Portage County Board of Commissioners
June 8, 2023 9 a.m.
Portage County Administration Building
449 South Meridian Street
Ravenna, Ohio 44266
Anthony J. Badalamenti, President
Mike Tinlin, Board Member
Michelle Crombie, County Administrator
Sara Hoag, Executive Assistant
Kassidy Parbel, Administrative Assistant
At 9 a.m. the meeting was promptly started with the Pledge of Allegiance. The June 1 meeting minutes were approved via roll call, Vice President Sabrina Christian-Bennett was not in attendance.
Meeting summary
Job and Family Services
- Approval of Title XX profile. This is a bi-yearly occurrence and is made to set aside funds for the purposes that they may be used for. One commissioner’s signature is needed before the 15th and it can be approved. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- Transfer from Fund 1214 Child Welfare Special Levy Fund to Fund 1410 Public Assistance Fund. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- Transfer from Fund 1413 WIA Fund to 1410 Public Assistance Fund. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
Department of Budget and Financial Management
Journal Entries:
- The Board of Commissioners signed the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Joshua and Crystal Griffin for $800.00 (Instrument No. 20134555) as requested by Neighborhood Development Services. Documents reviewed by the Department of Budget and Finance with no exceptions noted. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners signed the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Joshua & Crystal Griffin for $32,524.00 (Instrument No. 201310910) as requested by Neighborhood Development Services. Documents reviewed by the Department of Budget & Finance with no exceptions noted. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners signed the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Joshua and Crystal Griffin for $2,294.00 (Instrument No. 201310911) as requested by Neighborhood Development Services. Documents reviewed by the Department of Budget & Finance with no exceptions noted. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
In accordance with Section 305.30(K) of the Ohio Revised Code and this Board’s Resolution 21-0396 and this Board’s Resolution 21-0878, the Board of Commissioners acknowledges and approves the County Administrator’s approval to:
- Direct the Auditor’s Office to pay/process the June 1, 2023 bills/ACH payments, wires, journal vouchers and then & nows, as applicable, contingent upon the verification of the reports as presented by the County Auditor and reviewed by the Department of Budget and Financial Management. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- Process the June 1, 2023 budget amendments as reviewed and recommended by the Department of Budget and Financial Management. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- Cash Transfer from Water Resources General Administration Funds to Water Resources Debt Funds. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
Internal Services
- The Board of Commissioners agrees to enter into an Amendment No. 2 for supplemental transportation services with Job & Family Services and Scenic View Transportation, Inc. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners approves specifications and set the Request for Proposal date for Title XX Services for the Portage County Job & Family Services. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners approves specifications and set the Request for Proposal date for Supplemental Transportation Services for the Portage County Job & Family Services. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners declares obsolete and authorizes the trade in of one vehicle for use by the Portage County Veterans Services. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners declares the necessity to purchase one vehicle with a trade in of one vehicle for the use by the Portage County Veterans Services. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners agrees to enter into an agreement with Coleman Professional Services for Inmate Psychological Services at the Portage County Justice Center. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners agrees to enter into an agreement with Coleman Professional Services for Inmate Psychiatric Services at the Portage County Justice Center. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
County Administrator
- Accept the 2023 Community and Litter Grant Award in the amount of $32,000 from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance to participate in Tire Amnesty Events. There is an $8,000 match to the grant, but the Solid Waste District will contribute $8,000, for a total of $40,000. A motion was made and was approved via roll call.
Executive Session
The Board was then called into executive session at 9:08 a.m. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code 121.22(G)(1), the Board considered the employment of a public employee.
Prosecutors Office
- Accepting the Portage County Regional Airport Authority Board of Trustees’ request for the Board of County Commissioners to Dissolve the Portage County Regional Airport Authority with the effective date to be January 1, 2024 and for an agreement to be drafted for the conveyance of approved assets, titles, rights and interests from the Portage County Regional Airport Authority to the Board of County Commissioners.
Journal Entries:
- The Board of Commissioners acknowledged receipt of the May 30, 2023 Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources for the year beginning January 1, 2023 as submitted by the Portage County Budget Commission. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners acknowledged receipt of the May 31, 2023 Certificate of the County Auditor that the Total Annual Appropriations from each fund does exceed the Amended Official Estimate of Resources for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023, as presented by the Portage County Auditor’s Office. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners acknowledged receipt of the June 5, 2023 Certificate of the County Auditor that the Total Annual Appropriations from each fund does not exceed the Amended Official Estimate of Resources for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023, as presented by the Portage County Auditor’s Office. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners hereby approves a loan of $46,481.75 in CDBG Revolving Loan Funds for the Ravenna Hot Stove League, Volunteer Park Drive project located at 845 South Diamond Street. This will be a zero (0%) due on sale loan. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners hereby approves a loan of $60,000 in CDBG Revolving Loan Funds for the Coleman Professional Services, 23-Hour Hold project located at 3920 Lovers Lane. This will be a zero (0%) due on sale loan, and is contingent upon full commitment of the other funding sources. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners hereby approves a loan of $200,000 in CDBG Revolving Loan Funds for the Family and Community Services Boiler project located at 705 Oakwood Street. The terms of this loan will be three (3%) for 20 years. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners hereby approves a loan of $52,000 in CDBG Revolving Loan Funds for the Haven of Portage County Roof project located at 2645 State Route 59. The terms of this loan will be three (3%) for 20 years. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners acknowledged receipt of the Kennel Disposition Report and Intake Report for May 22, 2023 through May 28, 2023 as presented by Chief Dog Warden Dave Mcintyre. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners acknowledged receipt of the Kennel Disposition Report and Intake Report for May 29, 2023 through June 4, 2023 as presented by Chief Dog Warden Dave McIntyre. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners approved the May 2023 adjustments to the Portage County Water, Portage County Sewer and Streetsboro Sewer billing accounts as reported on the adjustment reports submitted and reviewed by the Department of Budget and Financial Management. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners Amend Resolution No. 23-0105, adopted February 9, 2023: Portage County Commissioners Board Appointments for the year 2023. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- The Board of Commissioners Accepts Donations to the Office of the Portage County Dog Warden. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
- Official Modification of Departmental NAme for Portage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. A motion was made and approved via roll call.
The agenda was fully approved at an estimated time of 9:30 a.m. and the meeting was called into recess until Public Comment at 11 a.m.
The following transcript was generated by a transcription bot and is not 100% accurate. The Portager does not edit the AI-generated transcript. We understand the automatic transcript can be very inaccurate.
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Get the broken words pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. are number one. Do you want to know
Speaker 1 0:22
next week but I don’t know why I make a motion at the Board of Commissioners approves the June 1 2023. regular meeting minutes second roll call. Yes, Tony. Yes. Me morning.
Speaker 2 0:49
Okay, first, resolution is the approval of our title 20 profile, we attach them we have to do this every two years. It’s just sort of setting aside some of our title 20 funds for all the different purposes that we may use them for. And then I believe somewhere there’s an original with Kelly Jo’s signature on it. We just need one commissioner to sign and Okay, yeah. Before
Unknown Speaker 1:13
that before
Speaker 1 1:19
I make a motion to approve the title 20 profile. Second roll call. Yes. Yes. Make a motion to transfer funds from 1415 Child Welfare special levy funding to fund 1410 public assistance funds second roll call. Mike. Yes. Yes. Motion and transfer from fund 1413. w ay ay ay fund to fund 1410. Public Assistance Fund second roll call. Yes. Yes. Yeah, well, Jackie
Unknown Speaker 1:56
morning how are you? Good. How
Unknown Speaker 2:03
are you this one?
Speaker 3 2:06
So the only comment I have is the first three journal entries. They are different financial instruments, but for the same people so that they aren’t typos.
Speaker 1 2:18
I saw that. Alright, that’s it. Yep. Make the most of the board Commissioner side and satisfaction of mortgage for Joshua and Crystal Griffin. For $800. The investment number 201314555 As requested by neighborhood development services, documents reviewed by the Department of Budget and Finance with no exceptions noted.
Unknown Speaker 2:44
Second roll call,
Speaker 1 2:46
Mike. Yes. Yes. Make a motion the Board of Commissioners sign the satisfaction of mortgage for Joshua and Crystal Griffin for $32,524. Instrument number 201310910. Excuse me, as requested by neighborhood development services, documents reviewed by the board of Budget and Finance no exceptions noted. Second local, right. Yes. Yes. Make a motion the Board of Commissioners signs the satisfaction of mortgage for Joshua and Crystal Griffin for $2,294. Instrument number 201310911 As requested by neighborhood development services, documents review by the Department of Budget Financial Assumptions voted
Unknown Speaker 3:40
second roll home.
Unknown Speaker 3:42
Speaker 1 3:47
in accordance with section 30530 Okay, the Ohio Revised Code in this board is resolution 21 Dash 0396 this board’s resolution 21 Dash 0878. The Board of Commissioners acknowledges and approves the county administrator’s approval to direct the auditor’s office to pay and process the June 1 2023 bills, ACH payments wires journal vouchers and then announce as applicable, contingent upon verification reports as presented by the county auditor and reviewed by the Department of Budget and Financial Management.
Unknown Speaker 4:25
Second roll call. Right? Yes. Yes.
Speaker 1 4:28
Make a motion to process the June 1 the budget amendments as reviewed and recommended by the Department of Budget and Financial.
Unknown Speaker 4:36
Second Roko. Mike? Yes. Yes.
Speaker 1 4:40
Make a motion the cash transfer for water resources General Administration funds to water resources debt funds. Second roll call. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Thanks.
Speaker 4 4:54
So there’s nothing out of the ordinary. If you have any questions Okay.
Speaker 1 5:01
Make a motion for commissioners agrees to enter into an amendment number two for supplemental transportation services with job and family services in scenic view, transportation Incorporated. Second roll call. Yes, yes, make a motion the Board of Commissioners approves specifications and sends a request for proposal date for title 20 services for the Portage County job and family service. Second roll call. Yes, yes. Make a motion the Board of Commissioners approves specifications and sets a request for proposal date for supplemental transportation services for the Portage County job and family services. Second roll call, right? Yes. Yes, Board of Commissioners declares obsolete and authorizes the training of one vehicle for use by the Portage County Veterans Services
Unknown Speaker 5:52
second roll call. Yes, yes,
Speaker 1 5:55
most important visitors declares and necessity to purchase one vehicle with a trading of one vehicle for use by the Portage County Veterans Services
Unknown Speaker 6:04
second roll call.
Speaker 1 6:05
Right? Yes. Yes Make a motion the Board of Commissioners agrees to enter into an agreement with Coleman professional services for inmate psychological services at the Portage County Justice Center.
Unknown Speaker 6:18
Second roll call.
Speaker 1 6:20
Yes. Yes. Make a motion the Board of Commissioners agrees to enter into an agreement with column professional services for inmate psychiatric services at the Portage County Justice Center.
Unknown Speaker 6:32
Second roll call. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 6:35
Yes. County Administrator.
Speaker 4 6:40
So this is a solid waste grant. There is an $8,000 match the grant itself is for three to 2000 and then solid waste district kick in 8000. So just hold on 40,000. And it’s a very nice grant at CES with the entire collection. So cool.
Speaker 1 7:00
Make a motion accepted 2023 community and litter grant award in the amount of $32,000. From the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Division of Environmental and financial assistance to participate in tire amnesty events.
Unknown Speaker 7:15
Second roll call, right? Yes. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 7:20
Speaker 5 7:22
is. Yeah, this is this a separate? Yes.
Speaker 1 7:29
In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, section 1.1 Dash 22 G one and the board commissioners move into executive session to consider the employment of a public employee. Second roll call, right? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 7:44
Speaker 5 7:46
So we’re going to ask you to step out because we’re gonna go into Executive Session and your name is I’m Kelsey. Kelsey. Hi.
Speaker 6 7:52
Nice to meet you for the work and career portraiture. Gotcha. New Girl. New Girl. So
Speaker 5 7:57
stop the recording. You take your phone with you. We go to miscellaneous action. Oh, no action. There’s a lot of sentences. Sure. Chris, don’t have time. You guys.
Speaker 1 8:17
All right, make a motion that the Board of Commissioners acknowledges receipt of the May 30 2023. Amended certificate of estimated resources for the year beginning January 120 23. As submitted by the Portage County Budget Commission,
Unknown Speaker 8:33
second roll call. Yes. Yes.
Speaker 5 8:37
Can I interrupt you for a second? You have a copy of
Speaker 6 8:40
our minutes. Not with me but I’ve I’ve looked it on the website. If you’re writing all that stuff, it’s printed out. No, I’m just taking like little tiny dots. Okay.
Speaker 1 8:49
Make a motion Board of Commissioners acknowledges receipt of the May 31 2023 certificate of county auditor that the total annual appropriations from each fund does exceed the amended official estimate of resources for the fiscal year beginning January 120 23. As presented by the portage county auditor’s office
Unknown Speaker 9:13
second roll call.
Speaker 1 9:15
Yes. Yes Make a motion. The Board of Commissioners acknowledges receipt of the June 5 2023 certificate of county auditor that the total annual appropriations from each fund does not exceed the amended official estimate resources for the fiscal year beginning January 120 23. is presented by the portage county auditor’s office second roll call, right? Yes, yes. Make a motion Board of Commissioners hereby approves a loan of $46,481.75 and we see the the G revolving loan funds for the Ravenna hot stove Lee volunteer Park Drive Project which is located at 845. South diamond Street. This will be a 0% do sale love. Second row house, right? Yes, yes make a motion Board of Commissioners hereby approves a loan of 60,000 in the CDB G revolving loan fund for the Coleman professional services 23 hour hold the project located at 3920. Lovers Lane, this will be a 0% due on sale loan and is contingent upon full commitment of the other funding sources
Unknown Speaker 10:37
second, Roco right. Yes, yes.
Speaker 1 10:40
Make a motion that the Board of Commissioners hereby approves a loan of 200,000 and see the B G revolving loan funds for the Family and Community Services boiler project located at 705 Oak Wood Street. The terms of this loan will be a 3% for 20 years
Unknown Speaker 11:01
second Robo night Yes,
Unknown Speaker 11:04
Speaker 1 11:04
make the motion important mission is hereby approves a loan of 52,000 and CDB G revolving loan funds for the haven of Portage County roof project located at 2645 State Route 59. The terms of this loan will be a 3% for 20 years
Unknown Speaker 11:23
second roll call.
Speaker 1 11:24
Yes, yes. Make the motion the Board of Commissioners acknowledges receipt of the cattle disposition report and intake report from May 22 2023 through May 28 2023, as presented by Chief dog Warden David McIntyre second roll call. Yes. Yes, make a motion. The Board of Commissioners acknowledges receipt of the kennel disposition report and intake report from May 29 2023. Through June 4 2023, as presented by our Chief David McIntyre. Second Robo might, yes, yes. Make the most important missions approved the May 2023 adjustments to the Orange County Water, where it’s going to be sewer, and Streetsboro sewer billing accounts, as reported on the adjustment reports submitted and reviewed by the Department of Budget and Financial Management.
Unknown Speaker 12:19
Second local, right. Yes, yes.
Speaker 1 12:23
Make the motion that the commissioners and then resolution number 23 Dash 0105. Adopted February 9 2023. Where it’s going to commissioners, board appointments for the year 2023.
Unknown Speaker 12:38
Second roll call. Yes. Yes.
Speaker 1 12:41
Make the most important mission accepts donations, which we appreciate. To the opposite. Of course. County dog.
Unknown Speaker 12:49
Second roll call.
Speaker 1 12:50
Yes. Yes. Thank you motion official modification of department name for the Portage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Unknown Speaker 13:02
second roll call.
Unknown Speaker 13:04
Yes. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 13:06
Chris, thank you for coming on.
Unknown Speaker 13:08
Come on up. Okay. Prosecutor, morning.
Unknown Speaker 13:16
Okay. All right. So yeah,
Speaker 7 13:19
you’re okay. On this issue with the airport. You know, the device code says a lot on how to establish an airport authority. But it’s pretty much silent on how to de establish what to do? Well, pretty much. I mean, we’ll deal with a rural reason. I go into the court and get an approval, you know, we may or may not need it. But I think that’s probably the best approach.
Unknown Speaker 13:44
What does that entail? Go into the court?
Speaker 7 13:48
Yeah. No, that’s a good question, Commissioner, basically, when I’m going to suggest is if the board is going to accept the airport authority board’s request this board to dissolve that you go ahead and do that. Maybe do that today. Yes, we’re done. And then if you do do that today, basically the next step what we should do, I’ll draft the commands agreement with that board for the Board of Trustees for the airport authority. If we could, that’s
Unknown Speaker 14:14
really conveyance.
Speaker 7 14:16
Yeah, you know, they have all those assets out there. They have all the land and whatever personal property, they may or may not have to get a handle on that. But especially all that land. We want an agreement in place where as long as that board is in effect, and we don’t want to dissolve it until say January 1. Give us enough time.
Speaker 5 14:36
Yeah, that’s that’s my main question. Is it January of 2024. It’s June 8, and just take six months to do this is just like we’ve been waiting. I guess we do go. We’ve been waiting for 22 years to do this. But the I would like to see them sooner than later.
Speaker 7 14:56
Now, that’s fair. I will hope to have Have a conveyance agreement by June, I paid six months just to kind of give us some breathing room here,
Speaker 5 15:05
I want to pull the breathing room. I’m turning off that oxygen tank. So to get the interest, it’s one of those ones that I see something taking 20 years to to do that. And it’s just we’re there. Let’s do it.
Unknown Speaker 15:22
Yeah, we can export, I can handle 20 years, okay?
Unknown Speaker 15:31
Do you like to see that?
Speaker 5 15:34
I’d like to everything be done. So we can deal with the person that owns FBO? By the latest September. Okay, here’s
Speaker 7 15:41
what I’m thinking if we can get an advanced agreement done by June, the bigger issue will be getting the board to sign all the deeds. And one of the things is going to ask if could we reach out to AMS title to do a title search and to get us all the deeds? Because when I
Speaker 5 15:58
click on this, like, there’s several, there’s a bunch of things. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 7 16:02
And we can get them to do the title search fairly quickly and get all the deeds, and we’ll prepare the deeds and have the airport board. sign those over to this board. Okay. Get this thing going?
Speaker 5 16:14
Absolutely. Great. Okay, so you’ve been around for how long? Have you been around for a while? A while? Yeah. Beginning to this guy. Yeah, that I think I appreciate that. Sure. To be able to do that. And I know, Mark Edwards. encouraged that. This is happening now.
Unknown Speaker 16:36
Okay. Sure. So Chris, is September a good day
Speaker 7 16:40
for you? We’ll we’ll make it work. I mean, yeah, we’re shooting for Yeah, we’re shooting for
Speaker 4 16:44
it. So do we need to adjust this resolution to say effective September? 1 September?
Speaker 7 16:53
Well, if we can, if we get it done early. Yeah, we can still dissolve officially dissolve January 1. I was just thinking I was also like, a nice clean date for severe Poland rough industries. Okay. Okay. Well, we’ll get this done as soon as we
Speaker 5 17:07
can. Yeah. So we can leave it at that date, in thought is that this is going to happen? Got it.
Unknown Speaker 17:14
Before we can just adjust it, then. Well, even
Speaker 7 17:17
even once we get on a convenience agreement in place, you can actually start doing what you need to do with the FBO. Yes. So once they sign over all the rights of this board, that actually you’re the SNP have the right to
Speaker 5 17:29
do so we so we’re going to get the title search done and have them sign over all their assets that they have guess titles to the board. Right. And then we can step forward. Can we do that simultaneously? With FBO?
Speaker 7 17:43
Yes, I don’t see why not. I mean, the board has already the Board of Trustees of airport has already asked you to take over Yes. So I don’t see any reason why you can’t start or continue your negotiations. But if we’re pretty close. Thank you. All right. Thanks. Have a nice weekend.
Speaker 1 18:03
Thanks. Thanks. Okay. Stick around for all your questions. I make a motion accepting the Portage County Regional Airport Authority Board of Trustees request for the Portage County Board of Commissioners to dissolve the Portage County Regional Airport Authority with the effective date to be January 120 24. And for an agreement to be drafted for the conveyance of approved assets, titles, rights and interest from Orange County Regional Airport Authority to the Board of County Commissioners.
Unknown Speaker 18:48
Second robot. Yes. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 18:55
Is there anything else come forward more? Moved to make motion to adjourn and I don’t think we can take I stand corrected. We will have public comment We will recess until the reply
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