Documenters: Brimfield Township Trustees meeting for March 6, 2024

Brimfield Township Trustees
March 6, 2024
8 AM


Mike Kostensky Chair
Sue Fields Vice Chair
Nic Coia Trustee
Roy Mosley III Police Chief
Michael Hlad Zoning
Holly Woods Admin
Craig Mullaly Fire Chief
Dave Rufener Roads
Cassie Weyer Parks and Rec
Joe Jamison IT

Documenter’s Notes

Chairperson Kostensky called the meeting to order. The Pledge and a moment of silence followed. Minutes from February 2, 2024 and the morning’s agenda were accepted into record, both with minor modification. Purchase orders and warrants were approved for payment. Kostensky opened the floor for public comment, and several citizens responded.

Public Comment

Kevin Sally returned to update the trustees on his neighborhood nuisance. The long term campers have vacated the premises but an RV has been added to the blighted property. Sally believes it is being prepared for illegal occupancy. Recent undisclosed legal charges against the offending party had been dismissed. Per Zoning Director Michael Hlad, the property owner in question has obtained a demolition permit for the burned out house.

Joseph Menendez of Joe’s Barbecue rose to oppose the language of a zoning amendment to be voted on later in the meeting. Menendez stated that his business would not exist if “No temporary use permit shall be issued for a vacant lot,” had been in the code book in 2016 when his business began.

Dr. James McKee spoke in opposition to a separate zoning amendment that would increase current height restrictions from 40 to 60 feet in specified districts. McKee said the township only has a 24 foot ladder truck. Hlad noted the mutual aid agreement with surrounding communities Kent, Tallmadge, and Rootstown that have ladder trucks tall enough to accommodate a fifth floor outside rescue.

Bill Anderson, a zoning board member attending in an unofficial capacity, spoke in rebuttal to McKee’s complaint. Anderson said, after three months of research, he believed safety was not an issue, claiming any building of the proposed size would be equipped with public water, fire suppression, heat sensors, and smoke detectors.

Fire Chief Craig Mullaly weighed in confirming that Brimfield Fire Department has a 24 foot ladder truck that can perform outside rescue up to the third floor.

Police Chief Mosley reported that the department had received two 2024 cruisers from Park Ford. They are currently being outfitted by All-Purpose Safety and the chief expects them to be available by April. Mosley sought board approval to enter into a communications contract with Kent State University. The trustees voted to approve the $75,642 expenditure. The board also accepted an Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services Body Worn Camera Grant for electronic storage.

Fire Department

Three new firefighters graduated EMT-B school, according to Chief Mullaly. The group will begin paramedic school in the summer. The department will receive a paramedic refresher course over the next three weeks. Mullaly has begun gathering quotes for a new ambulance; there is currently a lead time of 18-36 months on ambulance builds. The punch list at the new fire station is approximately 50% complete. The department is grateful for the new building and is settling in.


Administrator Holly Woods plans to finalize, re-review, and issue an updated Employee Handbook by June 2024. There was discussion about the township’s electronic sign. Woods is working on a consistent vacation policy for non-union township employees. The board authorized the acceptance of a cul-de-sac property currently owned by ODOT. The township had already been maintaining the road. Woods was also granted approval to engage with Marsh McLennan, a healthcare broker.

Zoning/Economic Development

East Manufacturing of Randolph is expanding into an existing building on Karg Industrial Parkway, reported zoning director Michael Hlad. Hlad reported that he had brokered a deal with Dunkin Donuts the previous night, which will be located across from Aldi.

The trustees were then presented with five separate amendments from the zoning commission:

  1. After nearly fifteen minutes of debate, the trustees tabled the change of height from 40 to 60 feet. Several ideas were discussed, including conditional approval contingent on fire department approval.
  2. 16 parcels along Mogadore and Sunnybrook Roads were rezoned from Residential- Office to Residential.
  3. 13 parcels along Tallmadge Road at the Maplecrest Parkway subdivision were rezoned from General-Commercial to Integrated Commercial. This eliminates the General- Commercial and Residential-Office designations from the township zoning.
  4. The board established a Parks and Recreation District designation in the township. During this discussion, Hlad noted that 30% of Brimfield’s properties were zoned for agriculture, exceeding the total from 40 years ago.
  5. A zoning text amendment was changed to add: “540.00 Temporary Use Permit to add: D. No Temporary Use Permit shall be issued for a vacant lot. Trustee Coia cast a dissenting vote.


Pick up truck #30 is back in use; dump truck #25 is down for repairs, according to superintendent Rufener. His crew had recently salted, cold-packed some potholes, cut a few downed trees, and began to work on paving. The trustees approved hiring QCI as inspectors for the Cline Road Culvert Project at a cost of $14,407.14.

Parks and Rec

Director Weyer reported hosting six programs and one outreach event for a total of 73 engagements. Playground repairs were made, and mulch was ordered. The board approved a recommendation from Oak Group to accept a bid for the parking lot improvement project at Town Center Fields. Mc B paving will complete the $108,979 project. The department setup a Parks Program Hotline 844-BTPRFUN (844-287-7386). Finally, the board approved a $6500 contract with American Fireworks for Brimfest.


Director Joe Jamison reported a network upgrade for the Police Department.


Trustee Fields is working on arrangements for the Memorial Day events at Restland Cemetery. A bugle with Taps preloaded has been donated to the township in the event that a bugler is unavailable.

Fiscal Office

Holly Woods was appointed to the Kent JEDD Board, replacing Chief Craig Mullaly. Cell Tower Usage Access responsibilities were officially assigned to the current IT director. Previous language identified an individual by name. The trustees approved Permanent 2024 appropriations.

The meeting adjourned at 10:13 a.m.

Ryan Lind
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