County road resurfacing projects continue through October

The second part of the county’s 2024 road resurfacing program is underway.

The county engineer’s office will resurface four miles of county roads in Atwater, Edinburg, Randolph and Rootstown townships and will repair pavement on more than 5.5 miles of road in Brimfield, Ravenna and Rootstown townships.

Resurfacing work will be completed on Industry Road from Taylor Road to Tallmadge Road and on Atwater Avenue from German Church Road to Route 183. Partial depth repairs will be completed on Peck Road from Route 59 to Route 88, Prospect Street from Pershing Avenue to Ravenna city limits, and Tallmadge Road from Tallmadge city limits to Route 43.

Industry Road and Atwater Avenue will receive treated berms and new center and edge line striping. Peck Road, Prospect Street and Tallmadge Road will be milled and paved in selected areas to extend the life of the pavement.

Portage County Commissioners awarded the $708,743 contract on Oct. 3 to Cardinal Asphalt Co. of Cuyahoga Falls. Work is ongoing and is expected to be complete by the end of the month. Motorists can expect delays while the contractor’s paving operations are active.

Partially funding the work is a $152,000 grant from the Ohio Public Works Commission. The remainder of the cost will be drawn from the county engineer’s budget, which is mostly composed of license plate fees and gas tax revenues.

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Wendy DiAlesandro is a former Record Publishing Co. reporter and contributing writer for The Portager.