I thought I was ready for Christmas this year. That's quite different than pretty much ever before. I'm usually scrambling to do something. This year, Dave and I had a lot of luck with our shopping. I was very happy with the gifts we were about to give. I couldn't wait to get the decorations up so we could wrap everything and put it under the tree. The polar opposite of me every other year in recent memory.
I thought when we replaced our little 2007 Jeep Liberty with a 2010 Ford Escape four years ago that we were done buying cars. We paid off the Escape last January. No more car payments, and I thought this should last me as long as I plan on being out in the working world. But a 15-year-old car is bound to start showing its age, especially with almost 185,000 miles on it.
As a general rule, I don't get sick. I have allergies and asthma, but do OK on over the counter medications. I think being on those continuously keeps me from catching every little bug that comes down the pike.
Dave and I finally paid off our mortgage after 28 years. Yay! And promptly went into debt with new windows, roof and siding. Yay? Yes, yay! We’re really planning for light bills of about half what we’re used to. Aesthetically, our house has much more curb appeal now. That’s been a long time coming.
Since my beloved elliptical died, I've gone through various pieces of exercise equipment with varying degrees of success. Most have been very limited amounts of success. I tried to keep my elliptical functioning, but literally the wheels were falling off. Eventually, I had to admit it was just scrap metal and out it went from my exercise space in our football room.
Finances caused Dave and me to severely limit our yard sale excursions last summer. Not so this year, although we are a bit pickier and not just hitting every single one that pops up. We especially like church/school rummage sales. Many have gone to the bag system — they give you a bag and charge $3-5 for anything you can cram in it.
Our Beagle Boy Cletus had a vet appointment coming up and for once I was kind of excited about it. For the past several visits, we were told he had gained weight and the doctor was unhappy — with us. Us — because Dave and I have the power to control Cletus' eating habits. Or so you'd think.
It was just a typical Tuesday, or so I thought. I got home from work, put dinner on the table and made out my list of things to do.
So we had a mouse in our house. I can't stand it. I'm deathly afraid of mice. Horrified, mortified. That old line about they're more afraid of you than you are of them is a just a load of hooey. For the most part, seeing a mouse isn't how you know you have one.
Our Beagle Boy Cletus turned 11 in October and has been with us for eight years now. And he seems to be channeling the ghost of our boy Duke more and more all the time. The two boys never met, Dukie died about six months before Cletus came to live with us.
It started out like any other Friday morning. The clock went off, I hit the snooze button until it was time I had to get up and off we went. Sort of. I checked to make sure the alarm was actually off so it didn’t scare the bejeezus out of our Beagle Boy Cletus if it went off and the lights were off on the clock.
The mattress on our bed is from the turn of the century — we got it in 2000. A king-size pillow top for our California King waterbed frame. We’d have still been using our full-wave waterbed if it hadn’t been for moving into a house that was built close to the turn of the last century.