Charlestown Historical Society recently received a donation of a pot bellied stove, found in the old Charlestown school that was located where the township park is now.
Dan Hearrell, Jr. contacted the society saying his father, the late Dan Hearrell Sr., had acquired the stove while the demolition of the old Charlestown school was taking place. He wanted to know if they were interest in saving this piece of history. Mr. Hearrell, Jr. didn’t have much information on it but, taking into consideration the stove’s size and approximate age, it was thought to have been taken from one of the one room school houses in Charlestown and placed in the then “new” school.

After the historical society decided they wanted it, the hard part was how to get it to the town hall where all of the artifacts are stored. Complicating the move was the fact that it was being stored in the attic of a garage in Ravenna and it is very heavy. Dick Pahls took on the job of orchestrating the move. In need of some strong helpers, he decided to ask the fire department if some were willing to help out. They generously volunteered, and the date was set for one of the department meeting nights.

Accompanied by Rick Burt, Dick and the firefighters were able to take the cast iron stove apart and lower it out of the top of the garage onto Dick’s truck. Dick took it home where he cleaned it up and painted it. Then, the firefighters helped carry it upstairs in the town hall and reassemble it.
A big thank you to those who generously volunteered their time and energy: Cameron Cline, Kallen Kurtz, Clifford Hoffman, Kyle Bruce, Ed Harrison, Zane Thomas and Lt. Clint Marsh. Thanks also to Chief Randy Porter whose always willing to have his department help out the community.
The Portage County District Library has a new Bookmobile, and Charlestown is happy to announce that it will make its first stop at the Charlestown Town Hall on Monday, Sept. 30 at 10 a.m. There will be a family story time for children five and under, and it will remain there until 11:30 a.m. Children will be given a craft kit to take home. The Bookmobile will return every Monday at 10 a.m.
If you don’t have a Portage County District Library card, don’t worry. Reed Memorial and Kent Free Library cards are accepted or you can apply for a library card that day. You may also register to vote, use one of two laptop computers or acquire the use of a WiFi hot spot for two weeks. While the Bookmobile will only stock children’s books at first, adults may request specific titles and they will bring them the following week.
Courtney Caldwell is the Children’s Outreach librarian and can be reached at 330-527-5082 XT 221 for any questions. This is a wonderful service to the community! I hope many will take advantage of this opportunity.
Charlestown United Methodist Church is hosting a Fall Fling on Saturday, Oct. 5 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Located at 6408 Rock Spring Road, there will be hot dogs, a caramel apple bar, games, a craft table and a hay ride! Bring a chair and sit around the fire pit. This free event will be fun for your entire family and all are welcome. In case of rain, we will move the event inside.
Charlestown will celebrate Halloween with Trunk or Treat on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 2-4 p.m. at the township park located at 6477 Rock Spring Rd. Residents are asked to decorate their vehicles and pass out candy. Decorations are not required, but there will be a prize for the best decorated trunk. Cars may begin to arrive at 1 p.m. to have time to decorate and be in place by 2 p.m. Everyone attending may enjoy free hot dogs, chips and beverages. Don’t miss The BOO! Walk where friendly costumed characters will pass out candy and small gifts. There will also be a special photo op that will be fun for the whole family. This event goes on rain or shine.