Gather the threads of your life and stitch them into joy! Jody Houghton Twice a month, the Country Piecemakers Guild...
In September, 88 people trekked through the fields of the Barton Family Farm to participate in the Haymaker Harvest dinner. Susan White, Randolph township trustee was one of the sponsors and attendees of this event.
Thanks to the foresight and vision of Ken Riley, a Waterloo science teacher, and the support of Mike Lanham, a member of the Waterloo grounds crew, there are extensive hiking trails that meander through meadows and forests behind the elementary school.
Let’s give thanks to the individuals and organizations who have donated their time/money to make the 2024 Randolph County Fair a success.
This is the first Around Randolph column in The Portager. Columnist Sandy Engle is a retired school psychologist. She has been a flower essence practitioner and flower essence producer for over 25 years. During her free time, she enjoys gardening, hiking, traveling with her husband Newt, and playing with her four grandchildren.