Documenters: Nelson Township Trustees meeting for Nov. 6, 2024

Nelson Township Trustees
Nov. 6, 2024
7 p.m.


Anna Mae VanDerHoeven Chair
Mike Kortan Vice Chair
Joe Leonard Trustee
Kevin Cihan Fiscal Officer
Chuck Vanek Road Supervisor
Jackie Kable Zoning Inspector

Sandy Huzl Community House Caretaker

Documenter’s Notes

Trustees Chair Anna Mae VanDerHoeven called the meeting to order at 7 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The October minutes were accepted into record. Fiscal Officer Kevin Cihan presented financials, including the monthly expenditures which were approved by roll call vote. Cihan read a request for consideration from resident Melissa Miller for the open seat on the zoning board. Miller was commended for her qualifications, and the trustees confirmed her to the zoning board, effectively immediately. Miller’s term will end in December 2029. Cihan then led the trustees through the remaining monthly correspondence.

Inspector Jackie Kable reported a busy month. The Board of Zoning Appeals heard and approved the request of Mr. Byler and Mr. Herman on Oct. 9. On Oct. 15, Kable issued two new construction permits and an ag exemption. An additional ag exemption was granted Oct. 21. An addition was permitted Oct. 25. Two new construction permits were issued Nov. 4 and Nov. 5. Kable presented a pair of communiques regarding potential prosecution, and brief discussions followed. The trustees amended an incorrectly recorded name on Resolution 079-2024 and voted to prosecute Michael Craber for junk vehicles and storing of rubbish. There was some discussion about a vacant lot that is being used as an Amish party area.

Community House
Dan Huzl reported on Community House Caretaker Sandy Huzl’s behalf. Requests for holiday reservations at the Nelson Community House have been keeping the caretakers busy. Dan Huzl reported on the flow of residents voting the previous day.

Road Supervisor Chuck Vanek reported two lights out in the lot behind the Community House, which he will replace.

New Business
– Trustee Joe Leonard is coordinating a presentation of programs offered by the health department.

– Vice Chair Mike Kortan reported the conclusion of speed studies on three township roads. Kortan presented 12 findings from the OTARMA Risk Assessment for review.

– VanDerHoeven received a request for an updated stormwater map.

– The Nelson employee Christmas party will be held at noon Dec. 13. The trustees approved a $300 expenditure for the event.

The trustees entered executive session at 8:07 p.m.

Ryan Lind
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