Every moment is a fresh beginning. – T.S. Eliot
This year, several friends have decided to focus on words like “rejoice,” “beauty” and “awe” instead of making New Year’s resolutions. So, instead of shaming themselves for not keeping New Year’s goals during challenging times, they are choosing to shift their thoughts to an attribute that is uplifting.
From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 22, there will be a “Spring into Health” event at the Randolph Community Center. This free-to-the-public event has been organized by Randolph citizens to promote the health and well-being of farmers and gardeners.
The final drawings for the restrooms and pavilion for Mila’s Hope & Rowyn’s Dream Playground have been approved.
Recently, pickup trucks turfed and destroyed the walking trail at Old School Park, so therefore the hiking trails at Old School Park and Mila’s Hope & Rowyn’s Dream Playground will be closed for the winter. If anyone has knowledge regarding the destruction of this public property, please contact the Portage County Sheriff’s Department.
Soon, two of our parks will be a bit safer. An AED (defibrillator used for people whose heart has stopped) will be installed at Moyer Fields on Waterloo Road and Mila’s Hope & Rowyn’s Dream Playground on Route 44.
From now on, all township trustee meetings will be held at the Randolph Senior Center, which has better acoustics.
– Jan. 23, 6 p.m.: Randolph Senior Center
– Feb. 13, 6 p.m.: Randolph Senior Center
– Feb. 27, 6 p.m.: Randolph Senior Center
– The Friends of the Library will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 20 at the Randolph Community Center.
– The Friends of the Library Book Sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 14-15 at the Randolph Community Center.
– The Senior Luncheon will take place at noon Feb. 10 at the Randolph Senior Center. Bring your own table service, dish to share and $2 to cover the cost of Bob’s chicken. One of our elected officials will share local happenings.
– Randolph Lions Club, 7 p.m. Jan 21 at the Randolph Senior Center. Please deposit your clean plastic bags and old eyeglasses in the appropriate containers in the driveway just east of the East Manufacturing driveway on Waterloo Road.
– If you want to shed extra holiday pounds, visit Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) at the Randolph Methodist Church on Waterloo Road. TOPS meets at 5:30 p.m. every Monday to weigh in, and the meeting starts at 6 p.m. This program only costs $5 a month.
– Jan. 21, 2-3 p.m.: Indoor Field Day for tweens/kids. Have fun playing a variety of side games, board games, relay races & more
– Jan. 21, 4-5:30 p.m.: Bingo for adults. Will you win the grand prize?
– Jan. 22, 11 a.m.-noon: Winter Story Time for kids
– Jan. 23, 3-4 p.m.: Build your own board game
– Jan. 27, 3-4 p.m.: Paw Patrol & Blippi fun day for kids
– Jan. 29, 11 a.m.-noon: Winter Story Time for kids
– Jan. 29, 4-5 p.m.: Chinese New Year Bingo for kids/tweens
– Feb. 4, 4-5 p.m.: Chess for kids
– Feb. 4, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Randolph True Crime Club. Discuss the Valentine’s Day murders.
– Feb. 5, 11 a.m.-noon: Winter Story Time for kids
– Feb. 6, 4-6 p.m.: Toy Bingo for kids
– Feb. 7, 4-5 p.m.: Tech Help from Teens
– Feb. 8, 3-4 p.m.: Heart Slime program. Celebrate Valentine’s Day by making a bag of heart slime.
– Feb. 11, 5:30-7 p.m.: Randolph Book Club. Join us for a lively discussion of “The Lost Girls of Paris.” Copies of this book are available at the circulation desk.
– Feb. 12, 11 a.m.-noon: Winter Story Time for kids
– Feb. 13, 1-2 p.m.: Homeschool Group
– Feb. 13, 4-5 p.m.: Teen Book Club
– Feb. 14, 4-5 p.m.: Valentine’s Day Bingo for tweens and teens
– Feb. 17, 4-5 p.m.: Lego free build for tweens and kids
– Feb. 18, 2-3 p.m.: Indoor Field Day
Eleven years ago, my husband and I drove 14 hours to attend a Sunday school lesson taught by President Carter. Salmon gladiolus adorned the pulpit. Sensing a different hue would be more beneficial for him, I sent a prayer of love-filled pink gladiolus to the president. Immediately, the person seated in front of me, Rosalynn Carter, turned around and gave me a radiant grin. Having this momentary eye-to-eye contact with Rosalynn, my heart opened even wider for all Jimmy and Rosalynn have done for humanity. During his Sunday school lesson, President Carter said it was Rosalynn’s 86th birthday and he declared his love and appreciation for her. Then he shared tidbits of wisdom he had learned from his dear friend, Nelson Mandela. His humbleness and sincerity to help others was evident in his short and inspiring talk.
President Carter is now reunited with his soul mate of 77 years, but may we continue to show gratitude for all he has done: Because of a series of laws President Carter signed while in office, today the energy efficiency standards of over 90 household appliances are significantly increased. As president, he promptly relocated 900 Love Canal residents who were suffering health effects due to their community being built on a toxic dump. During his term, he ushered in the identification and clean-up of toxic Superfund sites across the nation, including a site less than 10 miles away from Randolph. Thank you President Carter and Rosalynn!
We can overcome many global problems and build a better world if we all work together as a community.
Wherever life takes us, there are always moments of wonder.
– President Jimmy Carter
If you have Randolph news or events you would like published, call or text Sandy Engle at 330-569 4801 or email [email protected]. Thanks!