Around Brimfield: Spread some love this Valentine’s Day, plus news from Brimfield Lions and more

Generally speaking, February tends to be a dismal month weatherwise, so isn’t it wonderful that someone thought to put Valentines Day smack in the middle of February!

According to Gary Chapman, who wrote the book “The Five Love Languages,” everyone has a primary “love language.” Those languages include words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. The premise of the book is that when you understand your and your companion’s primary love language, you can more effectively express heartfelt commitment.

When I read the book years ago, I couldn’t identify my dominant love language, but when one of our children woke up in the middle of the night, I discovered which one it was. The sound and smell of vomit literally makes me gag, especially when I am awakened from a sound sleep. Upon reaching the bathroom door, one of our children was in the process of vomiting profusely. The nauseating mess was all over the floor, the walls, the bathtub, the mirror, everywhere but in the toilet or wastebasket. Just as I felt myself starting to gag, I heard a kind voice behind me, “Go back to bed. I will take care of this and clean up the mess.”

That night, I discovered my dominant love language…acts of service. Nothing speaks love to me more than a sweet, good-looking man cleaning vomit so I don’t have to!

P.S.-The said child was fine and not nearly as traumatized as his mother. What is your love language? Your companions? Your children’s? If you’re not sure, I highly recommend the book.

February 14 – Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember that love is your super-power!

Brimfield Lions Club

OH Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation board member Tony DeLuke and Kent Lion Missy Harmon presenting Dee Pamer with the Journey of Hope Award

It is said that if you want something done, ask a busy person. Such a person is Dee Pamer, owner of the Window Box Florist and volunteer extraordinaire. She has been an active member of the Brimfield community for many years, and if you have attended any Brimfield community event, it is likely that Dee was involved in its success. She is especially passionate about the mission of the Brimfield Lions Club and is currently serving her fourth non-consecutive term as its president and has been a District Trustee for the Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation. The annual local STEPS walk that Dee has organized for many years has raised about $120,000 for pediatric cancer research. The Kent Lions Club recently recognized Dee’s dedication by honoring her with the prestigious Journey of Hope Award. Congratulations to Lion Dee for a well-deserved recognition, and many thanks for your years of service to the Brimfield community and beyond.

Save the date – April 12 – Night at the Races at St. Joe’s K of C Hall sponsored by Brimfield and Randolph Lions Clubs

Brimfield Township Meetings / News

On January 6, the Organizational Meeting was held. Administrative office hours were approved as Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. For 2025, Nicholas Coia will serve as Board Chairman, with Mike Kostensky as Board Vice Chairman. The Record Courier will be used as the Township public notice avenue. All Township Trustee Meetings will be held at the Administration Building (attached to the Brimfield Fire Station) at 1333 Tallmadge Rd. It was decided that evening meetings will be held once a quarter. The next few meetings are as follows.

Feb. 5, 8 a.m. – Township Trustee Meeting

Feb. 19, 8 a.m. – Township Trustee Meeting

March 5, 8 a.m. – Township Trustee Meeting

March 18, 6 p.m. – Township Trustee Meeting

At the Brimfield Township Trustee meeting on Jan. 24, 2025, trustees voted to allow temporary vendor streets in the parks districts in Brimfield Township. Currently, temporary vendors are allowed throughout the Township by permit only, however, the temporary vendor street allows the parks districts to have events with multiple temporary vendors in dedicated areas. This covers both Brimfield Township Parks District as well as the Portage Parks District.

Only two residents attended the public hearing on Dec. 16 to express their concerns regarding zoning for recreational marijuana dispensaries. Trustees decided to send the amendment for conditional use in integrated commercial zoning areas back to the zoning commission and requested a 12-month moratorium with a recommendation for new language to not allow dispensaries within the township.

The traffic light in front of the new Sheetz is now activated.

Dollar General has all necessary permits to begin building next to the Brimfield Family Restaurant on Tallmadge Rd.

Plan revisions are completed for Discount Drug Mart, so building should begin soon.

Site drawings are complete for a new retail plaza, Brimfield Crossing Plaza, which will be located on Brimfield Crossing Drive, just south of McDonald’s. The plan calls for two separate buildings, with eight units in one and six units in the other. Currently, there is no confirmation of any tenants that will be moving there.

Plastic Bag Recycling

In my January column, I reported that Cub Scout Pack 3304, in partnership with Portage County Recycling Center, collects and respectfully disposes of worn-out flags. I received a note from Cub Master Michael McCulty who shared that, in addition to collecting flags, the pack is also participating in the Trex recycling program, wherein they receive a bench made from recycled plastic for every 1,000 pounds of plastic collected. The Recycling Center is an official drop off location for plastic bags. The pack has now earned its third bench and saved over 3,000 pounds of plastic from the landfill. The benches are donated to a non-profit organization. For more information, visit the Portage County Recycling Center website at The Brimfield Lions Club also participates in the Trex Recycling program, and plastic bags can be dropped off at The Window Box Florist.

Brimfield Parks and Recreation:

Feb. 4 – Feb. 20 – 2nd Annual Bird Photo Social Media Competition voting period! Vote at Brimfield Parks and Rec’s Facebook or Instagram page for the best “Borb” (a bird shaped like an orb). Birds often become borbs when they fluff out their feathers to trap heat on cold winter days. Rules and voting information can be found at

Feb. 8, 10 a.m.-noon. – Cookies & Cards at the Brimfield Community Center – Enjoy sweet treats and decorate Valentine’s Day cards for friends, loved ones, and residents of local nursing homes. Pre-made cards can be dropped off at the Parks and Rec office by Feb. 7 or brought to the program.

Feb. 11, 10 a.m. – Chair Yoga (low impact) at the Brimfield Community Center – Join SHINE Ohio to discover the benefits of yoga. No prior experience required. This is a free program, but registration is required. Registration information can be found at SHINE Ohio is an organization located in Brimfield focused on educating and empowering people to feel their best.

Feb. 12, 6 p.m. – Rescheduled Full Moon Hike and Fire at Cranberry Creek Park, with hot chocolate and s’mores around the fire.

Feb. 13, 1 p.m. – Timeless Memories Scrapbooking at the Brimfield Branch Library – Join a Creative Memories Independent Advisor to explore Victorian and Vintage-themed embellishments and layouts. Open to all skill levels. Cost and registration information can be found at

Feb. 22, 9 a.m. – Ducks and Donuts at McGuire Park – Explore the world of ducks on this family-friendly hike, followed by donuts! Perfect for nature lovers of all ages.

Feb. 25, 3-4 p.m. – Burrow Buddies for Tots at the Brimfield Branch Library – Explore the remarkable world of groundhogs through interactive sensory activities. Recommended for children ages 1-3.

Feb. 25, 5-6 p.m. – Burrow Buddies for Children at the Brimfield Branch Library – Explore the fascinating world of groundhogs. Recommended for children ages 4-8.

German Family Society

This is a celebratory year for the German Family Society, as it marks their 70th anniversary and the 50th year for their soccer program.

Feb. 21, 5:30-11 p.m. – Beer & Brat, Fish Fry – A casual, family friendly event with homemade German food and pastries. The kitchen will be open until 8:30 p.m. and the bar until 11 p.m. Free entry. 3871 Ranfield Rd., Brimfield.

Brimfield Historical Society

The Kelso House museum will be open to the public on February 16, 1-3 p.m. Free event.

Brimfield Young at Heart Club

Feb. 10, 10 a.m. – Monday Breakfast at Mike’s Place Restaurant – RSVP DonnaRae Flanary at 330-592-4318.

Feb. 24, 10 a.m. – Monday Breakfast at Mike’s Place Restaurant – RSVP DonnaRae Flanary at 330-592-4318.

Feb. 14, noon – Monthly Bag Lunch at Brimfield Community Center, 4538 Edson Rd. – Bring a bag lunch and drink.

Membership dues are $15 for 2025 and new members are welcome. The 2025 Christmas Holiday Party is free with paid dues.

Brimfield Branch Library

To register for events visit our website at or contact the branch.

Feb. 3, 5-6:45 p.m. – Crafternoons – If you are an expert or just starting with crafts, meet other crafters to converse and trade tips. Seniors, Adults

Feb. 6, 5-5:45pm – Books and Banter – Join a discussion of “The House in the Cerulean Sea” by TJ Klune. There are two sessions for this novel; feel free to join whichever one fits your schedule! Adults

Feb. 7, 10:30-11 a.m. – Winter Storytime – Children, Adults

Feb. 7, 4-5 p.m. – Super Smash Bros. Tournament – REGISTERED EVENT – Battle your friends on the Nintendo Switch. Intended for ages 10 – 17. Limited to 4 participants per game. Players may have to wait between turns. Tweens, Teens

Feb. 8, 9-10 a.m. – Books and Banter – Join a discussion of “The House in the Cerulean Sea” by TJ Klune. There are two sessions for this novel; feel free to join whichever one fits your schedule! Adults

Feb. 8, noon-2 p.m. – Model Painting – Learn how to paint miniature figures or models. Adults

Feb. 10, 4-5:30 p.m. – Teen Art Club – REGISTERED EVENT – Bring your Works in progress. Intended for those in grades 7-12. Limited to 10 participants.

Feb. 10, 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Financial Planning from Edward Jones Investments – Discuss financial planning issues with Bella Marshall, a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones Investments. Seniors, Adults

Feb. 11, 5-7 p.m. – Brimfield Book Club – Join a discussion of Sarah J. Mass’ book, “A Court of Thorns and Roses”. Adults

Feb. 12, 10:30-11 a.m. – Baby & Me Storytime – Songs and a story for baby and caregiver. Intended for children under 36 months. Children, Adults

Feb. 15, 10:30-11 a.m. – Winter Storytime – Children, Adults

Feb. 18, 3:30-4:30 p.m. – Art Club – REGISTERED EVENT – Bring projects and hang with friends. Don’t have a project? No problem. We’ve got supplies! Limited to 15 participants. Intended for kids in grades 3-6.

Feb. 18, 5:30-7 p.m. – Genealogy with Roger Marble – Learn genealogy techniques with Roger Marble. Adults

Feb. 20, All Day – Craft Materials Swap – Are you looking to start a new craft hobby, or have you decided to take a break from one? Bring your excess craft materials and pick up some from others. Seniors, Adults

Feb. 21, All Day – Craft Materials Swap – Are you looking to start a new craft hobby, or have you decided to take a break from one? Bring your excess craft materials and pick up some from others. Seniors, Adults

Feb. 21, 10:30-11 a.m. – Winter Storytime – Children, Adults

February 22, All Day – Craft Materials Swap – Are you looking to start a new craft hobby, or have you decided to take a break from one? Bring your excess craft materials and pick up some from others. Seniors, Adults

February 22, noon-2 p.m. – Crafternoons – If you are an expert or just starting with crafts, there is always more to learn. Meet and converse about your crafts and trade tips with other crafters. Seniors, Adults

“Rejoice Diner” Drama Production

Feb. 21, 7 p.m. – In support of Shepherd’s House (Portage County’s homeless shelter), The New Testament Baptist Church, 3583 State Route 59, is presenting a production of “Rejoice Diner”. All love offering donations will benefit the Shepherd’s House ministry.

“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” – Dolly Parton

Until next time. Got news? Share it by contacting Shirley Mars at 330-673-0241 or at [email protected]

Shirley Mars
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