Ravenna Township
Trustees are installing temporary speed bumps on Skeels Street and nearby side streets in response to reports of vehicles speeding through the Skeels allotment. The traffic control devices will be removed later this year to allow snow plows to keep the roads clear, Trustee Vince Coia said.
Nelson Township
Township crews will be completing chip and seal work on about six miles of roadway this summer at a cost of $14,000 per mile, Trustee Mike Kortan said. Previous quotes have come in at an average of $24,000 per mile.
“The paving equipment Nelson Township purchased last year continues to save tens of thousands of dollars by being able to perform the work by our road crew,” he said.
Sugar Bush Knolls
Sugar Bush Knolls is on point to spruce up lakes Roger and Martin and treat them for algae.
While the lakes are looking pretty good now, algae blooms are based on temperature and time of year, and generally form in August, Village Clerk William Elder said.
“Even if it’s not toxic, it doesn’t look very good so we try to take care of it for the aesthetics,” he said.
Paris Township
Paris Township’s Community Center is back in business after 15 months of Covid closure. Anyone wishing to rent the community center for an event may contact Trustee Dorene Spicer at 330-358-2308 or visit the township website at paris-township.com.
Baryak’s Tree Service will be trimming trees on two sections of Gilbert Road. The limbs are hanging out over the road, causing a potential danger to motorists, Spicer said.
The Paris Township Fire Department will participate in July 4 festivities in Newton Falls. Trustees plan to send Paris’ utility terrain vehicle and the utility/brush truck that hauls it to the event. The UTV enables first responders to go into the woods for rescue calls or to handle grass fires, Trustee Dave Kemble said. Trustees have also notified officials at nearby West Branch State Park of the fire department’s capability to help with emergencies there.
Wendy DiAlesandro is a former Record Publishing Co. reporter and contributing writer for The Portager.