Don’t miss your chance at a personal tour of this Kent Historical Society exhibit

Kent Historical Society is accepting last-minute RSVP’s for Jim Myers’ personal tour of “Prescriptions for Memories,” the current exhibit at the museum.

The exhibit honors the history of pharmacies and medicines in Kent. Myers was majority owner and head pharmacist at Thompson’s Drug, which was a Kent mainstay for over 100 years.

Contact Kent Historical Society at 330-678-2712 to reserve a spot in the tour, which is set for 4-6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27. Room permitting, walk-ins will be accepted. KHS is located at 237 E. Main St. in Kent.

Cemetery cleanup seeks volunteers

KHS and Kent’s Pioneer Cemetery Preservation Group will host a fall cleanup at Pioneer Cemetery on Stow Street from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6.

Participants are asked to bring a rake, tarp, leaf blower or similar tools if possible. The group will be clearing branches, moving leaves and cleaning up around the gravesites.

A pizza party with adult beverages will follow the cleanup.

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