A 57-year-old man died alone in his home sometime around 1:45 a.m. Thursday after a fire tore through the house on Gaynelle Avenue in Streetsboro, the fire department said.
Streetsboro firefighters presented Community Safety Award certificates to nine staff members at the city’s Gardens at Liberty Park assisted living facility Wednesday.
Lynda is a football mother who is about to send her son to one of the nation's blue-blood collegiate programs, the end of a lengthy and trying process for a player who was recruited by schools all over the country. Here is her story, in her own words.
Sticker shock in Streetsboro didn't stop city leaders from voting unanimously Monday to give $49,990 to The Thrasher Group, a West Virginia project management firm, to prepare a construction and design plan for a 1,200-capacity outdoor amphitheater.
Urban chickens would be legal in Streetsboro under a new ordinance moving through city council, which heard the first of three required readers before the proposal becomes law.
The Portage County District Library will again ask for help from taxpayers after at least a dozen previous levy attempts have failed at the ballot box, leaving the district as the third-worst funded library in the state. Last week, county commissioners approved the library's request to place a 1 mill levy on the Nov. 2 ballot.
Portage County’s Board of Commissioners learned in February that the federal government was cutting SNAP’s Emergency Allotment program at the end of the month. Appalled, they took matters into their own hands.
Recent customers at Streetsboro’s Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen may be due some pocket change.
A Ravenna Business Roundtable featuring state Rep. Gail Pavliga will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, April 13 at Riddle Block 9 Airbnb at 215 S. Chestnut St. There will be discussions and insight. Pavliga wants to hear from you! Light refreshments will be available. To pre-register, email [email protected].
City council approved a conditional zoning certificate allowing the possibility of The Church in Aurora having a preschool, possibly starting this fall.
Aurora The annual Aurora holiday tree lighting festival will be at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 30 in the center of...
Aurora City Council is receiving a $500,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources toward the first segment of the hike-and-bike trail that is being built. The trail, which will be called the Aurora Trail, will run along the railroad right-of-way that runs through town.