Charlestown will observe Memorial Day on Sunday, May 26 with the annual parade and service at the cemetery.
The parade steps off at 11 a.m. from the township park and proceeds to the cemetery. Spectators may park at Town Hall or at the Charlestown United Methodist Church (front and back lots). There will be free doughnuts and coffee near Town Hall provided by the church.
The service at the cemetery is solemn and meaningful, honoring those who have served our country and have passed on. We are honored to have veteran Chris Miller as our speaker at the cemetery service.
Anyone can participate in the parade by registering that day at 10:15 a.m. at the township park. Cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles and bikes are welcome. Scouts, sports teams and even families can enter a float. Decorations should be patriotic, and no politicking is allowed. There will be a bike-decorating contest for kids, with prizes awarded. Call 330-281-3723 with any questions.
The date that has been set for the Annual Charlestown Yard Sale Day is Saturday, June 22, with sales open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. So start pulling out all that stuff cluttering up your closets and garages.
You may choose to open your sale on Friday or Sunday if you like; however, we have found that some people are unable to participate on those days. Therefore, the activity committee chose to designate the June 22 as the main date in order to give shoppers more sales to visit. Please register your sale at [email protected] or 330-281-3723 by June 15. Leave your name, address and phone number.
Each participant will receive a balloon to tie on their mailbox, and maps of the sales will be provided for you to hand out to customers. If you have any questions, email or text using the contact information found below. Remember, your trash could be someone else’s treasure!
Please send any news to me at [email protected] or text at 330-281-3723.