Windham Township Trustees
February 1, 2023
Dan Burns Chair
Rich Gano Vice chair
Brian Miller Trustee
Casey Timmons Fiscal Officer
Listen to an audio recording of this meeting here.
Documenter’s Notes
The regular trustee meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by the approval of January minutes and expenditures. Matt Berecek, co-owner of Yellow Jacket HVAC, addressed the trustees regarding township work performed by the company. The trustees commended Yellow Jacket for their services.
Road liaison Brian Miller reported the successful preparation and maintenance of township roads during recent ice and snow events. The group discussed increased deer activity and minor traffic incidents at various places on Route 82. Miller suggested possible tree work to increase visibility and requested additional signage. Finally, Miller updated the trustees about a pair of salt trucks: the first required a new, hard-to-find belt; the second has been an ongoing issue with the large 2020 truck. The 2020 Ford has been at Fairway Ford awaiting repairs for two months. There was continuing talk about the possibility of a Lemon Law claim.
New pins have been ordered, and Rich Gano requested that the township crew raise the existing pins to chart the new area for indigent burials. Gano expected the work to be completed as early as the following week.
Inspector Jake Sweet reported no new permits and one application for a pole barn. There was discussion about the 9092 State Route 303 property due to be transferred to the Land Bank. Twenty days have passed since Sweet filed paperwork with the Land Bank via certified mail.
Fire Department
Burns did not have a full report from the fire chief. At last contact, the fire department had responded to 240 calls. The trustees discussed the possibility of raises for the fire crew from increased levy funds.
New/Old Business
Burns reported the township received an offer on the recently acquired property formerly known as Windham Alloy. The proposed sale would allow the township to retain rights and profits to the cell tower on the property. The township will pay the first half of 2024 property taxes and the current electric bill. The trustees voted to accept the offer from BMW Contractors, LLC. The township will receive $350,000 over three years for the property. Geauga Paving will occupy the property. A portion of the 15-acre property is in a permanent conservation easement covenant.
The trustees also voted to award the two township employees a $2/hour raise. The group discussed a raise for a part-time contract employee without reaching a conclusion. It was suggested that the trustees consider officially hiring a part-time employee to begin learning the needs of the township, as the current employees are nearing retirement.
MIller presented a bill for a primer pump repair on the township backhoe in the amount of $989.
Timmons reported on remaining and new NOPEC grant monies, a total of $9,462, including the 2024 grant of $3,425 that was accepted by vote. A $2,097 carryover from 2023 must be used prior to Nov. 30, 2024.
The meeting adjourned at 6:51.