Documenters: Southeast School Board meeting for Dec. 18, 2023

The Southeast Board of Education in 2023.

Southeast School Board
Dec. 18, 2023
6 p.m.


Mary Kaley President
Frank Voss Board
John Witkosky Board
John Danes Board
Kevin Werschey Board
Samantha Pochedly Treasurer
Robert Dunn Superintendent
Finley Crum Student Representative

Documenter’s Notes

Board President Mary Kaley called the meeting to order and led an estimated 40 community members in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Roll was called, and visitors were asked to introduce themselves. The evening’s agenda was approved after Superintendent Robert Dunn moved to “approve the changes to the 2024-25 High School Course Book as presented” to January’s business. While reviewing minutes from the Nov. 20, 2023 meeting, Board Member Kevin Werschey recommended “Mr. Danes [Board Member John Danes] changed his vote … I would like it to word [sic] where Mrs. Kaley looked at Mr. Danes and asked him if he was sure that’s the way he wanted to vote.” The minutes were approved; Werschey cast a “no” vote.

Denise Torres presented the cafeteria’s compliance with USDA regulations across age groups. She explained that the school was awarded a $121,000 grant. Torres stated that two new ovens have been installed at the high school and the middle school in addition to two pass-through warmers and two reach-in coolers.


The board voted to appoint Mary Kaley as president pro tem from Jan. 1-Jan. 8 of 2024.


The board voted to pay the bills as presented. In a split vote, the board renewed its membership in the Ohio School Board Association. Student activity purpose and policy statements were also updated by roll call vote.


Robert Dunn recognized outgoing board members Kevin Werschey and John Witkosky for their service. Werschey served a two-year term, and Witkosky served for 13 years. The board then approved several personnel updates as presented by the superintendent. The district was authorized to dispose of surplus items, including a plow truck and front-end loader. The board also voted to accept several donations from various groups and individuals. Finally, a list of proposed board policies received their second reading and were approved.

Representatives from the schools presented calendar items. Several speakers raved about the recent play presented by Southeast High School. Cooper Kelly was recognized as Student of the Month. Werschey read a letter written by students commending him and a letter he wrote to the board. There was no other new business.

Kaley presented several legislative items adopted and presented by the Ohio State Senate and House. Kaley was asked to track HB 361, which expands eligibility for a teaching permit.

There was a brief discussion about bus cameras under Prior Business. No action was taken.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Ryan Lind
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