Senior Life: More discounts around the county

Oops, I forgot to note some other freebies in my column last month.

Kent State University has a Senior Guest Program, which offers individuals over the age of 60 a free opportunity to audit their classes. You can attend for free, do not have to take exams, but can gain all the information from the class content. You will need to pay for your books and parking.

Take a look online to see the various classes that are offered, then contact the university at 330-672-3100.

And how could I have forgotten to mention the Golden Buckeye Card. Once again, you have to ask for a merchant’s discount. If you are 60 years old (18 years old if totally and permanently disabled), discounts should be available if you find the Golden Buckeye decal on their entrance door. Especially watch drugstores because some pharmacies will give you up to a 24% discount.

Along with these discounts, remember that you could also be eligible for HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program). If you have been following my columns over the past year, you may remember that I mentioned their summer program which would help with your electric bill (air conditioning).

This program is coordinated by the Community Action Council (located on East Main Street in Ravenna), which can offer financial assistance to help pay for your winter heating bills … electric, gas or oil (requires income eligibility).

There are two possible programs that you might qualify for. The first is the PIPP, Percentage of Income Payment Plan, if your annual income is less than 150% of poverty level ($21,857.50 annual income for a one-person household). In this program, you would pay a small percentage of your monthly income toward your heating and electric bills.

The second program is HEAP, which provides a discount or credit on winter heating bills, if an applicant’s yearly income is only 200% of the federal poverty guidelines ($27,860.00 for a one- person household or $37,814 for a two-person household)

To find out if you can qualify for either of these programs, contact the Community Action Council at 330-297-1456. They will want you to schedule an appointment with their staff, to which you will need to bring: the energy bill you are requesting assistance for, Social Security numbers for all members of your household, and a written copy of your proof of income.

Do not be embarrassed to ask for this information. If I were not married, I could easily qualify for this help, even though I had worked for county governments for more than 30 years!

Taking a look around our county, I also found a couple other discounts for seniors. If you live in Kent and are at least 62 years old, you may qualify for 20% off of your water bill!

If you live in Ravenna, you may qualify for 10% off your water bill. Once again, these residents need to contact their individual water departments.

Presuming you live in Portage County and own your own house or condo, you may qualify for the Homestead Tax Exemption Program. This county program provides real estate tax relief to any homeowner who currently owns and lives in their primary residence, and who is at least 65 years of age. The program exempts $25,000 of current market value of the home for individuals who have an adjusted gross income of $31,500.

Contact the Portage County Auditor’s Office for more information at 330-297-3393.

If you are in the Mantua/Crestwood neighborhood on Oct. 30, stop by the grand opening (noon to 3 p.m.) of the Crestwood Community Center

The folks who pulled the right strings to make this center come to life deserve a great deal of applause for making this all possible. This center definitely fills a “hole” in providing a place to distribute information as well as socialization opportunities for all senior citizens in the area.

Oh by the way, it might help if I gave you the address … 4810 High St., Mantua (Buchert Park Village Lodge).

Contact Sally Kelly with your senior news at 330-687-9501 or [email protected].

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