Boykin steps down after 31 years on Kent school board

Brian Boykin has resigned after three decades as a member of the Kent City Schools Board of Education effective Jan. 31. The school board accepted Boykin’s resignation at its Jan. 14 meeting.

Brian Boykin

Boykin served a total of 31 years on the school board, including as president eight of those years.

“I have enjoyed serving with my colleagues and the Central Office; it has been a great opportunity for me,” said Boykin, a 1980 Kent Roosevelt graduate and lifelong resident of Kent. “I’m so grateful that we have great leadership in our community. It has been an honor to be elected by the community over the years.”

Boykin’s resignation from the school board follows his December 2024 retirement from the Portage County Department of Job and Family Services, where he served as assistant director.

The board of education issued a proclamation honoring Boykin’s service, dedication and leadership, while Kent City Schools Superintendent Tom Larkin expressed his gratitude as well. “On behalf of the entire community, I can’t thank you enough for your commitment and passion to our kids, families, schools and our city,” Larkin said. “We wish you nothing but life’s best.”

The school board is now seeking applicants to fill Boykin’s open seat. Online applications are available on the school district’s website under the Board of Education tab, while hard-copy applications can be picked up from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Kent City Schools Board of Education office at 321 N. DePeyster St.

Completed applications must be returned in person to the board of education office by 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered by the board.

Each interested applicant is expected to attend a special board of education meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11 at the board office, at which time the board will conduct public interviews with each applicant.

The Kent City Board of Education will make an appointment to the school board no later than Tuesday, Feb. 25.

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Tom Hardesty is a Portager sports columnist. He was formerly assistant sports editor at the Record-Courier and author of the book Glimpses of Heaven.