Around Edinburg: Softball season incoming

Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball are currently holding registration online at until Feb. 28. The organization is for boys and girls ages 4 to 14 years old. Registration is also open to Bio-Med students who live in the Southeast school district. If you have any questions, email [email protected]; coaching discounts are available.

Coming up in February is the Southeast Music Boosters’ Night at the Races. The event will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8 at Deerfield Town Hall. All proceeds will benefit the music students’ Dollywood trip to showcase the talented Southeast High School band. Ticket costs are as follows: $40 per couple or $45 for couples tickets with the purchase of a horse; $25 for single ticket or $30 for single ticket with the purchase of a horse. Tickets are available now through Visit the Southeast Music Boosters’ Facebook page for a direct link.

The Edinburg Ohio Historical Society meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12 at Edinburg Town Hall. The town hall is located at 6856 Tallmadge Rd.

The Southeast Portage County Lions Club is currently holding a fundraiser that will give participants the chance to win $250 for meat at Polen Meats. Tickets are $10 each, and only 100 will be sold. The drawing will be held on Valentine’s Day, and you can purchase tickets from any member.

My daughter, Hannah Klein, recently had the opportunity to try out for the Team USA bowling team in Reno, Nev. Although she did not make the team this year, she had a great experience and looks forward to trying out again. The competition consisted of five days of bowling against 100 of the best female bowlers in the country.

Don’t forget to send information to my email at [email protected] by the second Wednesday of the month to be included in the column and thank you.

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