Documenters: Shalersville Township Trustees meeting for Jan. 2, 2024

Shalersville Township Trustees
Jan. 2, 2024
6:30 p.m.


Frank Ruehr Trustee
Ron Kotkowski Trustee
Jack Bias Trustee
Jill Corbett Fiscal Officer
Greg Benner Zoning

Documenter’s Notes

Organizational Meeting

Outgoing Chair Frank Ruehr presided over the organizational meeting. Trustee Ron Kotkowski was elected chair, and incoming Trustee Jack Bias was elected to serve as vice chair. The trustees reviewed and updated fee schedules for the township. The salaries of township employees were adjusted and approved for 2024. Brian Crock was moved from the board of zoning appeals to the zoning commission. Dan Denzinger and Ben Kotkowski were elected to the zoning commission for four-year terms. Howard Michler, currently an alternate on the board of zoning appeals, was elected to become a full member of the BZA. Adam Wendrich, Karen Schulz and Missy Kepler were also elected to serve on the BZA. The trustees also accepted the resignation of Chuck Coleman from the BZA.

Public Hearing

Ron Kotkowski presided over the Public Hearing concerning an amendment to the Shalersville-Streetsboro Joint Economic Development District contract. Resolution 2024-01 was adopted without community comment, adding 80 acres to the current agreement between the township and the City of Streetsboro.

Regular Meeting

The regular meeting began at 7:03 p.m. Greg Benner of Zoning presented a financial report, but there was no new or old business. A motion was passed to pay the bills. The trustees moved into executive session at 7:08 p.m., with no other business on the docket.

Ryan Lind
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