Documenters: Ravenna City Council meeting for June 5, 2023

Ravenna City Council Meeting 

June 5, 2023 6 p.m.

Ravenna City Hall

Council Chambers

210 Park Way

Ravenna, Ohio 44266

  • Paul Moskun, Ward 1
  • Rob Kairis, Ward 2
  • Matt Harper, Ward 3 
  • Tim Calfee, Ward 4
  • Andrew Kluge, Council President 
  • Amy Michael, At Large
  • Christina West, At Large
  • Chelsea Gregor, Clerk of Council
  • Frank J. Cimino, Law Director
  • Kay Dubinsky, Director of Public Services
  • Brian Huff, Finance Director
  • Mark Chapple, Fire Chief
  • Jeff Wallis, Police Chief

Regular City Council Meeting 

The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Council President Andrew Kluge. After a moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call was taken by Clerk of Council Chelsea Gregor; all were present.

Then, a swearing-in ceremony took place for officers Steve Lyden and Alex Wain. Following the ceremony, council approved the meeting minutes from May 1 via roll call. 

Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ryann Kuchenbecker was supposed to speak during delegations from the public. However, due to a last-minute change, there were none.

Report of officials was motioned to be accepted; upon no questions from council, it was done so via roll call. After this, reports of committees were presented by each council member.


Ord. 2023-070

First reading: An ordinance that would accept a $200 donation from a resident to the police department and appropriate the funds; this was declared an emergency. A motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-071

First reading: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement for the 2023-24 school year resource officer; this was declared an emergency. A motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-072

First reading: An ordinance authorizing the reduction of appropriations in the capital fund (553) for the amount of $350,000 and into the general fund (101) for $150,000. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-073

First reading: An ordinance amending the fire codes of Ravenna; more specifically: Part Sixteen – Fire Prevention code, Title Two – Adopted Standards, and repealing Chapter 1610 – Ohio fire codes. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-074

First reading: An ordinance amending the fire codes of Ravenna; more specifically: Part Sixteen – Fire Prevention code, Title Two – Adopted Standards, and repealing Chapter 1620 – national fire codes. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-075

First reading: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to accept an easement agreement with Firm Foundation Ministries. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-076

First reading: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to sign easement agreements with Chestnut Commerce Center, LG Chem America and Ravenna Loomis Parkway. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-077

First reading: An ordinance to reappropriate $205,930 for the city’s portion of the Pratt Street Improvement Project. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-078

First reading: An ordinance appropriating $3,516.79 from the general fund (101) for a moral claim to cover the costs of damages done by a sanitary line backup at 225 Lincoln Ave. This was declared an emergency. However, after much deliberation, council decided to leave the ordinance alone and come back to it when the moral claim policy is updated to correspond with the times. 

Ord. 2023-079

First reading: An ordinance authorizing the mayor to apply for an ODNR Division of Wildlife Step Outside Grant worth $500 and for the parks and recreation department to accept if awarded. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-080

First reading:  An ordinance authorizing the mayor to accept and appropriate the PY 2022 Residential Public Infrastructure Grant for the Water Tank Project. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-081

First reading: An ordinance appropriating $17,443.72 from the general fund (101) to purchase two servers that have expired in the police and parks & recreation departments. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-082

First reading: Ordinance authorizing the mayor to sign a memorandum of understanding between the City of Ravenna, the Portage County Commissioners and the State of Ohio to perform building inspections. This was declared an emergency; a motion to accept the emergency clause was accepted, and the ordinance was passed via roll call.

Ord. 2023-083–Stricken from agenda

President of Council Remarks

Having no old or new business, the meeting continued to president of council remarks. Andrew Kluge just mentioned some of the projects and summer festivities he is excited about over the next few months. 

Council Member Remarks

Paul Moskun and Christina West both commented on the transformation of Rep 24, which was once Patriot Fitness.

Mayor Remarks

Mayor Frank Seman took this time to remember John McFarland, who recently passed away. The mayor also noted the new superintendent of Ravenna City Schools, Dr. Laura Hebert, and the job she has done thus far. 


Council then went into executive session to discuss pending legal matters against the city. Having nothing left on the agenda, council adjourned.


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Speaker 1  0:00  

The relented city council meeting for Monday, June 5 at 6pm. The first item on the agenda tonight is a moment of meditation and silence

Unknown Speaker  0:15  

Would you please all join me in the Pledge of Allegiance

Speaker 1  0:23  

to the flag of the United States of America, to the Republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Unknown Speaker  0:42  

Mr. County here, here,

Unknown Speaker  0:45  

Mr. Moss. Yes. Here, Mr. Here, Miss Lin here.

Speaker 1  0:53  

All right. And Mayor and Chief, I can turn it over to you. Okay, thank you.

Speaker 2  0:58  

Well, this was a nice crowd. And one of the reasons we’ve been moving rooms this is an opportunity for council members for people coming on to the staff. We’re very proud of our saving forces, police and fire. You folks, some of you have been here with this before or are here. Level changing jobs in one case another full time person is coming on. And we’re very pleased with applications for when this gentleman has a job. I can’t stress how much their job is important to the city. They’re constantly out in the public. gets to see them regularly performing our duties and I get a lot of feedback from the public about great things Fire Department has done and the police department’s done a stress thing around showing some humanity and dealing with the and gentlemen are here today with that. So coming forward cheap if you want to send money

Unknown Speaker  2:21  


Speaker 2  2:31  

right and then repeat after me. I still buy. I see Ron. Do solemnly swear. Do solemnly swear. I will support the Constitution of the United States. I will support the Constitution of the United States. The constitution of the state of Ohio constitution of the state of Ohio, the laws and ordinances of the city of Urbana. The laws and ordinances of the city of Riverton abide by the rules and regulations that are abandoned city police department by the rules and regulations of the City of Bend Police Department, and I will faithfully I will faithfully honestly and impartially, honestly and impartially Discharge the duties Discharge the duties of full time patrolman, full time at home for the city of Urbana for the city. of the state of Ohio, the state of Ohio during my tenure and said capacity during my tenure in the past gratulations thank

Unknown Speaker  3:37  

you this point.

Speaker 2  4:05  

Repeat after me. I shall explain. Hi Alex. Do solemnly swear

Unknown Speaker  4:12  

do solemnly swear

Speaker 2  4:13  

That I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States. The constitution of the state of Ohio, the constitution of the state of Ohio, the laws and ordinances of the city of Urbana. The laws and ordinances of the city over abide by the rules and regulations provided by the rules and regulations of the Ravenna City Police Department of the Romans the police department they will faithfully will faithfully honestly and impartially, honestly, impartially Discharge the duties Discharge the duties of part time patrol, a part time patrolling for the city prevent for the city around the state of Ohio State of Ohio during my tenure in state capacity during my tenure at chelation.

Unknown Speaker  5:21  

Good time okay

Speaker 3  5:34  

so I apologize if I’m talking about my back to you, but sorry. So I’d like to thank everyone tonight who took time out of their busy schedule to be here, especially the family members. Those of us in law enforcement know that no successful law enforcement career can be successful without the support of their family. The hours the hours shifts the missed holidays, the Miss birthdays and everything that goes with the job can add a lot of stress but with a supportive family it helps. So your your presence here tonight is much appreciated. So during the hiring process, the Ravenna police department looks to hire the most not only the most qualified candidate, but the candidate that possesses the ability or the possesses the mindset of the Guardians not warriors, when approaching public safety. Being a police officer, and anytime in history has been difficult, but especially so much are now with the with everything that’s going on so we not only require officers to be law enforcement experts to also have skills in psychology and be almost like a lawyer and also be a great public organizer. So during the background checks of ballots, and Steve, we found that they both possess desirable candidates to be police officers. And with continued growth, they’ll fit in with our mission to reinvent a police department to make prevent a safe place to live work and visit. So I’m excited to have them on our team and I’d like that for them to come up

Speaker 3  7:11  

for adulation, Steve, Alex Chu wireless, give him a round of applause

Speaker 3  7:22  

So we’re gonna take five minutes, five minutes or so. So we’re gonna get some pictures. Get it? Get a picture with these guys and then with a marry one more

Unknown Speaker  7:59  

All right, always want to come up and start taking some pictures. Steve. Hey, everyone

Unknown Speaker  8:12  

if you wish

Unknown Speaker  8:29  

don’t I take a picture with you and they’re

Unknown Speaker  8:41  

gonna take over your phone to excuse me

Unknown Speaker  9:00  


Unknown Speaker  9:07  

Yeah, you.

Unknown Speaker  9:37  


Speaker 4  9:55  

right guys, Josh, do you want to come up you guys come on, come on. Come up. So I have a

Unknown Speaker  10:28  

buddy go out for work.

Unknown Speaker  10:35  

Know I’m going to try to go around with picture

Unknown Speaker  10:39  

clears Ready. Ready? Ready

Unknown Speaker  10:49  

you’re still feeling okay. I found a good way

Unknown Speaker  11:00  

to take your time

Unknown Speaker  11:08  


Unknown Speaker  11:49  

okay thanks, sir. It’s good. Good to see

Speaker 5  12:01  

you guys thanks

Speaker 3  12:33  

so before we get started I just wanted to say thank you to you guys for the support. So Steve is going to bring our staff back up to full staff. We had to retirement January 23. And he’s, he’s going to replace replacing our last posting of retired so we’ll do that we’ll staff and Alex is going to be part time and he’s just switching part time roles. He was our part time dispatcher and I was gonna give again, the support you guys great to be able to maintain our staffing and to you know to allow us the opportunity to to get the people in a different location. Yeah. So Steve has seven years of law enforcement experience. He was doing falls and then work stop eating.

Unknown Speaker  13:25  

So probably can’t be over remember

Unknown Speaker  13:48  

last year

Unknown Speaker  13:58  

hiring and you know when to hire instead of like

Speaker 3  14:03  

so the scary thing is I just talked to a couple of my buddies that catch up and they have a guy. They have a surgeon with 12 years of experience who just came in one night. They have guys it’s not unusual for geysers to retire after 25 years. It’s not but a lot of you guys have story about a guy that I know he’s having carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel surgery, like in the next couple of days and then after four weeks, he’s retired. So kind of put it in perspective, we are not going to we’re doing a lot better than other places, especially, I mean overall city wise as far as hiring and retaining employees. So that’s part of the thing. I want to thank you like when we went through the contracts, and we were kind of building this to maintain our staffing and to attract other staffing. That’s kind of what this does for us because it keeps us from having to go into the whole employment search and I mean, we look for employees but we are we’re able to get employees and we’re keeping them once we got one of the one of the kids who worked works for us is from Talmadge. And they’d apply for them for a flight attendant and ended up not taking taking the job because the only reason he was going to take the job was for larger ships. So the pay and stuff we pay more but he decided not to go because just like working here so in pay. So that goes a long way. So again, I appreciate the support from you guys and it goes a long way

Speaker 1  15:50  

originally All right. The next item on the agenda tonight is the approval of meeting minutes from the regular City Council meeting on May 1. Are there any additions or corrections to those? Hearing none, do we have a motion to accept as submitted? Second, all in favor, aye. Next item on the agenda is communications and notice of bankruptcy court hearing from the Southern District of Texas Houston division. I don’t have any more information on it just a piece of paper that we received. So if the law director comes in and we can ask him for more information with that unless Mayor you have anything

Speaker 2  16:37  

you said we didn’t need to do anything was necessary to the whole thing find out what they were talking about the microphone

Speaker 6  16:53  

I frequently get these a lot and a lot of times I’ll turn it over to read and stuff. Just so they’re aware of them and they can see if there are any collections they can do on and they will pursue those. I’m not sure about this particular one to go

Speaker 1  17:13  

well with the communications then that was the only communication. We’ll move on to delegations from the public if anyone tonight would like to speak to council. Right. Ryan was a late minute scratch until July. August. Okay. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker  17:37  

No delegations for the public this evening.

Speaker 1  17:41  

We’ll move on to record officials which which counsel should all have in their packet? Are there any questions regarding those? Hearings under your motion to accept the summit second, all in favor. Committee meetings will begin next week. June 12. Beginning with utilities Mr. Moscow.

Unknown Speaker  18:07  

At this time there’ll be nothing on the agenda

Speaker 1  18:10  

and information systems Midwest to be determined. Planning Mr. Cares.

Unknown Speaker  18:16  

We have one item on the agenda tonight and we will have a meeting.

Speaker 1  18:20  

And Committee of the Whole will be on Monday June 20 at 6pm. Public Health and Safety Miss Michael

Speaker 7  18:26  

several items on tonight’s agenda. It is possible we did

Unknown Speaker  18:31  

some items on

Speaker 1  18:34  

correction for corrections that should be Tuesday, June June 20. streets and sidewalks Mr. Harper

Speaker 8  18:43  

one item for consideration this evening and to be determined.

Speaker 1  18:49  

Personnel Mr county no committee meeting for personnel and Community and Economic Development any updates on the cemetery? Well,

Speaker 9  19:04  

right now the financials. Thankfully they are very good. There was a part time individual that was just hired recently. And he will be there until more than likely until the leaves are cleaned up in the fall. And then sometime this week. Goes well. Getting a when the grinding 20 you

Speaker 8  19:41  

know going down I was I just wanted to thank the city for some of the some of the STREET DEPARTMENT crew out before Memorial Day to help with training that goes a long way. They get a lot accomplished in a short time. So thank you for sending them out again.

Speaker 2  19:57  

Memorial Day. Resurrection is success. It was a beautiful day to be wise. I was quite surprised and I painted the American waves into taking this on again. And I look forward to

Speaker 10  20:22  

the updates for parts. A couple items want to mention tonight. As many of you know, the high school had a day of service back in May. You might have seen them around in the city. They were working in lots of different places, and a large group of them helped Parks and Rec by cleaning up along the bike and hike trail and large group there and do a great job cleaning up and we appreciate that and also in the way of clean up about the same time. If you’ve been out of hammers woods and the trail through the woods, some folks have dumped some things along the woods there, metal pole fencing, bunch of stuff like that over the years and we had someone clean that up. We took out 500 pounds of steel and metal junk from along the trail around in the park. And so it was a good cleanup and so we appreciate that work that was done there.

Speaker 1  21:27  

That’s usually where we walked the dogs. I see that you familiar with what it was like racks and bike

Unknown Speaker  21:33  

rack there. Fencing

Speaker 1  21:34  

lunch and softballs ending. There. They have a game right now. So after the meeting doesn’t go too long, I’m gonna end up and how was that? Then we’ll move on to first reading of ordinances beginning with ordinance number 20 2370.

Speaker 5  21:51  

an ordinance accepting a donation to the preventive police department and then some $200 from ever seen seekers reporting estimated revenues and the sum of $200 and appropriating the sum of $200 in the police department and declaring an emergency

Unknown Speaker  22:06  

sponsored by public health and safety nets Michael

Speaker 11  22:10  

Yes, this is just another generous donation from a resident and there’s no match required. just accepting this donation and we’re very thankful on this donation.

Unknown Speaker  22:24  

Any comments or questions from Council? Hearing none, do we have a motion to waive? The three separate readings?

Unknown Speaker  22:30  

so moved second? Mr. Harper? Yes.

Speaker 12  22:34  

Yes, Mr. Coffey? Yes. Yes. Yes. Mr. Harris? Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  22:41  

And do we have a motion to adopt the emergency clause?

Unknown Speaker  22:44  

So move. Mr. Harper, yes.

Speaker 12  22:46  

Yes, Mr. Camping? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  22:53  

And then the motion to pass the ordinance. So

Speaker 12  22:57  

yes, yes. Mr. Kelty. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  23:05  

That ordinance is adopted. The next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023 71. an ordinance

Speaker 5  23:11  

authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement for the 2023 2024 school year for the school resource officer and declaring an emergency.

Speaker 1  23:19  

And this says Committee of the Whole but I think this could go to the public health and safety are

Unknown Speaker  23:27  

this, we talked

Speaker 11  23:28  

about this contract with the school resource officer. So nothing different. It’s just a contract that we have with the school. Questions from Council?

Unknown Speaker  23:48  

Hearing none, do we have a motion to waive the three separate readings? So Mr. Harper, YES.

Speaker 9  23:54  

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  23:59  

Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  24:01  


Unknown Speaker  24:03  

And then a motion to adopt the emergency clause.

Speaker 12  24:07  

Second, yes, yes. Mr. County? Yes. Mr. Lawson? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  24:17  

And then a motion to pass the ordinance.

Speaker 12  24:20  

So moved. Second. Yes. Yes. Mr. Healthy. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  24:33  

That ordinance is adopted the next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023 72. an ordinance authorizing

Speaker 5  24:39  

the reduction of appropriations in the capital fund $350,000 and in the one on one fun and the sum of $150,000 and declaring emergency

Unknown Speaker  24:51  

and this is also public health and safety Miss Mike.

Speaker 11  24:53  

This is taking off the budget if you’re not getting a fire truck right now. So this is just a change.

Unknown Speaker  25:03  

The questions from Council on this we have a motion to waive the three separate readings

Speaker 12  25:10  

second is Michael Yes. Yes. Mr. Kelty. Yes. There’s less. Yes. Because you’re asking. Yes. Mr. Gary. Yes. Mr. Walker? Yes.

Unknown Speaker  25:21  

And the motion to adopt the emergency cause

Unknown Speaker  25:24  

some of them second. There’s one yes. There’s

Unknown Speaker  25:27  

what’s Yes. Mr. Kathy? Yes. Yes. Yes. Mr. Parents? Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  25:34  

And then a motion to pass the ordinance.

Speaker 12  25:36  

so move. Second. Mr. Harper. Yes. Yes, Mr. Halsey? Yes. Mr. Raskin. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  25:48  

That ordinance is adopted. The next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023 73.

Speaker 5  25:53  

an ordinance amending the codified ordinances of the city of Urbana Park 16 Fire Prevention code, title two adopted standards chapter 1610. Ohio fire code section 16 10.1011. A 17 edition adopted and its dependencies and declaring an emergency.

Unknown Speaker  26:14  

This is sponsored by public health and safety.

Speaker 13  26:21  

So every so many years apart, codes get updated. Ours haven’t been updated in quite some time. So all we’re asking is to update the current version of the allow part codes and their appendixes to meet what needs to be.

Unknown Speaker  26:44  

Any questions from Council?

Speaker 10  26:46  

This is the one that we found out that the National Fire Code was no longer correct, I think. Okay.

Speaker 13  26:55  

So national fire codes change to the good national fire codes. And then international Park codes are adopted by the Ohio Park codes. They’re in the good graces with them. So by adopting Ohio Park codes, you’re adopting everything into the park and that’s the next one. That’s why we’re asking.

Unknown Speaker  27:18  

Any additional questions from Council? Hearing none, do we have a motion to waive the three separate readings?

Unknown Speaker  27:26  

So no second?

Speaker 12  27:28  

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 9  27:32  

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  27:37  

And the motion to adopt the emergency clause.

Unknown Speaker  27:40  

So moved. Second.

Speaker 12  27:42  

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  27:48  

Mr. Harris? Yes.

Unknown Speaker  27:50  

Yes. And then a motion to pass the ordinance.

Speaker 12  27:53  

So, second, Mr. Pierce? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Right.

Speaker 1  28:05  

That ordinance is adopted and along with that when we have ordinance number 2023 74.

Speaker 5  28:10  

ordinance. Amending the codified ordinances of the city of Ravenna are 16 Fire Prevention code vital to adopted standards, by repealing chapter 1620. National fire codes and climate emergency

Unknown Speaker  28:23  

is also public health and safety.

Speaker 11  28:26  

This is just that the national title does not exist. So it’s just the change in how it’s written currently.

Unknown Speaker  28:37  

Any additional questions from Council on this? Hearing none Do we have a motion to waive the three separate readings?

Unknown Speaker  28:48  


Speaker 12  28:50  

yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  28:54  

Yes. And we have a motion to adopt the emergency clause.

Speaker 12  28:58  

So move. Second. Mr. Harper. Yes. Yes, Mr. Caffee. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  29:09  

And then a motion to pass the ordinance.

Speaker 14  29:11  

So moved. Second. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 12  29:16  

Yes. Mr. Massey? Yes. Is Michael Yes. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  29:23  

That ordinance is adopted. The next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023 75.

Speaker 5  29:28  

an ordinance authorizing the mayor to accept an easement agreement with firm foundation ministries and declaring an emergency

Speaker 8  29:35  

and this is sponsored by streets and sidewalks. Mr. Harper. Yes, this will be allow a sidewalk to be moved back approximately five feet to allow for additional parking in that area. And that change will happen during the waterline project.

Unknown Speaker  29:55  

Any questions from Council?

Unknown Speaker  29:58  

Hearing none Do we have a motion to waive the three separate readings? So most?

Speaker 12  30:01  

Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  30:11  

And the motion to adopt the emergency clause.

Speaker 12  30:19  

Seven. This my Yes. Mr. Harris? Yes. Mr. Kelty. Yes,

Unknown Speaker  30:24  

there’s less. Yes. Yes. It was. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  30:32  

And then emotion the Pasadena events. So moved. Second.

Unknown Speaker  30:37  

Yes. Yes.

Speaker 12  30:39  

Yes. Yes. Yes. Mr. Sher? Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  30:46  

That ordinance is adopted. The next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023 76.

Speaker 5  30:51  

an ordinance authorizing the mayor to sign easement agreements with just that commerce center. I’ll get kind of embarrassed that and we’re going over this partly and declaring an emergency.

Unknown Speaker  31:01  

Yeah, this is sponsored by utilities.

Speaker 9  31:05  

Yeah, this is the easements for the sanitary sewer. And the stormwater sewer to be installed there and taken care of so there’s no cups can be made for some time in any for businesses that will come into that area.

Unknown Speaker  31:26  

Any questions from Council? Hearing none, we have a motion to waive the three separate readings.

Speaker 12  31:37  

Yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  31:43  

Yes. And a motion to adopt the emergency clause.

Speaker 12  31:46  

So moved. Second. Mr. Harper? Yes. Yes. Mr. County? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. District

Unknown Speaker  31:58  

and then a motion to pass the ordinance.

Unknown Speaker  32:02  

Yes, Mr. Harper, yes.

Speaker 12  32:05  

Yes. Yes. You’re asking. Yes. Yes. Mr. Carey? Yes.

Speaker 1  32:11  

Then ordinance is adopted. Moving on to ordinance number 2023 77.

Speaker 5  32:16  

an ordinance to reappropriate 200 $530 for the city’s portion of the fresh street improvement project.

Unknown Speaker  32:27  

In this is sponsored by utilities also.

Speaker 9  32:29  

Yes, for the improvements on Pratt Street. They’ve got different phases in that street for the length of the trip, be the water project. Now just stop the water project because that’s all that’s included here. So they replaced the water service hydrants and also the curb boxes along the way.

Unknown Speaker  33:02  

Questions for council and hearing none, do we have a motion to waive the three separate readings?

Unknown Speaker  33:09  

So Nope. Second?

Speaker 12  33:12  

YES. YES. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  33:19  

Yes. And we have a

Unknown Speaker  33:21  

motion to adopt emergency clothes.

Unknown Speaker  33:26  

Yes, yes.

Speaker 12  33:28  

Yes. Yes. Was Michael. Yes. Because you’re here. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  33:33  

Yes. And then a motion to pass the ordinance. So second,

Speaker 12  33:40  

Mr. Harris? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  33:50  

That ordinance is adopted the next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023 78.

Speaker 5  33:55  

And woman’s appropriating the sum of $3,516.79 from the general fund one a one for a moral claim to cover the cost of damages caused by sanitary line backup activities. The Avenue is learned.

Unknown Speaker  34:10  

This is sponsored by utilities Mr. Moscon.

Speaker 9  34:14  

This is this cost to cover the residence cost of Servpro become a company that he had to come in and to clean up their basement. From raw sewage and the backup is in the basement themselves. And this isn’t to cover any costs of their own possessions that were in the basement at this time. This actually happened at this address only and it was backed up when the street department came in to run the sewer. That it ended up backing up into 225 Lincoln’s basement. Any questions from

Speaker 15  35:07  

so I’m still struggling with this. I have one basic question. I’m not going to help me drive. But so as I understand that one property was a 229.

Unknown Speaker  35:23  

Now she wants to

Speaker 15  35:25  

214 just they reported the blockage. Our crew went out in the clear the blockage and then there was a backup which was one five so my simple question is given by the way, we submitted this information to our insurance company which denied the claim saying we weren’t responsible. So when the crew went out, what did they do? That they shouldn’t have done? That would have prevented this from backing up into 225 Lincoln? Well, conversely, what should they have done that they didn’t do? That would have prevented that from happening? And I’m not trying to point fingers at people are saying that he did anything wrong, but I’m just trying to figure out what the liability is because I’ve read through the reports and everything and it really I don’t understand what the what the workers do it God forbid you sent me out there and fix it. Everyone’s based on something and so I’m just I’m trying to I’m struggling with is to see whether if it wasn’t for the insurance company denying the claim, you know, I’d probably be a lot more sympathetic, because that’s what we have insurance for. Right? Because like every time we use our insurance, we get to be told it doesn’t cover whatever. So is there an answer to that question like what did we do wrong in this case? So that’s where I’m struggling. If we didn’t do any wrong, should we be paying the claim? Well,

Speaker 9  37:01  

the reason I can complete the answer with a service, I mean, I agree with what she had just mentioned. Only because many years ago I’ve been involved in these types of jobs. And when you run the source, you don’t know when you start when you finish. If something like this will happen. The reason I’m saying this, you’re out there you know exactly what you’re doing. And I believe I don’t need to deal with saying explaining graphically what goes on. But you don’t know that. The only way you know is after you’re completely finished. If someone does call because 10 times the amount of pressure that you have to use when you’re doing this. Sometimes you have to use a lot more pressure than other times as a variable setting. The only way that you have to crank up the pressure sometimes you can get if something isn’t getting unplugged. So there’s no answer to say they did something wrong. When it was done right and you never know how bad something isn’t.

Speaker 7  38:25  

So I guess my question is k you and you’re brought into us to have the possibility to pay for it. If you did feel sad that it shouldn’t be paid for the honor You know, in some way liable for this.

Speaker 16  38:42  

I feel that I brought it up I met with the residents. They came up the office they told them our moral life policy right. So I’m basically bringing this to you guys. I told them, I said I’ll bring it to council but it’s ultimately their decision to stay with the Madison or national engineering.

Unknown Speaker  39:08  

But nonetheless being who didn’t say that it was the city’s

Speaker 16  39:11  

fault. I don’t think it was the city’s fault. They were just out there. Like Paul’s said, you don’t know a trainer wanting to tell you actually do something.

Speaker 8  39:22  

It seemed like the city went out. They had to use excessive water pressure to clear the blockage and with the amount of water and the pressure. Sounds like it just pushed it back out from the laterals are all over. Unfortunately, I don’t think they can stop that. Wandering me wonder trying to realize just the pressure of water and just the combination of both and it’s got to go somewhere and unfortunately one of their lateral into their basement. Sometimes you have to run that a second time when you’re there. Okay. Well, I think they did it according to a report so what’s the moral claim or

Speaker 1  40:09  

maximum? there a motion to amend this, leave it as it and not take any action and leave it as as a we’ve discussed this. I think what I’m getting at we’ve discussed this at nauseam I think it was I had the same assumption that she did this, Michael when it comes to us. There’s an assumption that we’re voting on what’s in front of us are not so voting this down or not taking any action, then it is the $1,000 moral claim that then goes directly from the side. So I don’t know if there’s any debate about amending the number in front of us I guess is what I’m getting at. Or if it is just leaving into the service directors discretion.

Speaker 17  40:50  

I think find that a bit more of the same policy that correctly.

Speaker 8  40:57  

I think two of the times the cost of things have changed since that moral claim amount was put into place. And we may need to take a look at that about because these services to get this type of stuff done. The expense has gone gone up over the years and we haven’t adjusted our our claim amount to deal with that. And there will be rising costs actually

Speaker 16  41:26  

Paul and I we discussed that, you know, bringing into council to help the wildlife dealt with the rising cost of materials and everything else.

Unknown Speaker  41:40  

I guess my question has been the last two meetings,

Speaker 7  41:43  

it was true. I don’t know. Remember the immediate, but it was always said that it was the city’s viability that.

Unknown Speaker  41:51  

Good morning.

Speaker 7  41:52  

So did I miss something in the bat? No for my did that for that not stated something that, you know because we process that we should pay for this or was that not ever said

Unknown Speaker  42:07  

there’s ever a clear answer.

Speaker 7  42:08  

Yes sir. I mean, I’ve been I just want to make sure that you know exactly where I thought that was what was said before and that was with the big kind of discussion was, you know, why, you know, we should pay that amount because, you know, it was the city otherwise,

Speaker 16  42:25  

so I think it comes down to the city. They went out and did their job. Like they always do, and this this happened, so they didn’t intentionally go out.

Unknown Speaker  42:39  

I understand that. No way. They intentionally does stuff, but it can happen

Speaker 1  42:44  

based on what even Mr. Matson has spoken about, was there a amount for the moral claim that if you were to suggest the council, and again, I’m posing the question to council of amending this number to reflect that.

Speaker 16  42:59  

I was while we hadn’t really discussed the dollar amount, but I was kind of thinking maybe take up to 3000 or, I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t think about it that much. What would be the dollar amount but I think it definitely needs to be higher than 1000

Unknown Speaker  43:17  

Are we able to wait on this until

Unknown Speaker  43:21  

they have the discussion on the morning thing?

Speaker 1  43:23  

I’m saying what’s in front of us is the 3500. But I don’t want to get the debate with the audience at this point. As it’s come to us, you Lou, you’ve been here at every single meeting. And this has been discussed twice now. Right. So you could have gotten up that both of those. I

Speaker 4  43:45  

I have a good question. Go for it. Where was the blocking chat?

Speaker 1  43:50  

See the details and that’s not our that’s not our forte so okay, that’s on you. Take that one.

Speaker 4  43:55  

We wish to block teach between the house in the city in us in the street or in the street sources? That’s never been said here.

Unknown Speaker  44:05  

It’s in the report. I

Speaker 17  44:06  

believe it’s in history. It was in the name? Yeah, it

Unknown Speaker  44:09  

was yes. I can’t remember which

Unknown Speaker  44:12  

the main line in the street. Yeah, I believe

Speaker 17  44:15  

Okay, now, I’m going to make the ordinance in front of us. I unless somebody wants to make a motion to approve it. I am not. I think we should stick with the moral clause if the insurance company says we’re not liable. Our current policy is $1,000. And I’m more than happy to have the service director make that decision. I’m not comfortable with making a decision where we did our jobs. We do. Our city service department did what they were supposed to do, and even our own insurance company. Second, we’re not liable. I’m willing to let the service director make the decision under our current policies and if we need to revisit policy moving forward, then we can do that.

Speaker 1  45:01  

What about tabling this item? Until because then it would be on for the July meeting and we could discuss it in committee. If that were to we could always amend this at the July meeting to reflect whatever the discussion was about.

Unknown Speaker  45:15  

So that more of like

Unknown Speaker  45:18  

the tabling is correct. But it was legal

Unknown Speaker  45:20  

to leave it for secondary. Yeah,

Speaker 15  45:22  

there’s no motion to waive the three readings then we can just leave it on the agenda. So it sounds like you don’t want to. I’m not sure you want to do this.

Speaker 17  45:34  

Discuss the policy and adjust the policy. But I’ll be working with this brand. Sure. I don’t feel like we have oversight $100 responsibilities. If our own insurance company and we’re not liable, and our service department might not do the job as they were supposed to do to what’s no error. There was no negligence. There was no liability liability on the city’s part. I just don’t feel like it’s something that I’m ready to vote for.

Speaker 8  46:04  

Well, I think we have the moral claim because accidents do happen. It wasn’t anybody’s fault. It was a complete accident. That’s why we have the moral claim. I think the amount needs to be discussed and if we need to do that before we vote on this the most.

Unknown Speaker  46:19  

And that’s what I mean I think for a second reading

Speaker 16  46:22  

I can bring a tracking sheet to the July minis as far as $1 amount

Unknown Speaker  46:31  

they need to leave everybody alright with that leaving it here. So the next item on the agenda then is ordinance number 2023 79.

Speaker 5  46:44  

an ordinance authorizing the mayor to apply for the wildlife outside education grant and some $500 through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for the Parks and Recreation Department and do accept the grant if awarded and declaring an emergency.

Unknown Speaker  46:57  

This is sponsored by planning Mr. Garrison.

Speaker 15  47:00  

Yeah, we’ve we’ve been awarded this grant. We had a program in April I believe, involving our archery program through the Parks and Recs department. So this is the same allowed Department of Natural Resources grant that is a $5 million is no matching money or anything. And it’s four arrows, targets and so forth. The program this time around will be in October. It’ll be in Kent and Printful apart and the reason they’re doing as the various parks and we’re experts in the counties are kind of sharing responsibilities. rabbet is the only department or program that has an archery program. And so we’re asking for $500 to this grant, our contribution will be $351. So hopefully if we get the grant will put on the program in October in Canada.

Unknown Speaker  47:59  

Any questions from Council?

Speaker 1  48:02  

Hearing none, do we have a motion to waive three separate readings? So moved.

Unknown Speaker  48:07  

Mr. Caffee? Yes.

Unknown Speaker  48:12  

There’s Michael. Yes. If

Unknown Speaker  48:13  

you’re hearing Yes, there’s one. Yes.

Speaker 1  48:15  

Yes. And then do we have a motion to adopt the emergency clause?

Speaker 12  48:19  

So the second Mr. Cassidy? Yes, yes, Mr. Boston. Yes. Mr. Harris? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  48:30  

And then do we have a motion to pass the ordinance? So moved.

Speaker 12  48:33  

Second. Is your Yes. Yes. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  48:44  

All right, that ordinance is adopted. The next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023. AD,

Speaker 5  48:49  

an ordinance authorizing the mayor to accept an appropriate ky 22 residential public infrastructure grant, or big for the waterfront project and declaring emergency

Speaker 1  48:59  

which also stands for pay here. Directly sponsored by community and economic development in this way.

Speaker 17  49:06  

Yes, the residential public infrastructure was important in the amount of 750,000 to go towards the 2.5 plus million dollar water tower and this is a grant. Wonderful, wonderful to be seated. Thank you, Tiffany and MDF.

Unknown Speaker  49:28  

Any questions from Council on this item? Congrats to the engineering department. With that, is there a motion to waive the three separate readings? so moved second? Mr. Harper? Yes. You’re hearing

Speaker 12  49:43  

YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. And a motion to adopt the emergency clause. Seven second. Yes. Mr. Harper? Yes. Mr. Coffey? Yes, yes. Yes. Miss Ralston? Yes. Is your period? Yes.

Unknown Speaker  50:03  

Yes. And then

Unknown Speaker  50:04  

a motion to pass the ordinance. so move. Second. Did you remember Yes. Yes. Is your county Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Right, that ordinance is adopted. The next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023. One

Speaker 5  50:22  

ordinance appropriating $17,443.72 from the general fund for the purchase of two servers and wanted to be located at the police department. What are they located at the recreation department and declaring University.

Unknown Speaker  50:38  

This is sponsored by information systems and selects.

Speaker 11  50:41  

So this is replace two servers that are working at this fire. We did explore briefly possible explained cloud based services but for right now I’ve been told moving forward with the server piece makes the most sense worse. Friday of anything. I don’t

Speaker 6  50:57  

know. I’m just like you said I might have talked to them next week. Like no, we’re relying on cloud base based on the fact that we don’t have an IP person on staff and really have a push to try to do a cloud based system at this time. Really need to have someone on staff to be able to maintain that if problems occur. So I think it’s it’s much cheaper and better option for us, I think at this point. Servers. Yeah. It’s um, if we ever did have it. Personal staff. We could maybe look at it again.

Unknown Speaker  51:30  

Any questions from Council? Hearing none, we have a motion to waive the three separate readings.

Unknown Speaker  51:36  


Unknown Speaker  51:39  

Yes. District Health Care? Yes. Yes, it was just Mr. Moscon. Yes. It’s Michael. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  51:48  

And then we have a motion to adopt the emergency clause. Second,

Speaker 12  51:53  

yes, yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  51:58  

Yes. Mr. Pierce? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  52:02  

And then a motion to pass the ordinance. So

Unknown Speaker  52:04  

moved. Second. Mr. Harper. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  52:07  

Scarce Yes. Can you help me? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  52:13  


Speaker 1  52:15  

All right. That ordinance is adopted the next item on the agenda is ordinance number 2023 82. The MOU of

Speaker 5  52:25  

the commissioners and border helpers in the mayor to sign a memorandum of understanding between the city of Urbana Ohio and for the Senate to perform building inspections for the city of Urbana and declaring an

Speaker 1  52:38  

emergency This is sponsored by utilities Committee, Mr. Watson.

Unknown Speaker  52:50  

Okay, yes, Mr. Feeny?

Unknown Speaker  52:53  

Yes. Mr. Feeny. For more details,

Speaker 1  52:58  

there was a quick moving once I know that you’re getting the turnaround. Fortunately, everybody cooperated. And on the timeframe we were able to get a Memorandum of Understanding signed by all parties. believe we’re on board.

Speaker 18  53:12  

They out there have done a few inspections for communicating in other words, I won’t say issue but it’s like there’s an obstacle that we have to iron out. Communicating with work, how we send our inspection requests to the county inspection wise, it’s the state codes that doesn’t change how it communicates with their permit clerks to get those inspections to the inspectors, which required within four days, four days and we’ll get through I won’t say rough edges but that’s ironing out.

Unknown Speaker  54:06  

For any other questions from council hearing none Do we have a motion to waive three separate readings?

Speaker 14  54:13  

So moved. Second? Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  54:17  

Fisher healthy? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  54:24  

And do we have a motion to adopt the emergency clause?

Unknown Speaker  54:28  

Second, Mr. Kerr engineering.

Speaker 12  54:30  

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  54:39  

And do we have a motion to pass the ordinance?

Speaker 12  54:45  

Yes, engineers. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1  55:05  

Right, that ordinance is adopted the next item on the agenda I need to have three signatures to make to read the agenda item on for tonight. So what I would like to ask Council is a motion to strike from the agenda this evening ordinance number 2383. Some of the second?

Speaker 12  55:34  

Yes, Mr. Harris? Yes. Mr. County. Yes. Yes. Is you’re asking. Yes. Yes, Mister. Yes.

Speaker 1  55:44  

Right now we have nothing on for second or third reading of ordinances tonight. And we will executive session this evening. Is there any old or new business coming for council? What was that? I think there’s a lot of a lot of things going on this summer that I’m looking forward to Main Street chamber events, all the Parks and Rec. No really just just happened at the library or at the City Park. So a lot of positive things happening happening. Throughout the year. Mayor, I look forward to continuing to work comprehensive plan to hit the US Main Street, all those things. Bloomsbury coming up with better rocks. So all of those things that we’re gonna keep positive in the city. Look forward to continuing to work we’re dealing with water tower project. lgfl I saw Boston Boston group was in the boardroom today. So a lot of positive things happening in the city. So look forward to keep keeping in contact working forward with you throughout the summer on those things, but that was really yesterday on council remarks, Mr. Harper, giving this

Unknown Speaker  56:56  

lovely position. This is my

Speaker 7  57:01  

I just want to say I’m thankful that Congress came so excited that we have a nice local business that boys and girls

Speaker 15  57:18  

aren’t on me today. 11am 5pm

Speaker 1  57:24  

And then the 17th is the ribbon rocks first and the June baby up. And there’s something something else in the morning. Nine to 11 It slipped my mind right now. I’ll think of it later. But runaway runaway versus the same day there’s also

Unknown Speaker  57:42  

it’s gonna bother me because the trauma thing

Unknown Speaker  57:45  

change rewards or Wednesday night radio.

Unknown Speaker  57:50  

Raven award us Yes. Yes, sir. Mr. Moscow? Yes,

Unknown Speaker  58:00  

I’m going to try and find

Speaker 9  58:00  

what went to the park for that breed fest. And I believe it was quite positive. There are some very good important things there. And leave it at that for that. And then as the chairman town they’re called rep 24. Now, they went through a lot of renovations there. Just wanted to mention that as a business and get a lot of meditating recently, formerly called Patriot fitness.

Unknown Speaker  58:30  

Sit down below subway.

Unknown Speaker  58:36  

No additional comments. Thank

Speaker 17  58:37  

you, Miss West. This way. I just want to back up and call that rec 24 It was previously Patriot fitness and Anytime Fitness and if any of you have ever been in there, it is an amazing transformation. And the current owner has worked really, really hard to not only keep this business and my previous owner had passed away shortly after the purchase a few years ago, but the current owner has worked very diligently and hard in order to keep the business and keep Exactly yeah, it is a beautiful facility. Membership. You get to keep up it’s 24/7 there’s cameras throughout the building. So it is very safe as a female with this on there for many years. It’s it’s very safe and they do have drop in days times, things like that if you want to check it out. Or if you get a hold of me. I’ll get oxygen in there to see it because it’s a beautiful facility. And we’re very lucky to have them here in the city

Unknown Speaker  59:50  

can already

Speaker 2  59:53  

help us manage mentioned that? We have one person missing here tonight. And it’s gotten far passed. away. He’s been a regular participant.

Speaker 2  1:00:22  

To start off this week, last week and you can very quickly index a budget which could be in three days.

Unknown Speaker  1:00:44  

Here’s the first email she received.

Speaker 2  1:00:48  

But she was already on time for some things from the free time that she was there all indications are she should be very successful. She seems very well accepted by a scam

Speaker 2  1:01:14  

see anything else other than one and talk to me over the next two weeks or Saturday call myself out I’ll be on vacation

Speaker 1  1:01:29  

right let’s everything on the agenda. We do have a request to go into Executive Session.

Speaker 18  1:01:37  

Give a brief reason just pending legal action pending case

Speaker 1  1:01:47  

there will be no further items to discuss from

Speaker 15  1:01:58  

the executive session to discuss pending legal matter

Unknown Speaker  1:02:08  

Yes, and now Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  1:02:11  

Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  1:02:16  

Yes, I want you

Unknown Speaker  1:02:20  

to remember thank you for it. Yeah, we long time. ago.

Paige Fisher
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