Documenters: Nelson Township Trustees meeting for March 6, 2024

Nelson Township Trustees
March 6, 2024
7 p.m.


Anna Mae VanDerHoeven Chair
Mike Kortan Vice Chair
Joe Leonard Trustee
Kevin Cihan Fiscal Officer
Chuck Vanek Roads
Jackie Kable Zoning
Sandy Huzl Community House Caretaker

Documenter’s Notes

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Chair Anna Mae VanDerHoeven welcomed Ohio State Representative Gail Pavliga (R–72nd District). Pavliga addressed the board and citizens for around 10 minutes and fielded a handful of questions. Trustee Joe Leonard inquired about the status of E-Check in Portage County, a subject of interest for Pavliga. She has previously taken her opposition to E-Check all the way to Washington via U.S. House Representative Dave Joyce. VanDerHoeven then welcomed Mark Russell of Ellerhorst Russell Insurance, who updated the trustees on their OTARMA municipality coverage. Russell explained litigation insurance covered by the township’s plan.

The board proceeded to approve minutes from Feb. 7, 2024 and approved payment of the monthly bills and wages for a total of $61,107.22. Fiscal Officer Kevin Cihan then addressed an issue with Community House rentals. In January, a non-resident passed a pair of bad checks to the township and provided a fictitious address on Norton Road. The fee for non-residents is $250 compared to $100 for residents. Cihan suggested a handful of edits to the rental agreement, including cash or money order only and requiring full payment with rental paperwork. No official action followed. Temporary budget appropriations were moved to permanent status via roll call vote. Township clean-up weekend is scheduled for May 4-5. The trustees approved the contract for two roll-off dumpsters for tires and five for trash.


Jackie Kable fielded 56 calls, emails and texts in the month of February. On Feb. 20, Kable visited the Portage County Land Bank regarding Ms. Turos’ change of heart about demolition. Mr. Hostetler applied for a variance; Hostetler’s hearing with the board of zoning appeals will take place March 13. Mr. Weaver filed an ag exemption form. The county prosecutor has mailed statutory compliance letters to the parties owning homes scheduled for demolition. One of the men asked if the demo crew could spare an outbuilding that is housing his antique cars. The trustees declined his request. A resolution was passed to prosecute Morris Hillen and Dawn Bounds for zoning violations.

Community House

Most of the Community House business was handled at the beginning of the meeting. Community House Caretaker Sandy Huzl reported that a leak was repaired by Chuck Vanek.


Vanek submitted a road report. He proposed chip-and-sealing approximately 7.5 miles, an expense Vanek estimates a material budget of $98,000 based on 2023 material prices. The trustees delayed approval. The trustees nullified a renewing annual agreement with Southington in favor of a year-to-year agreement. Nelson Township currently assists Southington with road repairs. Vanek will seek the approval of Southington trustees next week.

New Business

  • Leonard reported on clean-up progress at the Eaken property.
  • The board opted to order flags instead of flowers for Memorial Day, as most of last year’s flowers were dead within a week.
  • Video and audio surveillance signs for Pixley Park will be delivered Thursday; Vice Chair Mike Kortan will deliver them Friday.
  • Kortan suggested the board extend the cannabis moratorium to Dec. 31, 2024. A vote followed and the moratorium was extended.
  • VanDerHoeven will oversee the application for a Community Development Block Grant to pay for improvements and ADA compliance for the Nelson Community House.

The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Ryan Lind
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