Grant to help probation department offer more treatment services

A $487,487 grant from the state’s OneOhio Recovery Foundation will support the Portage County Adult Probation Department’s efforts to deliver additional services.

The funds are being directed to the department’s newly created TIMEOUT program (Trauma Informed Methods Engaging Outcomes Utilizing Thinking). Chief Probation Officer Hank Gibson said he is specifically targeting people who appear in felony drug court, misdemeanor drug court and misdemeanor mental health court, the latter being where people with mental health challenges would appear.

“This will allow us to hire staff to provide evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy programming to offenders who are battling substance abuse or co-occurring disorders,” Gibson said. “The programming that will be offered will provide coping mechanisms and skill sets to manage triggers that may lead to relapse and allow them to move forward with a successful, productive, drug-free lifestyle.”

TIMEOUT aims to eliminate barriers to treatment, enable earlier access to treatment, create trauma-informed treatment groups, and implement gender-responsive cognitive behavioral interventions. The grant will also allow Gibson to train staff and provide clients with infectious disease, overdose prevention and naloxone training.

“The goal, like anything else, is to reduce recidivism, and improve public safety and improve quality of life for this population,” he said.

The OneOhio Recovery Foundation is a nonprofit maintained by settlement funds the state receives from the pharmaceutical industry for its role in the national opioid epidemic.

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Wendy DiAlesandro is a former Record Publishing Co. reporter and contributing writer for The Portager.