Around Windham: Windham Cemetery history, summer programs and more events in Windham coming up

If you would like to learn about your town or township, try going to a meeting of the Historical Society. This week they are discussing the Windham Cemetery. The meeting is today at 1 p.m. at the Renaissance Family Center on Wil-Verne. Meetings are open to all. There is no need to be a member. All are welcome. The August meeting will be a discussion of the Maple Grove Shopping Center. 

Girls on the Run Program is coming to Windham at the Renaissance Family Center this fall. In Windham it will be open in grades three and four. It is a program for all abilities where all girls will feel accepted, motivated and inspired. 

The organization describes its mission as follows: “We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.” It further describes a vision: “We envision a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.”

Registration starts Aug. 22. The program starts Sept. 11 and lasts for 10 weeks. Meetings are twice a week.

Coaches are needed to help with this program. No running experience is needed. It would involve a couple hours a week. Program Director is Tricia Miller. She may be contacted at [email protected].

The Windham Fire District hosted the Ohio State Fire Marshal’s mobile emergency vehicle driving simulator. Personnel from our department and others took part in three-hour Safe Operation of Emergency Vehicles plus some time using the simulator.  It is great they are taking advantage of such training opportunities. I appreciate how skilled our squad members are. They have taken great care of me several times.

Remember that the CAC Summer Lunch Program at RFC serves free lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The free lunches are available for any child 1 to 18 years old. No registration is necessary.

George Belden has finished writing his next book, “The Windham Bombers Volume 2.” He is looking for good quality team pictures of the following teams:

1965 Basketball (Bob Jordan was coach)
2001 and 2002 Baseball (Jerry Kiser)
1974-75 Basketball (Marty Hill)
1978 Basketball (Marty Hill)
1984, 1985 or 1986 Football (Jim Burner, Glenn Pesicek)
1980-81 Girls Basketball (Ted McDivitt)
1972, ‘73 or ‘74 Basketball (Ron Kamada). 

He does a great job with writing about Windham Sports. Please help him, if you can.

The Windham Friday Club’s June meeting was at the home of Lynnea St. John with Helena Belden as co-hostess. Highlights of the meeting included a backyard garden tour, a delicious lunch and a program about the origins and evolution of Flag Day. Members were sent home with a bag of chocolate chip cookies made by Kelly Curtis. The July meeting will at the home of Mary Ann Belden.

Windham National Night Out will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Aug. 1 at the Windham Community Center. It is an event by the Windham Village Police Department and the Windham Joint Fire Department. It sounds like a really fun event. There will be food, a dunk tank, a bounce house, face painting, emergency vehicles, plenty of other kid-friendly activities, plus a 50/50 raffle.

National Night Out is a program that helps community members get better acquainted with each other and with both the Police and Fire Department members. It helps those departments get better acquainted with their community. Thanks for bringing this worthwhile program to our community.

Remember the Lions Club’s wonderful Steak or Sausage sandwiches will be available on Aug. 4 and 5. The sandwiches are only $6 each, which is a bargain! You have the opportunity to get a great sandwich and at the same time support a great group that does many beneficial projects for our community.

Remember they are still collecting plastic for bench number six! Thin plastic is collected on the same Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon — all of this is in the parking lot on East Center Street near Circle K.

Windham Branch of the Portage County District Library is having an art event called Program Dynamic Art Duo. This will take place on July 22 at 2 p.m. For more information, contact Annie or visit: https://events

Interesting Tidbits 

Miller Sand and Gravel is 75 years old.

July 30: The Congregational United Church had its first service here 212 years ago.

The barn at my farm is 209 years old and was the first frame barn in Windham Township.

Please help this column by letting me know what will be happening in the Village and Township.
Windham is a great community that many overlook. Let’s show the area how fantastic it is!

Contact Ann Taft at 330-259-5596 with your Windham news.

Ann Taft
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