 2:07:41
an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into contracts without competitive bidding. The various vendors for the purchase of the city’s requirements are fire hydrant replacement repair parts during 2023.
Jon Hannan 2:07:51
Thank you t several 362 contracts for asphalt products services for 2023 pavement preservation
Caroline Kremer 2:08:03
ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into contracts without competitive bidding with various vendors for the purchase of asphalt paving products and incidental payment services necessary for the city’s 2023 asphalt preservation program.
Jon Hannan 2:08:17
So 3467 a temporary moratorium on hotels, motels and car washes.
Caroline Kremer 2:08:26
This is an ordinance placing a temporary moratorium on the issuance of planning zoning and building permits, approvals and certificates related to hotels motels and carwash. versa. Mr. Steele? Yes. Mr. Lambert? Yes. Mr. Locarno, yes. Mr. Ryan?
No. Mr. Michigan No.
Mr. Mannion, yes.
Caroline Kremer 2:08:55
But I don’t know it was amended from Planning and Zoning Commission’s presentation to us. So the six different types of amendment go
it’s not a it’s not a text amendment, you know, a proposed amendment to the zoning text. I think the supermajority is is if you want to make a change to tax that planning commission recommended
Julie Field 2:10:03
because we’ve had discussion on this, and I had no idea where you were on it, is there a way to do it be like?
Steve Michniak 2:10:14
Oh, yeah, I’m just I assume it takes word pass. I would agree with that. I’m not I’m just not comfortable. I don’t think it’s necessary right now. I think it came out of kind of a knee jerk reaction to a lot of complaints about hotels, hotels and car washes. We’ve always had the only real new things the car washes. And I’m always leery of inviting uninvited air. It just seems a little unnecessary to ban hotels, motels and car washes. When I asked that day, if we had any hotel plans in place right now, I was told though, there were no new car washes I didn’t file seemed kind of knee jerk to cherry pick these individual businesses. And I don’t want to get sued. So
yeah, and I’m in the same boat. I think it opens up legal issue. Because we’re else’s opinion,
we’re cherry picking. But
I also
Justin Ring 2:11:14
think the free market should dictate this not government. I think it’s an overreach of government. If we don’t want it any more of those in the city, then we need to change the code, not just say, Hey, we’re gonna pause you for six months or a year just because we we want to get a study that now allows us to take you out. It’s just to me, it’s, again, unnecessary opens up the legal issue. And and I don’t think it’s going to show
Steve Michniak 2:11:36
moratoriums on new housing developments as a general category. I’m just not comfortable saying hotels, car washes, then it’s chicken joints. That’s all gardens. And I just kind of I just don’t think the court would look favorably upon it. I asked if anyone had any pending, thinking somebody might try to sue us but nobody even has one penny out if there’s going to be a lawsuit, but I just want to be on the record and said, it’s not necessary at this time. And I just want to know if it’s legal
we do. Well, those are those are already those aren’t included in them.
But are those already
Steve Michniak 2:12:14
there? They wouldn’t be subject to.
Jon Hannan 2:12:18
So turning to what Caroline has pointed out, there’s no resolution ordinance regulation measure of order of Council which violates differs from or departs from the plan or recommendations submitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall take effect unless enacted or approved by at least two thirds of Council, which will be six
Caroline Kremer 2:12:41
paragraph paragraph and before it talks about when planning or zoning makes a recommendation to council for a change in or addition to any zoning ordinance or building code 120 days the signup button that goes to a separate
Julie Field 2:12:54
paragraphs is that just as your life cycle change
Caroline Kremer 2:13:03
departs from the plan or recommendations submitted by the planning and zoning
Julie Field 2:13:07
committee make amendments? Yes. And we
Jon Hannan 2:13:08
took out the warehouse buildings so those
two thirds five out of seven
Jon Hannan 2:13:18
it would be two thirds is 660 6.25. Yeah, so
Caroline Kremer 2:13:23
more than the first
we do the first
Caroline I also noticed that the fourth whereas statements still includes the warehouse right because
Caroline Kremer 2:13:36
that is the Streetsboro Planning and Zoning Commission on the 13th adopted emotion recommending got it so that was included in that whereas
Jon Hannan 2:13:48
so is it safe to say that the sale
spot what you read I would say failed
Jon Hannan 2:14:00
II 7354 and then seven three platforms have a lot of papers over here. So
this is an
Caroline Kremer 2:14:23
ordinance amending section six and repealing section 12 of ordinance number 2016 Dash 116 As amended by ordinance number 2021 30. Court to clarify the types of residential structures eligible for Community Reinvestment Act tax incentives and to remove the sunset clause originally included in said ordinance motion to adopt
Jon Hannan 2:14:45
a second to adopt we’ll call please.
Caroline Kremer 2:14:49
Mr. Lim just to run Yes, Mr. Mr. Yeah. Miss Wagner. Yes, Mr. Lombardo? Yes, Mr. Han?
Jon Hannan 2:14:57
Yes. orbitals 2023 Dash 92 7355 section 1121 22 Regarding swimming pool fences
Caroline Kremer 2:15:14
ordinance amending section 115 1.22 of Title Five part 11 planning and zoning code of the codified ordinances relating to regulation of swimming pools This is Mr. Mr. Berto.
Jon Hannan 2:15:39
Yes G 735 5.3 dash one item 10 They report I guess we just skip over that because you already talked right are you good I’m good I want to say anything we still have an executive sessions I’m also build on my talents I’ll move on to Councilmember Mr ring
during the length of this
Jon Hannan 2:16:14
the most I’ll entertain a motion to recess into executive session considering to consider hiring