Documented by Lee Lundblad
Freedom Township
Township Trustee Meeting
Thursday, March 16, 2023
7 p.m.
8966 OH-700
Ravenna, OH 44266
Listen to an audio recording of this meeting:
In attendance
Jeffrey Derthick, Trustee/Chair
Tom Mesaros, Trustee/Vice Chair
Charlene Walker, Trustee
Jennifer Derthick, Fiscal Officer
Tony Vansteenberg, Road Supervisor/Cemetery Sexton
Documenter Notes
Regular Meeting
Call to order for the regular village council meeting by Chair Jeffrey Derthick. Derthick requested a motion for the approval of the regular meeting minutes of Feb. 16. Motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
Public Comment:
Jim, resident: He and his neighbors have witnessed cars pulling into the cemetery during the night. A car will stay for a few minutes then exit. A different car will then enter a few minutes later, stay for a few minutes and leave. The residents are suggesting that something is being delivered and picked up. Trustee Charlene Walker suggested that the gates should be closed every evening and then reopened in the morning. Walker asked Road Supervisor/Cemetery Sexton Tony Vansteenberg if this could be done. Walker said she would be willing to close the gates each evening if Vansteenberg’s crew could open in the morning. Vansteenberg agreed to this proposal.
Zoning Report
Jeffrey Derthick delivered the zoning report. Verizon is planning to relocate an existing tower. The zoning department has fielded several phone calls from residents about two new houses being built, an addition to a house and a new porch to be built. The trustees held interviews for a new zoning inspector prior to tonight’s regular meeting. They interviewed two candidates. Jeffrey Derthick asked for the trustees’ thoughts on the interviews. All agreed on Matt Org. A motion was made to offer Org the position. Motion was seconded and accepted via roll call. A conversation ensued on the start date for the new hire. It was decided the start date would be April 1. Jeffrey Derthick went on to request a motion for a title search for the tire business on Vair Road. He further explained that the prosecutor’s office requested this because it needs to know all owners involved in the business. Motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
Road Report
Vansteenberg updated the trustees on the items listed below:
- Ditches were dug on King Road to fix the clogged culverts.
- The cemetery had one conventional burial and one cremation.
- Toilets were replaced at Town Hall.
- A load of cold patch was picked up, and it is likely that more will be needed due to the condition of the roads.
- Ordered 50 tons of salt.
- Fire extinguishers were checked at the Historical Society building and actions taken to be in compliance.
- The 1-ton township-owned truck blew out a tire, and Vansteenberg needed to purchase four new tires at a cost of $1,060. This amount went over the previously approved $1,000 limit. A motion was made to approve the $60 overage. Motion was seconded and approved via roll call.
- Looking for a roller to purchase. He has looked at several. The best price he found was approximately $16,000. Motion was made to purchase the roller and seconded. Motion passed via roll call. It will be kept at the purchase point until a trailer is located and purchased.
- Garage bay project — prices involved for this project are as follows:
- Door: $3,700 from Geauga Door
- Furnace: $600
- Lumber for installation: $500
- Metal from Premier Metals: $600
- Installation: still getting estimates. Fiscal Officer Jennifer Derthick indicated there is money available for this project. A motion was made and seconded to spend the money for this project. Approved via roll call.
J. Derthick updated the trustees on the Hankee Road culvert project. The culvert pipe arrived and is in place. It arrived on six trucks! Base gravel is now being installed. Chip and seal for 2023: J. Derthick is looking into working with the county on this project. Freedom is eligible for a sign grant to replace all signs, including hardware, to bring everything up to code. The grant application is more than 60 pages long, and the township will need to apply. Mike Collins from the county (ODOT) will assist Freedom in completing the application.
Board Reports
Fire Board – this report was delivered by Trustee Tom Mesaros.
- 22 calls this past month.
- One of the fire trucks was involved in an accident in Canton. The cost to repair the truck was $3,800. It is back in service.
- Lights in the bays at the firehouse were replaced with LEDs.
- This year, firefighter boots are required to be replaced. Turnout gear is replaced on a mandatory rotating schedule. Boots can often run $500 per pair; however, a brand was located for $225 per pair. Mesaros projects that 35 pairs will be needed.
Regional Planning
Charlene Walker updated the trustees on the recent township meeting. Texts of township amendments were discussed at length as many townships are looking through their zoning books and updating. The quarterly zoning inspector meeting will be held April 27. No time has been established.
Derthick delivered the EMS report. Calls are up. The new fiscal officer is in place.
Zoning Commission – no report.
Fiscal Officer
The trustees were updated by Fiscal Officer Jennifer Derthick on the following items:
- Requested approval on a purchase order for $960. Motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
- Requested a motion be made on monthly expenditures in the amount of $29,142.97. Motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
- Requested authorization for the MORE Grant for $500. The proceeds from this grant could be used in a variety of ways, such as conference fees, safety equipment, PPEs (Personal Protection Equipment), etc. A motion was made, seconded and approved via roll call.
- The township’s Risk Assessment was emailed to all trustees, and she requested all to review it. Derthick will prepare a report back responding to items outlined in the assessment.
- Derthick would like to revisit the rental of the township’s buildings via the website. She is proposing utilizing an app which would assist users in locating a rental opening for any of the public buildings. A motion was made to purchase this website application at a cost of $40 per year. Motion was seconded and approved via roll call.
- Derthick noted that the zoning office continues to experience issues with the office jetpack (the application used to connect to the internet and monitors all wireless attachments). There is often a great struggle just to log on to the internet. She made a proposal to upgrade the jetpack at the cost of a one-time fee of $99 plus $10 per month. A motion was made and seconded to purchase the upgrade. Motion passed via roll call.
Unfinished Business
Policy Review – Trustee Derthick asked the trustees to revisit the following policies:
Public Comment
- Trustee Derthick explained that currently they allow the public to interject throughout the meeting as needed. It allows for a more conversational type of meeting and works for the small township. Trustee Walker suggested that they adopt language based on the Ohio Revised Code just to ensure that a time limit is put into place in case it is needed. Nothing should derail their working meetings, and a lengthy comment could do just that. Trustee Mesaros was urging that more discussion take place on this possible change. Derthick reiterated that he would like the policy to remain the same. After much back and forth about this topic, a motion to change the policy to adopt public comment time limits was made and seconded. Motion was approved via roll call.
Employee Handbook
- Trustee Walker suggested that the bulk of these changes be tabled and they “chunk” it out over several months as it is a large project. Derthick added that he thinks it would be a very good idea to engage a human resources attorney to review the current policy as well as any proposed changes. The issue of cost for the attorney was brought up. Derthick asked for permission to check quotes on engaging an attorney, and the other trustees agreed.
Vacation Scheduling
- Walker made a motion that the vacation schedule be removed from the township policy handbook and added to the township employee handbook. Motion was seconded and approved via roll call.
Investment Policy
- Walker indicated that she wasn’t aware that the fiscal officer could invest the township’s money. Fiscal Officer Derthick verified that this was correct, although she hasn’t invested anything. This item will be looked at during the next meeting.
Business & Education Travel Expense
- Walker thought that language should be added to the conference section requiring the conference participant to return to the group and report what was learned at the conference.
- Walker would like to see the word “taxi” be changed to “ride hailing.”
- Walker suggested there be a cap on meals. Fiscal Officer Derthick verified that meal reimbursement is $40 per day, and that is all the county will allow. Trustee Derthick doesn’t see the need for a cap on meals.
- It was decided that Walker will make corrections to this policy and provide it to the trustees at the next meeting.
Recreational Trails & Clean Ohio Trail Fund
Walker received a quote from GPD for a walking trail around the baseball field. The quote, which she feels is exceptionally high, is $129,000 for a quarter-mile; for the full half-mile, it would be $233,500. This is an engineering proposal, which includes a lot of things that will be dropped off such as demolition (there is nothing to demolish). She is looking into in-kind donations, such as sand and gravel. Walker is asking for permission to go ahead and apply for the Clean Ohio Trail Grant that, if we get it, would require the township to bring 25% to the table. However, if she could get some in-kind donations, these could take the place of actual cash out-of-pocket. Walker further suggested that a comprehensive plan is needed for the park, and she would like to work with the park committee to plan out upgrades via phases. Trustees Derthick and Mesaros agreed to Walker beginning the grant process. A motion was made and seconded. Motion was approved via roll call.
Rental House Agreement
Walker indicated that every effort should be made for the lease to be signed each and every year. Right now, the last time the lease was signed was 2015. Further, she noted that three warm-blooded animals are a bit much. She would like to see it reduced to one, but the current tenants could be grandfathered in if they have more than one. Mesaros doesn’t think this is necessary because the security deposit would cover any damage. She would also like to see the responsibilities of the landlord and tenants specifically spelled out so that there is no confusion. The other trustees didn’t think this was warranted. Walker has heard that someone is living in the basement and thinks an air-quality test is warranted. It would serve to protect both parties. It was decided that Walker would make her proposed changes and bring them back to the next trustee meeting.
Seeing no other business, a motion was made to adjourn at 8:29 p.m. The motion was seconded and approved via roll call.
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Freedom 3.16
Thu, Mar 23, 2023 9:38PM • 1:25:56
township, year, money, motion, tires, meeting, policy, gpd, questions, grant, talk, people, lease, problem, trail, write, pay, park, hear, road
If there shall ever be no disposition of either commercial or industrial products which can be considered a public nuisance, there shall be no disposing of chemical waste or industrial waste in any part of the township
just to ease I know that just in this red Van Doren berry not mine Thank you since you read it out
thank you for oh two three
is the last one there shall be no place there shall be no places for the collection of scrap metal paper rags glass tires or junk for the purpose of sale or stores except in conjunction with a licensed industry in the in the industrial district. Any questions
you just mentioned about such things as Tiger’s eye OSHA can pile up the tires and then finally get rid of the industrial section
no they’ll be able to get rid of their tires it’s just that you won’t be able to dispose of them here unless it’s I know you write your after
a problem that we have Yeah, I
write this all that’s not going to interfere with no no any other questions mostly takes up them.
So make a motion Okay. Motion to accept
yes. Yes. Looking for a motion to adjourn the public hearing
second Yes,
yes. Yes.
No, okay. Call the regular meeting to order approval of the regular meeting minutes of February 16 2023.
Yes, yes. Yes. fumbling Jama zoning I am still getting occasional car complaints from my next door neighbors who see cars coming down to the Dark Hole in the cemetery and later that one leaves or two minutes later somebody else goes back up wherever they’re buying and selling
but didn’t the share make rounds up? Weren’t they doing? I don’t know. Jeff asked
him. Yeah.
Before but yeah, I wonder if they stopped.
Gates. Yeah. Charlie.
So I’m going to bed earlier lately but uh, you know, we talked about this before in you guys have said if you want to close the gate, that’s fine. And we did have a gentleman here that was in the dark like
yeah, I don’t have a problem with
do you guys go by there every morning. You open the gates if I close him
all right. So that’s how you guys want to try to handle it for a little while.
Back up and then see what happens.
Yeah, I don’t have time. Do you have a problem with that? But I’d have to look at those gates
and make sure that they are
Yeah, they still close? Yeah,
probably. Well, that’s true, too. When’s the last time he knew they worked?
One day at a time. Example, your story we’ll we’ll try that for a while. See if it stops it slows it down for a little bit.
Thank you. You’re welcome. Okay
so, where to start? It’s been a long time since I’ve done this couple ag permits.
How come there’s not a location on Lester Hershberger?
It’s okay. There is no technically no address there. That would be why is there? No there? There is not. Yet it’s an agricultural property. That’s what it’s actually
yeah, the time, the time he didn’t happen the address
by the way, I’ll fix that for you. Thank you for that. Okay, so the reason there is no location in there as they did not have an address, and then I did not put the lot number in that field. So I forgot to do that. So that that we didn’t have
that accessory building. And then Verizon is going to be located on an existing tower. Lots of phone calls for started talking about there’s, there’s, they’re gonna put a house on as very spoke to him about that. And another one on line ridge, and a porch and another addition. So yeah, there’s just been, there’s been some phone calls. But that’s the that’s the minor stuff. And if you want, see as we can get the computer to talk to the program. Okay, we’ll make that change. I can probably drag down. Right. Okay, so zoning inspector, we held interviews. We had two gentlemen.
What’s everybody’s thoughts? Matt?
Would you like me to offer Matt the job then? Yes, please.
Second, no, it’s not a motion. You need a motion so you can make one.
Immediately offers the job for
effective, like, next month, you’re saying
something I would say effective Monday, but I mean, obviously you can’t start one day
until April 1. I don’t care.
Yeah, we we have gone from the job. He may not have to be interviewed, he might.
So I’d say April 1.
I thought we just offer him the job and then let him decide where he can start. Yeah. And see if he still wants it. You know, we have to have a special meeting to offer to the other gentleman and that’s what we have to do.
What’s for me? Matt or Matt? Org?
Yes, yes. Yes. So I call it the tire Emporium. On unfair road. I need a motion to do a property search for records search to see a title search.
You did that point that that’s
the the prosecutor’s office wants to know, everybody that owns that has a title to that property. Okay, so
I make a motion to allow Jeff to do a title search on the bear road property that is in dispense with tires second
and so everybody knows I don’t know what that costs and
well that’s got to be taken care of that’s yes
surely yes
I really don’t have too much of an update about that just I guess we’re still calling and that’s alright Johnny
we’ve done some ditching on King road and unplug culverts but all the heavy rains washed the leaves down and plugs and collars up so we had a conventional burial and cremation expert cemetery now we had to replace the toilet flanges the bolts waxwings on the bathrooms and women’s and the men’s room
now we had to pick up some more cold packs and we’ll probably meet some more problems are popping up I’ve ordered another 50 tons of salt we have plenty more time to comment and we have room so I’d rather just go in order here we have a scrap dumpster that we have in the garage and we did throw some more scrapping air falls did dump and return it issue to me today I think 332
fire extinguishers they have been checked we had to had to go out for service and wanted to be refilled but question about the building historical site do we need to put one in there two buildings up to there’s now a problem and
I thought there was
another inside the building
inside work
in the actual building
oh the new building
yeah oh yeah we
generally buy three of those we bought
three two are upstairs ones downstairs to school yeah. And by doing that, you know it’s cheaper to just research them it’s easier just to buy them online because they’ll tag them and check them here. So imagine a 10 pounder one like the size here right
all right tires on one time the tires on one time I had a blowout and tires continental straightforward tire pretty much not that great. And not a lot of trade off. So I did get some prices and we put forward and tires on retread tires. And we’ve had good luck and will probably return goodbye from somewhere else and they have been putting up that there’s $1,000
because he hasn’t 16 Make a motion to to buy them where I no overhead limit to pay for the tires. Limit or to
we made the original motion for $1,000
a year to do that. Yeah,
I think we already did that in the last meeting but he went over the 16 hours Yeah, we went over by 60 bucks. Yes, well, yeah, whatever we need
motion Yes. Yes.
World War Jeff nine books what that looked at the rollers. Much and I went down just last week and looked at the roller having blue eyes. was interested in maybe picking up a trailer from him that he was trying to get rid of but it’s too far gone. It’s not worth the money. You want it for
that. We know why he wanted to get rid of it.
But that role was still there. I talked to him today, Tom and brought up that he talked about having an auction. Maybe we can wait for The auction but he did tell me today he wasn’t going to put that all the bigger items are going into the auction what’s the best price he said 16,000 to take advantage of that or we could wait
I make a motion we buy it from Henry and then and then you also got to let him go by until October somewhere
girls Excuse me Mr. fiscal officer I need some money to buy a roller Yeah, we’re gonna definitely get that
and I did look at another truck and trailer. They got towed trailers were from five to 10,000
How much are we spending on the trailer
trailers are a lot easier to find enrollers Yeah,
how are we gonna get home what a roller we don’t need it right away yeah.
We can probably store down there for a minute or two so you want to under shop for or for for for a trailer so
that’s something you can find a lot of places rollers not so much because I tried to look for rollers and they just some everybody buys that’s why I was hoping it would go into the auction because it would probably bring a lot less than
or go the opposite.
Well as we’re talking about some gambling options a
way to gamble right so I moved Is there a second?
Where are we getting the money
that’s where I started
cheat I don’t like spending money all right.
Sure. Yes, we can keep our roads Nice. That’s our main goal here.
You’re driving at home because we live in a trailer or they go about three miles an hour.
I know that people
talk to me so we just keep bringing it to
so he takes off that location when it comes to chip and seal
hoping you’d have the fundamentals. Okay, keep going. Alright, Cleveland Rappler the ones that don’t have details on the doors they didn’t get a hold of Tom Wednesday. I did get a hold of her and
set up a time for Monday. Monday she’s gonna come to the garage and go so we can’t
wait to see the garage bay that we’re hoping to heat and put a ceiling doors now you’re looking at the door for that is $3,700 from jogador the foreigners talk to firms guys, he said you’re better off just to buy one online you know like a resume, Mr. Hager that you’re looking at 600 bucks or those 60,000 BTUs we need some lumber to attach the ceiling to because the trust was run every for about $500 for that and then too close to around the door to the foot to door installation of TARP I was talking to rob Zoeller and he works for ODOT he actually does foam insulation so I was kind of hoping he could spray that at a reasonable price for maybe either and then what he might do
is get close and experience
premier metals to sit about $600 to do that or he’s got some half price stuff over there so you’ve got $6,500 to do
that doesn’t include your insulation
that fixing your rod at ease
gotta we gotta attack those Aedes. They’re really bad. It’s awful. Yeah. Big ticket right? No I mean that’d be the time to do it though. I would think you got that metal up up in the air couldn’t we use that
list as fiscal officer
where do we get the money are the gas for contract
so you’ve got the money that
we talked about that we were talking about there was an extra month per contract that would fall into
that’s not going to take any money from my chip and seal and correct
that’s what you guys decided the last time
sir motion sure make a motion that we go ahead with spending money for maintenance building maintenance garage
add in an extra to add an extra bag
yeah to be
sure. Yes
and I did meet with Charlie definitely around here but he did come to the garage I did find him some pop soul that he liked. It looks pretty good. So
let’s take them over to
no I just like
the point that Tony can deliver it. Last meeting.
I don’t remember that. We did. We had some but besides it’s spring and it’s wet and muddy. It’s okay. We’ve got time
Yeah, I don’t know if he’s ready. He’s what he wants to write little
okay, so
when we last left off on the Hank erode saga projects last month, we had no idea when our culvert pipe was going to arrive boiler culvert pipe has arrived. And it’s in place. So came on six trucks. Thanks for that. That’s pretty cool. So your residents definitely appreciate you welcome. They’re putting the base gravel around it and finishing the wall. So the project is well underway. They’re doing we hear anything from Mike Collins at the county for Chipman still want to get married. He’s been back to work long enough.
Tuesday, I called him Wednesday, and I haven’t.
So I’ve spoken to Mike Collins about the ODOT sign grant. And he said that freedom Township is eligible for it this year. And ODOT gives townships, the money and they replaced all the signs, all the hardware, everything in the townships to make sure that the signs are up to code. So that’s a new project that Tony, and somebody from the county and then certainly since she’s in contact, I guess, but Yeah, somebody when that is pretty much. When Mike gets ready, then we’ll do that.
Do we have to fight for that? Or the
60 page document?
The county already has the money or we have to pay for
Jefferson there’s a 60 page application.
Oh my gosh. Yeah, but never
mind is going to do this application.
The county is so helpful with this stuff. And so yeah, there’s like I said, I’m sure that other than then Tony’s inventory for the signs and every nut and bolt that kind of stuff and plug in that stuff in but like a second.
Do you have that in my room? Because I was like a
page per sign that he
iral Wow, that’s pretty laugh but yeah.
We’ll, we’ll get a lot of help. So then, he then he never said he just said we were eligible for he didn’t say when we had to get started on it or anything like that. Or when it was just we were
pulled out off the internet.
There’s gonna be things due by June 16. The grants being funded with this application will you state fiscal year 2024 funding which is not available until July 1.
board reports
Oh 22 calls the interesting one they had three in the Turnpike in succession. One right after the other well, you know that the ambulance calls. That was kind of interesting. We spent a whole bunch of money. Every 10 years, they gotta redo the uniforms, boots and hats and stuff. least they don’t do them all this year as the boots. Boots went up to $500 a pair, but they’re going to a brand that they used to use, it’s down to $225 a pair. And since they’re buying so many pair, and I don’t have that number with me, but it’s like 35 pair, I believe they’re knocking off $100. But still, it’s going to be close to $5,000 to replace the boots. Let me see. Oh, we had I don’t have my original thing that cheap took it and didn’t give it back to me and I should have wrote that down. But also, they had a little fender bender with the fire truck and it was down again. $3,800 To get it repaired and it’s back and ready to go in service. The lights have all been replaced in the bays with LEDs, and it’s like, totally different. That’s about it.
Any questions for Tom then reads it’ll find
lots of replat replants and lots of township text amendments. Jeff, that was interesting.
A lot of the last amendments
like what we did, there’s a lot of the townships are looking through their zoning books and updating. And then the only other thing is the quarterly zoning inspector meeting is April 27. And they still don’t know when.
Any questions? All right, so EMS calls her up, man hours gone. That’s pretty much the poor guys are running pretty garden. So we’ve got our new fiscal officer in place. And we hope to have that situation rectified here shortly. So within within a month that’s basically all I have. There’s isn’t too much going on. So that was our Zoning Commission meeting. I didn’t go last night. No, let’s go on.
Purchase Orders $960.
yes, yes. Yes.
expenditures are 29,001 4297
So moved.
Second. Yes, surely, yes. Yes.
The more grant is $500. I just would like authorization that we would be able to give them whatever they need or use it towards the conference fees, safety equipment and PPE. So just as the things come in and you’ll be able to get it submitted earlier than the end of the year. We’ll make a motion for that. Second Yes. Yes. I emailed everyone the farmer to look at I am one was obtained motor vehicle extracts and then we remember to adopt the written driving policy with a driver acceptable standard. Three was obtained proof of insurance for personal vehicles use for township business. Four was obtained CCPs or gasoline storage. Five was installed protective surfacing material recommended for the full height of the equipment. Six was removed or retrofit bleachers with guardrails. Seven was about science and were fixed playground unable to all equipment, eight was extended use stones for playground equipment. And nine is removed the slide here already liability issues for the slide of the township Park. In regards to one, two, and I also give you copies of the current driving policy review, which, earlier on, we said that we were going to put that into the employee handbook. But since we have the full extracts in how you have been having trump cards on everyone, we generalize it for all of us. I can pull abstracts from this Ohio BMV for $5, a piece with $1.75 convenience fee, of course. So the insurance company will not do that for us. So I think we can rectify those first three, by reviewing the policy
inspections done for these ever two townships like you? Do they see. Probably a dumb question like the state bans for gas
came on site. Yeah, that’s where this all came from. Okay. It years. Yeah, every two years, we had the it as well, the same time this happened. Okay. So
if you want to use apart things for your group.
So can you talk about that when we get to? Yeah.
That must have been another question.
Do we need to talk about this, this meeting to rectify it, or what it was?
My report back to them is I can say that we’re reviewing policies, we’re trying to run fine cans. And what we’re doing is what the remedy can be. And then you guys can drop. Those cans need to be in the cabinet, too. You had the cabinet,
cans, those cabinets are not that much anymore, that $400.04 or $500. That’s a lot of money to me.
So at the last meeting, it was asked if we could revisit the call rental counter program. So I worked with Connie and she has a program that would work with our website. And it’s just on the back end, we would put the bookings out and the calendar would show on the website. So somebody went to the website to find rental information, they would also be able to click on the calendar and see Oh, march 17 is booked and whatnot. So we can do that the cost of that is around $40 per year. It does not accept payments and will not do the reservations online. It’s just on the backside of
the reservation. So it’s helping people look up to see availability.
So hopefully when they call you that maybe they’ve already looked at the calendar and they have another date. Because you can color code it to be booked or available.
So how does that work on the backend? Like, do we have oh, okay.
So every time we do a every time we would do a rental we would have to log in and market
did you say it was my 14? year do you owe 40 a year? Yeah. Then for $40? I’ll try. If that’s what’s your that’s up to you. Make an
offer. making any thing easier for anybody except for the people walking around? Yeah, but if you’ve got the point. Yeah, no, I’m just saying that to us. And again.
I’ll let you go. Question, Tom. Yes, certainly. Yes. Yes. To look in who’s got it next.
I have a book here tonight because there’s two people that came to pick up the keys. Next.
Why do you need it read it already? No, no.
No, I was just curious. Yeah. Are we in the same schedule? Yeah, okay. Yeah. Unless you know.
So, um, We have issues obviously with the jet pack in the zoning office. So it is eligible for an upgrade. And we can get a new one for $99 and still pay the $10 in like 14 cents a month. That won’t change. However, we could qualify for a different plan that might save us more money. So but the sales reps not back until Monday, so I don’t have any back new pricing. But we struggle with that jetpack. So I would really like to get that upgraded. The one time fee of 99.
So I’m good with that. But will the whatever the new plan is that the guy is going to talk to you about would that include the jet pack? Yes. Do we need to wait,
even wait if you want to make a motion and then I can directly talk to him on Monday because they say it’s three models before I talk to him. And then he might even be able to get to me for nothing. So
I’ll make a motion to get the new jetpack.
What is it jetpack?
Right now, I can’t even connect to it. It’s telling me that it’s not. And we’ve restarted it like three times, right?
So it’s nothing new. Just something that might work next time.
Technology is always updated. Like we need to stay on top of that. Now second, even though I don’t know what it is Yes,
surely Yes. Yes.
Unfinished business of the policy first going up, because
it really see anything that lights out that was like, oh, update that. Did you guys? No, really didn’t.
So I’m torn by the whole thing. And the reason being is that we’re a small Township, and we let our residents interject during the meeting, okay. And, in fact, we usually like it. I know, legally, we don’t have to go, we usually like it if our public has a voice.
The reason I like this policy, though, is because it does protect us in case we get stuck in a jam where people won’t stop talking and won’t let us do our business. Right. Like we have something to fall back on. I agree with what you say for sure. Like and I do, I do encourage that.
Yeah. And, and if you come to a period of time, where there’s a, there’s a problem, then then somebody’s got to sit there with the stopwatch. I am to talk to the guys from my water today. And they change their because they felt they had problems down there. And they said that they went to having their comments at the end. And you had to stay on the topic of what was discussed that day. And and I think this one was 30 minutes and I think they only give like 20 minutes or something for their public comment. And like I said, I’m I’m torn by it. I know why. I know why it’s there. I get it. I understand that. But at the same time we would like our residents to be able to speak even if we don’t agree with it. We still like
to speak sir. Yeah, that’s what I like about it is a republic is a democratic republic.
So you don’t like the policy?
You want to you want to go with that one? That limits.
I like I do like that because it just gives us in case we get into a situation where we need to
write to write their opinion. That’s fine. Yeah.
Okay. Work useful proposal.
We’re discussing that right now.
It’s the
where’s the public policy?
Yeah, I’ve already moved driving. So what they want If John is that, unless the Ohio Revised Code to the one, one to 1.22. And the chairperson, chairman of the board, or the majority of the members may extend to audience members the privilege to address the board. And the order of business at any regular meeting shall include an opportunity for members of the public to address the board, provided, however, that the board does not obligate itself to consider any request or proposal unless at the time of the request, there will not be any public comment period on the agenda of any special or emergency meeting. It shall be in it shall be in order for members of the board to interrupt the speaker during public comment at any time to ask questions or make comments in order to clarify the discussion. Now more than five minutes shall be allotted to each speaker, and no more than 15 minutes to each subject under discussion, except with the consent of the board. Public comment may not exceed more than 30 minutes total in order to conduct the remainder regular business meeting. So like I said, I I know, I see everybody side of it. I kind of like it the way we have it. Now we’re public has a chance to to speak as we’re working through the agenda.
Are you saying that you want to change this so that it reads that?
Or just stick the way we’ve been doing it all along? Is that what you’re leaning to
eliminate? What do you say, Jeff? Tell us.
I like it the way it was the way it is, or not the way it’s written. But the way we’ve always done. So yeah, in her in her sense of taking off the time.
So I disagree with that, I think that she just because that jump, we could get into a situation where people are just gonna keep talking, like in. And while we want to hear what they say we don’t want them to beat a dead horse. So yeah, and we do a lot with we,
there’s a lot, I’m torn.
And we’ve had this policy for a long time. And we we have allowed anyone to talk anytime
I understood that to say that the person speaking or the subject ran out of time with the board could give them more minutes. That’s the way I’ve heard it read.
The problem comes in when you’ve got somebody here and you’re having a conversation and you liked the conversation that they have. And they go over five minutes or you’re not keeping track of time. And then you’ve got that resident that you don’t like the discussion for whatever reason. And then they get to the court and say, Well, you let me didn’t keep track anybody else’s time. But you kept track of my time. And and that’s what my concern is to get you know, we somebody to have to sit here on the clock, you have to
be ready before it always controls what we correct.
We should we are visitors, we are in NSR, when you got a chance to state your thing. It’s not the debate or the decision, you want to change something you can have special meetings and people come in, they can say their thing that at that time.
As a public person, I can tell you that where I work, you are not allowed to make public comment at our board meeting without notifying us seven days beforehand. So if you come to the meeting, and you have something to say the board will not hear you. So when you’re looking at this, there’s all sorts of different rules that are out there. So and I’m saying that as a public person, not your fiscal officer.
Yeah, the public has a right to be here. They don’t have a right to speak though. And it has to be a public meeting and it has to be open to the public.
So but we’ve given them that right all along
is Much appreciated.
We want to hear what you guys think.
What’s important, really?
So what would you folks like to adopt? What’s what’s written?
I would like to motion.
Can we discuss a little bit more? Because
you want to have time to talk to the prosecutor’s office?
No, no, no, nothing like that. It’s just, I guess my concern if you’re worried about the time allotted, five minutes is a long time you really think you’d have to worry about how much if somebody’s just going on. And I just, you got to clock right there. And we’ve
always been able to. We’ve always been able to keep it. Semi. Yeah, exactly.
Exactly. And this section
says, No, filibustering, and
bring the encyclopedia and right.
So for the sake of moving on. Can I have more time to think about? Yeah,
sure. Yeah.
Because, like I said, I’m still torn for that simple reason. Have I have you talked to Brett about it? Yes, I am. And he told me this. I’m good to go. I didn’t. Yeah, Brett. Brett said.
Yeah, I don’t see.
Yeah. So he should he made a motion if you want a second?
While second it because I didn’t see anything wrong with it?
surely Yes.
All right. I’m losing anyway. Sorry. I’m just torn by the whole thing. I really am. Oh, we
could always reverse that someday. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Okay, so the driving policy? Oh, no,
no, no, no. Where are you at? Employee Handbook.
So next one, good
about your agenda. So I would like to table this one and chunk it up. This thing is super long in wow, I have my notes written all over it. I think we should take it in sections, because there’s a lot here.
So I agree. And seeing how the problems that we’ve had. Community is gonna suggest that we find an HR attorney to make sure that our employee handbook is up to code. What does that cost? I don’t know. Give it to Brett and tell him in her head,
I got asked to like figure it out. And he would look at it and he said he would look at it, but that’s not his forte. And they will not recommend any HR attorneys. So
I know a couple but what’s your training class for that?
I imagine that isn’t machine but it might keep you out of trouble sometime. You know, for the simple fact that years around here we have flex time, but yet there’s nothing against the law. There’s nothing. flex time.
It’s against the law. That’s why you have to pay people for what they work.
But you’re allowed to flex their time. But what does that mean? Like I said it hasn’t been? It’s not? Well, that’s my point.
Like, we have a board meeting last night, but I worked from eight until seven. My boys I get off work at four. So from four to seven, I’m still on clock, but I earned flex time to be able to flex out early today or flex out on Friday. Are you
a salaried employee? Okay, so but we
also allow our hourly employees to do as well.
I believe it’s against the law but
we fell in our HR has been jacked up and we
see That’s, that’s, that is the key point of where we need an attorney to look at this stuff. And it’s because these guys have been flagged some time for years.
You also have salaried employees with hourly benefits. Yeah. I mean, that’s one thing I do.
I think you guys have a lot of idea where you’re going. Yeah, I have a lot of stuff. So, permission to look for an attorney to look at. Permission to quote, Yeah, I’m okay with you getting a quote for how much it would cost us. So you don’t want to? Yeah. I don’t know if I’m exactly
but it’s like I said, we definitely have questions. Know, Like, when the workweek starts and a bunch of other things that they have this good thing. So talk about
gray area where you’re heading into one,
right, I get it Okay, so all that stuff that’s under policy review, then we’re going to wait
no, keep going vacation scheduling. I make a motion to remove this from our policy because it should be in the employee handbook. Why do we have a township policy on vacation scheduling? Right. I don’t think we’re gonna get any residents to follow that policy.
Okay, so it needs to be in the other book.
She’s been in motion
so I should say
you’re just wanting to move it. Yeah.
This is this should not be a council policy. We can’t tell our residents when they can take their vacation. This should be an employee Yes, sir. Yes. You know, are we allowed to look at it? What do you want to or do you want to do like the into
like WhatsApp or Juwanna it’s okay, we can lump it into this stuff to have them look at
Yeah, yeah, I don’t have an issue with the percentage
but come on, I was looking for investment policy.
So my first question is do you do you invest our money like if
you are allowed to based on this policy are based on the laws
I did not go when you search so I’m not getting any background
so nothing stuck out at me this was truly something that we are allowed to do but I I don’t know when when would you invest money when you invest? That’s what I that’s why I like
any job. Do you remember why you guys
had this?
Investment Policy? Yeah.
That the fiscal officer has the right to do that.
2004 2008 you amended it?
Yeah, you are the you are the chairman. You JJ and Jim Jim. Do you remember why you did this must have been something going on at the time
not teresting
business education travel expense
my job JIM Oh, he was king.
So one of the things that stuck out on this one is that we do have rules around taxis which are outdated it’s actually called ride hailing. Which I don’t know if that matters or not like if it’s tomato tomahto. But I had to explain to my son what recording of show and live TV this. So I can imagine that. Time goes on people are like what’s up? Also, I think we need to set an amount on meals. We need to remove telephone calls because we I’m getting a cell phone. And we all chose to use our own. So that shouldn’t be expensed. And then I wanted to put something in the conferences about. So kind of report out, and I don’t know how you guys feel about it. But like, if we’re sending if we’re going to conferences, I think we should come back with some kind of information. You know, for the township is paying money for conferences, like what did we learn? It doesn’t have to be like a huge report. But just like in our next meeting, like, Hey, I went to this conference. And here’s what I’ve learned.
We usually when we go to the OTA, we usually do. I mean, this year,
waiting with bated breath
we didn’t do, we did not do a report I just asked.
In my opinion was it wasn’t as good as it was last year. Really? So let’s disappointing. All right. So but I did learn, of course, coming out. For me, it’s more work. More work.
So for the male thing.
Ours is $40 a day as long as you were out of county.
A day for lunch, breakfast and dinner.
That’s all the county allows us.
I don’t see that. That’s how do you how do you eat? A
lot of times our meals are provided, like their lunch might be provided. So we be responsible for breakfast or dinner. Yeah, but
sometimes a hotel breakfast.
That’s really cheap. They don’t
see a real need. But
the most expensive restaurant
it’s not like we go to
you could have that one. That one person that gets in and says, Oh, yeah, there’s this fancy restaurant $20 meal.
He does some splainin to do.
Or journaling. What would you like to do with this whole thing?
Do you want me to mark it up and come back to the next meeting?
Yeah, because now you’ve made me think about some things I was fine with the way it was. But I agree with you on the telephone call thing we can get rid of that? Yeah. Okay.
All right, Charlene. The floor is yours.
Okay. So, I have been doing a lot of work on this
I did get a call back. And I want you guys to take it in before anything crazy happened. So what I had what we I brought a gentleman from the GPD group. And he did two different quotes around the football field. And around the baseball field, so each of those is approximately a quarter mile. He’s been working with me, he’s good. Each of them is approximately a quarter mile. And I did have him do it separately because I was worried about the cost and write this up. Now before I share the GPD costs, I do want to tell you that if you guys are familiar with man manway Park, they just did two separate sections of paved walking trail. The one that is the most recent one was most recent around the baseball field or in by the river. So the most recent one is around the baseball field. And they did get a grant and that only cost 77,000 For them to do that around the baseball field which is kind of the same as what we’re looking at. The other thing I want to say before I show you these costs is there there so this is for the trails grant and they have a lot of ineligible stuff. So you can’t use it for sidewalks law enforcement campgrounds, feasibility studies, lighting, insurance, promotional items, legal fees, picnic facilities, traffic signals, playground equipment, carpet, trails, roads and roadwork, condemned land or golf cart trails. So really, this grant is just for walking path. So the maximum award is 150,000. And we have to have 25%, I think, and it is due April 17, I do have pizza on it. And he said, go to the board, see what they want to do if they want to move forward, call me tomorrow. So that’s my direction with him. Now, I’m going to give these costs so knees don’t fall over. I do think these costs are very high. So you have both for a quart per quarter of a mile, or half of its $129,000. To do the whole half mile is $233,500. I think these costs are ridiculous. And so that’s one piece, he does a lot of the trail grants. And he said, GPD, they’re very expensive. And I actually told him like, I don’t want to do this, I can’t afford to spend this much money. But this is just a engineering proposal. If you guys allow me to go ahead and apply for the grant, we will then get an actual proposal. A couple of other things. Todd also told me that our local standard gravel pits have been donating base material. So for the whole half a mile, it’s about $57,000. If we if they gave us our if we had to pay nothing of that cost. So so we could get that in kind of 57,000. They also have a price on here for demolition, cleaning for temporary and like there’s nothing that clear around those trails. And then like seeding and mulching, we can have a road guys do that, that would save us almost six grand. The other thing I want to talk about is the football team. Not a word from them. I did get a verbal quote. And Tom got a different quote. I think verbal, you got a verbal, verbal to that. And so and they were between 80 and 100,000, I’m not sure that the football team can afford that. Like, I’ve heard nothing from them, I’m not sure where they’re at. Because I know Jeff, you’ll have concerned about from the trail around that football field without them. So what I looking for is permission or emotion to go ahead and apply for the grants. That will mean that Jennifer, you would have to say that we have the amount of money you’d have to do. But I don’t know that we have enough to
say we’d need worth 25,000.
So it’s gonna make sure it wasn’t 20% Last year, see if I can find this year’s match. It’s a lot of money. And the other thing that I would really like to do if you guys do want me to go ahead with this. Let me see if I can find the guy I met with a tweet or something he has 25.
Yeah, so we will, we will be responsible for 25% of it. But we can do a kind donation, we can have Tony and Butch do some of the work. We could have materials donated and kit. We don’t have to do that out of pocket. But the other thing as I was thinking through all this, I would really like to work with the parks committee and do a full plan for the park. So do a few phases. You know, there’s a lot of things at the park that I think we could actually we need to upgrade. I know that you guys have talked in the past about a basketball court, we’ve talked about seeing volleyball and we’ve talked about upgrading the playground equipment and like I think we need to put together a whole comprehensive plan for the park. And there’s no guarantee we’ll get the grades, either. So
So you want to ask for the walking path around the ball diamond. Baseball,
I’m asking for both. But if you guys don’t want to do both, I totally understand it’s a lot of money. And like I said we don’t have to spend that money out of pocket. The only bad thing is we wouldn’t find out until next time you Whether or not we get the grant, so
I’m going to ask a couple of dumb questions since it is a lot of money. Don’t they have to do some kind of a ground study because if you’re gonna put asphalt on, you can’t put it on wet ground. So it’ll just disappear on average just be. So there is
if you look at the, quote, grade compaction, there’s the aggregate face. There’s so GPD does this all the time in different parks around? And these are all this stuff that they all have line items that they need to do to get the trail built
well, how I know the ball diamond, the baseball field has been as high as been tiled. Tiled years ago. Is it tiled where your walking path is going to be?
No, so what it’s projects in here that though and it’s wet, right, where it’s basically what
and what they take care of that all with this whole project
and that’s what I don’t see written.
I don’t see it either. That’s what Mike and I guess that’s okay. So the first part is
Yeah, I don’t, I don’t have a problem with to start the process. The only thing like I say my my biggest concern always has been is it’s just our park is a swamp. And, you know, every good road starts with a ditch. So then they it isn’t mentioned on there. And that’s what, that’s what my questions,
what is mobilizations? What’s $10,000
for them to get their equipment here? That’s their fuel surcharge. That’s
And that ridiculous, so I’m manually worked with Todd lamb who is out of Charlottesville, and he did half of theirs. I, I guess Tony, he talked to him today. He said he got the Sheila’s bow contract. So I think I don’t think it’s going to come back this high is what I’m trying to say GPD came out to the park they looked around and they plug this in for us for free. But they weren’t high and I just don’t think it’s going to come back that high when we put it out for bid. Now there is all kinds of drainage back there. We have the drainage back there. Why it’s not? I mean, it’s winter
Yeah, we’re on the ball field. But the other part is
the other part is pretty dry. It’s a small
football field. But it’s a small
right now during the winter. Well, I would expect that my yards is swamped right now to you.
Yeah, but if it isn’t a dry sump or it’s a swamp
so what do we Alright, let’s go to the other end. All right, we’re saying it fair, all this was approved and blah, blah, blah, we need this. Where would this money come from from?
She has to honor
our funding after taking off and staying with Tony. So my goal. My goal time is not to spend all that money here. My goal is to do in kind to get donations to not have a $230,000 post could you somebody
was looking for the 25,000 You got a grant for Yeah, that’s what I was looking for. 25 that’s art that’s
but we don’t even have to take it out art if if I got someone to donate the gravel at 56,000 There you go. That’s our portion of it. She wants to try to work with
both but I guess my only concern if it was only going to cost us money at 25 grand and we can do everything else is the drain each problem. We get knock this down and cover the cost of the drainage. So saying again, you said this is a real high quote. So if somebody comes in and says well, we can do it for 20,000 less well there’s 20,000 to do your drain. So
I did I told you guys I pulled soil water out and I know Jeff disagrees with us but he says what what out there like the it’s like this back there like I make it to that stuff that now if you want to pay a contractor to do that, we’d have to get a quote. But for as much as they charge to do a football field, I’m definitely worried about that quote. And we’ll, we’ll a contractor really? I mean, I would think he would go back there and be like, Oh, this is what we have to do this before this trail down and put it in the quote. I would certainly Oh,
they did here, though.
Correct. But they also put demolition and clearing which we don’t
say there’s so much money on here. That’s right, make any sense?
Because he took his template, his spreadsheet and plugged in our, our length. And set here is your your free, quote, to get you moving in the right direction.
And I just want to make sure when we do something, it’s done. Right. Correct.
And I do too. But in order to get us moving into the to even apply ahead, have this? Oh, that’s fine. The other thing that I will need, if you guys do want to pull us forward is a community meeting. And we could do it in the parks committee meeting if if the parks committee would allow us and to see how they feel about it. Or I can well, I’d like to do that. Anyways, if you guys, let me move this forward, if not, I also would like to do maybe a survey on Facebook or something that we can get out to the people to say, how do you guys feel about this? Do you want this? Because I’m assuming people want it. But that doesn’t mean people want it? You know what I mean?
I remember, I think it was John and Jim that years ago, you sent out a questionnaire what people wanted at the park, right? Yes. And that’s probably not the same as it is nowadays. You know, that was many, many years ago. But I didn’t know I’m on either. I’d love to park I’d love to have it all. Just go to figure out do it the right way. That’s all. And I’m glad you told me this was super high. Because I can see. I mean, if you got a local guy, like Mr. Lam, there’s no way he’s going to charge you $10,000 to go six miles with his equipment. Right? I’d be shocked if he would do that.
I mean, there’s a lot of stuff in here. Like other sign.
Okay, so
I’ll make a motion for you to do your research work
now second Yeah, yes.
Yes, yes. You said yes.
Yes. Get this older alright.
rental house
what are we doing? So the back and the first thing is the back steps. And I have to say sometimes, I just lost my paper I found all right. I haven’t done anything with it when the winter came, and nobody said they wanted it. So other than the one quote I got that you guys didn’t like it. So rental agreement.
So I did call Brad on this one. And he did say if we go over and decide like what changes we want to make, and he would take another look at it. And so here’s my thoughts and you guys tell me if I’m like crazy or not. So we have terms of lease in here. And the lease is 12 months. But this was signed in 2015. I think they need to sign it every year. I did find some wording on a different lease that said if they do not sign the yearly lease, they can go month month but it’s 30 extra dollars. So that kind of protects both of us like it allows them to pay monthly to get out of their lease. But it also helps us to know that they’re not going to sign a lease. So it’s a minimal amount. Something to think about I also think that three warm blooded animals are is a lot when you’re ready. I would like to change that to one. I don’t know what they have right now. Pets
paid paid extra at that point in time.
So they would be grandfathered in obviously, I, I know I have lots of pets, that’s caused a lot of damage. Again, a lot of the leases that I looked at a lot of one other couple of things
we, I would like to spell out exactly what we’re responsible for what they’re responsible for. So it does stay in here that they’re responsible to put salt in the water softener. But things that come to my mind, light bulbs, furnace filters, like who’s responsible for that, like, do we don’t have in here and I think we should, that we’re going to service the furnace every year. That kind of stuff needs to be kept up to date. And I think that all that should be spelled out in here. So the thing No, and, and we also know that, hey, it’s been a year, we need to go check all this stuff. The other thing is, Tony did mention that someone was living in the basement. There’s only three people on this lease, or four people to it looks like two kids, and then the couple. So if someone’s living in the basement, we probably do an air quality test, make sure there’s not radon mold or anything else down there. And it’s safe for them to live down there. I’m not sure that when the lease was signed that they thought people would be living in the basement. And in fact one that would actually did come from Brett to about the air quality stuff.
When I hear basement, I don’t think about mold or air quality. But I do think about egress,
there is egress in there to places
about one upstairs
in the basement, wherever areas there’s two
so you can go up the stairs and out or you can go out the basement door. Yeah, I yeah, I checked on that also.
As far as your pet issue. I see nothing wrong with somebody having a three pets. Because if there’s damage done in the house, you can always keep their security deposit. And as probably security pilot same as the rent. It’s $800. Yeah, so that’s that cover a lot.
It doesn’t cover carpet cleaning. It does. Well it will cover cleaning but it does not cover replacement carpet. I
heard that carpet is not the best right?
To make sure like I don’t want to be a slumlord. We need to make sure like it does that carpentry replace how
I’ve ever been in the house.
I don’t know. Like how long has it been? It probably does need to be replaced. Yeah, if you’re me, if you want to have more pets, I just know that they do cause damage. So
okay, I don’t have a problem with your your changes. You mentioned you want it signed every year,
which I understand that should be done. So I just an oversight.
The it’s my understanding the four people that are on the lease are the ones that are living in there that there’s only four
no boyfriend living there. I
thought that was awful understanding of living.
But we can’t really govern that very much very well. Like, but if he’s what he should be released to you, I think,
yeah, I don’t. I thought that so I should move back. But that’s somebody else’s business. Okay, so. So do you. You talked about that? And then what other changes did you want?
We need to make little section like who’s responsible for things like like bald furnace filters? The water softener? Salt is in here. Yeah. Which is good. So we could add it to that section. But who should be responsible for that part? I’m looking, I can go either way. How do you feel about that?
Well, I’m thinking if I’m living in a house and the light bulb burns out, I’m not going to call the township to replace them. I think they’ll kind of furnace builders. What are they three bucks? You think they change them on a regular basis themselves? Maybe they don’t, you’re gonna
have a service once a year that they’re responsible for.
Yeah. 90 do that if you want to be a nice runner and give them a stack of filters and just let them change it on your own.
And I don’t know how often In water softeners have to be
every six weeks we put salt in or
did you do any maintenance on it never
was in the business for values that depends on the water supply and the consumption. Or the people in more water use the water service he
got we haven’t had anybody out for three years.
And if that water is anything like the water we have here, we’re lucky this software’s lasts more than four years.
Alright, so make your make your changes
and bring it back or send it to Brett. Well
you got a lot of little things they’re
not like major I just I mean, well the signing
of the leases
almost almost forgetting just like
you guys are getting carried away. Except for I’ve already messed it up. I can’t find it here. Got a good one. She’s got to get on that plane here in a minute.
Before you move on robot for matter of him wanting to suspend paying of the rent. As was discussed in the last meeting, he paid it. Yeah, he paid. He paid. Charlotte he has been paying.
Yeah, yep.
Yep, they had the board had said no, that they weren’t gonna let him slide. So called them and told them any favor. I guess that’s where that is. All right. So the wind solar farm is going into the they call it the LEAP program, which is the Land Conservancy, Conservancy, from the Department of Agriculture and all this other stuff. So it’s like
that they’re, they’re not going to use their land anymore,
that they’re gonna this, this one is that it’ll always be open space. Okay. So they need a resolution from the township that the township supports the natural area land conservancies application to our Department of Agriculture. local agricultural easement program. That’s what they call 770
I make the motion to accept second. Now, yes. And I will sign off, so
I know that that was in but can I have one more thing? Okay. It’d be quick, I promise. I promise. It’s really quick. Okay, so I was contacted right before our meeting by Lisa masters from your school softball. They would like our park on 705 days a week for both their Garrett’s vote. Our school district, softball and baseball, they are going to work together and use our park five days a week, which I love. Which park 7700 Yeah, the school. It’s not the school. It’s because it’s the eighth grade and below. So you don’t play softball or baseball for the school until you hit ninth grade. So this is just the Garrett’s for the league. It’s our school district. Thank you. Yeah. So so they would like to have it five days a week. And then the other thing I’m wondering is to hear you say in the past that we had material donated for the infield. Do we ever can we do that again to get them up and running? Like who donated that?
Yeah, came from DMK materials, but I’m sure somebody can call that was just wearing worked at the Broncos lakeside. They all know the answer.
They have permission to contact them and see if I can get them to donate some money and
see if they say yes or no.
Do you guys have a preference of whoever tried first
whoever says yes. Okay.
And it remember last time we talked about the field being used or going to put up a schedule like oh, they made a schedule on the field just so people know when they’re hurting. Okay
anything else? Surely I’ll make a motion to adjourn.
Yes, surely. Yes. Yes. We talked about